western wyoming community college

CHEM 108 ~ Organic and Biochemistry ~ 4 credit hours
South Dakota State University
Spring 2016
Meeting Times and Location:
M,W: 4:00 – 4:50 pm and T,Th: 4:30 – 5:20 pm in ROT D
Instructor: Dr. Grove
Contact Information:
Office Hours:
SAV 353
M-Th 2:00 – 3:00 pm (other times by appointment)
Supplementary Instruction:
Course Description:
A survey of the chemical principles important to biological systems. For students who do not plan to take
additional chemistry. Not a prerequisite for any 200 level and above course.
CHEM 106
Instructional Methods:
This is an active learning course. Learning activities will be given each day in lecture, which may include
individual team self-checks, as well as problems to work, concept maps to create, just to name a few. Very little
“lecturing” from the instructor will be done in this course. Most of the class time will be used to help students
gain a deeper understanding of both the content of organic and biochemistry. There will homework
assignments that will be completed in Mastering Chemistry for the first 6 chapters of material. D2L will be
used to post grades as well as any supplemental material for the course. The “self-checks” will be completed
within Learning Catalytics daily and will be graded on correct answers, not just participation.
Required Materials:
McMurry, J., Castellion, M.E., Ballantine, D.S., Hoeger, C.A. and Peterson, V.E. (2013). Fundamentals of
Organic, General, and Biochemistry, 7th edition. New York: Pearson.
Mastering Chemistry: This should have come with your book when you took CHEM 106. Otherwise, this can
be purchased online by itself. This is the online homework system for this class. You can access the site by
going to the link below. You will need your student ID#, the course ID#: MCGROVE66519, and an access
code OR credit card for payment. Please be sure to enter your student ID# correctly, as this is how Mastering
Chemistry and D2L will communicate. If you have your book, you can purchase a 6-month access, without the
e-text for about $60.
Learning Catalytics: If you purchased the bundle, which included your textbook and Mastering Chemistry last
semester, you should have access to this within Mastering Chemistry. If you do not have the e-Text within
Mastering Chemistry, you will need to purchase Learning Catalytics by clicking on the Learning Catalytics link
on the right-hand side of your Mastering Chemistry home page. The cost is around $15. You will know if you
have access by clicking that link within Mastering Chemistry. If you click on the Learning Catalytics link, and
it asks you for a class session ID, then you are good to go. You will be given the class session ID everyday in
You will also need a device that can connect wirelessly to the internet while you are in class. This can be a
smartphone, tablet, or laptop.
Attendance will not be taken, however, all announcements and material will be presented during the normally
scheduled class period. If the student is gone, it is the their responsibility to find out what was missed from a
classmate. It is not the instructor’s responsibility to “fill the student in” on what they missed. In-class
participation points will be given daily for reasonable attempts to answer questions about the material being
Academic Integrity:
Student Academic Integrity and Appeals: The University has a clear expectation for academic integrity and
does not tolerate academic dishonesty. University Policy 2.4 sets forth the definitions of academic dishonesty,
which includes but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty,
misrepresentation, and other forms of dishonesty relating to academics. The Policy and its Procedures also set
forth how charges of academic dishonesty are handled at the University. Academic Dishonesty is strictly
proscribed and if found may result in student discipline up to and including dismissal from the University.
Academic integrity is the maintenance of professional standards in writing, assessment, behavior, ethics,
research and all University activities. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Written and other works as
well as other academic activities by students are expected to be the products of their own efforts. Dishonesty,
deception, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, complicity, multiple submission and copyright/fair use abuse will
not be tolerated.
Students are encouraged to work together, however; students must submit their own original work. It is
unacceptable for two or more students to collaborate in the creation of an assignment and each present the same
material. This will be considered an act of deception.
Extracting the work of another, either partially or entirely, without reference citation is plagiarism. Since
quotation marks are reserved for profound statements and are unacceptable for use in reports, they may not be
used in direct quotations or in lieu of paraphrasing material. In either event, the material must be referenced.
Course Goals and Student Learning Outcomes:
This course fulfills the System General Education Goal #6. Students will understand the fundamental principles
of the natural sciences and apply scientific methods of inquiry to investigate the natural world. As a result of
taking this course, students will:
Demonstrate the scientific method in a laboratory experience.
Gather and critically evaluate data using the scientific method.
Identify and explain the basic concepts, terminology and theories of the selected natural sciences.
Apply selected natural science concepts and theories to contemporary issues.
Be able to identify all organic functional groups.
Understand the different types of organic reactions.
Have a basic understanding of carbohydrates and their metabolism.
Have a basic understanding of lipids and their metabolism.
Have a basic understanding of proteins and their metabolism.
Be able to use the rules of naming organic compounds to name different molecules.
Be able to analyze a given chemical reaction and determine what is happening within that reaction.
Be able to predict what process the body would use in a given situation of metabolism within the body.
Be able to identify the similarities between the organic reaction and molecules and the reactions and
molecules within the body.
Be more excited about how chemistry relates to them and their daily lives.
Be more excited about learning in general.
Become a more self-directed learner.
Be able to assess their understanding of the material before an exam.
All student-learning outcomes will be assessed by the use of multiple exams, practice exercises,
assignments, and in-class learning activities.
Methods of Evaluation:
There will be 4 in-class hour exams and a final exam, which will be cumulative. The will be homework
assignments within Mastering Chemistry, as well as in-class self-checks, reflections/journaling, and other active
learning exercises.
Upon grading, exam scores will be posted in D2L for each student. The homework scores will be available for
students to view within Mastering Chemistry. If you see an error in the scores posted on D2L or Mastering
Chemistry, you have one week from the time the assignment was due, or the score gets posted into D2L to
notify the instructor of the mistake.
Students have until the next exam to come and view their most recent exam. This can be done in the instructors
office during office hours, or other times by appointment. After the next exam is given, the previous exam will
be shredded.
Exams: There are no make-up exams. If you will be gone for a university-sponsored event, you must take the
exam prior to leaving for the event. No exams will be given after the class has taken the exam.
Final Exam: The final exam is optional. If you are happy with your overall course grade, then you do not have
to take the final exam, and you will get the grade that you have earned up to that point. If you are not happy
with your grade before the final exam, you can take the final exam in hopes of improving your grade. The final
exam will not hurt your grade in any way. As an example, if you have a B in the class before the final exam,
and you take the final and get an A, then you will earn an A in the class. This will only apply if you have taken
all four hourly exams during the semester.
No early final exams will be allowed, so please plan accordingly.
Each homework assignment in Mastering Chemistry will be graded as follows:
 You will have up to 7 attempts of each homework problem.
 If you earn at least an 85% on each homework set, you will receive the entire 100% of that homework
set grade.
Self-Checks: Self-checks will be given at the beginning of each class period and will cover material that was
assigned from the reading or from a video that was to be viewed prior to coming to class. The self-checks will
be administered through Learning Catalytics.
In class participation: In class participation will also be conducted through Learning Catalytics.
Weekly assignments will be posted to D2L by Friday at 5:00 pm for the week coming up, except for the first
week, which will be provided on Tuesday for the remainder of that week.
The instructor will not accept any late work, and there are no make-up exams or assignments. Please plan
accordingly. No extra credit will be given.
Excused absences will only be accepted for university sponsored events and a death in the family. For both
situations, the student will be required to show proof of such an event. In the case of a university-sponsored
event, the student must email the instructor, with documentation attached in the email prior to be absent, in
order for the day to be excused. For all in-class activities that may have points associated with them, a number
of them will be dropped at the end of the semester to allow for these excused absences. If the number of
absences due to university sponsored events is greater than the number of graded items dropped, the instructor
will work with individuals to ensure they are not missing any points due to absences.
If you will be gone for a university excused absence, you should email me a picture of your absence slip and
indicate what day(s) of class you will be missing in the body of the email.
In class learning activities/participation
4 exams (100 pts each)
Final Exam
Grading Scale:
Email Correspondence:
All email correspondence will be done with the home university assigned email, NOT through D2L. The
student should use their Jacks email when emailing the instructor as other email addresses may be autoforwarded to the spam and quarantine folders without the instructor’s knowledge. Email correspondence will
NOT be answered within D2L. The instructor will do her best to answer each email within two business days,
but it usually happens sooner.
Accommodation Assistance:
If you are a person with a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you should
contact the Director of the Office of Disability Services at your home school. At University Center, you contact
Jennifer Schelske, Student Services Coordinator at 605-367-8465. For SDSU main campus student, you should
contact the Director of the Office of Disability Services for SDSU, which is Nancy Crooks at 605-688-4504 or
Tentative Lecture Schedule:
M: 1/11
T: 1/12
W: 1/13
Th: 1/14
M: 1/18
T: 1/19
W: 1/20
Th: 1/21
M: 1/25
T: 1/26
W: 1/27
Th: 1/28
M: 2/1
T: 2/2
W: 2/3
Th: 2/4
M: 2/8
T: 2/9
Compounds with Oxygen, Sulfur, or a Halogen
Compounds with Oxygen, Sulfur, or a Halogen
Compounds with Oxygen, Sulfur or a Halogen
W: 2/10
Th: 2/11
M: 2/15
T: 2/16
W: 2/17
Th: 2/18
M: 2/22
T: 2/23
W: 2/24
Aldehydes and Ketones
Aldehydes and Ketones
No Class
Aldehydes and Ketones
Exam I (Chapters 12, 13, 14,15 & 16)
Carboxylic Acids
Carboxylic Acids
Amino Acids and Proteins
Amino Acids and Proteins
Th: 2/25
M: 2/29
T: 3/1
Amino Acids and Proteins
Enzymes and Vitamins
Enzymes and Vitamins
Syllabus and Introductions
SQ3R Reading Strategy
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Alkanes
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Alkanes
No Class
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Alkanes
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Alkanes
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Alkanes
Alkenes, Alkynes, and Aromatic Compounds
Alkenes, Alkynes, and Aromatic Compounds
Alkenes, Alkynes, and Aromatic Compounds
Alkenes, Alkynes, and Aromatic Compounds
W: 3/2
Th: 3/3
M: 3/7
T: 3/8
W: 3/9
Th: 3/10
M: 3/14
T: 3/15
W: 3/16
Th: 3/17
M: 3/21
T: 3/22
W: 3/23
Th: 3/24
M: 3/28
T: 3/29
W: 3/30
Th: 3/31
M: 4/4
T: 4/5
W: 4/6
Th: 4/7
M: 4/11
T: 4/12
W: 4/13
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Exam III (Chapters 20, 21, and 22)
Lipid Metabolism
Lipid Metabolism
Th: 4/14
Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
M: 4/18
T: 4/19
W: 4/20
Th: 4/21
M: 4/25
T: 4/26
W: 4/27
Th: 4/28
Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
Exam IV (Chapters 23, 24, and 25)
Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism
Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism
W: 5/4
Final Exam
Comprehensive Final Exam (1:45 – 3:45 in ROT D)
Enzymes and Vitamins
Exam II (chapters 17, 18 and 19)
No Class
No Class
No Class
No Class
The Generation of Biochemical Energy
The Generation of Biochemical Energy
The Generation of Biochemical Energy
The Generation of Biochemical Energy
Freedom in Learning:
Students are responsible for learning the content of any course of study in which they are enrolled. Under
Board of Regents and University policy, student academic performance shall be evaluated solely on an
academic basis and students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course
of study. Students who believe that an academic evaluation is unrelated to academic standards, but related
instead to judgment of their personal opinion or conduct, should first contact the dean of the college that offers
the class to initiate a review of the evaluation.
Late Class Statement:
All members of the class should make every effort to arrive on time. In the event that I am going to be late, due
to circumstances beyond my control, I will, if possible, notify the department and ask that someone be sent to
apprise you of the situation. If such notification is not possible, please remain in the class for 15 minutes
beyond the scheduled start time. If I have not yet arrived, and if no emissary of the department has informed
you otherwise, class will be cancelled and you will be free to leave.
Academic Success/Starfish
As your professor, my goals are to help you be successful in this course and to make your learning experience
as meaningful as possible. For that reason, if you demonstrate any academic performance or behavioral
problems that may impede your success, I will communicate with you using Starfish. Starfish is an online
student success program that allows me to send various performance updates to you and to those dedicated to
supporting your success at SDSU. If you receive a notification in Starfish, please come see me or seek
assistance from your advisor, the Student Success Center, or other campus resources.
Please make sure to update your Starfish profile at the beginning of each semester (including a photo and up-todate contact information). The Starfish link is located in D2L in the top left corner of your homepage.