HRE 201 GRADE 10 RELIGION - UNIT FOUR Media search WHERE IS GOD? Search newspapers, magazines, television sitcoms, advertisements, book titles, or the Internet for any items that use the following words, ideas or types of products: self-fulfillment, self-improvement, self-realization, selfexpression, discovering authenticity, realizing your potential, therapies for all that ails you, pills and pain relievers, enticements to enjoy yourself - you are worth it, self-help. List of Items found: Report on the results of your search by answering the following questions. How does our culture look at self-fulfillment? What are we encouraged to pursue in life? What goals and commitments do these things set for human life? How do the media images propose that we deal with bad experiences, sickness, depression, or harmful relationships? How do you think Jesus would ask us to grow beyond what our culture proposes?