How to edit or add Interest Groups

Member Find Me Training
How-to information as of October 30, 2015
ADMIN SUMMARY: Where to see lists of admin users and add new ones
See further details beyond this box.
WordPress: will likely change to after site launches. You can always use the forgot password link if you lose your pw.
Recommend that you open this in a different web browser than your MFM login to avoid confusion.
MFM: (URL will be different if you get there via WordPress)
Interest Group Chair List: – this is where you
can view them. Their login is their primary contact email address; pw is whatever it was in the old system *unless*
they log in and change it.
MemberFind Me Questions? Talk to MFM by email at or preferably via their support group at (must have google account to post). You can search
the support group to see if someone has asked your question before.
MASTER admin login and pw -- use Diane's if you can't seem to access everything you need as she is listed as master
admin and there may be a few things only she can do (probably financial-related).
Login: (this might change to – whomever’s email
address is listed may occasionally get reply emails as this is the email that all official messages are sent from)
Pw: AustinNewcomersClub9331
Login to MFM via WordPress sidebar or this URL:
IMPORTANT: note that if you are already logged in as a member, you should log out as a member first. Or just open a
different web browser (not just a new tab -- a new web browser) and log in there if you want to keep yourself logged in
as an admin on the current page.
To add people to be notified about event registrations and/or membership signups: go to MFM in the sidebar >
Organization Settings > Integration
Creating Interest Group Admins
To add an interest group chairs (DO THIS ONLY WHEN THERE ARE INTEREST GROUP MEMBERS IN THEIR FOLDER -otherwise the chairs will get a confusing message because of their empty folder):
Interest group chairs need access to email their groups via the MFM back end AND to create their interest group events.
There are two things you need to do to allow them to do these things:
1. Add them as a MFM admin. This allows them to email their group members.
1. Go to MFM in the sidebar > Organization Settings > Admin
2. Click Add New Admin
3. Enter name and position (e.g. name of interest group + “chair”)
4. Enter email address that is specific to that position – this will avoid confusion between their member login
and their admin login. Phone is optional.
5. Click on change password and generate a password for them (keep a note of what it is to send along with
6. Click on Members folder and “remove” them from that folder – we don’t want them to be able to email
7. Select the Folder name of the group they manage
ONLY. Do not check “read only” in the popup.
8. Then fill in the rest of the settings as shown in
screenshot (ignore Golf folder selection – it’s just
the example). Then Save.
Note that they have no events access through this
profile – that is handled elsewhere with the I.G.
chair folder task for you below.
9. Send an email to each chair with their personal
chair login (i.g. chair email address, the pw you
created for them) and tell them to login for
emailing purposes at - this should avoid confusion between their
member login and pw. Include instructions (Austin
Newcomer Interest Group Chair Instructions for
Event Posting and Emailing Your Members
document) for emailing their group and
instructions for adding events (see below task
2. Add Chairs to the Interest Group Chair Folder
This allows the chairs to create provisional interest group events that the Calendar Chair approves.
1. Go to Members Folder. Search for the name of the person who needs to be added as an interest group
chair. Click on that person.
2. Click on Copy/Move button. Select Interest Group Chair. Do keep a copy in Members folder (as shown
below with red dot) Click OK (as shown below).
3. Repeat for each person to be added to folder.
4. Then go and visit MFM > Folders and click on Interest Group Chair folder. Check that all who need to be
added are added. Note that this will actually allow both people (if there are two) in the member profile to
add events.
Creating Regular MFM Admins
Go to MFM in the sidebar > Organization Settings > Admin and follow instructions as you did above in Part I, steps 1-5
(no need for Part II -- adding them to a folder). You will leave Members folder access. Then make decisions about what
they need to do as far as the drop down choices and edit accordingly. For guidance you can open a similar admin to
what you are now creating and note what permissions they had and replicate them.
Things to edit each year re: Admins
Review who is on the list and edit each interest group chair admin profiles if they have changed.
 Remove old interest group chairs from Interest Group Chair Folder and add in new Interest Group chairs to that
 Send instructions for sending emails and adding events (the Austin Newcomer Interest Group Chair Instructions
for Event Posting and Emailing Your Members doc) to interest group chairs.
 Add any and remove any regular (non interest group chair) members who need admin access to MFM.
 There are also Board and Committee Chair Folders to add and remove people from. There are two reasons we
update these:
o Because their member profile in the directory can show who is a board member or committee chair.
o Because you can use this feature to email all board members or committee chairs at once.
How Add/Remove Members Various Interest Groups Manually
This allows them to receive emails from the interest group chairs notifying them about an event. They can add
themselves using the online form.
1. Go to Members Folder. Search for the name of the person who needs to be added to an interest group.
Click on that person/household.
2. Click on Copy/Move button. Select the Interest Group they need to be added to. Do keep a copy in
Members folder (as shown below with red dot) Click OK (as shown below).
3. Repeat for each person to be added to the Interest Group folder.
4. Then go and visit MFM > Folders and click on the folder you’ve been adding names to. Check that all who
need to be added are added. Note that this
will actually cause both people (if there are
two) in the member household to get
notified of the IG’s events, but ONLY if the
chair opts to notify “additional contacts”
when sending messages.
Go to the interest group folder in question, click Delete
on the member’s box who wants to be removed. The
popup box below will appear and you choose Remove
from folder.
Things to edit each board year re: Labels & Membership (discuss with Membership VP – they might
handle this)
1. The person to receive checks for ANC changes with the new board needs to change. Under Labels &
Membership > Offline Billing, see the two boxes where membership VP info is entered. Change that when
board changes.
2. Note that we have a renewal code that offers discounts if people renew on time ($5). It’s called “renew July”.
You’ll want to delete this code on August 1 so that late payers will pay $40. To remove this code (needs to be
done manually), go to MFM > Labels & Membership >
Online Billing tab, click on the discount code and hit
“remove” button. Leave the current discount code active
until 8/1/16 as no one knows about it to use it. Note that
you’ll need to set up the discount code again (same place
you deleted it is where you can create it again) by May
31st/June 1 of 2017 so that when membership renewal
emails go out, the discount code works again. Note that the
message in the “Online Billing” section needs to have the exact discount code wording inserted/edited each
year. To be sure you created the discount code correctly, renew your own membership by testing it out.
How to edit or add Interest Groups (affects the page
at!form/Interests )
1. If creating a new interest group, add this step. If
not, go to step 2. In MFM sidebar, go to Folders and
then create a new folder with the name of the new
interest group. (Go to the bottom of the Folders
page and click on Create New Folder.)
2. Now in MFM sidebar, go to Forms Carts Donations
> Interests and then hit the “Items” tab.
3. Here you’ll see a list of interest groups
4. To EDIT the text, click on any of the group names
and you’ll see the item description. Click on Save
Item button any time you make changes. You can
make edits to other fields as well.
5. To DELETE, click on the name of the group to delete
and click on Delete Item button. There is no undo
on this, so be careful!
6. To ADD a new group, click on New Item at the bottom of the page. Then enter everything you need to add
under “Item” and “Images” tabs. We haven’t been
using the other tabs. The best way to make sure you
enter everything correctly is to duplicate your
current web browser tab with one of the existing
interest groups open. Then in your other browser
window you can enter info for the new group and go
back and forth between the browser tabs to see if
there is anything else to enter. The fields we fill in are: Item name (group name), Item description (long text,
including email address of that interest group’s leader), Item type: no cost/price, Quantity available: leave blank,
limit: 1 (means that this item can’t be added to the “cart” or selected twice), Notify email(s): put in the I.G.
leader’s email in here, Restrict to: select Members, Exclude: none, Checkout actions: if user has account, add
user to these folders/labels: and select the interest group folder. Also be sure to create interest group admin
permissions as instructed at Creating Interest Group Admins earlier in this document.
Before launch (or timing you choose):
1. Create any additional admins in WP.
a. Decide if you are going to upload members into interest groups or if you are going to have them
manually enter themselves by editing their profile. Sending out notifications will work better for event
chairs if people are already assigned. Some members won’t add themselves.
b. Decide how process will work ongoing for groups that won’t be logging in to send messages (does that
apply to anyone?) as members may be adding and removing themselves from group and expecting
notification. Wording may need to be changed on some descriptions of “Items” within the “Interests”
Form under MFM > Forms Carts Donations to indicate that no emails are sent. Chairs will be notified
ONLY when people use this form to join a group. Chairs are not notified if people add themselves to
groups via the group selections in their member profile.
c. Optional: Fill in confirmation email info (known as “Receipt tab”) for each group under Forms Carts
Donations > Interests > Items. This will allow people to get confirmation emails when they use the
Interest Group form to select group(s) they want to be a part of.
WordPress Training
LOGIN for David: Note: if you lose your password, the system can email it to you.
How to redirect a page to another page:
1. Copy the URL of the page you want to redirect to.
2. Go to the page that needs to be redirected. Get into the editing window for that page and scroll down below the
area where you enter body text.
3. In the Quick Page/Post Redirect box, check the “Make Redirect Active” box. Paste the URL of the page to redirect to
in the “redirect URL” field. Now save your page.
How to redirect a “Project” to a page:
Note that Projects (in the WP
sidebar) are what populate the
square photos that run across the
bottom of the home page. To have
the pictures not just link to a larger
copy of their own picture, you have
to redirect them to an existing page.
You’ll need to use this page to
create those redirects: (found by going to
“Redirect Options” in sidebar >
Quick Redirects). The file path of
the project goes on the left. The file
path is the URL without the https:// part of the URL. The Destination on the right column should be the full path. Click Save Changes
at the bottom when done and test out your work by visiting the home page and clicking on the picture to see if it takes
you to the right place.
How to Create/Edit Projects (the items that show up as pictures along the bottom of the home pg):
NOTE: don’t use a photograph with people – the photos are sometimes stretched and that looks weird. Go to the Projects
section of the WordPress dashboard sidebar. Each
project is listed; you can add or edit projects kind of like you do pages and posts. Note that each project doesn’t contain
any content. You’ll need to do a redirect as mentioned above. You’ll need to add a “featured image” (lower right
sidebar of editing window) to a project if you want a photo to show up for that project. You can edit the publish date of
each project to change their order. The most recent project post will be furthest left on the home page.
How to make a page have members-only content:
Place the shortcode [memberonly] in the middle of the page/post. This restricts content BELOW the shortcode to
members only, and allows content above the shortcode to be displayed to non-members. This gives greater flexibility to
provide some "teaser" content or mixed public/member-only content on one page. Note that you can get more specific
and allow some content to only be visible to certain groups of members through labels in the shortcode.
Editing Pages and Posts (aside from Home Page, Board and Committee Pages)
1. After login at go back to the page where you want to make edits. Note: if you
lose your password, the system can email it to you.
2. Click on the Edit button link at the top of the post or page.
3. Now in the WordPress admin area, you can edit the copy. If there is a choice, you should probably be in the “visual”
editing tab mode vs. HTML. (NOTE: Once you are done with any edits to a page, click on the blue Update button on
the right side or Preview your changes before saving.)
4. To make a link:
a. first open a new browser window or tab and go to the page that is to be linked to
b. copy the URL from the address bar (the full URL, including https://) by highlighting and hitting CTRL+C
c. go back to your page where you want to add a link.
d. highlight the text that should become a link, then click on the chain icon.
e. In the dialog box, you will see where you can enter the URL. Paste the copied URL in there with CTRL+V
f. In the drop down below the URL called Target, pick open in a new window only if the link is to an off-site link.
g. Click Insert – you are done.
5. To insert a picture or link to a PDF or document in a post or page:
a. When you have a page open in the admin edit mode, put your blinking cursor to the left (regardless of whether
you want the pic on the right or left) of the paragraph where you want to insert the image.
b. Click on the “Add Media” button that is at the top of the body text editing area.
 If the picture/document hasn’t already been uploaded to the media directory, you can upload a file
from your computer by clicking “select files” and then browse to the photo you want to upload. Once
you upload it, it will be in the Media Library for you to use on other pages too if you want. NOTE:
Please size down any pictures you are going to use to a reasonable (small-ish) size so as not to take up a
lot of server space. Most pictures probably shouldn’t be more than 150 KB. Certainly no 1MB pictures! is a good place to downsize/edit an image. See info on that later in this document.
 If the picture/document has already been used elsewhere on the site, click on the Media Library tab.
Locate the picture you want and click on it to select it. Now follow the rest of the instructions below for
pictures. For documents, make the Title the text that the user can click. Then click Insert Into Page.
You’ll see your link there on the page now.
 For pictures:
 For the title, pick something that is o.k. for the public to see as it will be what appears upon mouse-over.
It’s optional.
 You can also enter Alt text (helpful for SEO purposes).
 You can enter an image caption, which will end up appearing below the image.
 To position the image and have the body copy text wrap around it, select Left or Right in the Alignment
drop down.
 For the Link URL, select “None” as it will only link to itself. If you want the image to link to a page, select
Custom URL and enter the FULL URL (including https://.) here.
 Select the size you want the image to be. Usually no wider than say 300 to 400 pixels is a good idea
otherwise it could mess up the page formatting.
 Click on Insert into Post or Page.
 To edit an image that has already been inserted, click on it and then click on the pencil. In this window,
you can pick left or right alignment and change sizes. You can adjust the size if you need to by clicking
on the size drop down. You can also actually edit the image by clicking on “Edit Original” but use caution
with that! If the image is used elsewhere on the site, you could be reducing an image that needs to be
big. If you just uploaded the image yourself, feel free to “edit original.”
 Hit “Update”.
6. Once you are done with edits to a page, click on the blue Update button on the right side or Preview your changes
first before saving.
Adding a New Page and Editing/Adding Navigation Menu Items
Click on Pages (in left sidebar) > Add New
Add your title information (as you want it to appear in the navigation menu if this page is to be included in menus)
Enter your body text and images (if desired, see earlier info for instructions on adding photos)
In the right sidebar, pick the Parent page for this page (if this is going to be a sub-page of any of the existing main
menu items) under Page Attributes. Also pick “Left Sidebar” from the Divi Page Settings at the top of the sidebar.
5. Leave all other page settings alone unless you know what you are doing.
6. In right column, click Save Draft, Preview or Publish. Note that you can choose to publish pages or posts at a later
time by scheduling them.
1. If you want this page to appear as a navigation menu item or drop down item, go to Appearance (in the dashboard
left sidebar) > Menus.
2. Select which Menu you want to edit. If it needs to be added to the main menu, select “Main (Primary Menu)”. Note
you’ll have to add it in two places then because you’ll need to add it to the Parent page sidebar (select the name of
the parent page to edit that page’s sidebar) as well.
3. In the Pages box, you can search for the page you just built or you will likely simply see it in the list of most recent
pages. Check the box next to the page you want to add to the main menu and click “Add to menu” button.
4. You can then drag the item up or down the list of menu items to order them as you want. Note that you can add
items as sub items (sub items will be indented) of other items. Any sub items will then appear in menus below the
main item. Now click Save Menu and refresh the live version of the page (usually F5 button will do that) and verify
that your changes took place.
Editing Home Page, Members Only Landing page, Committee Chair list pg or Board list pg
Go to Pages in the WP sidebar, then click on your page to edit in the list of pages.
DO NOT HIT THE USE DEFAULT EDITOR BUTTON ON THESE PAGES! These pages use the Divi Layout Editor. Don’t edit
slider, sidebar or code items without expert assistance. For slider edits, reordering slider items might be safe to
attempt as would replacing a background picture that is used with a slide. Width on slider background pics is 1800
pixels or wider. Probably 2200 px max. Resize with Pixlr if needed before uploading.
Text, Persons and Blurbs are safe to edit! You can edit these areas by clicking on the stacked three lines icon (circled
below). If you are unsure where the content is that you need to edit, just click on these stacked items. If something bad
happens (you replicate an item instead of opening it to edit), just leave the page without saving your changes and come
back to try again. This is what the Home page looks like:
This is the Members Only page:
It will pull up an editing window where you can make your text edits. These are not difficult. Only edit the Content field
and then click Save & Exit. Click Preview to see how it looks. If things look good, click Update in WP page editing sidebar
to save any changes. If it doesn’t look good, close the editing window and start over.
This is what the Committee Chair/Board pages look like:
At turnover time, It’s o.k. to edit each of these and replace pictures and names. “Description” area at bottom of editing
window is where to edit the email address, but you can probably leave those alone if they aren’t changing and you are
replacing current president with next year’s president (same email address for both applies). 180 px wide by 270 px tall
is the ideal size to get pictures to before uploading (see Pixlr info later in this doc).
Adding/Editing Sidebar items and Footer **** USE CAUTION****
The sidebar items that appear on every page are determined by what Widgets you select.
- Go to Appearance (in left sidebar of WordPress dashboard) > Widgets
- You can see the active sidebar widgets in the “Sidebar” box on the right.
- Do not mess with the existing ones unless you are sure about what you are doing. You can easily drag and drop
to re-order them if desired.
- You can drag a widget from the left side into the sidebar box (say you want to add a Flickr photo stream to your
sidebar – then drag the Flickr widget over to the sidebar area and enter the information it asks for).
- If you aren’t sure where a widget will end up, just drag it into the sidebar, then refresh your live page tab to see
where it ends up. If you don’t like where it landed, you can drag that widget into a different place OR drag it
back to the left side of the page into the Available Widgets or Inactive Widgets box IF YOU DON’T want to have
it appear right now.
- Footer widget items work the same as slider items.
Embedding Video in a Post or Page
Go to youtube or vimeo where the video “lives” already.
Click on the Share button, then the Embed button
Copy the HTML code that they provide (Ctrl +C)
Log into admin area and get into the page or post where you want to place your video.
Change to Text mode (click on the tab) – not Visual mode -- and place your cursor where you want the video to
be placed.
6. Paste the video embed code (Ctrl + V) into the page.
7. Preview and then Update or Publish if you are happy with where it is and how it looks.
Using Pixlr to size an image to a specific size
1. Go to
2. Click open image from your computer.
3. Upload the image that needs to be cropped to a specific size.
4. The crop tool will be selected by default. This is the tool you want to use. Choose Constraint: Output Size. And
enter the width and height you want the image to be.
5. You will then start to draw a box on the picture. You can move the box around to pick the correct area of the photo
you want to showcase. It will only let you draw a box that is the right size. It will ask you if you want to apply
changes. Tell it Yes.
6. Then save the file back to your computer with
a different file name so that you can easily
find it when you need to upload it to your site.
Using Pixlr to size an image down
1. Go to
Click open image from your computer.
Upload the image that needs to be cropped to a specific size.
Go to Image > Image Size
In the popup window (next page), enter a lower value than what is there. For most
images placed within text on a page, you will want something 600 pixels or less in WIDTH. Generally, I like something
around 350 or 250 wide for images
that will have text wrapping around
them. Keep the constrain proportions
box checked. Click OK.
6. Save the file back to your computer
with a different file name so that you
can easily find it when you need to
upload it to your site.
QUARTERLY MAINTENANCE Upgrading Plugins, Theme or
WordPress itself
Every quarter or so, WP will send out notices alerting you that an upgrade is available for WordPress. MemberFindMe
will take care of upgrades to WordPress, so don’t worry about updating it; you’ll get an error message if you try. Do
update plugins and themes as you see them needing updates. A number will appear next to the Updates tab in the WP
sidebar. Follow the steps here to update plugins:
Updating the Theme is a similar prospect. Ask Amy or MFM if you have questions.
Annual Maintenance at Board Turnover: Adding/Editing WP Admins
Don’t forget to edit their pics and names at and
Go to Users in the sidebar ( ) and you’ll see the list of users, admins, etc. Note
that all new members who sign up through the MFM site (not ones we imported in to start) will be created as WP
“users”. That’s not a security risk – it’s just something MFM does and could come in handy. Disregard them. The Admin
and Editor level are relevant to change each board term. Read about role differences here: Delete old admins/editors who no longer need access at the end of
the board term.
New Admins: Click on Add New button at top of page and go through the fields, entering only those you want to or are
required to do. User should receive an email from WordPress with login and pw info. Use their special ANC email
address (e.g. as username so they don’t get confused about which email to use.
View Admins only: Click on Administrators link at top of page.