Afghan Supply Chain For Cut Jewellery Afghan Artisans Artisanal Miners Artisanal Lapidary & Design (On Demand) 2 1 3 Afghan Mines Mines 3 Aria Global Logistics Kabul – NYC Shipping 5 Cut & Polish 4 Goldsmith & Design QC/Sort Panjshir Global Markets Afghan MoMP Afghan Customs 6 UAE Customs NYC/UK Customs Private High Security Kabul Dubai Turquois Mtn Distribution Global Markets (Mid-Market) 8 7 9 Retail Distribution Centre Market Strategy NYC/UK 10 Wholesale Worldwide 1. Aria Gems sources precious & semi-precious gemstones 6. TM Gems and Jewellery Customs Duties Paid 2. Aria Gems accepts orders, sorts, grades, Quality Control 7. Jewellery is securely shipped to Dubai for NYC or UK Aria Gems & TM cut/polish from Virtual Afghan Design Aria Gems 8. Both Aria Gems and TM determine market strategy Turquoise Mountain 4. Aria Gems goldsmith classes Turquoise Mountain ™ designs Afghan Jewellery 9. TM Jewellery is send to targeted Retailers based on ROI 5. Aria Gems weighs gems (MoMP) pays Customs Confidential Property of Aria&Gems, Inc. 10. TM Jewellery is send to targeted on ROI Page 1 July 1,Wholesalers 2015 Aria Gems: Afghan’s Gemstone Conceptual Approach Afghan Elders International Exec Team Strategic Initiatives Group Upstream Downstream Global Gemstone Management (Systems, Services, and Solutions) Logistics: Customs, Exporting, Shipping Market Channels & Branding #1 Key Focus Afghan Ministry of Mines Customs #2 Focus Quality Control: Grading, Sorting, Cutting, Polishing, & Jewellery Mining Cooperative: Artisanal Miners, Safety, Technology, Pricing 6/19/15 April 2014 International Tariffs Legal Exports Sales Channels & Partners Distribution Global Sales Teams Gems, Inc., Confidential andFree Strictly EthicallyAria Mined | Traceable Origin | Conflict Confidential and Property of Aria Gems, Inc. Private No part shall be reproduced without permission. 22 Turquoise Mountain: Initial Call Approach Item Owner Aria Gems’ Value Approach 1. Sourcing Gems HM Provide semi-precious + gems Source 5 qual from one of our suppliers for 20% std markup 2. QC JR Provide Afghan Std QC Guide (analyse, grade, sort, cut, polish) Offer Aria Gems Branded guide online, printed, mobile for fee 3. Cut/Polish TM Aria Gems trains advanced. TM Adv Training program & Quick Sessions for Polish 4. Goldsmith JR Aria Gems highlights new programme with 3D designs; PR Aria Gems leads new program 5. Customs FS Aria Gems leverages new relationship with MoMP Aria Gems details Govt contribution 6. Logistics FS Aria Gems leads new approach to logistics, but retains relationship Leverage our partnership 7. Distribution Ctr TM Gems shipped to TM distribution Ctr G4S ships direct 8. Mkt’g & Sales Strategy FL/JR Aria Gems creates ROI, Distribution for higher end products. TM assists. Aria Gems leads intl. consulting effort 9-10. Retail & Wholesale TM TM pkg, financial, inventory, completes sale Aria Gems assists Aria Gems’ Quality Standards Our Gemstone Quality Standards follow International Gemstone Guidelines Quality is the #1 Most Important Requirement our Buyers Global Buyers will expect to expect to view 8+ of 10, ONLY Scale: 1 – 10 (10 is the Best or GEM Quality) Untreated Emeralds (No Oils) command 50% higher prices Minimum Size of 4+ carats rough 3/28/15 Ethically Mined | Traceable Origin | Conflict Free Confidential and Property of Aria Gems, Inc. No part shall be reproduced without permission. 4 Sample Aria Gems “Afghan Quality Guide” Appendix Aria Gems, Inc. 3/5/2015 5 Color Standards Most Desired Clarity Standards General Grade: 3/28/15 2–3 4–5 6–7 8 (Desired) Ethically Mined | Traceable Origin | Conflict Free Confidential and Property of Aria Gems, Inc. No part shall be reproduced without permission. 6 Unacceptable Emeralds These emeralds have major clarity issues. We do not want them due to the large black inclusions present and major cracks. These stones are graded 4 out of 10 in quality 3/28/15 Ethically Mined | Traceable Origin | Conflict Free Confidential and Property of Aria Gems, Inc. No part shall be reproduced without permission. 7 Unacceptable Emeralds These emeralds are also heavily cracked and not suitable for being called AAA quality stones. These emeralds are graded at 1-2 out of ten due to the color, cracking and black inclusions. 3/28/15 Ethically Mined | Traceable Origin | Conflict Free Confidential and Property of Aria Gems, Inc. No part shall be reproduced without permission. 8