Senses Presentation Instructions Topics Include: Vision Hearing Touch Taste Smell Project The objective of this project is to present a product that will ensure the general knowledge of the 5 senses. Your group will give a presentation that will include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Present a visual aide- 10 Points Define the vocabulary and anatomy of your topic- 3o points Give a demonstration, activity, or experiment relating to your topic- 30 points Create a handout about the content to give to the class- 10 points Presentation STYLE , know your content, make it come alive for your audience, be organized and to the point, eye contact, etc.- 20 points Please print and bring to your presentation a copy of the rubric. Presentation must include the following vocabulary: Vision Transduction Hearing Structure of eye Frequency Accommodation Pitch Acuity Decibels Nearsightedness/farsightedness Structure of Ear Feature detectors Place Theory Parallel processing Frequency Theory Young-Helmholtz theory Conduction Hearing Loss Opponent-processing theory Sensorineural Hearing Loss Color constancy Cochlear Implant Deaf Culture 1 Taste Touch Sensory Interaction Four Basic skin sensations Four Basic Sensations Somatosensory (sensory) Cortex Taste Buds Feeling Pain Gustatory System Feeling Pressure Supertasters/Nontasters Phantom Limb Sensation Papillae Gate Control Theory Pathway of Tasting Lamaze Method Taste Preferences Acupuncture Smell Olfaction Process of Smelling Olfactory Anatomy Anosmics/ Hyposmia Pheromenes Nasal Cavity Aromatherapy Effect of Smell on Emotions 2 Senses Presentation Rubric Topic: Names: Each content area is worth 10 points Visual Aid o Use for presentation o Appearance/effort Vocabulary/Anatomy o Thorough information o Specific and concrete Activity/demonstration o How it enhances material o Effectiveness/effort Handout o Detailed and relevant o Thorough information Presentation style o Organization/comprehension o Eye contact/gestures/vocal clarity o Well planned/structure ____/10 _____/30 _____/30 _____/20 _____/20 3