Chapter 4 Review Questions 1. Five items that have different temperatures are: a) Refrigerator - 4℃ b) Body temperature of a dog – 38.5℃ c) Freezer - -18℃ d) Pig’s body temperature – 39.5℃ e) Human body temperature – 37.5℃ 2. If the temperature of a freezer in a refrigerator is -6℃, what might happen to the food stored in it is; the food might spoil faster. 3. The following animal might have a higher body temperature than you: robin (birds). 4. Your skin is a poor instrument for measuring temperature because your skin cannot tolerate certain temperatures. Also, your skin is affected by the temperature of previous objects you may have touched. 5. Galileo’s first thermoscope was as follows: it was made with a glass bulb with a long, thin stem. It was inverted and the end of the stem was placed in colored liquid. 6. In addition to developing a temperature scale, Fahrenheit made many improvements to the thermometer, eg: choosing mercury over wine. * Today, however mercury is not often used. 7. The difference between the Celsius scale and the Kelvin scale is; the temperature that is assigned a value of zero. 0℃ - Freezing/Melting point of water. 0K – Coldest possible temperature. 8. Lord Kelvin’s major contribution to the concept of temperature was; that there is a lowest possible temperature called ‘absolute zero.’ It is impossible to reach. 9. A thermogram is made by; film and electronic devices convert the infrared radiation into colors that can be interpreted as differences in temperature. 10. If you were told that an object had a temperature of -14℃, you would not pick it up with your bare hands normally because it would feel too cold… but you could for a short period of time. 11. One person might touch an object and say that it is cool while another person might say that it is warm because it will depend on if they were warm or cool before they touched it. Eg: if they were warm, it will feel cool. 12. If a classmate told you that the coldest temperature ever recorded in NL was -21℃, you would tell them that are wrong because they would have experienced this temperature and colder ones many times. 13. Suppose that you were present on the hottest day ever reported in Canada, your body temperature would remain the same because your body temperature is constant, unless you have a fever or are experiencing hypothermia. 14. Many appliances in the home are heated electrically. They usually contain a thermostat that switches electricity on and off to keep the appliance at a constant temperature. Two examples of this use for thermostats are: an oven and a toaster. 15.