Electronic annex 2e Checklist of features for families and care staff to look for Name of patient: Relative/staff members interviewed: Assessor/expert: Question Observed Describe what was seen and how often By whom? (Y/N) Seeing 1 Do they follow movement with their eyes? 2 Do they look at people, pictures, photos etc? 3 Do they follow written instruction? Sounds 4 Do they turn away or look towards sound, eg music or voice? 5 Do they follow spoken instruction? Touch 6 Do they move away or towards touch? Smell/taste 7 Do they move away or towards smell or hold their breath? 8 Do they make different responses to certain smells? 9 Do they pull faces to different tastes? (cont’d) 1 Question Observed Describe what was seen and how often By whom? (Y/N ) Movement/function 10 Have you seen them make purposeful movements? 11 Do they hold objects or move them? 12 Do they move towards objects? 13 Do they move in response to command? Communication 14 Do they show a preference for certain people? 15 Do they smile in response to a joke or cry/grimace or moan in response to something unpleasant? 16 Do they make gestures, eg thumbs up? 17 Do they communicate, ie blink or say words, to indicate ‘yes’ or ‘no’? Wakefulness/arousal 18 Is there anything that appears to keep them more awake or alert? Source: Royal College of Physicians. Prolonged disorders of consciousness: national clinical guidelines. London: RCP, 2013. 2