Attachment 29 Name Description CFO$olve Reporting Platform Contains all the General Ledger and Accounting system financial transactions, Purchase Order information, HR Position information, Employee Position and Payroll information CIP transactions Cost Driver Data Age in Years Upgrades? Public Access? 4 Will be modified to support the SOAR replacement system, DCSRP Not available to public Contains financial information for the Construction in Progress for CAFR 4 May be sunset due to DCSRP Not available to public Analysis data for per unit cost for various expenses 4 Property Tax Sale Reports Real Estate Properties Payment and Tax Sale information 2 Agency Operational Dashboard Contains Purchase Order, Invoices and Requisitions information, Operating budget and expenses 4 CFOInfo Dashboard Contains the Proposed Budget for next fiscal year, approved budget for Current year and actual budget for the last 2 years. Also contains the 4 years of data for Special Purpose Revenue and Federal Grants budgets 3 Not available to public Most likely will be replaced due to MRPTS Will be modified to support the SOAR replacement system, DCSRP Will be modified to support the SOAR replacement system, DCSRP and the budget management system, BMAPS Available to public for read only access Not available to public Available to public for read only access Attachment 29 Will be modified to support the SOAR replacement system, DCSRP and the budget management system, BMAPS Budget Reprogramming Automatic Management System (BRAMS) Contains Budget reprogramming Transactions 3 Electronic Memorandum Of Understanding (eMOU) Contains MOU Applications 2 Not available to public OCFO Sharepoint Web application Portal for OCFO Agencies. Contains agency specified information used in collaboration 4 Not available to public SOAR Financial Accounting System Contains District financial accounting transactions including General Ledger, Projects, Grants, Budgets, Fixed Assets, Purchase Order and Invoices Not available to public 13 To be replaced by DCSRP Not available to public Pensioners Automated Payroll (PAPS) Contains payroll information for DC annuitants 30+ Project underway to convert to PeopleSoft Not available to public Account Reconciliation Processing System (ARP) Contains Check Issues and their paid, voided, cancelled status 30+ To be replaced by DCSRP Not available to public Comprehensive Automated Personnel and Payroll (CAPPS) Contains historical payroll information for DCPS employees prior to PeopleSoft. 15+ To be sunset Not available to public Unified Payroll Personnel System Contains historical payroll information for non- CPS employees prior to PeopleSoft. 30+ To be sunset Not available to public Attachment 29 Inovah Debt Manager Contains point of sale cash/check/credit card payments Contains outstanding Debts/Fees for DC Unclaimed Property Contains unclaimed property information Budget Formulation Application (BFA) Budget and FTE information for budget year 9 To be replaced by BMAPS Not available to public Grants Management Grants information used for budgeting 9 To be replaced by BMAPS Not available to public Project Management System Project detail information used for budgeting 9 To be replaced by BMAPS Not available to public Expenditure planning for the fiscal year 9 To be replaced by BMAPS Not available to public 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 13+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 11+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data Spending Plan Application(SPIN/CSPIN) ROD Mail Tracking Captures the receipt of a recordation mailed to Recorder of Deeds(ROD). LAN Data Eclipse Recorder of Deed enters land records data/scans incoming documents/handles cashiering 9 9 Not available to public Not available to public 10+ Not available to public RPT 2000 Real Estate Property Tax information for Billing Prior to ITS implementation Alchemy RPT Payment Split To scan the images and extract the data of I & E Forms and Homestead Applications Splits BID and Homestead audit payment information from banks for loading to other applications. 12+ Attachment 29 Appeals Tracking Contains information related to assessment appeals and hearings 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 11+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 9+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 13+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data Bid Billing Contains an inventory of BIDs and associated SSLs/owner information CAMA Contains information of Real Property Assessment and other related attributes Class 3 legacy 2004 and 2005 class 3 SSLs and key attributes. Coop Senior Credit DC-Tax Ledger Contains a list of cooperatives and key attributes such as shareholders and tax credits Contains Tax sale Post Production data which is used to refund sale/purchase amounts GIS Pictometry Contains Geographic information for all the properties in DC Homestead Audit Contains Homestead information for granting and Auditing. This also contains a list of billed tax payers, payments posted and ajustments to bills. Mortgage CD Contains Mortgage Extract Data from Mortgage Companies. 12+ Attachment 29 Public Space Rental Contains Café, Fuel Tank, Surface, and Vault properties. Information needed for generating bills and posting payments RPTA Log Captures information about correspondence related to Homestead and other RPTA related mailings 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 19+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data Tax Certificates Contains Tax sale information that is needed to produce Certificate of Tax sale Tax Sale Seminar (Registration) Contains Information about Tax Sale Buyer Data Tax Sales Contains information about Tax sale such as Buyer Information, Sold properties Folio Contains Historical Case Information SOAR Refunds (RPTA) PEC Contains details about SOAR refunds by voucher number. 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data Contains Public Release Extract Information. Public Release Extract Conversion process for creating MS Access format 12+ To be replaced by MRPTS Yes, published to Public 8+ To be replaced by MRPTS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data Mobil Video /Pictometry Contains Geographic information and integrates with CAMA Attachment 29 Electronic TaxPayer Service Center (DC's web site for taxpayer registration, filing and payment) Individual income Database Contains information for individual income tax types Electronic TaxPayer Service Center (DC's web site for taxpayer registration, filing and payment) Business Database Contains information for business tax types Electronic TaxPayer Service Center (DC's web site for taxpayer registration, filing and payment) - Real Property database Contains information for real property tax type Electronic TaxPayer Service Center (DC's web site for taxpayer registration, filing and payment) Business registration database Contains Business registration (FR-500) Taxpayer Administration System (TAS) This database is the system or record for the District's Individual Income, Business and Real Property tax types Federal tax return data (STAX) Contains Federal tax line item information of the returns and DC tax line information allowing Compliance campaigns to be run. Campaigns are run by comparing federal and DC tax information 11+ To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 11+ To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data To be replaced by MRPTS Data can be provided publicly except for related owner SSNs To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 11+ 11+ 11+ Attachment 29 Notice Preview application (DOC1) Contains information of all the Notices sent out by the Integrated Tax system to the taxpayers Contains information of all the paper returns and payment checks that are scanned in the In-house scanning Integrated Data Capture System (IDCS) applications 11+ 11+ To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data Document and Image Repository (Filenet) Contains information of the images and the index of the images of Tax returns from In-house scanning or by Locbox Scanning applications 11+ Contact Tracking System (CTS - Siebel) Contains correspandance information that is scanned in-house and Business registrations completed in ETSC To be replaced by MITS 11+ Customer Service Call center (Aspect) Contains information to route the calls and manages Compliance and Customer service call Centers To be replaced by MITS wait times may be exposed to public Individual Fed State Tax information (Mountain EDI) This contains information of the individial returns filed through Electornic tax providers such as HR Block and comes through IRS and hence also referred to as Fed State tax returns To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data Street Vendor Compliance application This database maintains the Street vendor Demographic Information , updates payment information received and is used by Customer Service. To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 11+ 11+ 15+ Attachment 29 CityWide Clean Hands (CCH) Contains debt information provided by OTR(Tax line item data and Tax debt data) and other external agencies such as Department of Emplyment Services and District of Columbia Office on Aging Compliance Datawarehouse This contains and provides statistics from DMV Data, DOES data, BOE data, OTR tax data and assists in compliance of the tax filing requirements Executive Dashboard/ Business Intelligence database (SAND) This Contains tax processing statistics; Provides executives reports and the ability to drill down/up through the data. Allows users to run Queries without IT/Developer intervention Tracks Refund Patterns Contains refund information to prevent Fraud Protest Appeals System Contains appeals information related to taxpayer appeals regarding offers of Compromise, Refund Denial and waiver requests for Penalty and Interest Excise tax system This database is contains Gross receipts tax payment history for Alcohol, Cigarette, Commerical Mobile, Natural gas, Public Utility, Heating Oil, Cable TV, Toll Telecom, Rolling Stock tax types Interstate Business Contains payment History and tracks payment history 11+ To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 17+ To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 17+ To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 11+ 11+ 1+ 15+ Attachment 29 Historical Information Contains Historical information from the old Legacy tax system Modernized e-File (MeF) Contains electronically filed individual income tax returns 17+ To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data 1 To be replaced by MITS Cannot be granted public access, contains sensitive taxpayer data