Aorere College Physical Education. 10SPS: Anatomy and the function of the human body The aim of this unit is for students to identify features of the muscular and skeletal system and describe how these systems work to produce movement of the human body. Assessment Criteria: 10SPS Identify anatomical features of the human body. Describe basic functions of the skeleton Explain and demonstrate anatomical movements in relation to exercise. Analyse the effect of injury to the skeletal and muscular systems. Explanatory notes: In this unit you will be required to use the information from practical lessons and extend it into higher order thinking. Using SOLO taxonomy, you will be required to identify features of the human body and discuss generation of movement. This unit is designed to prepare you for section 1 of Achievement Standard 1.2 (Demonstrate understanding of the function of the body as it relates to the performance of physical activity) in year 11. This achievement standard involves relating knowledge of basic body function to the performance of physical activity and is consisered the most challenging standard in 11PED. It is therfore important that you gain a solid base understanding of the concepts in this unit to prepare you if you wish to have the opportunity to study in PED101 in 2015. Name______________________ Teacher_______________________ Success criteria based directly on SOLO taxonomy: Level of thinking Success Criteria: Tick off as you go… I can identify the bones that make up the upper limb and torso I can identify the bones that make up the lower limb I can identify the muscles that make up the upper limb and torso I can identify the muscles that make up the lower limb I can explain the different functions of the skeleton I can explain the different functions of muscles I can give examples of these functions I can explain how joints move in anatomical terms I can give examples of joints moving using anatomical terms I can demonstrate flexion/ extension I can demonstrate abduction/ adduction I can demonstrate pronation/ supination I can demonstrate internal/ external rotation. I can analyse the effect of soft tissue injury I can analyse the effect of fracture and dislocation I can prescribe ways to prevent injury I can suggest ways to rehabilitate injury For additional course information, see the 10SPS page at: Lesson Overview Lesson Practical 1 Theory 2 Theory 3 Practical 4 Learning Outcomes Students will; ▪ Participate in Minor games to examine how exercise affects the body. Students will; ▪ gain a basic understanding of what bones make up the human skeleton. ▪ an understanding of where the main bones on the body are situated. Students will; ▪ participate in physical activity which demonstrates the role of exercise in relation to the body. ▪ examine the benefits of being physically active. Students will; ▪ gain a basic knowledge of the main muscles and there positions in the body. Activities * Warm up * Main activity * Cool down Resources Sports equipment Students Booklets Do Now: Brainstorm ▪ Name the bones/common name ▪ The Human Skeleton ▪ Mix and Match Cards ▪ Ext activity crossword. * Warm up * Main activity * Cool down * Debrief Do Now: Matter of spelling ▪ KWHL Chart ▪ Anterior Muscle diagram ▪ Posterior Muscle diagram ▪ Ext activity cloze activity Mix and Match cards Crosswords Sports equipment Student Booklets Cloze activity Lesson Practical 5 Theory 6 Theory 7 Practical 8 Practical 9 Learning Outcomes Students will; ▪ participate in practical activities that focus on muscular endurance. ▪ gain an understanding of how specific activities can increase muscular endurance. Students will; ▪ participate in practical activities that focus on developing muscular strength. ▪ Gain an understanding of how specific activities can increase muscular strength. Students will; ▪ Understand the relationship between bones, muscle and ligaments. ▪ Understand how joints work to produce movement. Students will; ▪ participate in physical activity which demonstrates the role of exercise in relation to the body. ▪ examine the benefits of being physically active. Students will; ▪ gain an understanding of how different bones in the body function in a variety of ways. Activities Resources * Warm up * Main activities – circuit * Warm down * Debrief Sports equipment Circuit cards * Warm up * Main activities – circuit * Warm down * Debrief Sports equipment Circuit cards Do now: Brainstorm all the joints in the Student workbook body / What makes up a joint. Case study * Knee joint - Label joint - Key role and purpose. * Warm up Sports equipment * Main activities * Warm down * Debrief Do Now: Bones and Muscles Quiz ▪ Functioning Skeleton ▪ Sticker race on putting bones on the skeleton. Student workbook Bone stickers Lesson Theory 10 Theory 11 Practical 12 Practical 13 Theory 14 Learning Outcomes Activities Resources Students will; ▪ understand the role of the skeleton in a physical context. ▪ Examine the aspects of movement in a physical setting. Students will; ▪ create an understanding of how muscles respond to different activities. ▪ Participate in a range of activities and identify the muscular responses. Students will; ▪ create an understanding of how muscles respond to different activities. ▪ Participate in a range of activities and identify the muscular responses. Students will; ▪ gain an understanding of how the body responds to exercise. ▪ gain a basic understanding of why the body responds this way. * Warmup * Main activity – Dodgeball * Cool down * Debrief Dodgeballs Bands Cones * warm up * Main activities * Cool down Sports equipment Student workbook Scrap paper * Warm up * Main activities * Cool down Sports equipment Student workbook Scrap paper Do now: Brainstorm what happened to my body when I was exercising. *Complete workbook task *Design poster in groups – how exercise affects the body. Student workbook Students will; ▪ participate in physical activity which demonstrates the role of exercise in relation to the body. ▪ examine the benefits of being * Warm up * Main activity * Cool down * Debrief Sports equipment physically active. Lesson Theory 15 Practical 16 Practical 17 Theory 18 Theory 19 Learning Outcomes Students will; ▪ participate in physical activity which demonstrates the role of exercise in relation to the body. ▪ examine the benefits of being physically active. Students will; ▪ examine the various types of sporting injuries that can occur. ▪ Establish the possible causes of injuries. Students will; ▪ gain an understanding of how to treat basic sports injuries. ▪ understand the difference between a soft and hard tissue injury. Students will; ▪ participate in physical activity which demonstrates the role of exercise in relation to the body. ▪ examine the benefits of being physically active. Students will; ▪ participate in physical activity which demonstrates the role of exercise in relation to the body. ▪ examine the benefits of being physically active. Activities Resources * Warm up * Main activity * Cool down * Debrief Sports equipment Do now: Brainstorm all the common injuries students can think of. * Group together * Complete definition and causes Student workbook * Complete booklet task * Scenarios/role plays Student Workbook Scenario cards * Warm Up * Main activity * Cool down * Debrief Sports Equipment *Warm Up *Main activity *Cool down *Debrief Sports Equipment Lesson Practical 20 Practical 21 Theory 22 Theory 23 Practical 24 Learning Outcomes Students will; ▪ participate in physical activity which demonstrates the role of exercise in relation to the body. ▪ examine the benefits of being physically active. Students will; ▪ gain an understanding of how important nutrition in is to a healthy lifestyle. ▪ gain knowledge of what foods are good to eat. Students will; examine the effects of over eating and poor nutrition at a young age. Understand the importance of good nutrition and regular exercise in teenage years. Students will; examine the effects of over eating and poor nutrition at a young age. Understand the importance of good nutrition and regular exercise in teenage years. Students will; examine the effects of over eating and poor nutrition at a young age. Understand the importance of good nutrition and regular exercise Activities * Warm Up * Main activity * Cool down * Debrief Resources Sports Equipment * Do now: Brainstorm all the Student workbook important food groups. * Sort food list into categories. * Define purpose of food groups and their role in the body. * List examples of food groups. - Video (episode 1 & 2) Video - Video (episode 3 & 4) Video - Video (episode 5 & 6) Video in teenage years. Lesson Practical 25 Theory 26 Theory 27 Practical 28 Practical 29 Learning Outcomes Students will; ▪ participate in physical activity which demonstrates the role of exercise in relation to the body. ▪ examine the benefits of being physically active. Students will; ▪ participate in physical activity which demonstrates the role of exercise in relation to the body. ▪ examine the benefits of being physically active. Students will; ▪ devise a menu using newly acquired knowledge of sporting nutrition for an athlete. ▪ demonstrate understanding of how to fuel their body for sport. Students will; identify the best menus for the athlete. compile a week long menu specific to their athlete. plan a student lunch menu for possible shared lunch. Students will; ▪ participate in physical activity which demonstrates the role of exercise in relation to the body. ▪ examine the benefits of being Activities Resources * Warm up *Main activity *Cool down *Debrief Sports equipment * warm up * Main activity * Cool down * Debrief Sports equipment Do now: Brainstorm the types of food Student workbook appropriate for an athletes diet. * Complete menu planner – 2 days * Compile student menus * Class to choose best menus to create a weekly plan. * evaluate – what was effective and what could be changed. * Plan student shared lunch Menu planners * Warm up * Main activity * Cool down * Debrief Sports equipment physically active. Lesson Practical 30 Theory 31 Theory 32 Theory 33 Theory 34 Exam 35 Learning Outcomes Students will; ▪ participate in physical activity which demonstrates the role of exercise in relation to the body. ▪ examine the benefits of being physically active. Students will; ▪ prepare for exams through revision sessions ▪ reinforce and build up knowledge already learnt through this unit. Students will; ▪ prepare for exams through revision sessions ▪ reinforce and build up knowledge already learnt through this unit. Students will; ▪ prepare for exams through revision sessions ▪ reinforce and build up knowledge already learnt through this unit. Students will; ▪ prepare for exams through revision sessions ▪ reinforce and build up knowledge already learnt through this unit. Students will; ▪ participate in an examination testing their knowledge and Activities Resources * Warm up * Main activity * Cool down * Debrief Sports equipment * Complete variety of worksheets which recap topics covered. * Participate in activities designed to reinforce and review content covered. * Complete variety of worksheets which recap topics covered. * Participate in activities designed to reinforce and review content covered. * Complete variety of worksheets which recap topics covered. * Participate in activities designed to reinforce and review content covered. * Complete variety of worksheets which recap topics covered. * Participate in activities designed to reinforce and review content covered. - Sit short answer and multi choice examination covering the unit work. Worksheets Activity stations Worksheets Activity stations Mintie quiz cards Worksheets Mix match cards worksheets Exam papers understanding of the past units work. Lesson Practical 36 Exam Review 37 Practical 38 Practical 39 Practical 40 Learning Outcomes Activities Resources Students will; Option choices: ▪ have the opportunity to participate o Basketball in an activity of their choice. o Modified touch o Tennis o Soccer Students will; - Review exam papers and results. ▪ examine the benefits of the course. - Complete course evaluation forms ▪ Review results of the examination looking at where they did well and not so well. Sports equipment Students will; Inter class challenge: ▪ Participate in a teams games o Unihoc tournament. o Modified touch ▪ gain experience of the responsibility o Three sport of participating in a team environment. Students will; Inter class challenge: ▪ Participate in a teams games o Unihoc tournament. o Modified touch ▪ gain experience of the responsibility o Three sport of participating in a team environment. Students will; Inter class challenge: ▪ Participate in a teams games o Unihoc tournament. o Modified touch ▪ gain experience of the responsibility o Three sport of participating in a team environment. Sports equipment Marked exam papers Course evaluation Sports equipment Sports equipment Do Now Brainstorm Activity Name on the diagram below as many names of bones as you can remember. What bones do I already know? Naming the bones Common Name Scientific Name “ The HUMAN SKELETON ” The major bones: tibia tarsals humerus carpals pelvis skull mandible metatarsals vertebrae phalanges fibula clavicle phalanges radius ulna scapula femur maxilla metacarpals Ribs patella carpals Do Now – Muscles Circle the correct spelling of the following words Biceps Byeceps Bicepps Byceps Tryceps Tricips Triseps Triiceps Quards Quads Quods Quwards Hamtrings Harmstrings Hamstrings Hamstrungs Pectarials Pectorials Pectorals Pektorals Muscles Fill out the table below (KWHL) What I know (K) What I want to Know (W) How will I find Out? (H) What have I learnt? (L). MUSCULAR SYSTEM Anterior view 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 23. 24. Label the muscle groups using the words listed below. Trapezius Biceps brachii Sternocleidomastoid Deltoid Pectoralis major Quadriceps Obliques Rectus abdominus Gastrocnemius Gluteus maximus Tibialis Anterior Soleus MUSCULAR SYSTEM POSTERIOR view Label the muscle groups using the words listed below. 2. 3. 6. 7. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 20. 22. Trapezius Quadriceps Deltoid Triceps brachii Latissimus dorsi Gastrocnemius Gluteus maximus Brachioradialis Soleus The functioning Skeleton Complete the table below to gain an understanding of how the skeleton performs five basic functions. Function Movement Protection Support Storage Supply Explanation Examples Sporting Injuries Soft Tissue Hard Tissue Define: Define: Causes: Causes: Examples: Examples: Initial management Use: P.R.I.C.E.D P = PREVENTION R = REST I = ICE C = COMPRESSION E = ELEVATION D = DIAGNOSIS Soft tissue injury Hannah has injured her self at netball training. Suggest ways she could have: 1. Prevented the injury, and 2. Rehabilitate her injury in order to get back to playing as soon as possible. What could Hannah have done to prevent this injury occuring in the first place? Outline the staps Hannah needs to take in order to rehabilitate her hamstring… Injury: ‘Pulled Hamstring’ Fracture: Discuss the types of facture that can occur with your teacher and class then complete the following activity: James has injured himself at rugby training. Suggest ways he could have: 1. Prevented the injury, and 2. Rehabilitate her injury in order to get back to playing as soon as possible. What could James have done to prevent this injury occuring in the first place? Outline the steps James needs to take in order to rehabilitate his ankle Injury: Fractured Tarsal