Learning Objective - MoserCollegeHypermediaSyllabi

course syllabus
b l e n d e d
m o d e l
instructor version
evening classes
International Management
INTB 302
Benedictine Hallmarks 2011-2012
schedule &
course syllabus
Addresses the educational
needs of adult students by
developing and providing
engaging, relevant and
accelerated programs.
blended model
INTB 302
Enhances scholarship,
leadership skills, social
responsibility, and promotes
life-long learning.
Provides high-quality, easily
accessible educational
opportunities for adult
Enables adults to earn
specific undergraduate and
graduate degrees while
maintaining their personal and
professional commitments.
International Management
instructor version
Develops new degree and
non-degree programs that
address the expressed needs of
the professional community.
content links index
about this document
about Moser College
about blended learning
hallmarks of a Benedictine education
student expectations
attendance policy
financial aid
submission of work
library resources
services for students with disabilities
Academic Honesty Policy
APA formatting and style
course overview
required textbooks
grading scale
IDEA objectives
IDEA description
learning outcomes
course schedule
Moser College Mission
Statement: Moser College
embodies the values of respect,
excellence, collaboration, and
professionalism. We are
committed to delivering
innovative and dynamic
programs designed for adult
students who are dedicated to
enhancing their professional,
local, and global communities.
Moser College Vision
Statement: To be one of the
premier university colleges in
the nation.
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience
Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Margaret and Harold Moser Center
1832 Centre Point Circle
Naperville, IL 60563
Phone: (630)schedule
Fax: (630) 829-1375
moser college mission and vision
Content Links
International Management | INTB 302
About Your Program at Benedictine University – Moser College
About This Document
This is a hypermedia document – it has been built to mimic navigation on the
web. This document can also be viewed as a presentation or it can be printed
like a traditional document. We use this sort of document because it allows for
navigation links (hyperlinks) to text, graphics, audio/video, and the web. This
type of document also allows you to navigate in a nontraditional, nonlinear way
– by following the page links you are not bound to read or flip through the
document in any sort of order. This is yet another example of Moser College’s
commitment to advancements in technology and blended learning.
About Moser College
The Moser College of Adult & Professional Studies delivers its curricular
programs in a specifically designed structure deliberately oriented for working,
adult learners. The Moser College is committed to providing a learning
environment which extends beyond the classroom and is designed specifically
to meet the needs of its students and their employers by bringing a quality
educational experience without requiring the student to relocate or travel
extensively beyond their home area. Benedictine University's Moser College of
Adult & Professional Studies is fully accredited by the Higher Learning
Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools*.
* web path
Benedictine Univ
Academic Programs
Moser College
About Blended Learning
Blended learning is the integration of different learning environments: mainly the
online format with the face-to-face format, but may also include mobile learning.
Blended learning, also referred to as hybrid learning, relies on both the advantages
of digital/technology innovation and the methods of face-to-face instruction. At
Moser College, we use blended learning by combining asynchronous online
classroom sessions with a face-to-face classroom environment. We alternate
between the online session and the face-to-face session in 5-week courses, with
the A session being face-to-face and the B session being online.
hallmarks of a Benedictine Education:
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
International Management | INTB 302
The Ten Hallmarks of a Benedictine Education
A Benedictine Education
Based on the Rules of Saint Benedict, a Benedictine
Education is based on the Benedictine Wisdom
Tradition that sets as its goals the transformation of the
Human mind AND Heart and has at its foundation “The
Ten Hallmarks of a Benedictine Education”.
The Ten Hallmarks
Each academic year Moser College will be celebrating
two of the Hallmarks. This academic year 2011-2012,
the Hallmarks Stability and Stewardship have been
chosen. The ten hallmarks are:
1. Love of Christ and Neighbor
2. Prayer: a Life marked by liturgy, lection and
3. Stability: commitment to the daily life of this place,
its heritage and tradition
4. Conversatio: the way of formation and
5. Obedience: a commitment to listening and
consequent action
6. Discipline: a way toward learning and freedom
7. Humility: knowledge of self in relation to God,
others and creation
8. Stewardship: responsible use of creation, culture
and the arts
9. Hospitality: openness to others
10. Community: call to serve the common good
Portrait (1926) by Herman Nieg
(1849–1928); Heiligenkreuz Abbey, Austria
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
International Management | INTB 302
Student Expectations
Expectations of Students
In order to get the maximum use of the time available, it is expected that you
Read the material to be covered in the class and complete required
assignments prior to attending the class/session;
Arrive/login to class/session prepared to participate actively;
Be prepared to actively participate in the collaborative activities of each
class/session; and
Always feel free to seek additional help from the instructor when the need
Attendance Policy
Students may not miss more than 25% of the live classroom sessions. Doing so
will result in an F for the course.
financial aid information
Submission of Work
All assignments are to be submitted into Desire 2 Learn (D2L) unless otherwise noted by instructor.
Assignments must be submitted by due date. Any assigned work submitted late for any unexcused
reason will receive a lowered grade. Please refer to your instructor’s late work policy located in D2L.
In the event that you miss an examination for due cause, arrangements must be made with the
instructor for a make-up examination. Important criteria concerning the submission of work:
Make-up examinations may differ from the original class examination.
Per University policy, assignments cannot be accepted by an instructor after the last day of the course.
Only discussions threads posted by 11:59 pm CST on the due date will count for grading purposes.
information concerning netiquette:
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
International Management | INTB 302
Financial Aid Information
Applying for Financial Aid
A college education is one of the largest financial investments a family will make. We believe that an education
from Benedictine University will provide valuable returns throughout a student's lifetime. The Office of Financial
Aid is dedicated to helping students and their families make a Benedictine University education affordable. We
view the process of financing an education as a partnership. Although the student and his/her family have primary
responsibility for meeting college costs, Benedictine University, as well as the federal and state governments have
a variety of financial aid programs available to students who need financial assistance.
Types of Financial Aid
Benedictine University's Office of Financial Aid administers a variety of federal, state
and institutional programs of student financial assistance. All financial aid recipients
must maintain satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the published,
"Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid Recipients.“
After completing the financial aid application process, the student will receive a
financial aid award notification letter. The award letter will include the
program(s) that the student is eligible to receive and the award amount(s).
Grants/Scholarships - Grants and scholarships are considered to be gift
assistance. This means the awards do not have to be repaid.
Loans - Loans are considered to be a form of self-help assistance. Loan programs
provide funds for educational purposes and are paid back with interest.
Employment - Part-time jobs on campus are available to students through the
University and Federal Work-Study program. Students working on campus
receive a bi-weekly paycheck.
Applying for Financial Aid – All students applying for financial aid are asked to
complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid
The FAFSA is required for all federal, state (Illinois residents) and Benedictine University need-based assistance.
It should be completed as soon as possible after January 1st. Applying online with FAFSA on the Web at
www.fafsa.gov is faster and easier than using a paper FAFSA. Have your completed U.S. Federal Income Tax
returns readily available when completing the FAFSA. Include Benedictine University's school code:
001767 so the results of your FAFSA application will automatically be sent to our financial aid office. Sign you
FAFSA with a Federal Student Aid PIN. Apply for a PIN at www.pin.ed.gov. If you are providing parent
information, one parent must also sign you FAFSA.
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Financial Aid
International Management | INTB 302
About Netiquette
What is Netiquette?
"Netiquette" stands for "Internet Etiquette", and refers to the set of practices which help to make the online
experiences pleasant for all involved. As you might expect, netiquette, like other forms of etiquette, is about
courtesy, manners, codes of behavior, protocols and respect. Netiquette primarily focuses on how we interact with
one another online, by being aware of: our use of language, others’ cultural background, conventional norms, and
other behaviors. Below you will find guidelines concerning the basics of online interaction. If it isn’t something you
would say or do in the face-to-face classroom, it is probably inappropriate in the online class as well.
Netiquette Basics
1. Follow the Golden Rule (“One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself”)
2. Be ethical, fair, tolerant and mindful of others – avoid stereotyping, judgment and prejudice
3. Know the boundaries of particular cyberspaces – what is acceptable in a text or chatroom with friends may
not be appropriate in a classroom or in an online conversation with an instructor
4. Respect the time of others by: 1) using descriptive subject lines, 2) resizing images for the web, 3) providing
links instead of copying and pasting content, 5) using white space by inserting blank lines between paragraphs
and headers and 6) limiting your use of attachments
5. Copy the minimum number of people – it is tempting to send “email” or “message blasts” because it is easier
for the poster, but it is not easier for the reader
Inappropriate Online Usage
1. Avoid “flaming” – flaming is sending offensive, insulting or criticizing messages. This happens more often
online then in face-to-face interaction, because there is an illusion of anonymity.
2. Flaming is neither productive nor appropriate for the learning environment
3. Always avoid flaming when it comes to content and opinions, but also avoid it when it comes to grammar,
punctuation and spelling corrections
4. Avoid using CAPS if possible and never type messages in ALL CAPS – this is considered yelling and is often
seen as a form of aggression
5. Use emoticons ( :) , :( , :-) ) sparingly and avoid the use of JK, BRB, LOL and other text language
Confidentiality and Privacy
Email, messaging and posting are forms of written record and are just as permanent as a letter or document
Do not publicize your own or others’ personal information (such as email, phone numbers, last names etc.)
Respect copyright and cite any and all sources
Do not expect that your communications are private, instead assume all communications are public
For more information please review Netiquette by Virginia Shea
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
International Management | INTB 302
Resources for Success
Benedictine’s Library Resources
Benedictine University Libraries strive to provide the resources for all of your academic and research
needs. Providing access to over 120 databases, 200,000 books and eBooks, and helpful librarians 7
days a week, we are here to assist you in person and online.
The primary mission of the Benedictine University Library is to provide library resources and services
that support the Benedictine University community and meet its academic and research needs. To
support our mission, the Library has made provisions for all students to gain access to important
academic resources through the Benedictine Library Website. As you begin your academic journey
please take note of these key concepts that will affect that access:
Entry into academic databases and most Library resources must be made through the Benedictine
Library Website at www.ben.edu/library
Within one week of your official enrollment your patron information will be automatically entered
into the library system, where once entered, you will be able to check out books and access
When off-campus you will be prompted by authentication software (a proxy server) to provide
your Library ID number and last name to access article databases and request books. This software
proxy server confirms that you are a current Benedictine University student and thus allowed
Your Library ID number is a combination of the Benedictine Library prefix 2281100 and your
seven-digit student ID number (also called your “b” number). Thus 2281100XXXXXXX is
the Library ID number with X’s being the seven digit student number. This number is prominently
located just below the barcode on your Benedictine ID card
For further information on any aspect of Library resources and access please call or write the
Benedictine Library Reference Desk at 630-829-6057 or libref@ben.edu. Please take note of
Library hours and staff directory located on the Library Website under About the Library and feel
free to contact us about any concern or need you might have
additional resources for student success:
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
International Management | INTB 302
Resources for Success
University Academic Honesty Policy
The search for truth and the dissemination of knowledge are the central missions of a university.
Benedictine University pursues these missions in an environment guided by our Roman Catholic
tradition and our Benedictine Heritage. Integrity and honesty are therefore expected of all University
students. Actions such as cheating, plagiarism, collusion, fabrication, forgery, falsification,
destruction, multiple submission, solicitation, and misrepresentation are violations of these
expectations and constitute unacceptable behavior in the University community.
To access the complete Academic Honesty Policy, which includes student responsibility, responsibility
and authority of faculty, violations, reporting and communicating, responsibilities of the provost,
appeals, composition of the academic appeals board, procedures of the academic appeals board, and
records, please select the following link: www.ben.edu/ahp
APA Formatting and Style
All course assignments must use APA citation and formatting. This is a
mandatory requirement for all assignments, including discussions, if a
publication or other work is being referenced. For more information on
APA, please see the APA Style section at the website of the American
Psychological Association, linked here: www.apa.org/
APA resources for students: www.apa.org/about/students.aspx
Services for Students with Disabilities
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990
prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities by standing provision of reasonable
accommodations to make programs and activities accessible to qualified individuals with disabilities.
If you have a documented learning, psychological, or physical disability, you may be eligible for
reasonable academic accommodations or services. To request accommodations or services, please
contact the Student Success Center, Krasa Center - 012A, 630-829-6340. All students are expected to
fulfill essential course requirements. The University will not waive any essential skill or requirement
of a course or degree program.
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Other Resources
International Management | INTB 302
Individual Development and Educational Assessment
IDEA Objectives
Acquiring skills in working with others as a member of a team.
Developing creative capacities (writing, inventing, designing,
performing in art, music, drama, etc.)
Gaining a broader understanding and appreciation of intellectual/
cultural activity (music, science, literature, etc.)
Developing skill in expressing oneself orally or in writing.
Learning how to find and use resources for answering questions or
solving problems.
Developing a clearer understanding of, and commitment to, personal
Learning to analyze and critically evaluate ideas, arguments, and
points of view.
Acquiring an interest in learning more by asking questions and
seeking answers.
IDEA Description
The IDEA student survey focuses on the instructor’s learning objectives for the course and on the
progress each student made toward achieving those objectives. By answering thoughtfully and
honestly, your ratings and comments will be much more helpful – to the instructor, the department
chair, and the dean of the college. As students, you should also know that student ratings and
comments have been used to help evaluate courses and to improve the educational experience at
Benedictine University. The appropriate standard of conduct with respect to student surveys is
thoughtful comments and constructive criticism – respectfully communicated.
A Focus on Learning
“The IDEA Student Ratings system looks at instruction in terms of its endgame. Rather than
emphasizing teaching style or personality, the IDEA system focuses on student learning and the
methods used to facilitate it.” – from the IDEA website: www.theideacenter.org/node/5
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Course Overview
Course Description
INTB 302 -- International Management
Study of the dynamics involved in International Business Management. Explores key issues such as
political, legal and labor environments, strategic planning and organizational design. Emphasis is
placed on the role of managers and others in successful international operations.
Course Materials
Required Textbook and Materials
Luthans, F & Doh, J. P. (2012). International Management: Culture, strategy and behavior. (8th
ed.). ISBN: 9780078112577
Suggested Course Materials
Students can keep abreast of contemporary developments in global business management by reading
the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, or other major daily, as well
as selectively reading various journals such as The Economist, Forbes, Fortune, Business Week,
Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, and other journals.
Technological Computer Requirements
Students in the Blended program will need: High-speed Internet access; a sound card and speakers; Windows
XP (minimum)/Windows 7 (recommended) or Mac OS X 10.5 or higher; and Firefox 3.6 or higher. It is also
highly recommended that students have access to a microphone or webcam for optional
Discussion Forum Guidelines
The Course Grading Scale
90 - 100%
80 – 89%
70 – 79%
60 – 69%
To receive a minimum passing grade, students must make
a post to each discussion question for that week by day 4
of each week and respond to at least two other postings
by the end of the week. Individual Posts are worth up to 5
points and the total Response Posts are worth up to 5
points total. Each discussion will total up to 10 points.
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Course Overview
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Course Outcomes Based in Bloom’s Taxonomy
Learning Outcomes
Assess the drivers and consequences of globalization.
Individual Essay case study
35 pts
Appraise multi-national corporation’s resource allocation.
Team Case study Exercise
10 pts
Discuss global corporate practices and analyze their impact on the world
Online Discussion Post and Response
10 pts
Compare and contrast corporate policies foreign and domestic.
In-class participation
5 pts
Compose market analysis and recommend course of action.
Individual Case Study Essay
35 pts
Develop analytical skills regarding global business issues.
Team Activity Exercise
10 pts
Evaluate companies and cultural awareness within a global context.
Online Discussion Post and Response
10 pts
Apply international human resource management and market analysis.
In-class participation
Assess your knowledge: First in-class quiz.
15 pts
Evaluate global market entry, technology, and economic issues.
Individual Case Study Essay
Analyze the impact of developed country and emerging market FDI.
Team Activity Exercise
10 pts
Discuss the strengths and weakness of World Trade Organization.
Online Discussion Post and Response
10 pts
Compare and contrast outsource and off shore global strategies.
In-class participation
Assess your knowledge: Second in-class quiz.
15 pts
Evaluate emerging markets value .
Individual Case Study Essay
35 pts
Identify how international relations and treaties affect business expansion.
Team Activity Exercise
10 pts
Assess the role of Trading Blocs and international policy.
Online Discussion Post and Response
10 pts
Identify and interpret GDP, HRI and other foreign country indexes
In-class participation
Assess your knowledge: Third in-class quiz.
5 pts
5 pts
5 pts
15 pts
Apply the mechanisms for effective decision-making in international organizations. Individual Case Study Essay
35 pts
Analyze antecedents and consequences regarding WTO membership.
Online Discussion Post and Response
10 pts
Discuss global strategic based policy in a public forum.
In-class participation
10 pts
Create Final Global Business Project and business plan presentation.
Final Team Activity
10 pts
Total Points for course
350 pts
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Learning Outcomes
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Course Schedule
Class Title
01 A
Globalization, Political
and Technological
Instructor provides overview of course and assignments
In-class Activity: Chap 1, McDonalds Discussion Questions 1,2,3 page 31
Individual Assignment: Case (Discussion): Colgate Distasteful toothpaste Page 84,
Answer Questions : 1,2,3,4. Submit to D2L Drop Box.
01 B
GlobalizationImpact on the world
Encourage students to form teams for course assignments.
Read Luthans text chapters 1 and 2
Written assignment- What is the impact of innovation and entrepreneurship as
engines of growth in emerging markets?
Discussion Post –Globalization-Impact on the world
02 A
Ethics and Social
02 B
Managing Across Culture
03 A
Communication and
03 B
Strategy Formulation and
04 A
Entry Strategies and
Organizational Structures
Review Luthans text Chapters 3, 4, 5
In-class Activity: Critical Thinking & Discussion Renault-Nissan South Africa
Questions 4 and 5 page 135.
Individual Assignment: Write a 1 page short response from page 137 Case “ A
Jumping-Off Place” Questions 1 , 2and 3 submit Drop Box
Quiz 1 covering Chapter 1 & 2.
Review previous reading in chapters 3, 4, 5
Team written assignment- Global Business project on selected country and
Discussion Post topic-Cultural Awareness in Global Business
Review Luthans text, Chapters 6, 7, 8
In-class Activity: Discuss the value of Multicultural workforce .
Individual Assignment: Write 3-5 page response featured in Luthans text page
191, submit to D2L Drop Box.
Quiz 2 covering chapter 3 , 4, 5
Review previous reading in chapter 6, 7, 8
Individual Assignment: Beijing, Here We Come! Read Luthans text, page 165
answer questions 1-3
Team written assignment: On page 231 answer 1-4: Foreign 0r Domestic?
Discussion topic: Off-shoring Culture and Communication
Review Luthans text Chapters 9, 10, 11
In-class Activity: Discuss Australia page 334. Be prepared to answer questions .
Individual Assignment: “Getting in on the ground floor” page 335. Post answers to
Quiz 3 covering chapter 6, 7, 8
04 B
Managing Political Risk,
Government Relations, and
Review previous reading in chapter 9, 10, 11
Individual Assignment: Strategies for MNCs.
Team written assignment-Entry strategies and organizational structures
Discussion topic: MNC organizational arrangements
05 A
Human Resource Selection
and Development Across
Review Luthans text, Chapters 12, 13, 14
In-class Activity: Critical Thinking & Discussion Questions 3, 4, 5 page 488.
Individual Assignment: Compare and contrast Singapore with Hong Kong . Post3-4 paragraphs
Quiz 4 covering chapter 9, 10, 11
Review previous reading in chapter 12, 13, 14
Team written assignment: Overseas assignment
Discussion topic-Offshore outsourcing
05 B
Leadership Across Cultures
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Course Schedule
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Session 1A
Learning Objectives
1. Define the term globalization and business
2. Discuss the main causes of globalization in a written context and face-to face.
3. Describe the changing nature of the global economy.
4. Explain the main arguments in the debate over the impact of globalization.
5. Evaluate how the process of globalization is creating opportunities and challenges for business managers,
in country organizations and local citizens.
Activities, Assignments and Agenda
Instructor provides overview of course and weekly assignments.
Reading: No pre-class reading assigned, this will be completed after class 1A. Review Charles Luthans Text,
Chapter 1 and 2.
Individual Assignments
1. Individual and team questions are assigned after class 1A. Assign individual Case study on page 84:
Colgate’s Distasteful Toothpaste answer questions and submit 2-4 page answers in D2L drop box.
Group Assignments: Individual and team questions are assigned after class 1A.
Encourage students to form teams for course assignments. Team name, project selected, country
selected, chosen product or service are considerations necessary prior to Class 2.
In Class Participation
Review course syllabus, material, agenda and set course expectations. Facilitate an in-class discussion by
reviewing chapter 1 and 2 relating to Global issues. Discuss the importance of Globalization strategy and how it’s
utilized by individual companies. Lead a discussion on globalization terms and concepts and how they’re
specifically used. Engage students and ensure they can develop a framework to evaluate the strengths,
weakness, opportunities and threats and trends of globalization. Complete the following exercises in class to
reinforce these concepts.
Read Luthans text Text Chap 1, Critical Thinking & Discussion Questions 1,2,3 page 30. Break class into
discussion groups to initiate collaboration.
2. In-class Activity: Chap 1, McDonald’s Franchise Discussion Questions 1,2,3 page 31
3. The Luthans text text online software and DVD disc provides a variety of PowerPoint's and videos. This is a
great resource to expose students to concepts, culture and countries involved in this course.
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Session 1A
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Session 1B
Learning Objectives
1. Understand how the political systems of countries differ.
2. Recognize how the economic systems of countries differ.
3. Understand how the legal systems of countries differ.
4. Explain what determines the level of economic development of a nation.
5. Identify the macro-political and economic changes taking place worldwide.
6. Describe how transition economies are moving towards market based systems.
7. Explain the implications for management practice of national difference in political economy.
Activities, Assignments and Agenda
Reading: Review Luthans text Text, Chapters 1 & 2 and read the information assigned.
Individual Assignments
Online Discussion 1. Write a 1-2 paragraph short essay response after reading Luthans text Text, Chapters
1 and 2. For the first discussion post a response on what globalization means to you. How do you see it as a
factor of business in the USA, etc.? Considerations are, the economy and/or technology. Then - end your post
with a question to the class.
Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least one other students' post by the end of the
week. Review the definitions provided by your classmates and critique. Post your question by mid week so
other students may have a chance to respond. Reply to two other students posted discussion questions
Group Assignments
1. The following suggested activity can be found in the Luthans text Text instructors manual and Case Study
1.1 Student Advocacy and Sweatshop Labor: The Case of Russell Athletic. The opening case study explores
the international expansion of Russell Athletic. The company has expanded over the years to locations spread
across different countries. This is an excellent example for national expansion and global growth. Listed below
an in-class discussion question suggested by the textbook:
QUESTION 1: How has globalization created opportunities for Russell or Nike? How has Sportswear
influenced the process of globalization?
Monitor the online format to ensure students are fully participating in discussions
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Session 1B
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Session 2A
Learning Objectives
Explain what is meant by the term “culture of a society”.
Identify the forces that lead to differences in social culture.
Identify the business and economic implications of differences in culture.
Recognize how differences in social culture influence values in the workplace.
Demonstrate an appreciation for the economic and business implications of cultural change.
Understand why nations trade with each other.
Summarize the different theories explaining trade flows between nations.
Activities, Assignments and Agenda
Reading: Luthans text Text, Chapters 3, 4, 5
Individual Assignments
Discussion Renault-Nissan South Africa Questions 4 and 5 page 135.
Read and review chapter for class discussion.
Group Assignments: Individual and team questions are assigned after class 2A.
In Class Assignments/Assessment
1. Facilitate a review of individual and team homework/questions from chapters 3-5. Ensure all questions are
answered before moving to the next topic. It’s critical that students understand these concepts before
introducing and discussing new subjects. The instructor will facilitate a quiz for chapter 1 & 2. Instructors may
use questions from the Luthans text Text textbook, global issues or from the companion test-bank. (Ten
questions are suggested for the quiz.)
2. Lead a discussion on Chapters 3-5, from the Luthans text text on business ethics, social
responsibility and stakeholders. Describe why culture is critical to the overall profitability of a firm. Be
prepared to participate in the discussion regarding Luthans text Text Chap 3-5, Critical Thinking & Discussion
Questions 4 and 5 page 124.
The use of PowerPoint's, interactive flashcards and videos provided by Instructor edition, Online Learning
Center/ will promote the words, phrases and concepts associated with this course.
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Session 1A
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Session 2B
Learning Objectives
1. Understand how the political systems of countries differ.
2. Recognize how the economic systems of countries differ.
3. Understand how the legal systems of countries differ.
4. Explain what determines the level of economic development of a nation.
5. Identify the macro-political and economic changes taking place worldwide.
6. Describe how transition economies are moving towards market based systems.
Activities, Assignments and Agenda
Review Reading: Luthans text Text, Chapters 3, 4, 5
Individual Discussion Assignment
1. Choose two countries that appear to be culturally diverse. Compare the culture of those countries and then
indicate how cultural differences influence (a) the costs of doing business in each country, (b) the likely future
economic development of that country, and (c) business practices.
Class – Respond and/ answer these questions as a foundation for the discussion . Please make your initial post
by midweek, and respond to at least one other students' post by the end of the week. Review the definitions
provided by your classmates and critique. Post your question by mid week so other students may have a chance
to respond. Reply to two other students posted discussion questions.
Team Discussion Assignment-Global Business Project
1. The instructor will assign 1 page short written response and students will submit in D2L Team Drop Box :
Team name, project selected, country selected, chosen product or service.
Group Assignments
The following suggested activity can be found in the Luthans text Text instructors manual page 94 Case
1.2Pharmaceutical Companies, Intellectual Property, and the Global AIDS epidemic. Answer Questions 1-4. It
begins by introducing the concept of world health, economics and culture. The determinants of culture are
identified, which include religion, political philosophy, economic philosophy, education, language, and social
QUESTION 1: Why is it so important for Pharmaceutical Companies to adopt a corporate responsibility format?
Monitor online sessions to ensure students are fully participating in discussions
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Session 1B
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Session 3A
Learning Objectives
1. Describe how an MNC develops and implements entry strategies and ownership structures.
2. Examine the major types of entry strategies and organizational structures used in handling international
3. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each structures, including the conditions that make one
preferable to others.
4. Describe the recent, nontraditional organizational arrangements
Activities, Assignments and Agenda
Reading: Luthans text Text, Chapters 6, 7, 8
Individual Assignments
•Facilitate a review of individual and team homework/questions from chapters 6, 7, and 8. Ensure all questions
are answered before moving to the next topic. It’s critical that students understand these concepts before
introducing and discussing new subjects.
1. Write 3-5 page response featured “You be the international management consultant” in Luthans text page
191, submit to D2L Drop Box. Submit in D2L drop box.
2. Read Luthans text , Chapter 8 page 268 on Big Pharma goes Global. Many big pharmaceutical firms are
focusing on India and its potentially enormous market. How does this market differ from developed
markets like the United States for pharmaceutical firms? What changes do pharmaceutical companies
need to make to their strategies to succeed in this market?
Group Assignments: Individual and team questions are assigned after class 3A.
Consider using the Walmart Global strategies Case 2.2 in the Luthans text page 258. Discuss the case from A
SWOT analysis perspective.
In Class Assignments/Assessment
1.The instructor will facilitate a quiz for chapters 3, 4, 5. Instructors may use questions from the Luthans text
Text textbook, global issues or from the companion test-bank.. (Ten questions are suggested for the quiz.)
2. Be prepared to participate in the discussion regarding Luthans text Text Chap 6, 7, 8 Critical Thinking &
A. Questions 1-4 page 253.
B. Questions 1-4 page 190.
The use of PowerPoint's, interactive flashcards and videos provided by Instructor edition, Online Learning
Center/ will promote the words, phrases and concepts associated with this course.
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Session 1A
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Session 3B
Learning Objectives
1. Define the term communication, examine some examples of verbal communication styles, and explain the
importance of message interpretation.
2. Analyze the common downward and upward communication flows used in international communication.
3. Examine the language, perception and culture of communication and nonverbal barriers to effective
international communications.
4. Present steps that can be taken to overcome international communication problems.
5. Review different negotiating and bargaining behaviors that may improve negotiations and outcomes.
Activities, Assignments and Agenda
Review Reading: Luthans Text, Chapters 6, 7, 8
Individual Discussion Assignments
1. Select two foreign market entry strategies and use a SWOT analysis that shows the strengths, weakness,
etc . of the selected strategy.
1. Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least one other students' post by the end of the
week. Review the definitions provided by your classmates and critique. Reply to two other students posted
discussion questions./response.
Team Discussion Assignment-Global Business Project
1. The instructor will assign 1-2 page written response on Poland (page 300) and students will submit in
D2L Team Drop Box.
Written Assignment
Submit a 1-2 page paper from the “You be the International Consultant series on page 301. Answer all the
1-3. The assignment is due by the end of week 4. Post your response in the D2L pull down box..
Group Assignments
Consider that both a retail chain and a manufacturing company want to expand overseas. What environmental
factors would have the most impact on these companies? What ratio of environmental scanning to internal
analysis should
each employ? What key factors of success differentiate the two?
Answer: Both a retail chain and a manufacturing company are going to have to observe and evaluate the role of
all potential competitors and the relationships surrounding those competitors. Regulations, laws, and guidelines
will have to be researched and abided by. Probably more important to the retail chain is the observation of the
social environment. Awareness of demographic shifts including age, education, and income, coupled with indepth knowledge of consumer attitudes, is imperative for a company to assess whether its services would be
welcomed or not within a region.
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Session 1B
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Session 4A
Learning Objective
1. Describe how an MNC develops and implements entry strategies and ownership structures.
2. Examine the major types of entry strategies and organizational structures used in handling international
3. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each structures, including the conditions that make one
preferable to others.
4. Describe the recent, nontraditional organizational arrangements coming out of mergers, joint ventures,
keiretsus and other new designs including electronic networks and product developments.
5. Explain how organizational characteristics such as formalization, specialization and centralization influence
how the organization is structured and functions.
Activities, Assignments and Agenda
Reading: Luthans text Text, Chapters 9,10, 11
Individual Assignments
Facilitate a review of individual and team
homework/questions from chapters 9, 10, and 11.
Ensure all questions are answered before moving to
the next topic. It’s critical that students understand
these concepts before introducing and discussing new
Assign students to write a 1-2 page short essay
response on “Getting in on the ground floor”. Be
prepared to answer questions and submit in D2L drop
Group Assignments: Individual and team
questions are assigned after class 4A.
What are the particular conditions faced by MNCs in
emerging markets that may require specialized
strategies? What strategies might be most appropriate
in response?
Answer: In emerging markets, MNCs have tremendous
potential for increased sales and market share.
Especially in countries undergoing rapid changes such
as privatization, MNCs have received extensive
government support. However, there are also
underdevelopment of institutional systems, manifested
in corruption, bureaucracy, and poor law enforcement.
Strategies that are appropriate for emerging markets
include first-mover strategies and strategies for the
responsiveness tends to be of utmost importance,
precluding strategies that emphasize incremental
In Class Assignments/Assessment
The instructor will facilitate a quiz for chapter 1 & 2.
Instructors may use questions from the Luthans
textbook, global issues or from the companion testbank. (Ten questions are suggested for the quiz.)
1. Discuss the suggested topic Australia, in the
international spotlight page 334. Be prepared to
discuss this country in the context of MNC, the
USA and other countries. Answer questions 1-4.
2. Discuss “ You be the International Management
Consultant”- Rushing into Russia. Read the case
and be prepared to answer the questions on page
The use of PowerPoint's, interactive flashcards and
videos provided by Instructor edition, Online Learning
Center/ will promote the words, phrases and concepts
associated with this course.
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Session 1A
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Session 4B
Learning Objectives
Provide comparative examples of decision making in different countries.
Present some of the major factors affecting the degree of decision making authority given to overseas units.
Compare and contrast direct controls with indirect controls.
Describe some of the major differences in the ways that MNCs control operations.
Discuss some of the specific performance measures that are used to control international operations.
Activities, Assignments and Agenda
Review Reading: Luthans text Text, Chapters 9, 10, 11
Individual Discussion Assignments
One of the most common entry strategies for MNCs is the joint venture. Why are so many companies opting
for this strategy? Would a fully owned subsidiary be a better choice?
Answer: What makes a fully owned subsidiary a desirable form of ownership is that the MNC has total control,
and the firm believes that managerial efficiency will be higher if there are no outside partners. However, many
MNCs are opting for joining ventures because the host countries often feel that the MNC is trying to gain
economic control by setting up local operations but refusing to take in local partners.. Post your question by
mid week so other students may have a chance to respond. Reply to two other students posted discussion
2. Team checklist on global investing for organizations.
Examine the major types of entry strategies and organizational structures used in handling international
operations. A number of different organizational structures are used in international operations. Many MNCs
begin by using an export manager or subsidiary to handle overseas business. As the operation grows or the
company expands into more markets, the firm often will opt for an international division structure. Further
growth may result in adoption of a global structural arrangement, such as a global production division, global
area division structure, global functional division, or a mixture of these structures.
Write a 1-2 page description to complete this exercise. Post your team response in the D2L pull down box.
Group Assignments
The following suggested activity can be found in the Luthans text Text instructors manual and Chapter 9.
Describe the recent, nontraditional organizational arrangements coming out of mergers, joint ventures,
keiretsus, and other new designs including electronic networks and product development structures. Some of
the more nontraditional changes in organizational structure stem from the Japanese concept of keiretsu, which
involves the vertical integration and cooperation of a group of companies. Although the Mitsubishi Group, with
28 core member firms, is one of the best examples of this organizational arrangement, U.S. MNCs also are
moving in this direction. Other examples of new MNC organizational arrangements include the emergence of
electronic networks, new roles for organizational synergy, new approaches to organizing for production
development, and the more effective use of IT.
Be sure to monitor the online format to ensure students are fully participating in discussions.
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Session 1B
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Session 5A
Learning Objectives
1. Provide comparative examples of decision making in different countries.
2. Present some of the major factors affecting the degree of decision making authority given to
overseas units.
3. Compare and contrast direct controls with indirect controls.
4. Describe some of the major differences in the ways that MNCs control operations.
5. Discuss some of the specific performance measures that are used to control international
Activities, Assignments and Agenda
Required Reading: Luthans text, Chapter 12, 13, 14
Individual Assignments
Facilitate a review of individual and team homework/questions from chapters 12, 13, and 14. Ensure all
questions are answered before moving to the next topic. It’s critical that students understand these concepts
before introducing and discussing new subjects Assign the students to write a 2-4 page short essay response
and submit in D2L drop box compare and contrast Singapore with Hong Kong from the perspective of doing
business in those respective countries.
Group Assignments: Individual and team questions are assigned after class 5A.
1. Motivation is the key, page 453. Discuss this case and the ramifications to management foreign and
In Class Assignments/Assessment
Suggested Class Discussion: Discuss the perceptions of many foreign companies operating in India regarding
employee retention. Why do efforts to increase compensation fail to reduce employee turnover?
How can companies in India limit employee turnover?
Related Internet Sites:
Business Week: {http://www.businessweek.com}.
1.The instructor will facilitate a quiz for chapters 9, 10, 11. Instructors may use questions from the Luthans text
Text textbook, global issues or from the companion test-bank.. (Ten questions are suggested for the quiz.)
2. Be prepared to participate in the discussion regarding Charles Luthans Text Chap 12,13, 14, Discussion
Questions .
The use of PowerPoint's, interactive flashcards and videos provided by Instructor edition, Online Learning
Center will promote the course concepts, words and phrases for this course.
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Session 1A
International Management | INTB 302
Faculty Evening Session 5B
Learning Objectives
Describe the basic philosophic foundation and styles of managerial leadership.
Examine the attitudes of European managers toward leadership practices.
Compare and contrast leadership styles in Japan and those in the United States.
Review leadership approaches in China, the middle East and developing countries.
Discuss the relationship of cultural clusters and leader behavior on effective leadership practices
including increasing calls for more responsible global leadership.
Activities, Assignments and Agenda
Review Reading: Luthans text text Chapter 12, 13, 14
1. Team Discussion Assignment- Risk-Rates, and Strategy-GBP draft
Write a 1-2 page short essay summary and submit in D2L drop box regarding.
What are the implications of offshore outsourcing for the management of human resources globally and in
India in particular?
Answer: Offshore outsourcing will provide MNC managers with tremendous opportunities for finding the right
talent in an extremely large, global market. Outsourcing also enables MNCs to take advantage of lower labor
costs in other countries. Moreover, offshore outsourcing can provide companies with increased flexibility.
On the other hand, offshore outsourcing presents substantial challenges, particularly in terms of coordination,
integration, and quality management. Moreover, innovative human resource management is necessary in
order to manage organizational commitment, employee morale, and job satisfaction in an environment that
lacks face-to-face contact. Finally, depending on the source of human resources, many other issues may need
to be managed, such as corruption, variations in technical or ethical standards, human rights violations,
language and cultural barriers, and perceptual biases, which might further complicate coordination and
integration. Employee retention is a big problem in India. In fact, some MNCs find that the cost of high
employee turnover can actually offset the benefits of the country’s lower wage rate.
2. Individual Discussion Assignment
Respond and/ answer these questions as a foundation for the discussion . Please make your initial post by
midweek and respond to at least two other students' post by the end of the week. What selection criteria are
most important in choosing people for an overseas assignment? Identify and describe the four that you judge
to be of most universal importance and defend your choice.
Group Assignments
The following suggested activity can be found in the Charles Luthans Text instructors manual Discussion of the
case can revolve around the following question. A New York MNC is in the process of staffing a subsidiary in
New Delhi, India. Why would it consider using expatriate managers in the unit? Local
managers? Third-country managers?
schedule &
Love of Christ and Neighbor  Prayer  Stability  Conversatio  Obedience  Discipline  Humility  Stewardship  Hospitality  Community
Session 1B