SUBASH DOCUMENTS - Rajas Group of Colleges

Civil Engineering Department
QB 2 marks
1. What is Management?
Management is the process of giving direction and controlling the various activities of the
people to achieve the objectives of an organization.
2. Define Management.
According to Knootz and Weihrich “Management is the process of designing and maintaining
of an environment in which individuals working together in groups, efficiently accomplish
selected aims”.
3. Write some characteristics of Management.
Management is a continuous process.
Manager use the resources of the organization both physical as well as human to
Achieve goals.
Management aims act achieving the organization goals by ensuring effective use of
4. What are the roles of management in organization?
1. Management helps in determination of the objectives of an organization.
2. Economic and social development takes place through management.
5. Write any 2 points favor for management as a science.
1) Management principles should be verifiable.
2) Reliable basis through management.
6. Write any 2 points favor for management as an art.
i. Management is creative.
ii. Management includes the use of practical knowledge and personal skill.
7. Who is the father of Scientific management?
Frederick Winslow Taylor.
8. What is Time Study?
The movements which takes the minimum time is the best one.
9. What is Motion Study?
Taylor suggested that eliminating wasteful movements and performing only necessary
10. Write Fayol’s 14 principles of management.
 Division of work
Authority and Responsibility
Unity of Command
Unity of direction
Individual interest to general interest
Scalar chain
 Equity
ESprite de crops.
11. What is Authority?
It is the power given to a person to get work from the subordinates.
12. What is Responsibility?
It is the amount of work expected of from a man by his superior.
13. Comment: Management is both- A science and an art.
Management is a science because it contains general principles. It is also an art because it
requires certain personal skills to be achieve desired results.
14. What is Centralization?
The organization is centralized when the power is concentrated with one person.
15. What is Decentralization?
If the power is fully distributed to the subordinates of the organization.
16. What is Esprit – de- crops?
This means union is strength. In organization employees should be harmony and unity.
17. What are Management Levels?
Top level
Middle level
Lower level
18. Write the functions of management.
 Staffing
19. What are the essential skills need for the managers?
Technical skill
Human skill
 Conceptual skill.
20. Define Sole trading.
The sole proprietorship is that form of business organization which is owned and controlled
by a single individual.
21. What is Partnership?
A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on business and to share its
profit and lossess.
22. What is Joint stock company?
A private limited company is a company which has a minimum paid up capital destroyed be
24. What is a Co-operative society?
It is a voluntary association of persons for mutual benefit and it aims accomplished through
self help and collective effort.
25. What is a social responsibility?
Society is the parts of the management to interact actions wither to protect social interest a
1.Define planning.
Planning is the process of selecting the objectives and the determining the course of action
required to achieve these objectives.
2. What are the objectives of planning?
Planning is the primary function of an organization
It helps in achieving objectives
 It is done to cope with uncertainty and change
It helps in facilitating control
It helps in coordination
It increases organizational effectiveness.
It guides in decision making.
3. List out the features of planning.
Planning –a primary function
Planning – a dynamic process
Planning – based on objectives and policies
Planning – a selective process
Pervasiveness of planning.
4. What are the different types of planning?
Mission or purpose Programmes
Objectives Budgets
Strategies Schedules
Policies Methods
Procedures projects
5.Define Mission.
Mission may be defined as “as a statement which defines the role that an organization plays
in the society ”.
6. Define objectives.
The term objectives or goals are often used interchangeably. Objectives are the end results
towards which the activities of firm are aimed or directed.
7.What is meant by strategy?
Strategy of an organization is the programmes of action and deployment of resources to
attain its objectives.
8. What are the factors to be considered while formulating strategies?
1. Mission and objectives of an organization.
2. Values, aspirations and prejudices of top level management
3. Opportunities and threads of the external environment.
4. Strength and weakness of the firm in various aspects such as funds, organization
structure, human talent, technology, etc.
9.Define policies.
Policies are general statements or understandings which provide guidance in decision
making to various managers.
10. What is procedure?
Procedure is a chronological order of actions required to implement a policy and to achieve
an objectives.
11. How rules can be defined?
Rules are plans in which they suggest the required course of action .
12. What is programme?
Programme is a broad term which includes goals, policies, procedure, rules, task
assignment, steps to be taken, resources to be employed to carry out a given course of
13. Define Budgets.
A budget is a statement of expected results in numerical terms and therefore, it may be
referred as a numerical programme.
14. Classify budgets.
i. Variable budgets or Flexible budgets
ii. Programme budgets
iii. Zero-base budget
15. Give the flow diagram of planning steps.
1 Identification of opportunities
2 Establishment of objectives
3 Developing planning premises
4 Identification of alternatives
5 Evaluation of alternatives
6 Selecting an alterative
7 Formulating derivative plans
8 Establishing sequence of activities
16. What is objective?
Objectives are the aims, purposes or goals that an organization wants to achieve over
varying periods of time.
17. List down the guidelines for the objective setting.
1. objective should cover the main features of the job
2. objectives must be clearly specified in writing
3. The list of objectives should not be too long. Wherever it is possible, combine some
objectives to make the list reasonable.
4. objectives should be verifiable.
18. Mention the different areas of an organization towards objective setting.
Market standing
Resources- physical and financial
Manager performance and development
 Public responsibility
Worker performance, attitude and development.
19. What are the benefits of objective setting?
i. It sets specific targets for the employee to achieve which are liked to business/
development plan.
ii. It states how the performance of the employee is to be measured to assess progress.
iii. It provides direction of the employee.
iv. It allows progress, targets, and successes to be monitored and measured by the
v. It helps build working relationships between the employee and the manager and
improves overall communications.
20. What is MBO?
MBO is a process where by the superior and the subordinate managers of an enterprise
jointly identify its common goals, define each individual’s major areas of responsibility in
terms of results expected of him, and use these measures as guides for operating the unit
and the contribution of each of its members is assessed.
21. What are the benefits of MBO?
o Improvement of managing
o Clarification of organization
o Personnel satisfaction
o Team work
o Development of effective control.
22. Explain the term decision and decision making.
A decision may be a direction to other to do or not to do. Decision making is defined as the
process of choosing a course of action from among alternatives to achieve a desired goal. It
is one of the functions of management and also a core process of planning. The
management executive takes a number of decisions every day. Thus, a decision may be
rational or irrational. There are number of alternatives available to the management. The
best one is selected out of the available alternatives.
23. Write down the process followed in decision – making process.
1 Identification of problem
2 Diagnosis and analysis the problem
3 Search for alternatives
4 Evaluation of alternatives
5 Selecting an alternatives
6 Implementation and follow up
7 Feed back
24. What is planning premises?
The assumptions about future derived from forecasting and used in planning are known as
planning premises.
25. How would you evaluate the importance of a decision?
Decision making is a selection process. The best alternative is selected out of many
available alternatives.
Decision-making is a goal –oriented process.
Decision making is the end process.
Decision making is a human and rational process involving the application of intellectual
Decision making is a dynamic process.
1. Define organizing.
Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping of activities required to attain the
objectives, delegating authority, creating the responsibility and establishing relationships for
the people to work effectively.
2. What do you understand by effective organizing?
Effective organizing focuses on finding mistakes in present organizing and avoiding such
mistakes by proper planning. Effective organizing avoids organizational inflexibility and
makes the staff work effectively by avoiding conflicts by clarification.
3. Mention any 4 characteristics of an organization.
Common objectives
Specialization or division of labor
Authority of structure
Group of persons.
4. State the kinds of organizational charts.
Vertical chart
Horizontal or left to right chart
Circular or concentric chart.
5. What is Span of control?
Span of control means the number of people managed effectively by a single superior in an
organization. The term “span of control” is also known as “SPAN OF MANAGEMENT”, “SPAN
OF AUTHORITY” and “SPAN OF RESPONSIBILITY.” But span of management is a better term
because control and supervision are elements of management.
Mention the 3 categories of span of management.
Direct single relationship
Direct group relationship
Cross relationship.
7. State the important factors in determining an effective span.
1 Capacity of superior
2 Capacity of subordinate
3 Nature of work
4 Type of technology
5 Delegation of authority
8. What are the types of Departmentation?
1 Departmentation by numbers
2 Departmentation by time
3 Departmentation by Enterprise function
4 Departmentation by Territory
5 Departmentation by Customers
6 Departmentation by equipment or process
7 Departmentation by product or service
9. What is a matrix structure?
Matrix structure is a hybrid organizational form, containing characteristics of both project
and functional structures.
10. How can we define power?
“power is the probability that one actor within the relationship will be in a position to carry
out his own despite resistance”.
11. What is Staff authority?
The relationship between a staff manager and the line manager with whom he works
depends in part on the staff duties.
12. Define Staffing.
Staffing is the part of the management process which is concerned with the procurement
utilization, maintenance and development of a large satisfied work force on the
13. Define HRP.
“HRP is the process by which an organization ensures that it has the right number and kind
of people at the right place at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently
completion, those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall objectives”.
14. What are the steps involved in man power planning?
 Forecasting man power needs
Forecasting man power inventory
 Identifying man power gaps
Man power programme.
15. What is job analysis?
Job analysis is a detailed study of job to identify the skills, experience and aptitude required
for the job.
16. What is job design?
The job design is usually broad enough to accommodate people’s, need and desires.
17. What is job rotation?
The job rotation refers in the movement of an employee from the job to another.
18. Define Recruitment.
B. FIPPO defined recruitment as “the process of searching for prospective employees and
stimulating to apply for jobs in the organization”.
19. What is selection?
Selection is the process of finding out the most suitable candidate to the job out of the
candidates attached.
20. What are the steps involved in selection process?
1 Screening of applications
2 Selection tests
3 Preliminary interview
4 Reference check
5 Medical examination
6 Final interview
7 Approved by appropriate authority
8 Placement
21. What is performance appraisal?
Performance appraisal evaluates the performance of worker also his potential for
22. What is Halo effect?
It is tendency of rather to depend excessively on the rating of one. Trait or behavioral
consideration in rating all other traits or behavioral considerations.
23. What is assessment centre?
In this approach individuals from various departments are brought together to spend two or
three days working on an individual or group assignment similar to the ones they would be
handling when promoted.
24. Define Training.
According to B.FIPPO “training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an
employee for doing a particular job”.
25. What are the methods of Training?
1 Job rotation 1 Lecture
2 Apprenticeship and coaching 2 Seminars
3 Committee assignments 3 Case studies
4 Experience 4 Business game
5 Temporary promotions 5 In basket method
26. What is basket training method?
Basket contains a number of correspondences like memo, circulars, lectures and reports.
The trainees are required to solve ach problem and to record their decisions within a
specified tie period. This training is promotes the skills like logical thinking, time
management skill and decision making skill.
1. What is meant by the term directing?
Directing may be defined as the process of instructing, guiding and inspiring human factors
in the organization to achieve organization objectives. It is not only issuing orders and
instruction by a superior to his subordinates but also including the process of guiding and
inspiring them to work effectively.
2. List down the human factors in managing.
Multiplicity of roles
Personal dignity
3. Define creativity.
Creativity is defined as the ability to produce new and useful ideas through the combination
of know principles and components in novel and non obvious ways. Creativity exists
throughout the population, largely independent of age, sex, and education.
4. What are the steps involved in creative process?
 Frustration and incubation
Inspiration or illumination
 Verification.
5. How are problems solved by creative tool?
Creativity tools are designed to help you devise, creative and imaginative solutions to
problems. It helps you spot opportunities that you might otherwise miss.
6. What does SCAMPER stand for?
S - Substitute
C - Combine
A - Adapt
M - Modify
P - Put to another use
E - Eliminate
R - Reverse
7. What are the steps involved in simplex tool?
1. problem finding
fact finding
problem identification
idea finding
selection and evaluation
sell data
How can be harmonizing objectives achieved?
Mutual trust
Cooperation and understanding.
Workers participation in management, and
Balancing the objectives of the organization with those of individuals.
9. Define “multiplicity of roles”.
Individuals are not only the productive factor in management’s plans. They are members of
social system of many organizations.
10. What is meant by brain storming?
Brain storming is an excellent way of developing many creative solutions to a problem. It
works by focusing on a problem, and then coming up with very many radical solutions to it.
The essence of brainstorming is a creative conference, ideally of 8 to 12 people meeting for
less than an hour to develop a long list of 50 or more ideas. Suggestions are listed without
criticism on a black board or news print as they are offered.
11. Define Motivation.
Motivation is a general term applying to the entire class of drives, desires, needs wishes and
similar forces that induce an individual or a group of people to work.
12. What are the steps involved in motivation process?
Analysis of situation
Preparing, selecting and applying a set of appropriate motivating tools.
Follow up.
13. What are the types of motivation?
Positive motivation
 Negative motivation
Extrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation
14. List out the basic needs in a hierarchy.
1. Physiological needs
2. Safety needs
3. Social needs
4. Esteem needs
5. Self- actualization needs.
15. What is job enrichment?
Job enrichment is therefore based on the assumptions that in order to motivate personnel,
the job itself must provide opportunities for achievement, recognition, responsibility,
advancement and growth.
16. Define leadership.
Leadership is the process of influencing the behavior of others towards the accomplishment
of goals in a given situation.
17. Mention the importance of leadership.
i. Motivating employees
ii. Leader develops team work
iii. Better utilization of manpower
iv. Creating confidence to followers
v. Directing group activities
vi. Building morale
vii. Maintaining discipline.
18. List out few leadership traits.
• The Michigan studies
• The ohio state university studies
• The managerial grid.
19. Name the various leadership styles.
• Autocratic or Dictatorial leadership
• Participative or Democratic leadership.
• Laissez- faire or Free- rein leadership.
20. What is communication?
Communication is the passing of information from one person to another person.
21. Mention the various elements in the process of communication?
1. sender
2. communication channels
3. symbols
4. receiver
5. noise and feedback in communication.
22. Name the various types of communication.
1. Down ward communication
2. Upward communication
3. Horizontal or lateral communication.
23. Note down the various communicating networks.
1. simple chain
2. wheel
3. circular
4. free flow
5. inverted v
24. What are the physical barriers involved in effective communication.
1. physical barriers
2. socio-psychological or personal barriers
3. organizational barriers
4. semantic barriers
5. mechanical barriers.
25. List out the various effective media in communication.
A large bank supplies hardware and software to its customers
Several banks now make bank – by – phone services available even to individuals.
E- mail service making easy delivery of documents.
1. Define Control.
According to koontz “controlling to the measurement and correction of performance in order
to make sure that enterprise objectives and the plans devised to attain them are
2. What are the characteristics of control?
Control process is universal
 Control is a continuous process
Control is action based
Control is forward looking.
3. Why need of control in the organization?
Control can minimize the mistakes
To discover the deviations in the management
 To minimize dishonest behavior of employees.
4. Give some critical point standards of control.
Cost standards
Revenue standards
Goals standards
Program standards.
5. What are the types of control?
 Feedback control
Concurrent control
Feed forward control
6. What are the requirements for effective control?
i. The control should be economical
ii. It must be simple
iii. It should be flexible
iv. It should be clear objectives.
7. What is management by exception?
Actual performance compare with the standard performance deviations which cannot
significant should be avoid.
8. What are traditional techniques of control?
i. Personal observation
ii. Break –even analysis
iii. Statistical reports
iv. Budgetary control.
9. What are modern techniques of control?
i. Management audit
ii. Return on investment
iii. PERT& CPM
iv. MIS
10. Define Budgetary control.
According to J. Batty “A system which uses budgets as a means of planning and controlling
all aspects of producing and or selling commodities and services”.
11. What are the different types of Budgets?
Short term budget Fixed budgeti. Sales budget
ii. Current term budget Flexible budgetProduction budget
iii. Purchase budget Long term budget
iv. personnel budget
v. Cash budget
vi. Research and Development budget
vii. Capital budget
viii. Master budget
ix. Profit budget
x. Cost budget
12. Define MIS.
“A system of obtaining abstracting , storing and analyzing data, to productions information
for use in planning, controlling and decision making by managers at the time they can most
effectively use it”.
13. What are the MIS Resources?
Computer hardware
14. Define productivity.
Productivity is a measure of how much input is required to produce a given output i.e. the
ratio(output/input ) is called productivity.
15. What are the factors consider for product design?
Government policy
Product quality
16. Define OR.
OR is a systematic analysis of a problem through scientific methods, carried out by
appropriate specialists, working together as a team, finding an optimum and the most
appropriate solution to meet the given objective under a given set of constraints.
17. What is Inventory control?
The inventory control refers to the control of raw materials, and purchased materials in
store and regulation of investment in them.
18. What is Economic order Quantity?
Formula , EOQ = 2DS/ C
D- Demand per year
C- Annual carrying cost of one unit.
S- Ordering cost.
19. What is JIT?
Just In Time inventory system. In this method the suppliers delivers the materials to the
production spot just in time to be assembled. This method reduces cost of inventory.
20. What are the objectives of value engineering?
Modify and improve product design
Reduce the product cost
Increase the profit
Simplify the product.
21. What is quality circle?
To improving productivity and quality everyone in the organization. The circles presents the
solutions to the top management.
22. What are the steps in value engineering?
23. What is Gantt chart?
It involves the representation of work progress over a period of time in the form of a bar
24. Define MNC.
“An enterprise which own or control production or service facilities outside the country in
which they are based”.
25. What are the attitudes need by MNC manager?
Ethnocentric attitude
Polycentric attitude
Geocentric attitude
26. What are global theory of Management?
1. situational and contingency approach
2. motivation and leadership theory
3. organizational behavior
Civil Engineering Department
2 Marks Question and Answer
2 Marks
1. Define a boiler and distinguish between fire tube boiler and water tube boiler
Boiler is equipment used to convert water into steam under high pressure
with the help of heat. It is otherwise called as steam generator and works at a
pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure. In fire tube boiler, the water
surrounds the tubes through which the hot gases are passed. In water tube boiler
the hot gases surround the tubes through which the water is passed. In fire tube
boiler the output is low. In water tube boiler the output is high.
2. How does fusible plug work is a boiler?
Fusible plug is a device fixed at the surface of the boiler close to the fine
chamber. This device is made up of a gun metal which has low melting point than
the metal of the boiler shell. Under normal working conditions of the cotroller the
water in the boiler will be at the safe level and fusible plug will be immersed is the
When the controller fails the water lend comes down and due to
overheating of boilers the fusible plug melts the steam in the boiler flows to the
fine chamber and puts-off the fine. Thus a major explosion of boiler and its
accessories is prevented by fusible plug.
3. Distinguish between lift and escalator
Elevators or lifts are generally provided for multi-storeyed buildings. Lifts
are the only mode of transport which are moving truly vertical
Escalators are otherwise known as powered steps Escalators are very useful
to carry more number of people between one floor to the other at any instant.
Usually escalators are operated continuously.
4. What is a buffer and bumper in lift terminologies?
Buffer: - This is placed at the pit to absorb the shock of either the cab or the
counterweight when it lands on it. Oil buffer and spring buffer are generally wed
Bumper: - This is a device which works similar to buffer and replaces buffer if
5. Write at least three special features required at lifts and escalators for
physically handicapped and elderly persons.
1) Lifts should be at the entrance level and should have sufficient space atleast to a
dimension of 1.1 x 15m allowing maneuvering and turning of a wheel chair
2) Internal lift control buttons should be at a height between 900mm and from the
3) Buttons should be easily operated light touch type with visual and tactile
indication of floor selection.
6) What is a hold back in a conveyor?
A holdback is a mechanical device which allows the pullet to matte in only
one direction. This is used when the belt is moved is an inclined position and
during this type of movement whenever the power fails the load in the belt tends
to move it is the reverse direction if the holdback is not provided.
7. List the different types of vibrators.
There are several types of vibrations available for compacting the connect.
(i) Internal vibrator (Needle vibrator)
(ii) Formwork vibrator (External vibrator)
(iii) Table vibrator
8. What is a batch mixer? What are its types?
The batch mixer is used mostly commonly for ordinary buildings.
The batch mixers are of the following three types
(i) Tilting mixers
(ii) Non-tilting mixers
(iii) Reversing mixers
9. State Fleming’s left hand rule
Fleming’s left hand rule states that if the left hand is held in a way that the
forefinger, middle finger and the thumb are at right angles and if the fore finger
represents the direction of magnetic field and the middle finger represents the
direction of current, then the thumb represents the direction of motion of
conductor under the influence of the force experienced.
10. What is electromagnetic induction?
According to this principle, whenever a conductor cuts a magnetic flux, an
emf is induced in the conductor causing a current to flow through it when the
circuit is closed. The direction of emf is given by Flemings right handrule.
11. Difference between a motor and a generator.
A motor is a machine which converts electrical energy in to mechanical
energy. When a motor works with a Director current (D.C) supply, it is termed as
A Generator is a machine which converts mechanical energy in to electrical
energy. When it produces a direct current is called D.C. Generator.
12. What is the difference between .C and D.C?
D.C Motor and A.C Motor:
When a motor works with a Direct current (DC) supply, it is termed as DC
motor, when a motor works with Alternate current (AC) supply it is termed as AC
AC Generator and AC generator:
When a generator produces a direct current is called DC generator. When
Alternating current is produced from a generator, it is called alternator (or) AC
13. What do you mean by Escalators?
Escalators are used to carry more number of people between one floor to
the other at any instant.
14. Mention atleast two advantages of hydro electric power plant.
1. Water is a cheap and renewable source of energy where as the fuel used in other
plants is expensive and exhaustible.
2. There is no air pollution, radiation hazard, ash disposal problem.
3. Cost of maintenance is less.
15. Explain the concept of flow of wind on earth
Flow of wind is the effect of solar heat. The energy form the sun heats up
the earth surface. As the earth rotates about its own axis and also revolves around
the surface of the earth is subjected to alternate heating and cooling. This change
is temperature results is change in pressure and thus wind starts flowing from
higher pressure zone to low pressure zone.
marvelous solar driven heat engine that can generate about 10 million MW of
Thus the earth atmosphere is a
16. What is a vibrator?
Vibrator is an electric device used to compact the concrete by expelling the
17. What are the classification of vibrator?
1. Internal vibrator (needle vibrator)
2. Formwork vibrator (External vibrator)
3. Table vibrator
4. Platform vibrator
5. Surface vibrator
6. Vibratory Roller
18. What is a conveyor?
Conveyor are used to transfer the materials from one place to the other over
19. What is a concrete mixer?
Concrete mixer is a machine used to mix the ingredients of concrete so as
to prepare a fresh mixture of concrete.
20. What are the types of concrete mixers?
1. Continuous mixers
2. Batch mixers or Drum mixers
1. What are the various accessories used in Boilers? Explain in detail with
necessary sketches
2. Compare of contrast a Cochran boiler with a Wilcox boiler
3. Write short notes on:1) Lift of Escalators
4. Give an account on construction of working of A.C. of D.C Generators
5. Explain in detail about construction of working of Hydroelectric power plants
6. Write short notes on:
1) Gas of electrical
2) Conveyors
3) Vibrators of concrete mixers
2) Air & Electricity
2 Marks
1. Differentiate between conductance and existence
Conductance: It is the property of any substance that allows the flow of current in
it. It is measured in mho
Resistance:- Resistance is the property of any substance that opposes the flow of
current in it. It is denoted by the symbol ' Ω ' and is measured in ohms.
2. Define power give its units
Power is defined as the rate at which the work is done. It is denoted by the
letter ‘p’ and is measured in ‘watts’.
3. Quote some examples for the sources of AC supply and DC supply.
Source of AC supply:- An A.C generator
Source of DC supply: Batteries, DC generators
4. Draw the circuit symbols for the following
2. Single tube tight
4. Three pin socket
5. Write the SI units for the following electrical quantities
1. Current density
2. Electric flux
4. Susceptance
- Ampere / met
- Coulomb (C)
- Volt (V)
- Mho ( )
6. Mention any two locations in a residential building where two way switch is
1. Lights at bed rooms
2. Lights at staircases
7. Differentiate between pull switch and push switch
Pull switch:- The pull switches work with the strong mechanical action. It is
usually operated by a single pull both for ON and OFF. This switch is installed on
the ceiling and a chord is made to hang from the top for operating it.
Push Button switch: This switch is used for calling bells and buzzers. It consists
of a single blade with the insulated cover which is pushed for bath ‘ON’ and
‘OFF’ alternatively.
8. Define Electricity
It is defined as the flow of electrons in any conductor
9. What is the role of fuse in an electrical installation?
The function of a fuse is to protect the electrical appliances from heavy
Thus whenever a high voltage is passed through a fuse wire it
automatically melts and breaks the circuits. Fuse is always provided in live wires
and not on neutral and earth.
10. Define earting in an electrical wiring
Earthing is connecting the electrical appliances to the ground so that any
unforeseen current such as leakages, faults etc is immediately discharged to the
earth. The pursose of earthing is to ensure all parts of the system other than live
parts are at earth potential at all times (or) the purpose is to avoid electric shock to
11. Mention at least two wiring systems that are commonly adopted.
i) Series circuit connection
ii) Parallel circuit connection
12. What is the principle on which the transformer works.
The Principle is “Mutual Induction Principle” Accourding to this, whenever
a current carrying conductor is wounded (primary) on one side of a laminated core
an emf is induced on the conductor wounded (secondary) on the other side of the
laminated core provided the secondary coils lies within the magnetic field of the
13. Define conductance:It is the reciprocal of resistance of it is measured in mho
14. Write at least two applications of a transformer, Transformers are used in,
i) Transmission and distribution of electric power,
ii) Radio, Television and Telephone circuits
iii) Step up and step down requirements
iv) Measuring current using current transformer and measuring voltage
(v) Special application like furnace transformers and welding transformers.
using voltage transformer
15. Define switchgear
Switchgear refers to a suitable combination cassembly of switching of
devices for use in connection with generation, transmission, distribution and
conversion of electrical energy.
16. Define magnetic flux:It is defined as the amount of magnetic field produced by a magnetic
17. What are the two types of electrical supply
1. Direct current (DC) supply
2. Alternating current (AC) supply
18. What are the types of iorn clad switch?
1. Double pole iron clad switch (DPIC)
2. Triple pole iron clad switch (TPIC)
3. Triple pole iron clad switch with neutral link (TPNIC)
19. What is a fuse?
Fuse is provided at many places in electrical installations, especially along
with main switch and at distribution fuse board.
20. What do you mean by earthing?
Earthing is connecting the electrical appliances to the ground so that any
unforeseen current such as leakages, faults etc are immediately discharged to the
1. List the various protective devices used in electrical installation of explain each
2. Why is earthing important for any building? Draw neat sketches for various
types of earthing of explain in detail
3. What are the various wiring systems adopted in a building? Explain in detail
4. Draw a neat sketch of layout of electrical feltings in a residential flat & Explain
5. Give an account on Transformer of its applications
6. What are the various features that have to be ensured in locating? Substation in
a building as per NBC?
2 Marks
1. Define Glare least its types
Bright light which interferes with visual perception is called glare. A bright
area in the field of vision reduces the ability to perceive visual information needed
for task performance.
1. Discomfort glare
2. Disability glare
3. Direct glare
4. Indirect glare
2. What are the drawbacks of corpuscular theory?
Corpuscular theory failed to explain partial reflection, partial refraction and
other phenomena such as interference, diffraction and polarization.
3. What is Calorimetry?
Calorimetry is the science of measuring the heat of chemical reactions or
physical changes.
calorimetry from latin word calor meaning heat.
Calorimetry involves the use of calorimeter.
1. Direct calorimetry
2. Indirect Calorimetry
4. What is the frequency and wavelength of FM waves?
The frequency of an FM radio wave is about 100MHZ = 100 x106Hz. This
means about that the wavelength is about 3m long.
5. Define the relationship between frequency and wavelength.
The higher the frequency, lesser will be the wavelength and relationship
between frequency and wavelength is given by,
Where λ → Wavelength
γ → frequency
6. Differentiate between UV radiation and IR radiation.
UV radiation has wavelength
grater than those of red light
It can be felt as heat radiation from the
sun and from other heated bodies
It is made use of radiant heating
devices for detecting patterns of heat
emesis ions for seeing in dark for
communication links
slightly less than those of violet
It is emitted by the sun and also by
other objects at high temperature.
These radiation helps to keep the
body healthy but excessive
amounts can cause damage to the
skin and eyes and can be used to
kill harmful bacteria on kitchens
and hospitals
UV radiation
IR radiation has wavelength slightly
grater than those of red light
It can be felt as heat radiation from the
sun and from other heated bodies
It is made use of radiant heating
devices for detecting patterns of heat
emesis ions for seeing in dark for
communication links.
7. What is a social angle? How is it measured?
It is defined as the angle subtended at the centre of the sphere between the
lines joining the opposite edges of a segment of a sphere with the centre. It is
Consider an area ‘A’ which is a segment of a sphere of radices ' γ ' . Let ‘C’
be the centre point of the sphere which is joined to every point on the edges of
area, A. Now he solid angle w subtended by this area at the centre of the sphere is
8. What is M.H.S.C.P?
If the average of the candle power is taken over a hemisphere instead of a
sphere like in M.S.C.P then it is called as mean hemispherical candle power which
is abbreviated as M.H.S.C.P
M.H.S.C.P =
flux emitted in a hemisphere
9. Define inverse square law for illumination
The illumination of a surface is inversely proportional to the square of the
distance of the surface from the source.
10. Distinguish between colour temperature and colour rendering
Colour temperature
Colour rendering
1. The colour temperature of a lamp
describes how the light appears when
human eye looks directly at the
illuminated bulb.
2. It is measured by a unit called
Colour rendering describes how a light
source makes the colour of an object
appear to human eyes.
3. The scale that starts at ab zero (-1273
4. A theoretically perfect radiator called
a black body is used as the standard of
It is measured by colour rendering
The scale has value from 0 to 1000
This ability is measured by comparing
the appearance of objects under the
light source with their appearance under
a reference source such as daylight.
11. What is called as spectrum?
Whenever a beam of light passes through a prism it get dispersed into its
component colours of all wavelengths called spectrum which include wavelengths
12. Explain how the propagation of light is perceived?
Modern theory proposes that light has a dual character. Sometimes it
behaves like a particle or corpuscle. For example when light energy comes from
sun, there are two model of transportation.
(i) This energy may be carried by small material particles travelling with finite
velocity, and each particle possesses kinetic energy = MV2 and no material
medium is required for propagation of these particles. This is the basic form of
Newton’s corpuscular theory.
(ii) The second mode of transportation may be considered that the light energy
moves by wave motion where the actual matter does not travel. This process
requires some intervening medium for transfer of energy. This interpretation was
further supplemented by wave theory of light given by Huygens.
13. Distinguish between down lighters and uplighters
Down lighters cast distinct pools of light onto the surface below.
Up lighters throw light onto ceiling where it bounces off to create a soft
eight they work best in rooms where ceiling is painted white or a light shade.
They are also perfect for study or home office as the light going upwards avoids
14. Differentiate between additive colour and subtractive colour.
Additive colour
Subtractive colour
If coloured lights are added
together then they will produce
other colours
When the three primary additive
colours are combined in equal
proportions they add to produce
If colours are subtracted from white light
then other colours will be produced.
When the three primary subtractive colours
are combined in equal propotions they
subtract components of white light to
produce darkness.
Red + Green = Yellow
Green + Blue = cyan
Red + blue = Magenta
Red + Green + Blue = White
They are used for stage lighting,
colour television and in colour
Cyan subtracts Red
Magenta subtracts Green
yellow subtracts Blue
They are widely used for paint pigments,
colour photographs and colour printing.
15. What is a visual task?
Visual tasks are the tasks (work) that are carried out with the help of vision.
16. What are the factors affecting visual tasks?
1. Size , 2. Luminance, 3. Contrast, 4. Glare
17. What is glare?
Bright light which interferes with visual perception is called glare.
18. What are the two types of visual tasks?
i) Paper based tasks
ii) Computer based tasks
19. What are the modern theory of light?
1. Corpuscular theory
2. Ware theory
3. Electromagnetic theory
4. Quantum Theory
20. What are the types of glare
1. Discomfort glare
2. Disability glare
3. Direct glare
4. Indirect glare
1. i) State and explain the factors affecting visual tasks
ii) Write short notes on synthesis of light
2. Give a detailed account of modern theory of light and colour
3. Write short notes on
i) Synthesis of colour
iii) Utilization and depreciation factor
4. Explain in detail about artificial light source.
5. Write in detail about lighting requirements in various building types.
6. What are the special features to be considered in lighting for physically,
handicapped and elderly people.
2 marks
1. Define Thermodynamics?
The term Thermodynamics stem from Greekwords. Therme means heat
and dynamics means power.
The term of thermodynamics is a branch of science that deals the study of
heat which is in motion.
2. Distinguish between latent heat of fusion and latent heat of evaporation?
latent heat of fusion
latent heat of evaporation
i) Latent heat of fusion is defined as the i) The latent heat of evaporation (or)
amount of heat required to convert unit vaporization is defined as the amount of
mass of the substance from solid to heat required to convert unit mass of the
liquid at its melting point without any liquid into its vapour state at the same
rise in temperature.
ii) For example water exists as ice at ii) For example the water which is in
when it starts melting it is liquid form starts evaporating (converts
converted in to water but the ice to steam) at 100oc.
temperature (0oc) is maintained for 100oc more the water is heated more the
some amount of time till all the ice steam is generated without the change
in temperature.
3. Define refrigeration what is the principle refrigeration?
Refrigeration is defined as the process of cooling and maintaining a
temperature well below that of the surrounding atmospheric temperature.
Principle of refrigeration
The principle of refrigeration is governed by the second law of
thermodynanics which states that heat cannot flow from a cold body to a hot body
unless an external force acts on it.
Figure representation given below
4. Write at least two advantages of fan coil systems.
1. The system can accommodate upto 100% outside air capability.
2. Zones can be individually controlled.
5. Define cooling towers?
The cooling towers in an air conditioning system is the means by which the
heat from the condenser of the refrigeration system is rejected to the atmosphere.
Cooling towers are used for controlling the temperature of water usually in big
plants of above 100 tons capacity.
6. Why is air conditioning in hospital more significant?
Air conditioning in hospitals assume greater significance. In many cases
proper air conditioning can be a factor in the therapy of the patient and insome
instances part of the major treatment.
7. Write at least two precautions to prevent fire caused AC system?
• Escape routes like staircase common corridors, lift lobbies etc should not be
used as return air passage.
• Some dampers should be provided fro buildings with more than 24m
• The air handling unit room should not be used for storage of any
combustible materials.
8. Write atleast three design consideration on water piping?
The material used for pipes are generally steel with welded or flanged
joints as other materials are more prone to corrosion.
The water velocity in the pipe are normally in the range of 1m/s to 3m/s.
Main headers in the plant room are designed fro very low velocity
around 1 m/s.
9. How is chilled water plant different from other system?
Chilled water plant is a centrally located plant which has several
quantifiable advantage over decentralized equipment.
organization (or) institutions having several buildings across the campus. The
advantage of having centralized water plant over individual units in each building
includes improved efficiency, ability to cycle easily between alternate energy
resources reduced maintenance and long term capital cost reduction.
10. Define cooling loads?
Buildings are built to provide a safe and comfortable internal environment
despite variations in external conditions. The extent to which the desired interior
conditions can be economically maintained is one important measure of success of
a building design. Since the control of inside conditions is usually to the active
heating and cooling system they have to be designed based on the proper ovalution
of the thermal characteristics of the surroundings.
11. Differentiate between condenser and evaporation
The condenser is attached to one out of It is the component which is actually
the fitted at the cooling portiong of the
refrigerator (freezer) because is actual
cooling device.
12. What are the various modes of heat transfer?
It can happen in three forms
1. Conduction
2. Convection
13. What is a Starter?
Starters are used to establish the starting circuit for starting the motor.
14. What are the types of starter
1. Current starting relay
2. Hot wire starting relay
3. Voltage starting relay
4. Solid state starting relay.
15. What do you mean by air handling units?
Air heading units are the equipments that deals with the hot and cold air
which air used to condition the air inside a room.
16. What are the two types of air handling units
1. Single duct units
2. Double or dual duct units
17. What do you mean by hydronic system?
Piping systems for water & pumps for inducing the flow of water is called
hydronic systems.
18. What do you mean by far coil systems?
It is an air conditioning system used in buildings.
19. What are the two basic piping arrangements that are widely practiced?
1. Direct return plan
2. Reversed return plan
20. What are the classification of a cooling towers?
1. Natural draft atmospheric spray tower.
2. Natural draft deck type tower.
3. Forced draft cooling tower.
4. Induced draft cooling tower.
1. Define temperature. Explain in detail it measurements.
2. Explain he construction and working of a refrigerator.
3. Give a detailed account on electric motors and starters.
4. Write short notes on
a) Air handling units
b) Cooling towers.
c) Packaged air conditioners.
5. Write short notes on
a)Window air conditioner
b) Chilled water plant
c) Fan coil systems.
6. Give an account on air conditioning systems suitable for various types of
2 Marks
1. List the significant toxic gases that are produced during fire
a) Carbon monoxide
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Hydrogen sulphide
d) Nitrogen dioxide
2. Give at least two recommendations of NBC with respect to fire safety.
1. A building or portion of the building may be occupied only if all means
of exit and fire protection measures are in place and continuously
maintained for the occupied part of the building.
2. Lifts and escalators should not be considered as fire exit.
3. How can be timber made fire resistant?
The structural elements made of timber ignite and rapidly destroyed in case
of fire. The use of timber cannot be totally avoided as a construction
material, the surface of the timber is coated with paints and / or certain
chemicals such as a ammonium phosphate, ammonium sulphate, borax,
boric acid, zinc chloride etc to make if fire resistant. More over it acts as
the fuel to the fire.
4. Describe the quality of concrete with respect of fire resistance.
This material is a bad conductor of heat and ti si an effective
material for fire resisting construction. The concrete offers a much higher
resistance to a fire than any other material.
concrete in case of a fire depends on the quality of cement and type of
aggregate forming the concrete and in case of reinforced and prestressed
structures is also depends on the position of steel in concrete.
5. List at least three fire escape elements in buildings
1. A separate fire life should be provided for use of fire bridge in the event
of fire.
2. Every tall building should have a minimum of 2 staircases.
3. The lifts and escalators should not be considered as exits.
6. Write at least three special design considerations to be considered for
physically handicapped and elderly people with respect to fire safety.
1. Flashing lights can be activated simultaneously with an audible alarm
system to alert persons with hearing impairments.
2. Old age and disabled person need to be included in all fire drills.
3. Flashing lights vibrating beds or variable velocity fans can alert deaf
and blind people.
7. What is smoke detector? Give example
It is a device that’s detects smoke commercial, industrial and mass
residential devices issue a signal to a fire alarm system while household
detectors, known as smoke alarms, generally issue a local audible and/or
visual alarm from the detector itself. Example : optical smoke detector.
8. What are the various fire alarm systems?
The fire alarm systems are of two types
a) Automatic Alarm Systems
b) Manual Alarm Systems.
9. Explain the significance of fire lighting.
• Emergency lighting should be powered from a source independent of
that supply the normal lighting.
• Escape lighting should be capable of indicating clearly and
unambiguously the escape routes.
10. Distinguish between dry riser and wet riser
Wet riser
1. It is also called wet hydrant riser It is also called dry hydrant riser which
which is installed in building of is installed in a building with the height
maximum height 60m.
2. It is almost similar to dry riser except It is not changed with pressurized
that the riser is always charged with supply of water.
pressurized supply of water
in the range of 18-40m.
11. Define sprinkler head
In the automatic sprinklers the heat actuated devices known as the sprinkler
heads are fitted at regular usually 3m along the pipes.
12. List the various types of sprinkler heads that are commonly used
a) Fusible link
b) Chemical Head
c) Glass Bulb
d) Open Sprinkle Heads (Debug System)
13. List the various types of sprinkler systems
Three types of sprinkler system
1. Residential sprinkler system
2. Domestic sprinkler system
3. Commercial sprinkler system
14. List the various structures where automatic sprinkler systems are
commonly installed.
1. High rise buildings
2. Multi strayed buildings
3. Shopping malls
4. Theatres
15. What are the various precautions to be taken in the arrangement of
automatic sprinkler system?
1. The pipes should be fitted on the ceiling of the room at a height not
more than 4 meters.
2. In order to make the system more effective, the arrangement should be
made to cause an automatic alarm in case of a fire.
16. What do you mean by a lobby?
Lobby is an open area inside the entrance of a public building.
17. What is a dry riser?
N.It is an arrangement of fire fighting within the building by means of vertical
rising mains not less than 100mm internal diameter with landing valves on
each floor which is dry but is capable of being charged with water usually
by pumping from fire service appliances.
18. What is a wet riser?
The riser is always charged with pressurized supply of water.
19. What are the structural elements that should be given due
considerations for design?
1. Walls & Column
2. Floors & roofs
3. Wall openings
4. Building fire escape element staircase.
20. What is a visible smoke detector?
A source of light is directed at a receiving photocell. In case of fire, smoke
scatters the light and an alarm is triggered.
1. Describe in detail about the causes and effects of fire.
2. List out the various recommendations of National Building code with
respect to fire safety.
3. Describe the characteristics of materials and technology of construction
with respect to fire safety.
4. Write short notes on
• Fire lifts and lobbies
• AC system and means of fire escape
• Special features for physically handicapped and elderly people with
5. Write short notes on
• Fire alarm systems
• Smoke Detector
• Fire lightings
• Water storage and pumps
6. Give an account on automatic sprinkler systems.
respect to fire safety.
Civil Engineering Department
(Two Mark Question and Answers)
1. What are the general specifications for first class building?
Foundation and plinth.
damp-proof course.
doors and windows.
distempering and colour wasting.
2. What are monolithic wall? write its classifications?
Monolithic walls:-Walls built of a material requiring some kind of
shuttering in the initial stages.
Masonry can be classified into the following types
stone masonry.
brick masonry.
hollow block concrete masonry.
reinforced masonry.
composite masonry.
3. Define plinth.
Plinth:- It is the horizontal course of stone or brick provided at the base of the
wall above ground level. It indicates the height of the ground floor level above the
natural ground level. It protects the building from dampness.
4. What are classifications of stone masonry
There are two types ,they are
rubber masonry.
ashlar masonry.
5. What is rubber masonry and ashlar masonry?
Rubber masonry:Stones of irregular sizes are used. stones may be undressed or roughly
dressed. using hammer having wider joints.
Ashlar masonry:This is a costlier, high grade and superior quality of masonry. The work
built from accurately dressed stones with uniform and very fine joints of about
3mm. thickness is termed as ashlar masonry.
6. Compare English bond and Double Flemish bond.
English bond
double Flemish bond.
More compact and stronger for walls
Less compact and stronger.
having thickness more than 1(1/2)
Not pleasing appearance of the facing.
Better appearance in the facing.
No strict supervision and skill required
Good workmanship and careful
for its construction.
supervision is required.
More in cost than Double Flemish
Cheaper in cost-because number of
bricks bats are used.
7. What are the defects in brick masonry.
Defects in brick masonry:Sulphate attack.
Crystallization of salts from bricks.
Corrosion of embedded iron or steel.
Shrinkage on drying.
8. Mention the common sizes of building blocks.
The common sizes of building blocks are
390x190x300 mm- standard size hollow block.
390x190x200 mm- hollow building tiles.
390x190x100 mm- hollow concrete blocks for partition.
9. What the types of flooring commonly used.
mud flooring
muram flooring
cement concrete flooring
mosaic flooring
tiled flooring
marble flooring
10. Define damp proof course., what are its causes of dampness.
Definition :-The courses which are laid to check the entry of water or moisture
into the building are called damp proof courses.
Causes:faulty design of structure
faulty construction or poor workmanship
use of poor quality materials in construction.
11. Define roofs.
Roof:-A roof is defined as the uppermost part of the building which is
constructed in the form of a frame work to give protection to the building
against rain , heat wind etc..
12. What are the uses of water proofing compounds.
Uses:- When water proofing compounds is added to cement during construction it
prevents leakage. It is available in powder form. It is mixed with cement by hand before
cement is mixed with aggregate.
13. what are the condition for filters.
Condition for filter:It should remove harmful particles from air.
It should be workable under different velocity.
It should have very low frictional resistance.
It should not cause contamination of incoming air.
it should be easy to clean.
14. Define fire resistance
Fire Resistance:- It is the time during which an element of structure fulfils
its function in building safely in the event of fire of known intensity. Fire
resistance is also defined as an index of fire safety of buildings.
15. Define acoustics
Acoustics:-The term acoustics is defined as the science of sound, and it describes
the origin ,propagation and sensation of sound.
16. What are the conditions for good acoustics of an auditorium:Conditions for good acoustics of an auditorium:The initial sound should be of adequate intensity or loudness.
It is important for a speaker to be heard over a long distance.
The sound produced should be evenly spread over the whole area covered by
audience. If the sound is not evenly distributed echoes will be established.
the initial sound should be clear and distinct.
For music hall ,the initial sound should reach the audience with same frequency
and intensity.
All undesired sound should be reduced.
17. Define scaffolding:Scaffolding:-It is defined as the temporary structure employed in the building
construction for supporting workers, materials and tools etc., during its
construction alteration, demolition, painting and repair etc.,
18. Write the types of scaffolding.
Types of scaffolding:Single scaffolding or Brick layer scaffolding.
Double scaffolding or Masons scaffolding.
Ladder scaffolding.
Cantilever or Needle scaffolding.
19. Write any some materials used for joints.
bituminous felt
Metal strips
Fibre board
these are some of the materials used for joints.
20. Define flooring
Flooring:- The properly supported horizontal surfaces which divide the building into
different levels for providing accommodation one above the other within space are
called floors.
1) What is a cofferdam? When it used ?
Cofferdam is a temporary structure constructed to exclude water from the
site to construct a permanent sub-structure, without the interface of water.
It is used when the well foundation is to be carried in running water.
2) What is a caisson? What are the types of caisson?
It is a special type of foundation used for the construction of bridge piers
in v prevent ery deep water, where it is either difficult to construct a cofferdam or
to prevent its leakage.
a) Box caisson
b) Open caisson
c) Pneumatic caisson
3) What are the components of well foundation?
The components of the well foundations are,
a) Well curb
b) Cutting edge
d) Steining
4) What are the operations involved in open caisson method of foundation?
The open caisson method of foundation consists of the following
a) constructing or fabricating the caisson and preparing site to receive it.
b) placing the caisson over the site of the pier.
c) excavating the soil from the interior of the caisson and advancing the
d) caisson so that its cutting edge is at or below the bottom of the
excavation and continuing this process until the foundation in the hard
stratum is reached.
d) sealing the bottom of the caisson to exclude water and soil.
5) What are the uses of sheet piles?
The uses of sheet piles are,
a) For preventing leakage of pile material and water.
b) For preventing the structure from shocks ,vibrations, etc,.
c) For deep excavations to enclose soils to prevent lateral crust or
6) What is a shoring?
Shoring is a temporary structure used to support tilted or endangered
walls .The walls might have been endangered due to unequal settlement of
foundation, removal of adjoining structures or making large opening in the walls.
7) What is meant by pipe jacking?
Pipe jacking is a method of installing a pipe under roadway , railway or
highways without using an open cut trench .The pipe jacking procedure uses a
casing pipe of sheet or reinforced concrete ie, jacked through the soil.
8) What is dewatering? Where it is used?
Dewatering means removal of excess water from the saturated soil.
It is used where the water table is very high or in the case of deep excavations the
foundation trenches for buildings and other structures, are filled with seeped
9) What is a under-ream pile?
It is a pile with one or more bulbs in its vertical shaft .These bulbs are
known as under-reams and it increases the bearing capacity of the soil.
10) Write about spacing of piles?
For piles to be driven on hard stratum the minimum center to center
spacing is 2.5 times the pile diameter. In case of friction piles minimum spacing
of 3 times the diameter of the pile shaft is provided. In case of loose soil filled up
area or sand the minimum center to center spacing is twice the pile diameter.
11) Explain about suspended scaffolding.
During repair cleaning and painting various types of working
platforms are required at various levels which can be easily provided and
removed. Such types of platforms can be suspended by ropes or chains from
parapet wall of buildings or cantilever beams placed at the top of the structure.
This types of working are called suspended scaffolding.
12) Write about centering and shuttering?
Centering is a temporary structure used for the construction of
arches , whereas shuttering is a temporary structure used for the construction of
R.B. or R.C.C. structures such as beam ,slab ,balcony ,porch ,etc ,. Centering are
wooden shaped frames and shuttering are known as mould.
13) What is a Kent ledge?
In well sinking ,to overcome the increased skin friction and the in
weight of the well due to buoyancy, additional loading is applied on the well . It is
called Kent ledge.
14) What are the methods used for tunnel driving?
Following are the methods generally used for driving a tunnel,
a) Full face heading
b) Heading and bench method
c) Drifts method
d) Pilot tunneling
15) What is mucking?
The operation of removal of excavated material in tunneling
operation is called mucking.
16) hat are the advantages of drift method?
Drift method of tunnel excavation has the following advantages:
a) It helps to determine the region of bad rock or excessive
ground water before actually taking up the full excavation, so as to enable to
take up the corrective measures.
b) The drift provides ventilation while driving the main tunnel.
c) It reduces the consumption of explosives.
17) Explain about cement grouting .Uses .
In this method, cement grout which is a mixture of cement , sand
and water is used. The process consists of making a number of holes in ground
and then filling these holes by cement grout under pressure. This process is
continued till no grout is coming up through the hole.
a) The grouting procedure can be used in stopping leakages from rock.
b) It can also be used to fill the voids in soil so as to strengthen the soil and
to make the rock or soil water tight.
18) Write the situations under which pile foundation is recommended.
The pile foundation is recommended for the following situations:
a) When spread footing ,raft and grillage foundations are
b) When heavy concentrated loads are to be transmitted by the
c) Where there is scouring in the soil near the foundations.
c) Where the soil is made up and of a compressible nature.
19) Write the essential features of a pump to be used for dewatering.
The pump to be used for dewatering process should have the
following features:
a)The pump should be portable so that it can be easily moved as and when
b)The pump should be capable of handling water mixed with impurities
such as sand, earth, etc,.
c)The pump should be of strong make.
d)The performance of pump should be reliable.
20) What is the equipment used for driving a pre-cast pile in a sandy soil?
The equipment used for driving a pre-cast pile in a sandy soil is
a hammer. Hence maximum stresses are developed at the top due to direct strokes
and at the point in overcoming the resistance to penetration. Therefore additional
reinforcement is provided.
1. What are launching girders?
For erection of large beams in buildings or bridges, temporary girders are
used. Such girders are called launching girders. Launching girders are usually of steel
as it would be light compared to concrete girders.
2. What are bridge decks?
In bridges, the structure supporting the carriageway is called decks. The
bride deck transfers the load to the piers or abutments. The bride decks can be
classified as slabs, T-beam and slab, or composite decks. In composite decks, beams
are pre-stressed or of steel and the slabs would be concrete cast in situ.
3. What are offshore platforms?
Offshore platforms are structures constructed in the ocean to explore or to
produce oil and gas from the sources found below the sea. Offshore platforms are
in steel or in concrete.
4. What are Jacket platforms?
The steel offshore platforms are called Jacket platforms. They are vertical
towers constructed with steel tubular members supporting the deck, where the
machinery for drilling or processing oil or gas is located. They are connected to the
ocean floor by means of piles.
5. What are gravity towers?
In concrete construction, the offshore platforms are called Gravity towers
which consist of concrete circular shafts supporting the processing platforms. The
offshore platforms are subjected to loads from ocean waves.
6. What is a bow-string bridge?
In this type of bridge, the horizontal thrust is resisted by the horizontal
ties. The supports take up only the vertical reaction. They, therefore require thinner
sections. Bow-string girdes of R.C.C are commonly adopted for arch bridges having
span of 30m to 45m. At various points along the length of a tie beam, vertical posts or
suspenders connecting the tie beam to the arched rib are provided. The flooring is
resting on the tie beam and transfers its load to the arch through the suspenders. Thwe
flooring may be of simple slab or beam and slab construction.
7. What are cable-stayed bridges?
These bridges provide a larger width for purposes of navigation by
eliminating intermediate piers. They consist of cables provided above the deck and
are connected to the towers. The deck in case of cable stayed bridges is either
supported by a number of cables meeting in a bunch at the tower (fan form) or by
joining at different levels on the tower (harp form).
8. What are chimneys?
Chimneys are structures used to escape the gases to such a height that the
gases donot contaminate the surrounding atmosphere. The cross sectional area of the
chimneyis kept large enough to allow the passage of burnt gases.
9. State the dimension of flue hole opening in chimney.
40 x 40 cm
10. What are the various loads acting on a chimney?
1. Self weight of masonry chimney
2. Weight of lining
3. Wind pressure
4. Seismic forces
11. How is lining made in chimney?
The mareial used for lining should be capable of withstanding high
temperature upto 2000 F. The fire bicks are used for lining in brick masonry
chimneys. The fire brick lining must be free to expand and contract independently of
the main chimney. Yhe height of lining depends on the purpose of chimney.
12. What are the various types of chimneys?
R.C.C chimney
Brick chimney
Self supporting stacks
Guyed steel stack
13. What are the forms used in the construction of chimney?
Jump forms, Slip forms
14. What are cooling towers?
Cooling Towers are used to cool the water that is used to recondense the
steam that is used to generate electricity.
15. What are the methods of prestressing?
1. Pre tensioned Metod
2. Post tensioned Method
16. What are the systems of prestressing?
1. Freyssinet System
2. Magnel-blaton System
3. Lee-Mc. Call or stress steel system
17. What are the advantages of prestressed cement concrete?
1. It is possible to take the full advantage of compressive strength of concrete
and high tensile strength of the steel used.
2. 15 to 30% of the concrete is saved.
3. 60 to 80% of the steel is saved.
4. Presressed concrete members are thinner in section and hence there is
greater reduction of the self weight of the member.
18. How are domes erected?
Domes are usually erected with a central temporary support on which the
supporting ring rests. If the span is greater than 40 – 50m, the tower of an erecting
frame serves a sthe support.
19. What are shells?
Shalls are three dimensional structures constructed as storage tanks or roof
for large column free areas, such as exhibition halls, sports complex or theatres.
20. How are shells classified ?
1. Singly curved shells like cylindrical shells
2. Doubly curved or spherical shells
1. What are the causes of stresses in a building component?
Stress in a building component can be caused by external forces such as
dead, live, wind or seismic loads or foundation settlement or can be induced
internally due to thermal movement, moisture changes, chemical action etc.
2. What is an Active and Dormant crack?
A crack is said to be active if it is still in progress, that is, the crack is still
developing. This may be ascertained by filling the crack with mortar and
observing. If the crack reappears, it is considered live, that is, it will further.
A dormant crack is the one which once formed remains static and doesn’t
get altered due to passage of time.
3. What are the classifications of crack based on width?
: Width less than 0.1 mm
: Width 0.1 to 0.3 mm
Medium : Width 0.3 to 0.7 mm
: Width 0.7 to 2.0 mm
Very Wide: Width greater than 2 mm
4. What are the basic symptoms of distress in concrete?
The three basic symptoms of distress in concrete are:
5. What are the Defects in Masonry Structures?
The Defects in Masonry Structures are:
i. Dampness ii. Condensation
iv. Structural and Surface cracks
6. What are the Defects in Masonry Structures?
i. Rusting ii.Excessive deflections
iii. Buckling and bending
iv. Twisting v. Lateral Bending
vi . Pitting
vii Defects in welds such as shearing, bearing failure and tearing
7. What are the types of Distress in structures?
The following are the types of Distress in Structures:
i. Local settlement of sub-grade
Movement of form work
Internal settlement of concrete shrinkage
Setting shrinkage
8. What are the causes of Dampness?
Dampness are attributed to the following
i. Leakage from defective roofing system
ii. Porous bricks
iii. Vegetation Growth
iv. Earth backi9ng against masonry construction
9. What is Condensation?
The saturated air enters the building and coming in contact with cooler
surfaces of windows glass panes, iron works, painted or varnished surfaces, losses
temperature and is deposited on the impervious surfaces. This phenomenon is
termed as condensation. Condensation causes dampness and affects brick wall.
10. What is Efflorescence?
Efflorescence is purely the result of natural laws and is the direct outcome
of the situation of the brick work which causes large irregular shaped patches of
whitish mould formed on the surface of the and thus disfigure its appearance, which
usually contains various soluble salts.
11. What is meant by maintenance of Structure?
Maintenance is a continuous cycle which involves e3very element of
building science, namely,
Electrical wiring
iii. Plumbing- Water supply –Sanitation
iv. Finishing on floors and walls
v. Roof terrace
vi. Service perform/verandah
viii. Doors windows and other elements
12. What are the Corrosion Prevention methods for Reinforcing Bars?
Corrosion Prevention methods for Reinforcing Bars are,
a) Cathodic Protection
b) Application of a carbonation resistant polymer film on the
surface of the concrete
c) Application of the galvanizing coat on steel
d) Application of poly coating like epoxy, polyurethane fusion
bonded epoxy etc. on steel
e) Application of specially formulated alkaline polymer
13. What are the preventive measures to be taken in the construction of new water
i.The mix of concrete ii.Blended cement
ixSurface coatings
x.Coating on Reinforcement
14. List any four factors which influence corrosion in a structure/
pH value
ii. Moisture
iii. Oxygen
iv.Carbonation of Concrete
15. List out the various Damages that occur due to Corrosion.
1.Formation of white patches 2.Brown patches along reinforcement
3.Occurrence of cracks
4.Formation of multiple cracks
5.Spalling of cover concrete 6.Snapping of bars
7.Buckling of bars and bulging of concrete
16. What are the various non- destructive tests on Concrete?
1)Rebound hammer test
2)Ultrasonic pulse- velocity test
3)Potential measurement
17. What is the purpose of conducting Rebound hammer test?
Rebound hammer test is conducted to evaluate the compressive
strength of the affected portion and the same could be correlated with the desired
strength of the element of structure.
18. Name the three electrodes used for potential measurement.
i.Saturated calomel electrode
ii.Silver/Silver Chloride electrodes
iii.Copper/Copper Sulphate electrodes.
19. What is meant by Epoxy Grouting?
Epoxy grouting is a technique which has been used in recent past
with a high degree of success especially in treating deep routed and subcutaneous
20. What is Polymer Concreting?
Polymer Concreting is a method in which polymer such as modified
latex, neoprene, polyvinyl acetate, styrenebutadience, and acrylic polymers are
used as polymer additives in conjunction with cement concrete. This results in
very high impermeability and high acid resistance thereby making polymer
concrete as a very suitable material fore use as original concrete to counteract
corrosive forces. This can also be used as a repair material to replace the affected
1. What are the advantages of using trenchers?
The advantages of using trenchers are
It is a faster and cheaper method of trenching
It digs only as much as is necessary
It is a continuous process and is not like that of back hoe excavator
2. Define dredging.
Dredging is the process of excavating from river bed, lake or sea for the purpose
of deepening them. It is an important operation in navigation canals, harbours, dams etc.
Dredgers are of three types namely
3. Mention the various operations involved in grading?
The various operations involved in grading are
finishing and leveling
Ditch digging
bank cutting
earthen road maintenance
earthen road construction and
repairing gravel road
4. What are the factors affecting the selection of drilling equipment?
The factors affecting the selection of drilling equipment are
the nature of terrain
required depth of holes
rock hardness
the size of the project and
the purpose for which holes are required.
5. Define hardness. Which is the hardest known substance?
Hardness is defined as the resistance of a smooth plane surface to abrasion. It is
the hardest known substance with hardness 10.
6. Define texture. What are its classification.
Texture is defined as the grain size of the rock. It is classified into 5 categories
such as
porous rock
Loose grained rock
Granitoid rock
Fine grained rock and
Dense rock
7. What are the types of drilling equipment?
The types of drilling equipment are
Percussion drills and Rotary drills
Rotary drills are further classified as
Pressure drilling and Abrasion drilling
8. Define blasting?
Blasting is the process of discharging of an explosive to loosen the rock.
9. What are the parameters to be examined while blasting for quarrying?
While blasting for quarrying or excavation, the following parameters are to be
Spacing of the drill holes
Diameter of the drill holes
Depth of the drill holes
Burden of the rock at the toe
Burden of the rock at the crest
Degree of fragmentation desired and
Strength of the explosives to be used
10. What are the types of dredgers?
Dipper dredger,
Ladder dredger and
Suction dredger
11. Mention the sequence of operations involved in driving the tunnel through rock?
The sequence of operations involved in driving the tunnel through rocks are
Setting up and drilling
Loading the holes with explosives and firing
Ventilating and removing the dust resulted by explosion
Loading and hauling the muck
Removing ground water from the tunnel
Erection of supports for the roof and sides
Placing reinforcement
Placing the concrete lining
Curing and shuttering removal
12. What are the objectives of ventilation system in a tunnel?
The main objects of ventilation system in a tunnel are
to provide fresh air for workers
to remove poisonous gases and fumes produced by explosion
to remove the dust caused by drilling, blasting mucking and other
operations performed in the tunnel.
13. Define mucking?
Mucking is the operation of loading the broken rock or earth for removal from a
tunnel. Mucking is done by hand in small tunnels, drifts and pilot tunnels.
14. What is a tractor? Mention its types?
Tractor is an earthmoving equipment which converts engine energy into tractive
energy. The two types of tractors are
crawler or tract type and
wheel or pneumatic type
15. Define compaction?
Compaction is defined as the process of densifying or increasing the unit weight
of a soil mass through the application of static or dynamic force, with the resulting
expulsion of air.
16. Define surface load?
Surface load is defined as the ration of total applied load and the total contact area
of the minimum number of feet which come simultaneously in contact with even ground
without penetration.
axle load
(ie) Surface load
Contact area of feet cm2
17. What are the factors influencing compaction?
The factors which influence compaction are
static weight
number of vibratory drums
roller speed
drum diameter
frequency and amplitude
relationship between frame and drum weight
driven or non driven drum
centrifugal force and
total applied force
18. Name the equipments used for volume batching?
The equipments used for volume batching are
aggregate feeders
cement silo
water measuring device and
mixing unit
19. What are the various types of conveyors?
The various types of conveyors are
belt conveyor
roller conveyor
chain or cable conveyor
pipe line conveyor
screw conveyor and
elevating conveyor
20. What are the advantages of using belt conveyors?
The advantages of using belt conveyors are
It is capable of handling light or heavy, fine or coarse, wet or dry
It can handle, thousands of tons of material per hour for several
It can handle not materials up to 1600c.
It operates without noise