November 19, 2014

Ripon College Student Senate
Agenda for Wednesday, November 19, 2014
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Old Minutes
III. Committee Reports
a. Secretary Santiago
b. Treasurer Soich
c. Vice President Brixius
d. President Kay
e. Dean Ogle
f. What’s Up With Your Group
g. One Fund Talk Back
h. Student Activities Report
i. Miscellaneous Committees
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
a. La Unidad One-fund
b. Ripon College Television (RPN-TV) intent to organize
c. Collaborative one-fund for three groups (College Democrats,
International Relations Club, & College Republicans)
VI. Announcements
VII. Open Forum
VIII. Adjournment
Ripon College Student Senate
Minutes for Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Eleanore Clemmer - 0
Abbey Flower - 0
Samantha Raygo - 0
Liz Sigsworth - 0
Lauren Hince - 1
Fabiola Mercado - 0
DeLou Wilson - 0
Robert Enright - 0
Willie Penterman - 0
Seth McDonald - 0
Nicole Zeman - 0
Daniel Knox - 0
Casey Vercauteren - 0
Marthe Folivi - 0
Anthony Tausig - 0
Andy Paloumpis - 0
Kara Heider - 0
Aafreen Vohra- 0
Marcus Reed Thorsen - 1
Katie Anne Peterson - 0
Joe Maloney - 0
J.J. Grinde - 0
Tony Klock - 0
Senators Present: 22
Senators Excused: 0
Call to Order
a. 6:30pm
Approval of Old Minutes
Committee Reports
a. Secretary Santiago: I have no report.
b. Treasurer Soich: The one-fund is $54,769.04.
c. Vice President Brixius: No report.
d. President Kay: Alright, my report. As you guys all just noticed
president Messitte is here. Umm, thanks for coming.
President Messitte: Thanks for inviting me.
Presdent Kay: Do you have anything that you would like to say?
President Messitte: No, aaa I just want to aa serve democracy in
President Kay: Perfect!
President Messitte: So I am not here for any special reason, I am
just here to watch you all.
President Kay: Alright, thank you for coming!
e. Dean Ogle: Just a couple of things. We periodically meet as a food
committee and … actually lots of different changes have come out
of that committee and we are always looking for more student
interest. If that’s something that you have some interest in just give
me your name and, then I will get you on the mailing list for the next
meeting which will probably be in about a week. And it’s about
monthly so, it’s not a huge investment on time, but it gives you a
great voice… the managers there, the chefs’ there, the PR guy, so
if you have feelings about food it’s your best opportunity to make a
difference on that. The second thing I would say is that there was a,
I thought, a good healthy conversation at noon as part of the social
justice week. Looking at different diversities issues and one of the
things that I would reiterate, that was discussed there is that if there
is ever concerns about a person feeling like there are activities or
comments or whatever might be, being done out there among the
student body that you fill don’t fit or you find offensive or something
that’s why we have resident life as a resource for you, that’s why
we have a Dean of students office that way we have other officers
at the college. Please bring that stuff forward because we want this
to be a place that’s open and comfortable for all of you and where
there is evidence of things being contrary to that we want to
address that in some way, shape, or form, so.. a lot of times what
we are talking about is you hear a friend that has had a concern..
help empower them give them some encouragement to come forth,
come forth with them whatever the case might be, so as a college
we can address it and have the kind of community that we want.
Thank you.
f. What’s Up With Your Group?
i. Fencing club: Seth McDonald: Hey, guys I am here for the
fencing club. We have been holding weekly meetings on
Thursdays at seven o’clock at Todd Wehr TV lounge or aaa
Scott TV lounge not Todd Wehr. We have had quite a lot of
people come out and try fencing a lot of people who are new
have come out and try it which is nice because we lost a lot
of our leaders last year but now we are building up again
which is nice so, if anyone who wants to fence or know
anyone who likes to fence just stop by.
President Kay: Alright, thank you. Is there anyone else here
for what’s up with your group?
g. One Fund Talk Back
h. Student Activities Report
i. President Kay: Come to money matters game show this
Saturday, November 15 from 9-11pm in the pub, teams of
three can sign up at the student activities office this week.
Thanksgiving transportation deadline is Monday, November
17. On the 13th is social justice week TED talk will be at 4 pm
in the center for social responsibility. The 14th social justice
week and dinner with disability at 5:30 in the President’s
dinning room (PDR). The 18th is the international fair at
11:15 in Great Hall and on the 19th is BSU study session at
6pm in Johnson main lounge (JML).
Miscellaneous Committees
i. Faculty committee: Kamelle Van Der Leest and Robert
Enright: Kamelle: Hi, I’m Kamelle and this is Robert and we
are here representing the Faculty Committee. They hold
monthly meetings and aaa they aaa are at 11:15… They
discussed aaa changes that are coming with the Dean of
faculty search and the, they started talking about the
accreditation process that they are going to go through next
year and… yeap. It’s a good committee to be a part of, it’s
cool to see all the faculty together and I recommend it for
anyone next year.
Robert: That’s about it, any questions?
Dean Ogle: If you recall they also took a vote on the ability
for online credit transfer, could you speak to that at all?
Robert: So, aaa there was a vote, there was a new
recommended policy by the educational policy committee or
something like that, asking for a policy that could satisfy up
to 12 online credits taken in other places before students
come here and that passed, so the credits will have to go
through the same vetting process as, as normal credits that
transfer and have to be taken at credit institutions, but now
students will be able to get credit for online courses taken.
President Kay: Are there any other questions, comments, or
concerns for the faculty people? Alright, thanks for coming
Old Business
New Business
a. Rrumba re-allocation of funds
i. Katrina: So, basically we are asking to take $200 from our
budget fund and put into our off-campus meeting fund in
order to take the maximum students to the salsa congress.
We have to book two rooms, we have to, we want to take 8
people we are currently at 7. With this we’ll be able to a) use
the money that we have in a good way and take another
person to salsa congress.
President Kay: Alright, are there any comments from off the
floor? … In the eyes of the speaker that passes.
b. Men’s Lacrosse Club one-fund
i. Zach: Alright, so aaa long story short, we’ve been getting
money for, since 2008 for Lacrosse aaa what happened
when we aa we lost Ryan Drawyer pretty abruptly, he ran
the program, so that year everyone took jerseys, all that stuff
home, so last year we had the one-fund we got all new, we
have jersey’s, we have helmets, and we have pads. It all
goes back to student activities office, so there is a good
system in place for that, so we don’t need anything new
there. So, aaa we are just asking for the league fee that we
ask for every year, aaa then the mandatory insurance that
comes with that and just $150 for enough payments on the
helmets and aaa new lacrosse balls cause all the lacrosse
balls were… that we did use cause that got taken from the
budget last year cause we were asking for some much other
stuff. Where actually Josh B., who is now an Alumni, who
doesn’t go here anymore. Uumm and I mean, I think we
should be approved because we have a really good
hierarchy in place now, I mean I am captain and then we
have a junior captain with a Merriman’s LJ aaa the president
and Gino who is a sophomore aaa and with the system of
returning all the equipment back to aaa student admission or
aaa student activities. This is the only money we need every
year to continue to keep going.
Senator Enright: So, last year when we approved a lot of the
money aaa the representative, I don’t know if it was you, but
had said that all lot of it would be a one time expense
because you were going to become a NCAA division three
sport here, so and I think, that is a good thing, so how’s that
Zach: We need more people. This year we have 19 people
signed up, but in order to even be eligible for that you need
25, but we do have a lot of guys that are younger, so, so we
are moving in that direction uuumm it’s probably realistic for
several years still. I don’t know how you think about that, but
aaa just talked to… about that, but it’s realistic for a little
while still, but I mean the goal is to keep working towards
that and I mean, I do say that as in like we are not going to
need new equipment for years! I mean a little… we play 8
games, the helmets and stuff will last 10, 12 years.
Senator Enright: So, the main obstacle to become a
division three sport is to have enough people for
Zach: That and the school would eventually have to fund it,
but that’s a whole new issue, but yes until, until we have
more people yes, you need at least, you need at least 25.
Senator Enright: I have nothing further.
Senator Zeman: Is this membership fund like going to be a
yearly thing, are you going to need this every year to be a
membership then.
Zach: Yes, we’ve gotten every year since 2008. But, yeah
we continue to need every year. I think it went up a $100 this
year, I’m sure, it was $1800 last year.
Senetaor Zeman: And so, the insurance is through the GLL?
Zach: the insurance is not through the… its through the
same organization and its mandatory to play. And we ask for
insurance for 15 players because uumm, I mean usually, I’d
have to say we have 19 people and then we have aaa
several alumni that usually stop and play, but four people will
probably end up dropping. I’m just planning for the worst, I
mean that’s something that happens a lot of times, but
otherwise if we get the full 19, then we just pay for it as a
team and we’re also paying for our own travel costs cause
we play out of state games.
Senator McDonald: Just curious, you address for 2500, but
the numbers you provide don’t actually add up to 2500?
Zach: It’s supposed to be 2500. I didn’t write that total
numbers, it’s suppose to be 2500.
Senator McDonald: ok
Zach: It should be, I don’t know why its not. I did, I did it
myself though it totaled to 2500.
President Kay: Zach can you explain to us then, what the
2500 is going toward.
Zach: It’s 1900 for the umm the league fee and 150 and then
450 for the insurance.
President Kay: ok… Any other comments?
Senator McDonald: Since, you one-fund for this every year,
would you maybe be interested in seeing if you could get it in
your budget then, so you wouldn’t have to one-fund?
Zach: That was one of the things we were going to ask
cause we did ask that last year and they approved it and it
wasn’t in the budget this year so I don’t know what
happened with that, but
Senator McDonald: but you guys have to come during
budget hearings so, yeah…
Zach: We did it we did it during budget hearings last year.
Senator McDonald: I have nothing further then.
Treasurer Soich: The representative we spoke with, I believe
it was Cameron…
Zach: Yeah, it would’ve been Cam.
Treasurer Soich: When we met with him last year you guys
had $400 and this year you were approved for 450 and
Cameron told us that that would work.
Zach: Oh well then maybe not then. Cameron told me that
he did do it, but…
Senator Enright: To pay for the travel costs, how much does
that work out to away games?
Zach: aaa it depends on when we get scheduled, but I know
that the past couple years cause we’ve always done travel
costs pretty much ourselves we went to Minnesota and we
played Steven’s Point and then we played a game in Illinois
last year and, those were our only away games. We played
two at Steven’s Point.
Senator Enright: So, do you know how much individual
player’s are paying right now?
Zach: No, because no we usually get them there, the like
three captains usually get them there. And, then you don’t
really have to pay for anything out of that.
Senator Enright: ok. So, its not like they are paying $500 out
of their pocket?
Zach: No, No. The only one that we, they paid a lot for was
Minnesota and it was like 50 bucks a guy or something like
that and only guys that wanted to pay came for it, the only
one that paid came.
Senator Enright: Nothing further.
President Kay: Are there any other questions? …That
c. Student Activities fee discourse
i. President Kay: Logan will now be presenting on the student
activity fee and we will at the end of this discussion vote on
this, keep in mind that it is mentioned in the thing that you
got in your agenda that that is a suggestion that we bring
forward, so it’s not a definite yes, its more of like what the
students are recommending, so you are speaking on behalf
of the student body as you are elected to do, to give some of
your opinion on this to the Board of Trustees. Take it away
treasurer Soich.
Treasurer Soich: The executive board has had a discussion
on whether or not we should raise the activity fee from 275
to 300 dollars. There is no consensus among us, but we
think it’s a valid discussion for you guys to decide on. If you
vote yes this will go to the Board of Trustees in January…
Dean Ogle: January, February
Treasurer Soich: January, February and they will decide
whether or not it takes effect. If you have any questions
about this, I’ll do my best to answer them.
Senator Tausig: What’s the reasoning for raising the student
activity fee to $300?
Treasurer Soich: The reasoning is so that groups have more
money to spend and more events.
Senator Tausig: ok
Dean Ogle: Like most votes I’m not here to advocate a
position that’s for you to decide. I would say this: that going
into this year like over the summer, Logan you tell me if you
agree with this as the Treasurer, we did have some concern
as to what kind of one-fund you might have to start this year.
The reason that you are in better shape is that some of the
groups last year did not spend money that was allocated for
them so that carried through on top of this year’s, but the
one-fund and the amount that you have is very much related
to size of the enrollment, so if the enrollment is lower
obviously you do the math you’re going to have less dollars
to play with, so a year ago there was this discussion as to
whether this should happen or not, it was a very spirited
conversation, I don’t remember the exact quote, but it was
decided at that time not to do it, but just so you get a general
context of it, it can vary a lot between year and year. Those
in the favor of this would be in the mindset of we want to
make sure and ensure that groups have enough to do their
business. I think the other side of this is that there was a fair
amount of money cut out of student organizations/ groups
last year during the budget process. Again, not my place to
say whether that was good or bad, that’s for you to decide,
but particularly for those of you that are first time people here
at senate that’s the reality of it, that’s what sort of led, I think
Sam to be thinking about let’s have this conversation, if not
on a regular basis every other year, so you can kind of see
where you are, fair enough Logan?
Treasurer Soich: Yeah, to add on to what he was saying
about enrollment our projection for this year was 235,000
dollars that we would have. And I believe that when we had
more enrollment it was up to 250,000 and so there are
significant vary with aaa the enrollment size.
Senator McDonald: Logan, I was just wondering, then if this
were to be increased would that be in par with, you know,
any inflation or whatever, would we need to increase it some
time later if we wanted to keep it up?
Treasurer Soich: I haven’t looked at that.
Senator McDonald: Ok, I guess, one other question…
Treasurer Soich: Inflation isn’t actually a good measure for
the funds being spent by these groups.
Senator McDonald: Do you think that we would have to
increase this again some time, if we increased it like this
year or do you think its ok if we have it…
Treasurer Soich: In the past it has been increased several
times. It hasn’t in the recent years, but it has been increased.
At one point I believe it was around $25 that was a long time
Senator McDonald: That’s it.
Dean Ogle: I’m not that old Logan!
Senator Tausig: To kind of shine some light for the newer
senators, uumm, in past years this was a really debated
topic and a lot of the old senators who now are graduated
uumm wanted this to kind of go thru because we realized we
had a deficit in the past, correct Logan?
Treasurer Soich: Yeap.
Senator Tausig: And part, part of the reason to increase the
student activities fee is to avoid a future deficit from
happening and when you have a deficit there is a lot of
pressure on us as senators to cut money from groups during
budget hearings and I think that is something that we don’t
want to do because the repercussions of that are less
events, less activities going on and less money for groups to
do stuff with, so yeah.
Treasurer Soich: Just to clarify aaa we’ve had a deficit for
the five previous years, this year we did not. A debt is
different then deficit, we would never be allowed to go into
debt. (Laughter in the room)
President Kay: If every group that we have had come in to
budget hearings last year had been given the money that
they would’ve asked that they asked for we… we obviously
can’t give them that because we would’ve been in a debt like
Logan said, but we would’ve been looking at going several
thousand dollars into debt! There was groups that asked for
significantly more because they want to grow and expand
their clubs, so that is what we are trying to get at.
Senator Zeman: I just want to say a lot of the reasons why
people come to Ripon is the different opportunities that they
can have including all of our clubs so I think paying an extra
$25 a year is going to be a really good help for all of these
clubs and it is what brings students to Ripon, so if we want
admissions paying the money we need to build the groups to
bring much students in.
Senator Enright: aaa so on this topic, actually first of all,
senator aaa treasurer Soich are you in favor of this?
Treasurer Soich: You’re asking for my opinion? (laughter)
Senator Enright: Then why are you…
Treasurer Soich: I think that at last year’s budget hearings
when we met with the groups I think we found out that many
groups aren’t using their budgets completely, I think we had
around 14,000 dollars in carry over, so and a lot of it was
also being wasted on different events.
Senator Enright: So, if you are not in favor of this, why are
you the representative of the executive board representing?
Treasurer Soich: This is a financial matter and I am the
financial officer of this group!
Senator Enright: ook. So, anyway moving on. So, if we think
about what happened at budget hearings last year every
group was cut basically, I think there might have been one or
two exceptions and maybe the very small budget groups
weren’t cut, but almost every group had been, had there
budget cut. So aaa thinking of coming into this year the
reason why the one-fund is so large compared to last years
because of the roll over funds from left over money, so
looking into next year if we spend the one-fund which I mean
we don’t know if we will but we can plan on spending the
entire one-fund this year then next year we can keep all
groups at the same budgets they have and the one-fund is
going to be significantly smaller. So, if were long term
planning unless we plan on slashing groups budgets every
year which wouldn’t be good for them or the character of the
college then the one-fund would be significantly smaller
next year and the future years. That’s all.
Treasurer Soich: aaa the budget we passed actually gave us
$12,000 extra dollars that this year we can give out to
groups. Every year I’ve been here we’ve never spent the
entire one-fund. My freshman year we started with $80,000
we ended with around 30 aaa last year we started with a
substantially smaller one-fund and we hardly spent any of
that and I think it is unreasonable to think that we will spend
$54,000 this year.
Senator Wilson: Just as an estimate, rough estimate how
much more would this give the one-fund in total, this extra
$25 just in payment, just as a window into that?
Treasurer Soich: Depends on enrollment.
Dean Ogle: For round sig figure 900 students at an extra
$25, that’s your answer.
President Kay: …That passes 16:3:3. Alright, so will
recommend that to the Vice President of finance and the
Board of trustees.
Open Forum
a. President Kay: You guys saw that the puddle by Scott was dealt
with this week you can thank Dean Ogle for that he communicated
with the Plant department and got that handled. He also fixed our
clock over there too. Dean Ogle is just doing great this week. I just
had to give Dean Ogle a shout out.
Dean Ogle: Did you make note of that President Messitte?
President Kay: Oh and the puddle will be fully fixed in the spring
running underneath it and asphalt and everything so it will look nice
and new in the spring.
Vice President Brixius: So, if people aren’t satisfied with how it’s
fixed now, it’s getting fixed more later.
a. 6:55pm
Dear Student Senate,
As you may know, Las Posadas, a very special traditional celebration from Mexico has
been a successful event for the past 7 years. This event has been put on by The Hispanic
Outreach and Learning Assistance (HOLA), Cultural Diversity Club and Hablamos (which no
longer is a club on campus) at Ripon College for the Ripon community. This year, HOLA, La
Unida, and Black Student Union (BSU) will be putting on this well received event.
Las Posadas will take place the evening of Friday December 5th, 2014 during the Dickens
of Christmas at the VFW. Food will be provided by Victor Ocampo (The owner of Ocampo’s,
which used to be a restaurant in town), as this has been tradition for this event. We realize how
small the One Fund is this year and in order to keep costs down and still put on a great event we
have cut down the amount of food we are ordering. Along with this, the Center for Social
Responsibilities (the office in which HOLA is ran out of) and the Black Student Union has
willingly put forth $200 for this event (decorations and utensils). We will be requesting the
following for this event:
Food and Drinks: $420
 Main Dish: Tamales (60 Pork, 60 Chicken, 40 Jalapeño and cheese, 40 sweet)
Pot of Champurrado (similar to hot chocolate)
Elizabeth Silva - Hispanic Outreach and Learning Assistance’s coordinator
Jorge Zamora - La Unida president
Clarence Sanon - Black Student Union President
Ripon College Television Constitution
Kaylie Longley ’15 - November 2014
I. Name
The name of this organization shall be Ripon College Television, herein known as RPNTV.
II. Oversight
1. RPN-TV is managed and maintained by students of Ripon College.
2. The opinions of any material presented by individuals are not necessarily those
of the staff, the management, or Ripon College.
III. Purpose and Mission
1. RPN-TV provides news programs that include current events, national and
international news, and opinion for the College and surrounding communities.
2. RPN-TV aims to document current activities and news at Ripon College and
elsewhere for historical, informational, and entertainment purposes.
3. RPN-TV provides educational and developmental experiences for Ripon College
students interested in participating in an interdisciplinary approach to production.
4. RPN-TV provides video and editing materials and production services to
students, staff, faculty, and student organizations for educational, professional,
and personal purposes.
IV. Membership
1. The membership of RPN-TV shall consist of Ripon College students, staff,
faculty, and alumni.
2. This organization, as an extension of the Ripon College community, is committed
to the principles of equal rights and equal opportunity and adheres to nondiscrimination policies in all opportunities within the organization without regard
to gender, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, age, national or ethnic origin,
or disability.
V. Officers and Management
1. RPN-TV is managed by the group’s General Manager (GM). She/he is elected in
the spring semester, during the fourth week of March of the preceding year.
2. In addition to the GM, an executive staff shall consist of a Program Director, a
Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Technical Director, a Public Relations Director,
and a Lead Producer. This staff shall be interviewed and appointed by the GM
and faculty/staff adviser in the final weeks of spring semester.
3. The executive staff reserves the right to form committees.
4. The executive staff reserves the right to merge executive positions or to create
co-director positions.
5. Other positions shall be created, appointed, or dissolved by the GM upon
unanimous approval by the executive staff.
VI. Duties of the Executive Staff
1. General Manager
a. Leads total Pre-Production of Station.
b. Works with the organization’s adviser and the rest of the executive staff to
ensure the organization’s smooth operation.
c. Presides over weekly meetings with executive staff members and the
meetings of general members.
d. Attends and participates in Council of Student Organization meetings.
e. Works with the executive staff of Ripon College’s other media
organizations to foster cooperation and collaboration in sharing resources
and information.
f. Writes yearly budget with Chief Financial Officer to be presented to
Student Senate.
g. Gives reports to the College’s administrators, faculty, staff, alumni, and
students when needed.
h. Recruits, trains, and works with executive staff and general members.
i. Leads on at least one RPN-TV production and participates in at least one
more RPN-TV production.
j. Other duties as assigned by need.
2. Program Director
a. Leads total Production of Station.
b. Acts as General Manager when GM is not available.
c. Schedules all RPN-TV programming.
d. Relates equipment needs to Technical Director for scheduling.
e. Works with Technical Director to publish programming.
f. Recruits, trains, and works with executive staff and general members.
g. Leads at least one RPN-TV production and participates in at least one
more RPN-TV production.
h. Other duties as assigned by GM and executive staff.
3. Chief Financial Officer
a. Acts as General Manager when GM and Program Director are not
b. Maintains all accounts of Ripon-TV.
c. Works with GM and adviser to write yearly budget.
d. Checks proper accounting with Business Office.
e. Receives and records all receipts and delivers them to Business Office.
f. Keeps minutes of all Ripon-TV meetings.
g. Creates and maintains a vendor list, containing names and contact
information of businesses and clients.
h. Recruits, trains, and works with executive staff and general members.
i. Leads at least one RPN-TV production and participates in at least one
more RPN-TV production.
j. Other duties as assigned by GM and executive staff.
4. Technical Director
a. Leads total Post Production of Station.
b. Keeps all Ripon-TV equipment in good, working condition.
c. Keeps an up-to-date inventory of all equipment and supplies.
d. Reports all damaged and lost equipment to the GM.
e. Trains members in the use of equipment.
f. Works with Program Director to schedule equipment use.
g. Works with Program Director to ensure all Ripon-TV programming is aired.
h. Makes equipment purchases.
i. Recruits, trains, and works with executive staff and general members.
j. Leads at least one RPN-TV production and participates in at least one
more RPN-TV production.
k. Other duties as assigned by the GM and executive staff.
5. Public Relations Director
a. Promotes all tapings, airings, and other Ripon-TV events.
b. Creates, updates, and reviews social media content.
c. Looks for promotion opportunities to enhance the organization’s visibility.
d. Collaborates with other student organizations to develop commercials,
videos, and other assistance.
e. Works with newspapers and radio stations in and outside of Ripon to
promote activities and production.
f. Conducts student-interest surveys.
g. Recruits, trains, and works with executive staff and general members.
h. Leads at least one RPN-TV production and participates in at least one
more RPN-TV production.
i. Other duties as assigned by GM and executive staff.
6. Lead Producer
a. Works with each production and program to ensure timeliness, legalities,
logistics, and overall program quality are adhered to.
b. Publishes videos and video clips.
c. Works with Program Director to schedule programming.
d. Contacts and works with other college production organizations to share
ideas and programming.
e. Recruits, trains, and works with executive staff and general members.
f. Leads at least one RPN-TV production and participates in at least one
more RPN-TV production.
g. Other duties as assigned by GM and executive staff.
VII. Meetings
1. Meetings of the general staff will be called as warranted by the executive staff.
2. The executive staff shall meet weekly at a day, time, and place agreed upon by
the members of the executive staff.
3. Emergency meetings of the executive staff and the general staff may also be
held as needed.
4. The GM reserves the right to cancel any executive staff meeting if the meeting is
deemed unnecessary by approval of half of the executive staff.
VIII. Quorum
The minimum number of members of this organization needed to conduct
business shall be two-thirds of the executive staff.
IX. Selection of Executive Staff
1. The GM shall be selected in the spring semester through an application and
interview process. After the first year of RPN-TV, this position will potentially
change into an application, interview, and election process by general assembly
a. RPN-TV’s adviser and current GM will interview each candidate.
b. If the current GM is a candidate for the position, the adviser will choose a
member who is a graduating senior to serve in the GM’s place during the
2. The other members of executive staff shall be selected in the spring semester
through an application and interview process, and GM and adviser will select
candidates for each position.
X. Removal from Executive Staff
1. The GM and executive staff members may be subject to dismissal if she/he
commits any of the following forms of misconduct:
a. An egregious and unreasonable action against the Ripon College Student
b. Use of RPN-TV funds for personal purposes.
c. Embezzlement of RPN-TV funds or other materials.
d. Use of the RPN-TV name for purposes other than those of the
e. Failing to comply with RPN-TV regulations as found in the Ripon-TV
f. Using a school vehicle for personal purposes.
2. General Manager and executive staff are subject to disciplinary action from the
faculty advisor and Student Senate.
3. Should any member of the executive staff commit any form of misconduct as
outlined above, the GM will dismiss the staff member. If the misconduct is due to
a negligence of duties, the GM and other executive staff may issue a formal
written warning. If the problem is not rectified by an agreed upon date, the GM or
the executive staff may dismiss the staff member from her/his duties.
XI. Adviser
1. Ripon-TV shall have a Ripon College faculty or staff member as its primary
2. The role of the adviser shall be as a non-voting participant who mediates conflict
among the executive staff and acts as a liaison between the organization and the
College’s administration.
3. The adviser shall be selected by an interview process by the executive staff.
XII. Funding
1. This organization shall be funded through the student activity fund maintained by
Student Senate.
2. The executive staff and Student Senate determine the annual budget each spring
for Ripon-TV.
3. Ripon-TV withholds the right to raise funds. Any funds raised shall be deposited
directly into the Ripon-TV restricted account.
4. Campus organizations are able to exchange goods for video production services.
This must be properly documented in both of the organizations’ budgets and
executing documents, such as invoice, quote, or bid.
XIII. Constitution
1. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the executive staff. The
entire executive staff shall receive a vote when an amendment is up for approval.
2. This constitution shall be ratified by a majority vote among the executive staff.
3. This constitution and/or amendments or changes shall not become valid until a
complete copy of the constitution with any amendments or changes has been
submitted to Student Senate, approved by Senate, and then filed with the
Student Activities and Orientation Office.
Student Senate,
In an effort to enrich the Ripon College Community with prestigious speakers in areas of
our and public interest, the political groups on campus respectfully submit a joint one fund for
four speakers. These speakers are presumed to come between February and April of 2015 and
would be hosted in collaboration by the College Democrats, International Relations Club, and
College Republicans, as well as being co-sponsored by the Center for Politics and the People and
their Student Advisory Board.
Speakers include:
Newt Gingrich: As a politician Gingrich represented Georgia’s 6th Congressional
District from 1979-1999, served as Speaker of the House from 1995-1999, and was a
candidate for the Republican Party Presidential Nomination in 2012. He has also written
several books and founded a public policy organization in 2007 (American Solutions for
Winning the Future).
Russ Feingold: Feingold represented WI in the US Senate from 1993-2011. In that time
he served on the US Senate Africa Subcommittee, foreign relations, intelligence,
judiciary, budget committees. Feingold was the co-chair for President Obama’s
reelection campaign and currently serves as a visiting professor at Marquette University
Law School. He has also written a New York Times bestseller about American policies
post 9/11.
Sandy Berger: Berger was the National Security Advisor for Bill Clinton, so he advised
the former president regarding terrorist bombings in the American embassies in Kenya
and Tanzania, Operation Desert Fox, and more. Prior to his service in the Clinton
Administration, Berger had a successful career in a Washington law firm, was special
assistant to former New York City mayor John Lindsey, and was Deputy Director of
Policy Planning staff for the US Department of State from 1977-1980.
Dana Perrino: Perrino serves as the 27th White House Press Secretary and was the
second female to acquire this position. Currently, she is a political commentator for Fox
News, a co-host of the network’s talk show The Five, and a book publishing executive at
Random House.
The Center for Politics and the People has generously volunteered to cover food, transportation,
and accommodations for each speaker. This leaves the honoraria (speaker fee) to be covered by
the three groups. These costs are not set in stone. Should the speakers ask for more, the clubs
will contribute more of their budgets in addition to the expenses that they are already covering.
Should these speakers be convinced to appear for less, the money will be put back into the one
Gingrich- will cost $11,000. However YAF has agreed to cover $5,000 of that cost so we are
asking for $6,000
Feingold- $4,000
Berger- $2,500
Perrino- $2,500
Total being asked for: $15,000
These speakers are a combination of both parties, all with phenomenal political experience, and
well worth their honoraria cost. They would provide impressive political discourse not only to
the students of Ripon College but also to the public. Thus these speakers would also bring
positive attention and prestige to the college and one of its larger academic concentrations on
campus. We appreciate your consideration in this one fund.
Respectfully submitted,
College Democrats
College Republicans
International Relations Club
Center for Politics and the People
Advisory Board for the Center for Politics and the People