Motiv Practice Test2

Chapter 12 Practice Test #2
1. Obese mice eat less, become more active, and lose weight after they have been
injected with:
a. insulin
b. glucose
c. leptin
d. estrogen
e. testosterone
2. Homeostasis refers to:
a. the tendency to maintain a steady internal state
b. the tendency to seek external incentives for behavior
c. the setting of the body's "weights thermostat"
d. a theory of the development of sexual orientation
3. Which of the following tends to foster a high need for achievement?
a. the frequent use of extrinsic controls on behavior
b. encouraging young children to remain dependent
c. the use of punishment for failures
d. giving rewards that provide feedback
4. Of the following parts of the world, teen intercourse rates are highest in:
a. Western Europe
b. Canada
c. The United States
d. Asia
e. Arab countries
5. Although the cause of eating disorders is still unknown, explanations that have been
proposed focus on all of the following except:
a. metabolic factors
b. genetic factors
c. family background factors
d. cultural factors
6. The brain area that when stimulated suppresses eating is the:
a. lateral hypothalamus
b. ventromedial hypothalamus
c. lateral thalamus
d. ventromedial thalamus
7. Exposure of a fetus to the hormones typical of females between ______ and _____
months after conception may predispose the developing human to become attracted to
a. 1;3
b. 2;5
c. 4;7
d. 6;9
e. 9;11
8. Which of the following statements concerning homosexuality is true?
a. homosexuals have abnormal hormone levels
b. as children, most homosexuals were molested by an adult homosexual
c. homosexuals had a domineering opposite-sex parent
d. new research indicates that sexual orientation may be at least partly physiological
9. Investigations of how men and women view body image found that:
a. men and women alike expressed significant self-dissatisfaction
b. men and women alike accurately assessed the body weight for their own sex that
the other sex preferred
c. men tended to rate their current weight as corresponding both to their ideal weight
and to women's ideal weight for men
d. women tended to be satisfied with their current body weight but to think that men
preferred a thinner body shape for women
10. According to Maslow's theory:
a. the most basic motives are based on physiological needs
b. needs are satisfied in a specified order
c. the highest motives relate to self-actualization
d. all of the above are true
11. Which of the following is inconsistent with the drive-reduction theory of
a. when body temperature drops below 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, blood vessels constrict
to conserve warmth
b. a person is driven to seek a drink when his or her cellular water level drops below its
optimum point
c. monkeys will work puzzles even if not given a food reward
d. a person becomes hungry when body weight falls below its biological set point
none of the above is inconsistent
12. Which of the following is true concerning eating disorders?
a. genetic factors may influence susceptibility
b. abnormal levels of certain neurotransmitters may play a role
c. people with eating disorders are at risk for anxiety or depression
d. family background is a significant factor
e. all of the above are true
13. Sexual orientation refers to:
a. a person's tendency to display behaviors typical of males or females
b. a person's sense of identity as a male or female
c. a person's enduring sexual attraction toward members of a particular gender
d. all of the above
14. Which of the following is not an aspect of Murray's definition of achievement
a. the desire to master skills
b. the desire for control
c. the desire to gain approval
d. the desire to attain a high standard
15. The power of external stimuli in sexual motivation is illustrated in Julie Heiman's
experiment, in which subjects' responses to various romantic, erotic, or neutral audio
tapes were recorded. Which of the following was among the findings of her research?
a. The women were more aroused by the romantic tape; the men were more aroused
by the sexually explicit tape
b. the sexually experienced subjects reported greater arousal when the tape depicted a
sexual encounter in which a woman is overpowered by a man and enjoys being
c. whereas the men's physical arousal was both obvious and consistent with their verbal
reports, the women's verbal reports did not correspond very directly with their
measured physical arousal
d. both men and women were aroused most by the sexually explicit tape
16. According to Masters and Johnson, the sexual response of males is most likely to
differ from that of females during:
a. the excitement phase
b. the plateau phase
c. orgasm d. the resolution phase
17. In animals, destruction of the lateral hypothalamus results in _____, whereas
destruction of the ventromedial hypothalamus results in _______
a. overeating; loss of hunger
b. loss of hunger; overeating
c. an elevated set point; a lowered set point
d. increased thirst; loss of thirst
e. increased metabolic rate; weight loss
18. Why do people with a high need for achievement prefer tasks of moderate
a. They are afraid of failing at more difficult tasks
b. they want to avoid the embarrassment of failing at easy tasks
c. moderately difficult tasks present an attainable goal in which success is attributable to
their own skills
d. they have high extrinsic motivation
19.Beginning with the most basic needs, which of the following represents the correct
sequence of needs in the hierarchy described by Maslow?
a. Safety; physiological; esteem; belongingness and love; self-fulfillment
b. safety; physiological; belongingness and love; esteem; self-fulfillment c. physiological; safety; esteem; belongingness and love; self-fulfillment
d. physiological; safety; belongingness and love; esteem; self-fulfillment
20. Which of the following is currently true regarding first-year college students'
opinions of casual sex?
a. The majority feel that sex between persons who know each other for only a short
time is acceptable
b. the majority feel that condom use is unnecessary, because they know when the safe
times are
c. the majority feel that sex between persons who know each other for only a short time
is unacceptable
d. the majority feel that they will be ostracized by their peers if they don't do "what
everyone else is doing"
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. D
11. C
12. E
13. C
14. C
15. D
16. D
17. B
18. C
19. D
20. C