DSD Annual Performance Report (01 April 2012 – 31 March 2013) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 09 October 2013 "Building a Caring Society. Together" 1 Presentation outline PART A: Overview • Vision, Mission & Strategic Priorities PART B: Programme performance • Purpose • Annual Achievements/performance PART C: International Obligations • Challenges PART D: Legislative Programme PART E: Finance "Building a Caring Society. Together" 2 Part A Overview "Building a Caring Society. Together" 3 Vision A caring and integrated system of social development services that facilitates human development and improves the quality of life. Mission To ensure the provision of comprehensive social services which protect the poor and vulnerable within the framework of the South African Constitution and subsequent legislation; create an enabling environment for sustainable development; and deliver integrated, sustainable, and quality services in partnership with all those committed to building a caring society together. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 4 Strategic Priorities The Department has identified and committed itself to addressing the following key priorities: • Expand Child and Youth Care services (Isibindi programme) • Promote Early Childhood Development • Combat Substance Abuse • Provision of food to poor households (Food for all/Zero Hunger) • The protection and promotion of the rights of older people and people with disabilities "Building "BuildingaaCaring CaringSociety. Society.Together" Together" 5 Government outcomes The Department also contributes to some of the following government outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Improved quality of basic education A long and healthy life for all South Africans All people in South Africa are and feel safe Decent employment through inclusive economic growth A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities and food security for all 8. Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life 9. A responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system 10. Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced 11. Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and World 12. An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship "Building "BuildingaaCaring Caring Society. Society. Together" Together" 6 PROGRAMMES PURPOSE Programme 1: Administration • To provide leadership, management and support services to the Department and the Social Development Sector. Programme 2: Social Assistance • To provide income support to vulnerable groups. Programme 3: Social Security Policy and Administration • To provide for social policy development and the fair administration of social assistance. Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation • To create an enabling environment for the delivery of equitable developmental welfare services through the formulation of policies, norms and standards and best practices and the provision of support to the implementation agencies. Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery • To support community development and promote evidence-based policy making in the Department and the Social Development Sector "Building a Caring Society. Together" 7 Part B Programme Performance "Building a Caring Society. Together" 8 PURPOSE Purpose: To inform the Portfolio Committee of : – The Department’s performance against its pre-determined objectives for the 2012/13 financial year; – The State of Expenditure of the Department for the 2012/13 financial year as at 31 March 2013. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 9 CONTEXT/SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS • The Social Development Sector delivers its services in an environment marked by high levels of poverty, unemployment and inequality. • Although the Department is largely responsible for policy formulation, it also renders some of its services directly to the public, e.g. Registration of NPOs • The Department works with other institutions within and outside government in the execution of its mandate: Critical partners include amongst other the Departments of Basic Education, Labour, Justice, Health and Rural development. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 10 CONTEXT/SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS • Areas of collaboration include critical projects on issues affecting Children, HIV & AIDS, Older Persons, Victim Empowerment, Youth, Social Security. • Given the collaborative and interdependent nature of some of the department’s work, it can only meet some of its targets if the other institutions deliver on their commitments as well. • Reprioritization: In some instances, the Department often defers the implementation of some of its targets in light of new, urgent priorities, these include the focus by the Department on Kwanda Talk in order to prepare the ground for the roll-out of Kwanda to the new sites. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 11 Annual Achievements/Performance "Building a Caring Society. Together" 12 PROGRAMME 2: COMPREHENSIVE SOCIAL SECURITY Social Assistance Government outcome A long and healthy life for all South Africans Outcome DSD specific Protect poor and vulnerable people living in South Africa against income poverty Targets Annual Achievements/performance Extend the CSG coverage for 0-4 year olds to 66% The CSG coverage for 0-4 year old is 2 619 589. Coverage is currently at 65% Increase the total number of grant beneficiary coverage to 15 712 737 The total number of grant beneficiaries is 16 106 110. Slightly more than originally projected applicants applied for social grants Increase Old Age Grant beneficiary coverage to 2 828 223 The total number of Old Age Grant beneficiaries is 2 873 197. Slightly more than originally projected applicants applied for social grants Increase Child Support Grant beneficiary coverage to 11 491 702 The total number of Child Support Grant beneficiaries is 11 341 988. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 13 PROGRAMME 3: SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY ADMINISTRATION Appeals Adjudication Government Outcome An efficient and development-orientated public service and an empowered , fair and inclusive citizenship Outcome DSD specific Effective, efficient and accessible social assistance appeals service Targets Adjudicate 90% of appeals within 90 days of receipt) Annual Achievements/performance A total of 1 974 appeals were adjudicated. Of these, 46.61% were adjudicated within 90 days of receipt) “Building a Caring Society. Together" 14 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES Service Standards and Service Provider Management Support Government Outcome An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Outcome DSD specific Standardise Social Welfare Services to improve quality service delivery by 2015 Targets Annual Achievements/performance Appoint commissioners to head the inquiry into the State of Welfare Services (March 2013) Ministerial Committee (Commissioners) to review the implementation of the White Paper for Social Welfare Services has been approved by the Minister Award 798 scholarships to social work students (raising total to 4 750) 2 037 new scholarships were awarded for the 2012 academic year and the number increased to 6 339 including the continuing students. Many students were identified during outreach programmes and the surplus funds were available from the 2011/2 financial year. “Building a Caring Society. Together" 15 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES Service Standards and Service Provider Management Support Government Outcome An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Outcome DSD specific Standardise Social Welfare Services to improve quality service delivery by 2015 Targets Facilitate approval of the Policy on Social Service Professions and Occupations (March 2013) Annual Achievements/performance Policy on Social Service Practitioners finalized but not yet approved Nine provincial consultations on the policy were held between July and August 2012. “Building a Caring Society. Together" 16 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES Older Persons Government Outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe DSD specific Outcome Improved protection and quality of life for older persons Targets Register 90 community-based care and support services to older persons Annual Achievements/performance 104 community-based care and support services for older persons were registered Increase number of older people benefiting from community-based care and support services to 1 450 (Cumulative) 35 197 older people benefited from communitybased care and support services “Building a Caring Society. Together" 17 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES People with Disabilities Sustainable human Settlement and improved quality of household life DSD specific Outcome Improved quality of life for people with disabilities Government Outcome Targets Annual Achievements/performance Approve policy on Social Development Services to people with disabilities by August 2013. The Policy on Social Development Services to people with disabilities was approved by MANCO “Building a Caring Society. Together" 18 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE Children SERVICES Government Outcome A quality of basic education DSD specific Outcome Improved access to Early Childhood Development ( ECD) programmes Targets Annual Achievements/performance Increase number of children accessing ECD programs up to school-going age by 10%. The number of children accessing ECD programmes up to school going age increased by 15 % (124 870) Increase registered partial care facilities by 10%. Registered partial care facilities increased by 5% (1 052) Conduct a comprehensive audit of 5 6 216 ECD Centres were audited in all provinces 487 ECD centres in all provinces “Building a Caring Society. Together" 19 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES Children Government Outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe DSD specific Outcome Safe and friendly society for children Targets Annual Achievements/performance Increase the number of children accessing adoption services by 5% Total number of adoptions registered were 1 696 (68%).This comprised 1 522 national and 174 intercountry adoptions Increase number of children in foster care by 10% The number of children in foster care increased by 31% (157 024). Increase number of children The number of children accessing drop-in centre accessing drop-in centres by 15% increased by 450% (186 510). “Building a Caring Society. Together" 20 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES Children Government Outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe DSD specific Outcome Safe and friendly society for children Targets Increase number of children accessing CYCCs by 10% Annual Achievements/performance The number of children accessing CYCCs increased by 123% (8 972). Screen 4 000 employees working 32 935 employees working with children screened with children against the CPR Part B were against the CPR Part B. “Building a Caring Society. Together" 21 PROGRAMME 4: WELFARE SERVICES Families Government Outcome Sustainable human settlement and improved quality of household life. DSD-specific outcome Restored family values and responsibilities in order to build cohesive communities. Targets Annual Achievements /performance Build capacity for implementing the integrated parenting framework in all provinces Capacity building was conducted in 5 remaining provinces, namely, Limpopo, Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape and North West. The first four were covered during the last financial year. In addition the Active Parenting for Teenagers has been developed flowing from the Integrated Parenting Framework. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 22 PROGRAMME 4: WELFARE SERVICES Families Government Outcome Sustainable human settlement and improved quality of household life. DSD-specific outcome Restored family values and responsibilities in order to build cohesive communities. Targets Facilitate the approval of the White Paper on Families Annual Achievements /performance • The draft White Paper on Families was finalized and was due to be presented to Cabinet in May 2013. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 23 PROGRAMME 4: WELFARE SERVICES Families Government Outcome Sustainable human settlement and improved quality of household life. DSD-specific outcome Restored family values and responsibilities in order to build cohesive communities. Targets Annual Achievements /performance Implement research As part of the implementation of research recommendations on the recommendations, the concept Paper on Family effectiveness of services to Preservations Services was developed. families "Building a Caring Society. Together" 24 PROGRAMME 4: WELFARE SERVICES Social Crime Prevention Government outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe DSD-specific outcome Reduced incidence of social crime Targets Annual Achievements /performance Train 360 practitioners and service providers in the Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy, Accreditation of Diversion Services, and minimum norms and standards Monitor the implementation of the National Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy Action Plan by all provinces 369 practitioners and service providers trained on the Social Crime Prevention Programmes (223), Accreditation of Diversion Services (146), while training on minimum norms and standards was conducted in the previous financial year. Implementation of the Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy was monitored in all provinces except Free State (due to financial constraints) "Building a Caring Society. Together" 25 PROGRAMME 4: WELFARE SERVICES Social Crime Prevention Government outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe DSD-specific outcome Reduced incidence of social crime Targets Annual Achievements /performance Monitor the implementation of Social Crime Prevention Programmes in all provinces Implementation of the social crime prevention programmes was monitored in all provinces except Free State (due to financial constraints). Draft legislation on Victim Empowerment Services Zero Draft Bill on Victims Empowerment Services developed "Building a Caring Society. Together" 26 PROGRAMME 4: WELFARE SERVICES Victim Empowerment Government outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe DSD-specific outcome Reduced incidence of social crime Targets Annual Achievements /performance Facilitate the implementation of Gender-Based Violence Prevention programmes in nine provinces The draft Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programme was completed in the fourth quarter, and presented to the Deputy Director-General Forum for approval. Develop and pilot the National Framework for accreditation of organisation accreditation system in 13 providing anti-human trafficking services developed. shelters throughout the country Four (4) shelters piloted the framework for accreditation. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 27 PROGRAMME 4: WELFARE SERVICES Victim Empowerment Government outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe DSD-specific outcome Reduced incidence of social crime Targets Annual Achievements /performance Implement the generic set of indicators in 3 provinces and 2 cluster national departments by March 2013 All provinces implemented the generic set of indicators, and were monitored together with one national department. All the other national JCPS cluster departments implemented the indicators in the previous financial year. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 28 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES Substance Abuse Government Outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe DSD specific Outcome Reduce incidence of Substance abuse in communities Targets Annual Achievements/performance Facilitate Implementation of the National Anti-Substance Abuse programme of action in all provinces Finalise and facilitate approval of the regulations for the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act No. 70 of 2008 Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape and Free State were capacitated to implement Anti-Substance Abuse Programme of Action (POA). Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act 70 of 2008 proclaimed by President came into force in March 2013 “Building a Caring Society. Together" 29 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES Substance Abuse Government Outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe DSD specific Outcome Reduce incidence of Substance abuse in communities Targets Annual Achievements/performance Facilitate the approval of the Treatment Model and build capacity for its implementation Develop a social mobilisation strategy to facilitate implementation of the Anti-Substance Abuse campaign Treatment model approved and capacity to enhance its implementation was built in all provinces A Social Mobilisation Strategy was developed and approved. Facilitate approval of the NDMP The National Drug Master Plan 2013-17 was developed and was awaiting approval by Cabinet. “Building a Caring Society. Together" 30 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES Youth Government Outcome Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all DSD specific Outcome Youth participate and influence social change Targets Annual Achievements/performance Train 150 youth mentors 209 youth mentors were trained 300 youths to participate in community dialogues 2 216 youth participated in youth dialogues Three provinces to implement intergenerational programmes Three provinces namely; Mpumalanga, Limpopo and Northern Cape implemented intergenerational programmes “Building a Caring Society. Together" 31 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES Youth Government Outcome Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all DSD specific Outcome Youth participate and influence social change Targets Annual Achievements/performance 1 000 youths to attend leadership camps Establish nine provincial youth forums 1 341 participated in national and provincial leadership camps Provincial youth Forums established in Free State and Kwa Zulu-Natal “Building a Caring Society. Together" 32 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES HIV/AIDS Government Outcome A long healthy life for all South Africans DSD specific Outcome Reduced new HIV and AIDS infections through social and behavioral change Targets Annual Achievements/performance Reach 27 wards through social and 435 wards reached through social and behaviour behaviour change interventions change interventions 500 trained youths to render social behavior change programmes 511 youths trained to render social behaviour change programmes Facilitate 60 community conversations on HIV/AIDS 84 community conversations on HIV/AIDS facilitated “Building a Caring Society. Together" 33 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES HIV/AIDS Government Outcome A long healthy life for all South Africans DSD specific Outcome Reduced new HIV and AIDS infections through social and behavioral change Targets Annual Achievements/performance 408 funded HCBC organisations to implement social and behavior programmes 1 010 funded HCBC organisations implemented social and behavior programmes Provide psychosocial support services 501 229 targeted households provided with to 442 112 targeted households psychosocial support services “Building a Caring Society. Together" 34 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES HIV/AIDS Government Outcome A long healthy life for all South Africans DSD specific Outcome Reduced new HIV and AIDS infections through social and behavioral change Targets Annual Achievements/performance Provide psychosocial support to 13 850 youth-headed households 36 253 youth-headed households provided with psychosocial support Provide 90 HCBC organisations with management training 156 HCBC organisations provided with management training “Building a Caring Society. Together" 35 PROGRAMME 4 : WELFARE SERVICES HIV/AIDS Government Outcome A long healthy life for all South Africans DSD specific Outcome Reduced new HIV and AIDS infections through social and behavioral change Targets Annual Achievements/performance 258 funded HCBC organisations to report in accordance with the M&E system 600 funded HCBCs to comply with minimum norms and standards 321 funded HCBC organisations reported in accordance with the M&E system Facilitate the strengthening of nine provincial and 38 district coordinating structures 9 provincial coordinating structures, 42 district coordinating structures and 235 local coordinating structures facilitated. Total: 286 615 funded HCBC organisations are complying with minimum norms and standards “Building a Caring Society. Together" 36 PROGRAMME 5: SOCIAL POLICY AND INTEGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Social Policy Research and Development Government outcome An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship DSD Outcome Deepening of social policy discourse and evidence-based policy making Targets Annual Achievements/performance Train 50 officials is social • 55 senior civil servants and parliamentarians were policy-making and analysis. trained in social policy making and analysis. Develop and review one policy in collaboration with the relevant directorate. • A policy document entitled “Building the capabilities of Grants Beneficiaries through Economic, Skills and Labour Market Linkages was developed. Local development projects based on this policy document were initiated. • The policy review included documents on Community Development and active citizenship; proposals for an inclusive and sustained development paradigm; Twenty Year Review: DSD Social Policy Thrust since 1994; and DSD comments on National Development Plan: Vision 2030. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 37 PROGRAMME 5: SOCIAL POLICY AND INTEGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Special Projects and Innovation Government outcome Decent employment through inclusive economic growth DSD Outcome Increased decent work opportunities, skills and income levels in the community Targets Annual Achievements/performance Create 187 000 EPWP job opportunities through social sector sub-programmes. • According to the Expanded Public Works Programme EPWP) web-based system, the social sector facilitated the creation of 171 668 job opportunities. Extend Community Work Programme (CWP) to 151 sites. • 148 CWP sites were reached. 6 sites were merged. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 38 PROGRAMME 5: SOCIAL POLICY AND INTEGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Population Policy Promotion Government outcome An efficient, effective and development oriented public service, and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship DSD Outcome Increased capacity to mainstream population issues into development plans and activities Targets Annual Achievements/performance Train 300 people on integrating population factors into development • 394 people were trained on integrating population factors into development plans Conduct nine capacity building sessions • 12 capacity building session were conducted on integrating population factors into development plans Produce 10 thematic research reports on progress made with implementing Population Policy and on the ICPD Programme of Action in South Africa • 13 thematic research reports were produced. The review processes on Policy+15/ICPD+20 were managed into a single multisectoral review process "Building a Caring Society. Together" 39 PROGRAMME 5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTEGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Registration and Monitoring of Non-Profit Organisations Government Outcome DSD specific Outcome An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship A conducive environment for civil society organisations and communities Targets Annual Achievements/performance Develop an NPO online registration system The online web based NPO registration system developed Facilitate approval of amendments to NPO Draft Policy framework document for regulatory framework amending the NPO Act was finalised. “Building a Caring Society. Together" 40 PROGRAMME 5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTEGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Registration and Monitoring of Non-Profit Organisations Government Outcome DSD specific Outcome An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship A conducive environment for civil society organisations and communities Targets Annual Achievements/performance Adjudicate 80% of NPO appeals within three months on receipt 80% (455 of 568) of NPO appeals were adjudicated within three months on receipt Train 200 provincial officials on NPO governance and NPO act 260 provincial officials trained on NPO governance and NPO act “Building a Caring Society. Together" 41 PROGRAMME 5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTEGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Community Development An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship A conducive environment for civil society organisations and communities Government Outcome DSD specific Outcome Targets Annual Achievements/performance Train 580 Community Development Practitioners (CDPs) on Integrated Development Planning and use of the Sustainable Livelihood Toolkit 673 CDPs trained on Integrated Development Planning and use of the Sustainable Livelihood Toolkit. They were also consulted on the Draft Community Development Policy Build community development capacity of 300 CBOs 458 CBOs trained “Building a Caring Society. Together" 42 PROGRAMME 5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTEGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Community Development Government Outcome DSD specific Outcome An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship A conducive environment for civil society organisations and communities Targets Annual Achievements/performance Develop a draft community development occupational framework Two Community Development personnel levels, namely, Community Development Worker and Community Development Assistant Practitioner ,were scoped and profiled. This formed part of the Draft Occupational Framework. Facilitate the establishment of a Community Development Association A draft Code of Conduct for Community Development Practitioners was developed. It is meant to serve as a guide for effective the functioning of Community Development Association “Building a Caring Society. Together" 43 PROGRAMME 5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTEGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Sustainable Livelihoods Government Outcome DSD specific Outcome Vibrant, equitable, and sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all Improved delivery of community development services Targets Annual Achievements/performance Profile 200 000 households in 100 wards 187 703 households profiled Place change agents in 100 wards Change agents were placed in 126 wards Mobilise 100 communities in 100 wards 860 communities in 44 wards mobilized Promote equitable access to food by 200 000 households 555 957 households accessed food through the DSD and Food Bank South Africa food nutrition security programme. “Building a Caring Society. Together" 44 PART C International Obligations for 2012/13 "Building a Caring Society. Together" 45 International Obligations for period 2012/13 Government Outcome: Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world Outcome: DSD specific To promote and support participation in key identified bilateral and multilateral initiatives In support of South Africa’s foreign policy goals, the Department plays an active role in promoting the country’s social development agenda internationally. The Department is an active member of the African Union (AU), Southern African Development Community (SADC) and United Nations structures, which includes among others, the UN Commission on the Status of Women. During the reporting period, the Department participated in the 19th International AIDS Conference, UN Commission on the Status of Women and International InterMinisterial Conference on Evidence for action "Building a Caring Society. Together" 46 International Obligations for period 2012/13 Government Outcome: Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world Outcome: DSD specific To promote and support participation in key identified bilateral and multilateral initiatives The Department also participated in High-Level Post-Millennium Development Goals Contact Group meetings convened by Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Department continued to play a leading role in promoting the social dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) in the UN Commission for Social Development on behalf of the Africa Group and the G77. The Department actively participated in the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and the International Social Service (ISS) "Building a Caring Society. Together" 47 International Obligations for period 2012/13 Government Outcome: Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world Outcome: DSD specific To promote and support participation in key identified bilateral and multilateral initiatives The Department facilitated five agreements with Uganda, Benin, Bulgaria, Jamaica and Lesotho The department also engaged in technical exchanges with 14 countries, including among others, Botswana, Brazil, Ghana, Lesotho, India, Mexico, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates. The Department continued to serve on Board of Partners in Population and Development (PDD) All these initiatives provide a platform for sharing social development experiences and provide us with an opportunity to help create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 48 Performance Summary & Challenges "Building a Caring Society. Together" 49 SUMMARY OF DSD PERFORMANCE • The Department achieved 61% of its planned targets while the remainder were either partially achieved (29%) or not achieved at all (10%). • Reasons for non-achievement of the targets include for example dependence on other institutions such as provinces and other government departments "Building a Caring Society. Together" 50 CHALLENGES Some of the key reasons for non-achievement of targets which were beyond Department’s control include: • With regard to the establishment of Department of Social Security, Cabinet recommended that current social security institutions be restructured in order to improve coordination among them. • With regards to policy on retirement reform, Cabinet recommended that further consultations should take place before the policy is finalised • The department formed a unit tasked with establishing an Inspectorate for Social Security. However, it was hampered by lack of internal capacity • The department revised its approach to these project to first creating the requisite internal capacity "Building a Caring Society. Together" 51 CHALLENGES • Resource Limitations : • Provincial Older Persons’ Parliaments were not convened in some provinces due to limited resources and logistical challenges in provinces • Capacity constraints: • The Department could not process all NPO applications for registration within 60 days due to increased number (about 4000 more) of application received as compared to the previous years • Other challenges: • Extensive consultation affected achievements of other targets e.g. The Policy on Social Service Practitioners was not approved due to extensive consultative processes and stakeholder interest The finalisation of the White Paper on Families was delayed by extended consultations "Building a Caring Society. Together" 52 PART D Legislative Programme for 2012/13 "Building a Caring Society. Together" 53 Legislative Programme for period 2012/13 No Bills were submitted to Parliament during the year under review "Building a Caring Society. Together" 54 Part E Finance "Building a Caring Society. Together" 55 CONTENT Annual Report Expenditure for the 2012/13 financial year 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee 56 2012/13 FINANCIAL YEAR Annual Report 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee 57 SUMMARY – SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT R’000 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee 58 SUMMARY EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME Programme P1: Administration P2: Social Assistance P3: Social Security Policy and Administration P4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support P5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery TOTAL 14 March 2016 Final Audited Actual % Spent Appropriation Expenditure R’000 R’ 000 Variance R’000 257 125 255 395 99.33% 1 730 104 887 916 103 898 845 99.06% 989 071 6 211 780 6 198 417 99.78% 13 363 525 048 502 618 95.73% 22 430 261 683 260 301 99.47% 1 382 112 143 552 111 115 576 99.08% 1 027 976 Portfolio Committee 59 REASONS FOR UNDER SPENDING • Programme 1: Administration – R 1,730 million – The under-expenditure mainly relates to turnover of staff and efficiency savings on travelling, accommodation and venues and facilities expenditure. • Programme 2: Social Assistance – R 989,071 million – The under-expenditure mainly relates to the Social Assistance Grants due to the lower than expected beneficiary uptake rates. • Programme 3: Social Security Policy and Administration – R 13,363 million – The under - expenditure is mainly due to delays in the finalisation of planned projects and the establishment of the Inspectorate. • Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support – R22,430 million – The under - expenditure is mainly due to delays in the finalisation of planned projects for the Early Childhood Development Audit. • Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery – R1,382 million – The under-expenditure is mainly due to funded vacancies and related operational costs. 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee 60 SUMMARY EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Economic Classification Final Audited Actual % Spent Appropriation Expenditure R’000 R’ 000 Variance R’000 Compensation of Employees 300 508 291 336 96.95% 9 172 Goods and Services 324 403 297 440 91.69% 26 963 - - - - 111 505 389 110 506 036 99.10% 999 353 13 252 10 861 81.96% 2 391 - 9 903 112 143 552 111 115 576 Interest and rent on land Transfers and Subsidies Payments of Capital Assets Payments for Financial assets TOTAL 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee -9 903 99.08% 1 027 976 61 SUMMARY PROG 1: ADMINISTRATION R’000 99.3% Spent 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee 62 SUMMARY PROG 1: ADMINISTRATION Economic Classification Final Audited Actual % Spent Appropriation Expenditure Variance R’000 R’ 000 R’000 Compensation of Employees 131 569 130 047 98.84% 1 522 Goods and Services 116 925 116 865 99.95% 60 - - - - 165 157 95.15% 8 8 466 8 313 98.19% 153 - 13 - -13 257 125 255 395 99.33% 1 730 Interest and rent on land Transfers and Subsidies Payments of Capital Assets Payments for Financial assets TOTAL 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee 63 PROG 1: ADMINISTRATION • Under spending – R1,730 million – The under-expenditure on compensation of employees relates mainly to turnover of staff and slow filling of funded vacant posts (R1,522 million). 14 March 2016 64 SUMMARY PROG 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE R’000 99.06% Spent 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee 65 SUMMARY PROG 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Economic Classification Final Audited Actual % Spent Appropriation Expenditure R’000 R’ 000 Compensation of Employees Variance R’000 - - - - - - - - - - 104 887 916 103 898 845 99.06% 989 071 Payments of Capital Assets - - - - Payments for Financial assets - - - - 104 887 916 103 898 845 99.06% 989 071 Goods and Services Interest and rent on land Transfers and Subsidies TOTAL 14 March 2016 - Portfolio Committee 66 PROG 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS • Under spending – R989,071 million – Expenditure is driven by beneficiaries numbers, application process and grant values, which is linked to economic factors, policy changes, payment model efficiency and CPI inflation rates; – Savings on the total budget of R104 billion relate to “unpaid” grants as well as expenditure lower than projected when setting budget requirements specifically on Foster Care, Disability, Care Dependency and Child Support Grants; 14 March 2016 67 SUMMARY PROG 3: SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION R’000 99.78% Spent 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee 68 SUMMARY PROG 3: SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Economic Classification Final Audited Actual % Spent Appropriation Expenditure R’000 R’ 000 Variance R’000 Compensation of Employees 41 470 34 772 83.85% 6 698 Goods and Services 47 658 42 013 88.16% 5 645 - - 6 121 148 6 121 013 100.00% 135 1 504 619 41.16% 885 - - 6 211 780 6 198 417 Interest and rent on land Transfers and Subsidies Payments of Capital Assets Payments for Financial assets TOTAL 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee - 0 99.78% 13 363 69 PROG 3: SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY & ADMINISTRATION • Under spending – R13,363 million – The under-expenditure on compensation of employees relates mainly to turnover of staff and slow filling of funded vacant posts; – The under expenditure on “Goods and Services” relate to the following: • Delays experienced in the establishment of the Inspectorate which resulted in the finalisation of the structure which also impacted on the operational budget; • The Roll-out of the HAT project was delayed due to a more focus on capacity building of SASSA staff (R4.1 mil); • Disaster mitigation project could not be implemented due to delays in SCM process (R2.3 mil) 14 March 2016 70 SUMMARY PROG 4: WELFARE SERVICES POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT R’000 95.73% Spent 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee 71 SUMMARY PROG 4: WELFARE SERVICES POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT Economic Classification Final Audited Actual % Spent Appropriation Expenditure R’ 000 Compensation of Employees Goods and Services R’000 Payments of Capital Assets Payments for Financial assets TOTAL 14 March 2016 R’000 79 060 78 566 99.38% 494 119 332 98 480 82.53% 20 852 Interest and rent on land Transfers and Subsidies Variance - 0 324 392 324 324 99.98% 68 2 264 1 248 55.12% 1 016 - - - - 525 048 502 618 95.73% 22 430 Portfolio Committee 72 SUMMARY PROG 4: WELFARE SERVICES POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT • The under spending on “Goods and Services” relate to the following projects: – The postponement of the Research project (R1 mil); – The Late appointment of service provider for the development of VEP Database (R1,2 mil); – Delays in the procurement of laptops for the IJS project (R2,7 mil); – Economic Policy and Research Institute (EPRI) was appointed as a service provider to conduct the ECD audit of 18000 ECD’s at a cost of R21 million, but due to the extent of the audit, the Department was only able to complete a report on 6000 ECD’s and only incur only an amount of R7 million in the 2012/13 financial year (R14 million). SUMMARY PROG 5: SOCIAL POLICY AND INTEGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY R’000 99.47% Spent 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee 74 SUMMARY PROG 5: SOCIAL POLICY AND INTEGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY Economic Classification Final Audited Actual % Spent Appropriation Expenditure R’ 000 Variance R’000 R’000 Compensation of Employees 48 409 47 951 99.05% 458 Goods and Services 40 488 40 082 99.00% 406 Interest and rent on land Transfers and Subsidies Payments of Capital Assets Payments for Financial assets TOTAL 14 March 2016 - 0 171 768 171 586 99.89% 182 1 018 681 66.90% 337 - 1 - -1 261 683 260 301 99.47% 1 382 Portfolio Committee 75 THANK YOU 14 March 2016 Portfolio Committee 76