Chilton Cantelo School Parents* Handbook

Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
2015 - 2016
Updated August 2015
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
Electrical Goods
School Events
Mobile Phones
Parents Evenings
Medical Provision
Report Dates
Personal Accident Insurance
Term Dates
Term Dates
Contact Numbers
Transfer Arrangements
School Day
Weekend Arrangements
Social Committee
Beginning & End
Social Media
Enrichment Activities
Assemblies & Themes
External Examinations
Emergency Closure
Parental Meetings
General Appearance
Instrumental Lessons
Breakfast / Supper Club
Chewing Gum
Uniform List
Educational Trips
Lost Property
Occasional Boarding
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
Welcome to Chilton Cantelo School!
Chilton Cantelo School
Chilton Cantelo
Yeovil, Somerset
BA22 8BG
Tel: 01935 850555
Fax: 01935 850482
Website address:
E-mail address:
This handbook contains the day to day information you and your child may
need, including details about uniform, equipment and general School
We hope you find this handbook useful. If there is any other information you
feel should be included in this booklet, please let us know.
Much of the information included can be found on our School website at
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
Tuesday 1st December 7:00pm
Pre-Prep Nativity
Monday 7th December 9:00am
Tuesday 8th December 9:00am
Carol Service
Friday 11th December 11:00am
Prep School Play
Tuesday 15th March 7:00pm
Wednesday 16th March 7:00pm
School Exam Week
Tuesday 3rd May – Friday 6th May
Open Air Concert
Tuesday 10th May 7:00pm
School Play
Tuesday 5th July tbc
Wednesday 6th July tbc
Sports Day and Speech Day
Thursday, 7th July
9.00 – 10.00 Enrichment displays and performances
10.30 – 11.45 Speech Day
Picnic lunch
1.30 – 4.15 Sports Day
4.30 Refreshments served
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
Meet the Teacher
Afternoon Tea for all boarders & parents – Sunday 6th September 2:00-4:00pm
Prep School – Tuesday 8th September 6:45pm
Years 7-8 - Wednesday 9th September 6:45pm
Years 9-10– Thursday 10th September 6:45pm
Years 11 – 13 – Monday 14th September 6.45pm
Consultations Evenings
Pre Prep by appointment
Prep school – Thursday 15th October 3.30 – 6.30 pm (day pupils)
Prep school - Friday 16th October 3.30 pm -6.30 (boarding pupils)
Years 7 – 10 & 12 Friday 29th January, 2016 5:10pm
Years 11 & 13 Thursday 14th January, 2016 5:10pm (day pupils)
Years 11 & 13 Friday 15th January, 2016 5:10pm (boarding pupils)
Report Dates
Whole School – Friday 16th October (Pastoral/Effort Grade Tutor Report)
Years 11-13 Thursday 10th December
Prep Department, Years 7-10 & 12 Friday 15th January, 2016
Whole School – Friday 1st July, 2016
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
Term Commences:
Half Term:
Term Ends:
:Sunday 6th September– 4pm (non-local), 5.30pm
(Day Pupils)
: Monday 7th September 2015
: Friday 16th October until Sunday 1st November 4pm
5.30pm (local)
(Day Pupils)
: Friday 16th October until Monday 2nd November
(All Pupils)
: Friday, 11th December – 11.00 a.m. Carol Service
: Sunday 3rd January – 4pm (non-local), 5.30pm (local)
(Day Pupils)
: Monday 4th January 2016
Term Commences:
Half Term:
Term Ends:
: Friday 12th February until Sunday 21st February –
4pm (non-local),
5.30pm (local)
(Day Pupils)
: Friday 12th February until Monday 22nd February
(All Pupils)
: Friday, 18th March
: Tuesday 5th April – 4pm (non-local), 5.30pm (local)
(Day Pupils)
: Wednesday 6th April
Term Commences:
School Closed for Weekend 30th April 1st/2nd May
Boarders return Monday 2nd May 4pm (non-local), 5.30pm (local)
Half Term:
Term Ends:
: Friday 27th May – until Sunday 5th June 4pm
(non-local), 5.30pm (local)
: Friday 27th May until Monday 6th June
: Thursday, 7th July
Autumn Term 2016 commences Monday, 5th
September, 2016
Good Friday 2016
Friday 25th March
May Day Bank Holiday Monday, 2nd May (School closed)
Spring Bank Holiday
Monday 30th May
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
Contact Numbers
01935 850555
01935 850482
Office Hours: During term time: Mon – Fri: 8.00am – 5.30pm
During holidays: Mon – Fri 8.30am – 4.30pm (4.00pm Fridays)
Please note that answer phone messages left on the main School number outside these hours
will be picked up at the beginning of the next working day. Urgent messages should not be
left on this service.
Senior Leadership Team Duty Phone:
07890 187870 or 07885 831987
Mrs Louise Phillips - Assistant Head (Pastoral and Boarding)
01935 850555 or mobile 07885 831987 (24 hours)
Boarding Pupils
Pupils may be contacted on the following numbers after supper and at the weekends:
Mill House:
(Yr 9-13 Girls)
Housemistress Mrs Cave or Mrs Halls
01935 852191
(Yr 3-8 Girls)
Housemistress, Miss Collins
Boarders’ Phone
01935 852192
01935 851767
(Yr 3-13 Boys)
Housemaster, Mr Newberry
Boarders’ Phones
01935 852196
01935 851647 or
01935 851739
Boarding Pupils Mobile Phones
If you prefer to contact your son or daughter on their mobile phone please do so before their
published bedtime.
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
Mrs Verity White
Deputy Headmaster:
Mr Julian Pomroy
Assistant Head (Pastoral & Boarding):
Mrs Louise Phillips
Director of Studies:
Mr Ian Phillips
Assistant Head (International):
Mr Roy Mylan
Head of the Prep School:
Mrs Nicky Hancock
Business Manager:
Mrs Sandra Buttigieg
Heads of Year
Sixth Form:
Mr Dominic Simmons
Year 11:
Mr Harrison Isack
Year 10:
Mrs Jane Gillespie
Year 9:
Mr Karl Groechel
Year 8:
Mrs Linda Hague
Year 7:
Miss Julia Woolway
Contact with School
Tutors/Heads of Year (rather than Reception, other than absence) should always be the first
‘port of call’ for any issue you would like to raise. All staff may be contacted through their
personal School email address (see Parents area of the School website for details).
For more pressing concerns please contact a member of the SLT through their personal
School address.
All visitors MUST sign in at Reception in the Main House.
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
The School Day
If your child is absent from School, due to illness, medical appointments, etc, please call
School Reception before 9.00am.
Any pupil leaving/returning to the School site during the School day MUST sign out/in at
School Reception.
Please avoid holidays in term time, early collection from School at half term and the end of
term, other than in the rare case of genuine emergency. Your support for the School in this
regard is greatly appreciated. Requests for such absence should be directed to the
Headmistress in writing.
Beginning & End
The School day commences at 8.30am.
Any pupil who arrives late must report to Reception in order to avoid being marked absent on
the School Register.
The School day ends at:
Reception & Pre-Prep
Preparatory Department (Years 3-6)
Senior School (Years 7-11)
Sixth Form (Years 12-13)
Day children are welcome to stay from 5.00pm – 6.00pm at no extra cost – activity options
are provided below:Monday:
Prep Department open to help with reading & spellings; GCSE Science
support; Homework with supervised staff; Riverside – open for down time.
Prep Department open to help with reading & spellings; GCSE Maths support;
Homework with supervised staff; Rock Workshop; Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
Award; Riverside – open for down time.
Wednesday: Riverside and Woodlands - open for down time.
Prep Department open to help with reading & spellings; GCSE English
support; Homework with supervised staff; Riverside – open for down time.
Prep Department open to help with reading & spellings; Homework with
supervised staff; Riverside – open for down time.
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
As the whole School is finishing at 5.00pm all years from Year 3 should be collected from
the front of Riverside, where a member of Duty Staff will remain with them for 15 minutes.
Any day student, not collected by this time will go into Riverside Common Room where they
will be supervised by houseparents until they are collected. The School operates an efficient
dismissal system designed to ensure the welfare of each individual. Parents are requested
not to arrive early, in order to avoid unnecessary traffic build up outside of the School
gates which impacts unfairly on the School’s neighbours. This is very important.
There are seven lessons in the School day each lasting 50 minutes. With two breaks and
lunchtime the pupils have ample time to relax too. Afternoon break finishes at 4.10pm
allowing for the last session of the day to be dedicated to enrichment activities which are
considered to be part of the timetable.
Enrichment Activities
Pupils are expected to participate in enrichment activities each day between 4.10pm and
4.55pm. This is seen as part of the timetable. Each term there will be an Activities Fair in
the first week of term for pupils to sign up for their options. Once signed and accepted on
their chosen activities this will mean a one term commitment.
Activities are varied and care is taken to ensure all pupils will find an activity that will suit
Assemblies & Themes
There will be Whole School, Year group(s), Prep Department and House Assemblies.
Frequency will vary according to the timetable.
Pastoral reports, to include effort grade and tutor report, for all pupils will be sent in October.
There will be two full reports for all pupils later in the year.
Pre-Prep – A full report at the end of the year with scheduled parental meetings by
Parents’ Meetings
There will be a ‘Meet the Teacher’ meeting for all years at the beginning of the Autumn
Term. This will be an opportunity to meet all the teachers who teach your children followed
by a meeting with your child’s specific Head of Year.
Informational Parents’ Evenings
Each year group will have two informational evenings per year.
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
Instrumental Lessons
Any parent(s) wishing their child(ren) to have instrumental lessons should complete and
return the appropriate form (available from the School) to the School Reception without
delay. We also offer LAMDA and Trinity/Guildhall drama, speech and communication
lessons along with appropriate examinations. A full term’s notice of withdrawal from
lessons is required in all cases.
All food at School is provided by Thomas Franks Ltd. Weekly menus can be found on the
website within the Parents Area together with a link to their website if you would like to find
out more about the company.
Healthy Tuck Shop
There is a Healthy Tuck Shop, run by Thomas Franks, that operates during morning and
afternoon break time. The majority of items are £1.00.
Breakfast / Supper Club
Day pupils may come for breakfast (7.30-8.30am) and / or stay for supper (6.00–7.00pm) if
the need arises. If you would like to book your son / daughter for breakfast / supper please
contact School Reception so that this may be arranged. Breakfast / Supper club will be
charged at £6.00 and added to your termly invoice.
Chewing Gum
Chilton is a gum free zone.
The School operates several bus routes covering a wide area of Somerset and Dorset. Please
contact the School for further details.
Educational Trips
Educational visits take place throughout the year for all year groups. Parents are informed of
these trips via letter/ParentMail. Please ensure that you return permission slips promptly so
that attendance can be confirmed.
The School, both pupils and staff, are divided into three Houses:
Barrington (yellow)
To be confirmed
Longleat (blue)
Mrs H Camp
Montacute (red)
Mr D Newberry
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Parents’ Handbook
Events for the Houses include House Singing, House Quiz, Charity work etc. Each House
will take a lead for a term, in addition to the sporting events which will culminate in the
whole School Sports Day. All children from Year 1 upwards will be put into houses with
siblings being housed together. Reception children will be put into their House just before
Sports Day so that the first thing they do for their House is to compete at Sports Day.
Pupils will be awarded House Points. House points may be earned both through academic
and community endeavour.
Lost Property
It is very important that all property is marked with the student’s name. Named items found
will be returned to pupils via tutors.
Occasional Boarding
The School maintains a flexible approach to boarding, but prefers boarding pupils not to be
absent from School overnight on weekday evenings. The parent(s) of day pupils who wish
their child to spend occasional nights at the School on a regular basis are encouraged to
register their interest as early as possible with the Registrar on 01935 852195 or
The School issues keys to pupils for the allocation of classroom lockers and wardrobes for
boarding pupils.
Classroom locker keys must be returned to at the end of each academic year to the School
Reception. Boarding pupils must return their wardrobe keys to the Houseparent.
Lost keys incur a replacement charge of £8.00.
Electrical/Electronic Goods (Boarding Pupils)
All electrical goods, mobile phones and chargers, game consoles, ‘game boys’ (and
associated games), laptops, i-pods and other gadgetry must be clearly named in advance, and
should be logged by the Houseparent on arrival at the boarding house. Arrangements will be
made for electrical goods to be tested for electrical safety by the Site Manager prior to being
used at School.
The School makes every effort to maintain an accurate record of these at all times and to
guard against their loss or damage. The School cannot, however, accept responsibility for
such items and would ask parents to be mindful of this in deciding whether or not to allow
their son(s)/daughter(s) to bring to School items of great value.
In the interests of security, pupils are also advised to name all CD’s and any DVD’s which
they bring on site.
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones can be brought into School but must be switched off during lesson times
unless invited otherwise by the class teacher. They are not to be used during the day. Please
note that if your son/daughter has a 3G or 4G enabled device this will not be covered by the
school security filters.
Medical Provision
The Medical Room is manned from 8.15am – 5.30pm by Mrs Sue Wheeler.
Houseparents are all First Aid at Work trained.
If a pupil is too ill to remain in School then the Nurse/Medical Assistant will contact you in
order that you can collect them. Pupils should not contact parents directly.
It is very important that the School has up to date contact numbers for you or your
named contact, in the event of an emergency.
Please see our Medical Policy in the ‘Policies’ section of our website or contact School
Reception for a copy.
Personal Accident Insurance
Personal Accident Insurance cover is included for all pupils.
Conditions’ (Parent Contract) are disseminated annually.
Updated ‘Terms and
Term Dates
Term dates are to be found at the front of this document. The next academic year’s term
dates are available on the School website.
Transfer Arrangements (Boarding Pupils)
The School is able to arrange transport to/from Heathrow, Gatwick and other UK airports at
the start/end of each term and half term. Please ensure that the School is aware of flight
details, preferably a week prior to the date of travel, in order for suitable transport to be
arranged. Please check with the relevant airlines when booking your child’s flight whether
they are classed as an ‘Unaccompanied Minor’ as it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility
to fill out the relevant forms and inform the airline prior to travelling. The airlines will not
allow an unaccompanied minor to travel without these forms. Each airline has their own
policy to determine the age limit for an unaccompanied minor.
Visiting (Boarding Pupils)
In the interests of safeguarding (child protection), visitors may not access pupils’ space –
dormitories, common rooms, classrooms etc – at any time, unless accompanied by a member
of staff. Separate washroom facilities including those for the disabled are provided for the use
of adults on site.
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
Weekend Arrangements (Boarding Pupils)
As lists of weekend excursions are compiled early each week. It is enormously helpful if
parents of boarding pupils would advise the School in writing (or by e-mail) no later than
Wednesday morning if they intend their son(s)/daughter(s) to be out of School for the
following weekend.
If boarding pupils are invited to spend the weekend with their friends from School, the
School is required to have written authorisation from both sets of parents. Parents of boarding
pupils are welcome to lodge with the Headmistress an open letter in this regard, authorising
their son(s)/daughter(s) to stay with the parents of a friend from School, at the Headmistress’
discretion. Unfortunately, where such authorisations have not been received by Friday at
noon, it will not be possible for such a visit to take place.
Chilton Cantelo School Social Committee
Parents are invited to join our Chilton Cantelo School Social Committee who organise fund
raising projects, both for the School and local charities throughout the year. Meetings take
place a couple of times a month on a Friday. If you cannot attend the meetings, your help at
School events is always welcome. Every Friday morning from 8.30am the Wild Cat Café is
open for parents and staff for coffee and a croissant!
Please contact the Committee if you wish to be involved by emailing Mrs Tammy Newberry
Newsletters are published weekly and are available to view on the School Website in addition
to being sent via ParentMail.
Social Media
The Marketing Manager regularly updates the School Facebook page and our Twitter account
with all our news.
Please note that our School policy states that no staff may be friends on Facebook with
The School Website
The School website is a valuable source of information and includes general information
about the School including Term Dates, latest news headlines, forthcoming events, details of
our latest policies, current fees, the curriculum and boarding information.
Complaints Procedure
Although every effort is made to communicate effectively with parents, the School has a
Complaints Procedure. A copy is available via our website or from School Reception.
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
External Examinations
Public Examinations and Controlled Assessments are taken by pupils in Years 10 - 13. Exam
dates are published early in the academic year and are available to view on our website.
Public examination charges are payable in advance and are usually invoiced in the Spring
Emergency Closure/Adverse Weather Conditions
In the event of emergency closure due to inclement weather conditions an announcement will
appear on the following:
School website (an emergency page/message will be displayed):
Heart FM – 102.6 and The Breeze (formerly Midwest Radio) - Snowline
If necessary a text message will also be sent to you, providing you are registered with
ParentMail (information available from School Reception).
General Appearance
In preparing our pupils for the 21st Century we wish them to take responsibility for their
whole appearance. When wearing uniform, we expect all pupils to be dressed in a neat and
well groomed manner. First impressions are so important these days. Pupils’ appearance
should exemplify ‘professional dress in a professional setting’. We have Year 11 Prefects –
the boys are distinguished by a plain burgundy tie with the Chilton crest and the girls a plain
grey skirt. All Prefects were a Prefect badge.
Pupils are not permitted to wear ANY jewellery or make-up during the School day with the
exception of a simple cross and chain. Girls are permitted to wear ‘studs’, one in each ear
lobe only. Body piercing/tattooing is not permitted.
It is within the spirit, as well as the letter of the rules, that pupils’ haircuts should be of a
classic, well groomed style. While in some quarters it may be considered appropriate to sport
close-cropped, or other fashionable hairstyles, a “classic” cut is required at this School. The
dyeing/bleaching of hair is strictly prohibited. This rule will be strictly enforced and the
School reserves the right to send home any pupil who is in overt contravention, until matters
are rectified. Male pupils are required to be clean shaven at all times.
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Chilton Cantelo School
Parents’ Handbook
Pupils are encouraged to use an ink pen in place of ballpoint pens, in an effort to improve
further the presentation of written work. Sensibly priced ink pens are produced by most wellknown manufacturers.
In order to follow the Mathematics/Science specifications efficiently, your son(s)/daughter(s)
must have the necessary mathematical equipment to take to every Maths and Science lesson.
We have experienced problems caused by some pupils not having the correct items and the
subsequent lending/borrowing has resulted in belongings being mislaid or damaged.
All pupils are required to return to School each term with the following items:
An ink pen and cartridges (not required until Year 7)
A named pencil case
Felt tip pens (Prep Department)
Berol or Pilot Handwriting pens (Years 4, 5 and 6)
Pencils – 2B, 4B, 2H, HB – 2/3 of each
1 x 30cm rulers
15 cm ruler
Several erasers, a pencil sharpener, pencil crayons
Glue stick
A4 ring binder (Senior School)
Geometry set, comprising a pair of compasses, protractor, a 30/60 degree
and a 45 degree set-square
Scientific Calculator (Years 5 - 13)
Parents are reminded that there is an absolute prohibition on the use of the correction fluid
(Tippex etc) at School. All students in the Upper School (Years 10 and above) should, in
addition, provide their own lever arch and A4 ring binders (blue, if possible) and their own
English dictionary. Parents/Pupils may have their own preference in this regard; the School
recommended edition is the HEINEMANN ENGLISH DICTIONARY – ISBN 435 10396 2,
although any equivalent etymological dictionary will suffice.
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