energy sources & power plant (9248)

1. Energy Sources :
1.1 Introduction to Energy,
1.2 Different forms of Energy
1.3 Energy Sources and their availability
1.4 Conventional and Non-Conventional
sources of energy
2. Solar Energy :
2.1 Introduction, 2.2 Solar Constant
2.3 Solar Radiation at the Earth’s Surface
2.4 Instruments for measuring Solar Radiation and
Sun shine
2.5 Solar Energy Utilisation - Basic ideas about the
pre-historic ways of using solar energy.
2.6 Solar energy applications – Solar collectors,
solar cooker, solar water heater, solar distillation,
solar pumping, electricity from solar energy, solar
photo voltaic, and applications of solar photo
voltaic system in Rural areas.
3. Wind Energy :1.1 Introduction,
1.2 Classification of wind mills
1.3 Horizontal wind mills, Vertical wind mills
1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of wind
4. Bio Energy :4.1 Introduction, History of Bio-gas
4.2 Process of Bio-gas, generation-wet process, dry
1. Define Energy and write its units.
2. Define primary energy sources and write its
3. Define Secondary energy sources and write its
4. What are the different forms of energy?
5. What are the compounds present in the coal?
6. What products can be obtained from crude oil?
7. What are the Conventional sources of energy?
8. What are the non- Conventional sources of energy?
1. Define Solar constant. 2. Define Solar energy.
3. What is Diffuse radiation? 4. What is Global
radiation?5. What are the instruments used for
measuring solar radiation and sun shine?
6. What are the applications of solar energy?
7. What are the different types of solar cooker?
8. What are the advantages of a solar cooker?
9. What are the components of solar water heater?
10. What are the basic components of solar water
pumping? 11. Define photo voltaic effect.
12. What are the different applications of solar photo
voltaic system in rural area?
13. What are the different types of solar collector?
1. How the wind mills are classified.
2. What are the advantages of wind power?
3. What are the disadvantages of wind power?
4. What is the principle of wind mill?
5. Which are the factors for wind flows on earth’s
1. What are the Conventional energy sources and explain
2. What are the non- Conventional energy sources and explain
1. Define bio gas energy.
2. What are the raw materials required for
1. Write the brief history of bio gas.
2. Explain briefly about the process of bio gas generation.
3. Explain briefly about the selection of site for installation of a
1. Explain Pyranometer with the help of neat sketch.
2. Explain basic ideas about the pre-historic ways of using solar
3. Explain solar collectors with the help of a neat sketch.
4. Explain working principle and constructional details of box
type solar cooker.
5. Explain briefly about solar water pumping with the help of
neat sketch.
6. Describe briefly about photo voltaic system.
7. Explain briefly about the applications of solar photo voltaic
systems in rural areas.
8. Explain briefly about solar water heaters with the aid of neat
1. Explain briefly about horizontal wind mills with neat sketch.
2. Explain briefly about vertical wind mills with neat sketch.
4.3 Raw materials available for Bio-gas
4.4 Selecting of site for installation of a Bio-gas
4.5 Materials required for the construction of Biogas plant
4.6 Constructional Details of Bio-gas plant
5. Tidal Energy :
5.1 Introduction, 5.2 Components of Tidal Power
5.3 Sinde tidal power plant
5.4 Advantages and imitations of tidal Power plant
3. What are the benefits of bio gas technology?
4. What is bio mass?
5. Write the percentage compositions of bio gas.
6. What is anaerobic digestion?
7. What are the types of bio gas plants?
bio gas plant.
4. Explain briefly about the materials requirement for
construction of the bio gas plant.
5. Explain KVIC bio gas plant with the help of neat sketch.
6. Explain Pragathi design bio gas plant with the help of neat
1. Define tidal energy.
2. What are the components of tidal power plant?
3. What are the advantages of tidal power plant?
4. What are the disadvantages of tidal power plant?
5. How to classify the tidal power plants?
6. What is the use of sluice gates in tidal power plant?
1. Explain briefly about single basin one way cycle and two way
cycle tidal power plants.
2. Explain briefly about double basin with and without pump
storage tidal power plant.
3. Explain briefly about main components of tidal power plant.
6. Fuel Cells :6.1 Working principle
6.2 Bacar’s High Pressure Fuel cell-construction
details and working principle, 6.3 Aluminium and
fuel cell working principle
1. What are the components of fuel cell?
2. What is the use of inverter in fuel cell?
3. Write the advantages of fuel cell.
4. Write the disadvantages of fuel cell.
1. Explain about constructional details and working principle of
Bacon’s fuel cell with neat sketch.
2. Explain about working principle of aluminium & oxygen fuel
cell. 3. Explain briefly components of fuel cell.
7. Steam Boilers :7.1 Classification, function
use or boilers
7.2 Cochran and Babcock Wilcox boilers
1. What are the basic elements of boiler?
2. What is the fire tube boiler?
3. What is the water tube boiler?
1. What is a steam nozzle?
2. What are the types of steam nozzles?
3. What are the applications of steam nozzle?
4. What is convergent nozzle?
5. What is divergent nozzle?
6. What is convergent-divergent nozzle?
1. How to classify the steam turbines?
2. What are the advantages of steam turbines?
3. What are the disadvantages of steam turbines?
1. Explain briefly about working principle of Cochran boiler.
2. Explain briefly about working principle of Bob cock and Wilcox
1. Explain briefly about the frictionless flow with the help of
mollier diagram.
2. Explain briefly about the frictional flow with the help of
mollier diagram.
3. Explain briefly about the super saturated steam flow in a
8. Steam Nozzles :
8.1 Flow of steam through Nozzles, convergent
Nozzle, Divergent nozzle.
9. Steam Turbines :9.1 Classification, working
principle of impulse & reaction turbines with line
10. Steam condenser :10.1 Function
1. What are the types of steam condensers?
2. What is the function of steam condenser?
3. Write the advantages and disadvantages of steam
1. Write the comparison between Impulse turbine and Reaction
2. Explain briefly about Impulse steam turbine with neat sketch.
3. Explain briefly about Reaction steam turbine with neat sketch.
1. Explain briefly the function of steam condenser with neat sketch.
2. Write the comparison between Jet condenser and Surface
1. Description of Motor vehicles:
1.1 General descriptions of motor
vehicles 1.2 Major assemblies
2. Wheels, Tyres & tubes :
2.1 Description of wheels & Tyres,
selection of Tyres, inflation pressure
and carrying capacity.
1. Define Vehicle?
2. Write the major assemblies in vehicle?
3. Write about classification of vehicle?
1. Write the types of wheels?
2. Write the advantages of wire wheels?
3. Explain Tyre?
4. Write the functions of the tyre?
5. Write the properties of the tyre?
6. Write the types of tyre?
1. Explain the term steering?
2. Write the functions of steering system?
3. What are the requirements for good steering system?
4. Write the types of steering linkages?
5. Explain the term of steering gear?
6. Write the types of steering gears?
7. Explain the term power steering?
8. Write the types of power steering system?
1. Explain the major assemblies in vehicle?
2. Explain the basic structure of the vehicle?
4. Braking system :
4.1 Breaks in cars & trucks, Hand
breaks, Mechanical & Hydraulic
breaking system in cars.
1. Explain the principle of braking system?
2. Write the types of brakes?
3. Write the advantages of hydraulic braking?
4.Write the disadvantages of hydraulic braking system
5. What is ABS?
6. Advantages of ABS?
5. Transmission system :
5.1 Different types of clutches used in
vehicles, layout of transmission
system, study of hydraulic clutches.
1. Define clutch?
2. Write the types of clutches?
3. Write the advantage of single plate clutch?
4. Write the types of hydraulic clutches?
5. Write the function of the transmission system?
1. Write about mechanical braking system?
2. Explain about self-energizing brakes?
3. Write about Hydraulic brake system?
4. Write about hand brake?
5. Write about Hill hold device?
6. Give the ABS components description?
7. Explain ABS operation in details?
1. Explain the characteristics of a clutch?
2. Explain the single plate clutch with neat sketch?
3. Explain the multi plate clutch with neat sketch?
4. Explain the semi centrifugal clutch with neat sketch?
5. Explain the centrifugal clutch with neat sketch?
6. Explain the hydraulic single plate clutch with neat sketch?
7. Explain Vacuum clutch with neat sketch?
8.Draw the layout of transmission system and give its function
3. Steering Mechanism :
3.1 Different types of steering boxes,
power steering description, its
1. Explain the types of wheels?
2. Write about causes of tyres wear?
3. Write about effect of air pressure on tyre performance?
4. Explain the construction of tyre?
1. Explain the steering linkage for vehicle with rigid axle front
2. Explain the steering linkage for vehicle with independent front
3. Explain the worm and wheel steering gear?
4. Explain re-circulating ball type steering gear?
5. Explain integral power steering system?
6. Explain electronic power steering system?
6. Gear box :
6.1 Operation in different gear
6.2 Common troubles & remedies,
6.3 Lubrication in gear box.
1. What is the function of gearbox?
2. Write the types of gearboxes?
3. Write the names of the components in the gear box?
4. What grade of the oil is used for lubricating in gearbox?
5. When the lubricating oil in gearbox should be changed?
1. Explain the sliding mesh type of gearbox with neat sketch?
2. Explain the constant mesh gearbox with neat sketch?
3. Explain the Wilson gearbox with neat sketch?
4. Give the common troubles and their remedies in gearbox?
5. Write about lubrication in gearbox?
7. Engine Cooling system :
7.1 Engine cooling Methods
7.2 Air & water cooling radiators,
pump, thermostats & fan
7.3 Reasons for Engine overheating
1. Explain the necessity of cooling system in I.C.Engines?
2. Explain the disadvantages of air cooling system?
3. Write the types of cooling methods?
4. What is the factor effect the heat dissipated in air cooling
5. Write the disadvantages of water cooling system?
6. Write the components of water cooling system?
8. Lubrication :
8.1 Need for Lubrication of engine
8.2 Lubrication system parts, oil
filters & their uses
1. What are the types of lubricants used in automobiles?
2. Mention any two important properties of lubricating oils?
3. Mention the requirement of lubricating system?
4. Write the types of lubrication system?
5. Write the parts of lubricating system?
6. What are the uses of the filters?
7. Write the types of filters?
1. Explain the term carburetor?
2. Write the types of carburetors?
3. What is the circuit’s presence in the carter carburetor?
4. Explain the throttle adjustment?
1. Write the types of fuel pumps?
2. Explain the types of air cleaners? 3. Explain F.I.P timing?
4. Explain Idle speed adjustment?
5. What are the gases present in the CNG?
6. Write the disadvantages of LPG used in car?
7. What is the aim of air conditioning in cars?
8. What are the benefits of CO2 as a refrigerant?
9. Explain the maintenance of car AC system?
10. Write precautions to be taken while using car A.C.system?
1. Explain the air cooling system with neat sketch?
2. Write the advantages and disadvantages of air cooling system?
3. Explain the Thermosyphon system with neat sketch?
4. Explain the pump circulation system with neat sketch?
5. Explain the radiator with neat sketch?
6. Explain the working of Bellows or aneroid types of thermostat
with sketch?
7. Write the reason of Engine over heating?
1. Explain the properties of lubricants?
2. Explain the splash lubricating system with neat sketch?
3. Explain the pressure lubricating system with neat sketch?
4. Explain the cartridge type filter with neat sketch?
5. Explain the centrifugal type filter with neat sketch?
6. Explain the edge oil filter with neat sketch?
9. Carburetors :
9.1 Types of carburetors
9.2 Different adjustments & their
10. Fuel injection system :
10.1 Fuel fed system in motor
vehicles, its layout
10.2 Study of diesel fuel supply
10.3 FIP timing
10.4 Engine idling speed adjustment
10.5 Study of LPG & CNG driving
10.6 Study of Air Conditioning
1. Explain the working of carter carburetor with neat sketch?
2. Explain the zenith carburetor with neat sketch?
3. Explain the S.U.Carburetor with neat sketch?
4.Expalin different adjustment and their purposes in carburetor
1. Draw petrol engine vehicle line diagram and explain the parts?
2. Draw the Diesel engine vehicle line diagram and explain the
3. Explain the function of Air cleaner?
4.Write the advantages and disadvantages of CNG
5. Draw the layout of LPG System fuel supply system for petrol
6. Explain the Air conditioning in cars?
1. Fundamentals of Refrigeration :
1) Methods of refrigeration: Ice
refrigeration,Dry ice refrigeration, Air
expansion refrigeration
Liquid gas refrigeration, Vapor
compression refrigeration
2. Refrigeration equipment :
2.1 Compressors, 2.2 Condensers &
cooling towers
2.3 Evaporators, 2.4 Expansion
1. Define Refrigeration.
2. What are the various methods of Refrigeration?
3. What is Ice Refrigeration?
4. What is Dry ice Refrigeration?
5. What is Air expansion Refrigeration?
6. What is Liquid gas Refrigeration?
7. What is vapour compression Refrigeration system?
1. Explain Ice Refrigeration.
2. Write short notes on Dry ice Refrigeration.
3. Write short notes on Air expansion Refrigeration.
4. Write short notes on Liquid gas Refrigeration.
5. Explain the Vapour compression refrigeration.
1. What are the main components in the Refrigeration system?
2. What is the function of compressor in refrigeration system?
3. What are the advantages of Hermitically sealed compressor
over open unit?
4. State the function condenser and classify the condenser.
5. Distinguish between water cooled condenser and air cooled
6. What is the function of Evaporator in refrigeration system?
List out different types of evaporator?
7. State the difference between Bare tube evaporator and
Finned tube evaporator.
8. What is the function of Expansion device in the refrigeration
9. State the function of capillary tube.
10. State the advantages and limitations of capillary tubes.
1. Explain the working of Hermitically sealed compressor used in
Refrigeration system with neat sketch.
2. Write the difference between open unit and hermitically
sealed unit.
3. What are the merits and demerits of Air cooled condensers?
4. Explain the working of Shell and Tube condenser.
5. Draw a Shell and coil type condenser and explain its working.
6. Explain the working of double tube condenser.
7. Explain the working of Evaporative condenser.
8. Write the differences between Airs cooled condensers and
Water cooled condensers.
9. Explain the working of Natural draft cooling tower.
10. Explain the working of mechanical draft cooling tower.
11. Write the differences between Natural draft and mechanical
draft cooling tower.
12. Explain the working of any one expansion device with neat
1. Explain the working house hold refrigerator with neat sketch.
2. Draw a neat sketch of water cooler and explain its working.
3. Explain the Ice plant.
4. Explain the cold storage plant.
3. Refrigeration applications :
Definition of refrigeration, Unit of
refrigeration,Domestic refrigerator
Water cooler, Ice plant
Cold storage
1. Define Refrigeration.
2. Write the various applications of refrigeration.
3. What are the components of the Domestic refrigerator?
4. Mention the parts of the Water cooler.
5. State the various parts of Ice plant.
6. What is the function of Cold storage?
4. Fundamentals of Air conditioning :
1. Define Air conditioning.
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Meaning of air conditioning
4.3 Psychrometry & its properties
4.4 Dry air, 4.5 Moist aid
4.6 Dry bulb temperature
4.7 wet bulb temperature
5. Air conditioning equipment :
5.1 Fans & Blowers
5.2 Ducts
5.3 Supply air outlets
5.4 Return air outlets
5.5 Filters & dust collectors
5.6 Heating and cooling coils
6. Air conditioning applications :
6.1 Air cooler
6.2 Window air conditioner
6.3 Split air conditioner
6.4 Packaged air conditioner
7. Servicing and maintenance of
Refrigeration and air conditioning
2. What is meant by Air conditioning?
3. Write the classification of Air conditioning.
4. What is Dry air?
5. What is moist air?
6. Define DBT.
7. Define WBT.
8. What is Dew point temperature?
1. List out the Air conditioning equipment.
2. State the function of Fan.
3. Write the differences between axial fan and centrifugal fan.
4. Define duct and write the requirements of the duct system.
5. What is the function of Supply air outlet?
6. State the classification of supply Air outlet.
7. State the function of Return outlet.
8. State the function of Filters and Dust collectors.
9. What are the various types of filters used in Air conditioning
10.State the function of Heating and Cooling coil in air
1. List out the essential parts of Air cooler.
2. What are the main features of Air cooler?
3. What are the main components of air conditioning system?
4. Write the advantages of mechanical draft cooling tower over
natural draft cooling tower.
5. Describe the classification of Air conditioning system.
1. What are the various symptoms of gas shortage in the
2. How the leakage test conducted for Ammonia refrigerant?
3. Describe the working principle of Halide test lamp.
4. State any four causes and remedies for Refrigerator unit does
not run.
5. Write four causes and remedies for refrigerator runs very fast.
6. State any four causes and remedies for compressor and
condenser fan motor will not start.
1. Explain the various types of Axial Fns with neat sketches.
2.Write short notes of the following questions
a) Centrifugal fan b)Propeller fan
3. Describe various types of duct system used to supply
conditioned air to outlets.
4. How the filters are classified? Describe dry collector with neat
5. Explain the working Heating and Cooling coil with neat
1. Explain the working of Air Cooler with neat sketch.
2. Describe the working Window air conditioner with neat
3. Explain the working of Split air conditioner.
4. Describe the working packaged Air conditioner.
5. Write the differences between Window air conditioner and
Split air conditioner.
1. Describe the different methods for leak testing of the
following refrigerant.
a)Ammonia b)Freon c) Sulphor dioxide
2.Explain the possible causes and remedies for the following
problems a)Noisy operation b)Suction pressure fluctuates
c) High discharge pressure.
3. Explain any six trouble shootings in refrigeration system.
4. Write any six trouble shootings in Air conditioning system.