File - Ms. McGowan's Science Page

Warm Up
your half sheet of paper,
write at least two questions
you have about your senses
(touch, vision, hearing, smell,
Explain why certain areas of the body are variously sensitive
and therefore have different sized receptive fields
Notes: Intro to Senses and Touch
Do you get the point?
Finish Lab
Guided Notes: Intro to Senses
Sensation—the conscious or subconscious awareness of the
internal and external conditions of the body
Detected by receptors
Type of receptor varies depending on the sense
Mechanoreceptors—responds to mechanical stimuli for touch,
stretch, pressure, position, and hearing
Meissner’s corpuscles and Merkel disks—touch
Pacinian corpuscles--pressure
Photoreceptors—responds to light stimuli for vision
Chemoreceptors—responds to chemical stimuli for smell and
Guided Notes: Intro to Senses
4 steps of each receptor
Reception—detection of stimuli by sensory receptors
Transduction—conversion of stimuli into change in membrane
potential of sensory receptor
Transmission—if threshold is reached, action potential propagates to
the brain
Integration—brain’s construction of stimuli
Amplification—strengthening of stimulus by exciting more
Adaptation—weakening of stimulus due to continued stimulation
To prevent cell death
Fast adapters—thermoreceptors, pressure receptors, and touch
Slow adapters—nocioceptors and proprioceptors
Guided Notes: Touch
Receptive field—skin area served by a single sensory
Two point touch threshold—the minimum distance at which
the touch of two points can be distinguished
Inversely proportional to the density of sensory receptors
Proportional to the size of the receptive field
Inversely proportional to the density of sensory receptors
Referred pain—presence of pain felt in part of body different
from part of body that is actually generating pain
Due to convergence of sensory receptors
EX: heart and left upper limb enter spinal cord at same level
EX: brain freeze
EX: Phantom Limb—perception of stimuli at location of amputated
Do You Get the Point?
Working with a partner, explore the two point threshold of
your forehead, cheek, back of forearm, palm of hand, tip of
thumb, tip of index finger, and back of lower leg using two
Warm Up
Why would a neurologist administer a two point
discrimination test on a patient?
Explain why certain areas of the body are variously sensitive
and therefore have different sized receptive fields
Finish Do you get the point?
Go over Do you get the point?
Do You Get the Point?
Working with a partner, explore the two point threshold of
your forehead, cheek, back of forearm, palm of hand, tip of
thumb, tip of index finger, and back of lower leg using two
Warm Up
What part of your body had the smallest two point threshold?
Why do you think this is?
What does this mean in terms of size of receptive field, density of
neurons, and sensitivity?
What part of your body had the largest two point threshold?
Why do you think this is?
What does this mean in terms of size of receptive field, density of
neurons, and sensitivity?
+  Objective:
 Identify
at least ten major structures of the
 Explain why we become congested after
 Agenda:
 Last
call for “Do You Get the Point?” Lab
 Guided Notes: Anatomy of the Eye
 Coloring and Labeling
 Application Questions
 Homework:
 Finish
Application Questions
Guided Notes: Anatomy of the Eye
Internal Structures
 Sclera—outermost connective tissue layer that surrounds eye
everywhere except cornea
 Reason we see whites of eyes
 Cornea—clear covering over visible portion of eye
 where light enters eye
 Contains nocioceptors because cornea very vulnerable to
 Easily repairs self
 No blood vessels so easily transplanted with no fear of
 Choroid—vascular layer under sclera
 Ciliary muscle and fibers—smooth muscle and fibers at anterior
of eye attached to the lens and the iris
 Iris—pigmented smooth muscle that regulates amount of light
entering eye
 Gives eye color
 Constrict for bright light or close vision
 Dilate for dim light or distant vision
 Pupil—round opening in iris through which light passes
Retina—innermost sensory layer under choroid that only
extends posteriorly from ciliary body and lens
Rods—responsible for gray tones in dim light,
concentrated peripherally
Cones—responsible for color, concentrated centrally, red,
green, and blue cones—if all stimulated, we see white
Signal moves from photoreceptors to bipolar cells to
ganglion cells to optic nerve
Blind spot--site where optic nerve leaves eyeball
Fovea—site next to blind spot that only contains cones, area
of sharpest vision
Lens—flexible biconvex structure that focuses light on retina
Aqueous humor—clear watery fluid anterior to lens
Provides nutrients for cornea and lens
Maintains intraocular pressure
Vitreous humor—gel-like fluid posterior to lens
Prevents eye from collapsing in on self
Maintains intraocular pressure
Accessory Structures
Eyelids with eyelashes
Conjunctiva—the outermost membrane that secretes mucus to
lubricate the eyeball
Lacrimal gland—structure superior and lateral to eyeball that
produces salty tears
Tears contain antibodies and lysozymes
Tears move across eyeball medially and drain into nasal
6 eye muscles
Coloring, Labeling, and
Application Questions
Label the eyeball diagram on the back of your notes sheet
Then, color each structure a different color
When you finish coloring, answer you application questions
Warm Up
Why do we become congested after crying?
Pass your Application Questions to the aisle for collection
+  Objective:
 Explain
the cause of at least 5 vision
 Agenda:
 Last
call for “Do You Get the Point?” Lab
 Guided Notes: Vision and Vision Problems
 Application Questions
 Homework:
 Close
Reading: Vision
Guided Notes: Vision
Lens Refraction
Refraction—bending of light rays so that they focus at any given
point on the retina
Lens is “set” for distance vision
Ciliary muscle is relaxed, so fibers holding lens are taut, lens is
Accomodation—ability for lens to change shape for close vision
Ciliary muscle contracts, so fibers holding lens slack, lens
Guided Notes: Vision
Visual Fields and Visual Pathways to the Brain
Optic chiasma—fibers from the medial side of each eye cross
over to the opposite side of the brain
Optic tracts—contains fibers from the lateral side of the eye on
the same side and the medial side of the opposite eye
Two similar but different images from both eyes
Results in depth perception and 3D images
Integrated in thalamus and occipital lobe
Guided Notes: Vision
Doctor regularly administers fundoscopic exam
Uses ophthalmoscope to visualize fundus—posterior of eye
Will observe retina, blood vessels, and internal disc to
determine if DM, arteriosclerosis, or degeneration of optic
nerve or retina
Guided Notes: Vision Problems
Eye Issues
Night blindness—prolonged vitamin A deficiency causes deterioration of rods
Color blindness—lack of cones
 Most common: sex-linked red-green color blindness in men
 Use differences in intensities to determine red from green
Cataracts—hardening of lens resulting in hazy vision and eventually blindness
 Risk factors: DM, too much sunlight, smoking
 Treatment: replace lens
Glaucoma—blockage of aqueous humor drainage resulting in increase in
intraocular pressure and therefore damage to retina and optic nerve
 Common cause of blindness in elderly because progresses slowly with no
 To prevent, doctors check intraocular pressure yearly in patients over 40
with tonometer
 To treat, eyedrops that increase drainage or laser or surgical enlargement of
Guided Notes: Vision Problems
Myopia—“nearsightedness,” can see close objects, distant objects
blurry because image focused in front of retina, need concave lenses
Hyperopia—“farsightedness,” can see far objects, close objects
blurry because image focused behind retina, need convex lenses
Astigmatism—cornea or lens is more oval shaped resulting in blurred
Nystagmus—rapid involuntary eye movement
Strabismus—“cross-eyed” or misalignment of eyes due to cranial
nerve damage
Can lead to amblyopia—“lazy eye” because child’s brain will
ignore one image over the other
Hemianopia—CVA damages one optic tract, resulting in loss of vision
on one side of visual field (left or right depending on site of CVA)
Application Questions
Work together to answer your application questions
When you finish, complete your reading
Warm Up
Why do long periods of reading or computer work or video
games result in eyestrain?
Why does periodically staring into the distance prevent and
relieve eyestrain?
Pass your application questions and close reading to the aisle for
+  Objective:
Discuss the efficiency of the multitude of tests available to test
vision issues such as those associated with acuity, astigmatism,
and colorblindness
 Agenda:
 Collect
Application Questions and Close
 Vision Lab
 Closing
 Homework:
 Finish Vision
Lab Analysis Questions
 Wear appropriate clothing for cow eye
dissection tomorrow!
Vision Lab
Move around to each station, to complete your lab sheet
How do did you test for visual acuity during your lab?
Is this the best way to test visual acuity?
Warm Up
How d
Pass your vision lab to the aisle for collection
+  Objective:
Identify and explain the importance of the major structures of
the sheep eye, including the sclera, cornea, choroid, ciliary
muscles, ciliary fibers, iris, pupil, retina, blind spot, lens,
aqueous humor, and vitreous humor.
 Agenda:
 Collect Vision
 Eye Dissection
 Closing
 Homework:
 None!
Eye Dissection
Working with your lab table, follow the directions on your lab
worksheet to dissect the sheep eye
What surprised you most about this dissection?
Warm Up
Why do animals eyes “glow” in the dark when light is shined
on them at night? Consider what this structure is called and
what purpose it holds in the animal eye.
Pass your Eye Dissection Lab and Close Reading: Why do
limbs fall asleep? to the aisle for collection.
 Objective:
Self assess their knowledge of touch and vision informally
through review prior to tomorrow’s touch and vision quiz.
 Agenda:
 Touch
and Vision Quiz Review
 Brain Games: In Living Color
 Closing
 Homework:
 Touch/Vision
Quiz Tomorrow
Touch and Vision Quiz Review
Take out your touch and vision quiz review
Follow along as we go over the answers
Brain Games: In Living Color
As you watch, consider the question, why do we see after
Warm Up
Why do we see after images?
 Objective:
Assess their knowledge of touch and vision formally through
their touch and vision quiz.
 Agenda:
 Touch
and Vision Quiz
 Closing
 Homework:
 None!
Touch and Vision Quiz
Put everything away except for a writing utensil
If you have a question during your quiz, raise your hand and I
will come answer it
Hold on to your quiz when you finish; I will collect them all at
the same time
Good luck!
How was your quiz?
Why do you think you performed in this way?
Consider how you participated in class, how you studied, and how
Ms. McGowan presented the information
Warm Up
What memory comes to mind when you think of the smell of
chocolate chip cookies?
 Objective:
Explain why certain people like certain smells while others
dislike them
Explain why an individual’s smell preference changes over time
 Agenda:
 Guided
Notes: Smell
 Smell Lab
 Closing
 Homework:
 None!
Guided Notes: Smell
Anatomy of Olfactory Receptors
Olfactory hairs (cilia) coated in mucus make up a postage
stamp-size area on roof of nasal cavity
Chemicals dissolve into the mucus
Olfactory hairs respond to chemicals by sending action
potentials down the olfactory nerve
Olfactory nerves bundle and transmit signals to the olfactory
cortex of the brain for integration and interpretation
Guided Notes: Smell
The olfactory pathway is closely tied to the limbic system
(emotions and memory) in brain
This is why we like certain smells and dislike certain smells!
This is why our smell preference can change over time!
Chemoreceptors are fast-adapters
Guided Notes: Smell
Highest functioning at birth
During mid 40s, chemoreceptors decrease in number, resulting in
smell deficits
Half of those over 80 can’t smell at all
Anosmia—temporary or permanent loss of smell due to nasal
cavity inflammation, head injury, or aging
Epileptics often experience olfactory auras (or hallucinations)
preceding seizures
Smell Lab!
Working individually, move around the room to each lab
At each lab station, “puff” the fragrance near your nose.
Then, determine your smell preference (whether you like, dislike,
or don’t have a preference for the smell).
Next, describe the memory that comes to mind when you smell
this fragrance.
Finally, attempt to identify the smell from the 7 options given.
When you are finished, return to your seat and quietly answer
your analysis questions.
We will have a class discussion when everyone is done
collecting data.
Why do some people like certain smells while others dislike
Why does an individual’s smell preference change over
Warm Up
Are senses “connected”? If so, which ones?
 Objective:
 Explain
how smell affects taste
 Agenda:
 Guided
Notes: Taste
 Jellybean Taste Lab
 Closing
 Homework:
 None!
Guided Notes:
Anatomy of Taste Buds
Bumps on tongue are called papillae
On each papillae are numerous taste buds
Majority of our 10,000 taste buds are located on our tongue
Also located on roof of mouth, cheeks and throat
Saliva dissolves chemicals in food/drink
Gustatory hairs (microvilli) respond to chemicals by sending
action potentials down the gustatory nerve
Gustatory nerves bundle and transmit signals to the gustatory
cortex of the brain for integration and interpretation
Guided Notes: Taste
5 basic tastes:
Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami
originally thought each taste is concentrated on certain areas of
the tongue
although small differences, many areas are sensitive to
multiple tastes
Taste likes and dislikes change on daily basis based on what
body needs (homeostasis)
Spicy foods trigger nocioceptors
Taste highly connected to smell
Guided Notes: Taste
Taste buds are replaced every 7-10 days
Highest functioning at birth
During mid 40s, chemoreceptors decrease in number, resulting in
taste deficits
Issues with taste are typically a result of anosmia
Jellybean Taste Lab!
With your partner, follow the directions to determine how
smell affects taste
How does smell affect taste?
Warm Up
How do scientists test for synesthesia? How do they confirm
that these people don’t just have an overactive imagination?
 Objective:
 Identify
whether or not they are a non-taster,
average taster, or super-taster
 Explain what creates a non-taster, average
taster, and super-taster
 Agenda:
 Turn
in Jellybean Taste Lab, Application
Questions: Taste and Smell, Close Reading:
 Supertaster Reading and Lab
 Closing
 Homework:
 None!
Supertaster Lab
Individually, read the supertaster pre-lab reading and
answer the corresponding questions
We will discuss these answers as a class
Then, working in partners, you will determine if you are a
Are you a super-taster?
Do you like spicy/well-seasoned food?
Do your answers to these two questions align? If so, explain
why they do. If not, explain why they might not.
Warm Up
What is the dot in the medial corner of your eyes responsible
 Objective:
 Explain
the movement of sound through the
ear to create hearing.
 Explain how the body uses head position to
maintain balance.
 Agenda:
 Guided
Notes: Hearing and Balance
 Sound Animation
 Application Questions: Hearing and Balance
 Closing
 Homework:
 Finish
Application Questions
Guided Notes:
Hearing and Balance—activated independently of one another
Anatomy of the Ear
Outer Ear—hearing
 Pinna
 What we think of when we say “ear”
 Collects sounds waves, not needed in humans
 Auditory canal
 1 inch long pathway from pinna to tympanic membrane
 Contains ceruminous glands that secrete cerumen (earwax)
 Traps foreign bodies and repels insects
 Tympanic membrane
 Eardrum vibrates when hit with sound waves
Guided Notes:
Middle Ear—hearing
 Ossicles
 The three smallest bones in the body
 Hammer/malleus
 Anvil/incus
 Stirrup/stapes
 Oval window
 Moves inward when pressed upon by stapes
 Transmits signal from stapes to cochlea
 Round window
 Moves outward when oval window moves inward
 Allows movement in inner ear
 Eustachian tube
 Canal between middle ear and pharynx
 Typically closed
 However, when pressure unequal on either side of tympanic
membrane, tympanic membrane does not vibrate properly
 Therefore, auditory tube will open to equalize the pressure (when you
swallow or yawn)
Guided Notes:
Inner Ear—hearing and balance
 Cochlea
 Pea-sized spiral
 Responsible for hearing
 Vibrations from oval window cause movement of gel-like fluid in
portion of cochlea called organ of corti
 Gel-like fluid pulls on hair cells
 Hair cells send an action potential to the temporal cortex
 Frequency activates particular hair cells based on location in organ of
 High frequency (high pitch) sounds activate short hairs close to oval
 Low frequency (low pitch) sounds activate long hairs far from oval
 Vestibule and Semicircular Canals
 Responsible for balance/equilibrium
 When head moves (or change in gravitational pull), gel-like fluid
 Gel-like fluid pulls on hair cells
 Hair cells send an action potential to the cerebellum
Sound Animation
Application Questions: Hearing
and Balance
Using what you have just learning, work with your neighbors
to complete your hearing and balance application questions
Explain how sound moves through the ear to produce
hearing, using all appropriate terms.