Outreach and Education O.K. Baker Endowed University Professor of Physics Hampton University NSF LHC Meeting, Feb 21, 2003 Education and Outreach • The Challenge – Intellectual pursuit at the energy frontier in particle physics. – Engage the best and the brightest minds – Ensure the long term vitality of the field – Education and Outreach Education and Outreach U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige “We have been relying on the education other countries provide to their citizens. There is something wrong when American schools cannot produce enough good workers for valuable American jobs. “We need [improved science education] not just for our economy, but also for our national security.” "Where have the Americans gone?“ "Our Nation is failing to produce both a scientifically literate citizenry and the kind of workforce we will need in the 21st Century." Office of Science Director Ray Orbach Education and Outreach • The Plan – Education and outreach to high schools – Education and outreach to groups traditionally underrepresented in the field; HBCU example – Education and outreach to Africa Education and Outreach to . . . high schools: Quarknet Education and Outreach QuarkNet Project Principal Investigators O. Keith Baker, Hampton University Project Staff Thomas Jordan, Project Coordinator, Fermilab (formerly at Illinois Mathematics and Marjorie G. Bardeen, Fermilab Project Spokesperson Science Academy, Illinois) Beth Beiersdorf, University of Notre Dame (formerly at LaSalle High School, Indiana) R. Michael Barnett, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Kenneth Cecire, Hampton University (Warwick High School) Randal C. Ruchti, University of Notre Dame Andria Erzberger, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Palo Alto High School) Teacher Ken Andert (La Lumiere College Preparatory School, LaPorte, Indiana) Education and Outreach QuarkNet has 50 centers nationwide (60 planned). Each center has: • 2-6 physicist mentors • 2-12 teachers* * Depending on year of the program and local variations. Education and Outreach The focus of this program is and was to involve in our experiments: Teachers: do research with us and bring that excitement and experience to their classrooms; Students: analyze web-data in their classrooms. Average teacher has 5 classes with 28 students. For 60 centers with 12 teachers each: 60 12 5 28 = 108,000 students each year After ten years, over one million students! Education and Outreach Teacher in the "most racially diverse school system in Indiana" “This program has enriched my teaching. I have many resources to tap into now. I have a broader knowledge base as a result of lectures and research. “I have a warm web of friends across the United States who have the same goals as I do and who are eager to help with encouragement and advice. I feel a part of something larger and I don't feel like I am alone in the classroom any more. “I have had several students express an interest in becoming a high school science teacher like me because what we do is so interesting.” Education and Outreach HEPAP Subpanel 2001 “The level of activity on education and outreach in the field should be doubled, in order to ensure a viable, effective and sustainable program. “This extra effort will significantly increase our impact on education and society without adversely affecting our research program.” Education and Outreach HEPAP Subpanel 2001 “We urge that all experiments incorporate project-specific education and outreach programs as part of their mission. [ QuarkNet enables 11 experiments at 7 DOE labs to do this. ] “Such efforts, linked very closely to the research programs, represent key investments in the future and must be given sufficient priority.” Education and Outreach to . . . Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Education and Outreach •~100 HBCU’s in US (~3% of total) •mostly undergraduate •traditionally underrepresented in particle physics research Education and Outreach “The single most important factor that determines whether or not an undergraduate student at an HBCU goes on to graduate school is whether they participated in undergraduate research” F. Humphries, Director of NAFEOand N. Francis, Xaviar University President ATLAS students at Hampton University since ‘98 Historically Black Colleges and Universities HBCU’s are responsible for the undergraduate and graduate careers of: •40 percent of this country's Black college graduates • 75 percent of all Black Ph.Ds • 46 percent of all Black business executives • 50 percent of Black engineers • 80 percent of Black federal judges • 85 percent of all Black doctors. • 75 percent of Black military officers • 75 percent of the nation's Black veterinarians •compiled by NSBP AIP Statistics Table 8. Number and percent of physics degrees granted to Us citizens by minority/ethnic group status, class of 2000. Bachelor's Number Percent African-American Hispanic-American White Asian-American Other Total US Citizens 170 103 3114 176 94 3657 5 3 85 5 2 100% Exiting Master's Number 26 18 327 9 2 382 PhD's Percent Number Percent 7 5 86 2 0 100% 17 14 595 32 15 673 AIP Statistical Research Center: Enrollments and Degrees Report 3 2 88 5 2 100% HBCU's granted 44 percent of all bachelor's degrees in the sciences that were awarded to African-Americans 41 percent of the mathematics degrees 38 percent of the degrees in computer sciences and life sciences 25 percent of the engineering degrees compiled by NSBP HBCU students and postdocs: wire chamber construction Education and Outreach to . . . Africa Education and Outreach Columbia University Ian Tolfree, left, and physicist Jeremy Dodd (Columbia University), right, demonstrate static electricity for a South African student. "Scientists at CERN are eager to increase subSaharan Africa's representation on its international team," Dodd says. "This year's pilot program gave us a solid base of experience to build on," Dodd says. "We saw that it was effective and makes a real impact. Africa has a huge number of bright, excited minds, and we'd like to encourage more of them to take part in physical science." Education and Outreach • Outreach to (to date): – – – – Zimbabwe South Africa Zambia others to come Education and Outreach • Travelling physics demonstrations in Africa • Hosting of African teachers in US • Extended visits by US scientists to Africa Education and Outreach Request sustained NSF support for LHC Physics outreach and education