January 14th - Plymouth Mental Health Network

Plymouth Mental Health Network Notes of Meeting held on 14 January 2016
Agenda Item
Minute Accuracy/
Matters Arising
Host presentation
Members Update
DRoche 25/01/16
Brief Notes
Vicky Shipway (VS) (Chair), Sharon Claridge (SC), Debbie Roche (DR), (CE), Dot Throssell (DT), Jane Waite (JW), Debbie Allen (DA), Cathryn Keeble
(CK), Val Walkden (VW), Shelley Shaw (SS), Nick Pennell (NP), Donna Whitley (DW), Jo Garbett (JG), Irene Payne (IP), Claire Hill (CH), Larissa Milden
(LM), Mary Birken (MB), Fiona Gordon (FG), Jess Keen (PCH)
Apologies from: Len Russell, Katrina Bannigan, Chris Everatt. Fran Marriott, M-L Wilson
Claire Hill, Assistant CEO of Plymouth Guild and Larissa Milden, Manager of Active for Life
CH - been with Plymouth Guild for 10 years, with 3 years as Assistant CEO. Plymouth Guild, a health and
social care organisation, was established in 1907. Originally based in Ernest English House, Buckwell
Street. 3 years ago some of the services moved to Guild House.
Plymouth Guild has 7 core services. 51 staff members and around 200 volunteers. Last year over 16,000
people accessed the Guild's services. The services are diverse and work together when appropriate.
The services based at Guild House are: Hearing and Sight Centre (HAS), Carers Hub, Ridleys, Expert
Patients Programme and Active for Life. Both DIAC and Volunteer Plymouth are based at Ernest English
(Please see ppt for more information of the services).
IP (City College) - provides 1-1 mental health support
JK (PCH) - currently studying on 2nd year of Fine Art degree; on a placement with PCH
CK (PCH) - Livewell team will be having a name change as PCH becoming Livewell South West. The
recent statistics for the Arts Festival include 9 exhibitions and 45vart taster sessions. More information
available soon.
JW (Ply. Options) - currently holding free workshops in the libraries including mindfulness, managing
anxiety, stress and sleep well. All workshops can be booked via the Plymouth Options website.
MB (Ply. Uni) - researcher with Plymouth University, background as occupational therapist.
VW & DA (Cornwall College) - deliver a pilot programme of a range of short, informal wellbeing courses
which is being funded by government money. Also seeking venues in the community. Now offering a
new list of activities.
VS (Colebrook) - Healthwatch received a 35% cut in funding and will be operating on this reduced
budget from April; established a Mental Health focus working group. Colebrook reducing the footprint
in HQ; Community centre project 'Upping your Game' now also on Mondays, an initiative for younger
people in collaboration with Plymouth Argyle. PIPS currently looking at remodelling the service; peer
Plymouth Mental Health Network Notes of Meeting held on 14 January 2016
support project Shared Lives has 7/8 people going through peer support training.
DT (PIPS) - the steering group is still operating whilst service being remodelled.
NP (HWP/IMHCN) - Healthwatch made mental health work a priority; SUCCESS regime been applied to
Devon, Healthwatch involved because it is believed that services will be affected. At present exploring
diagnostic phase of SUCCESS. IMHCN - next year will be addressing institutionalised discrimination
across parts of Europe and Asia.
SC (Mind) - Donna Whitley is the new Volunteer Coordinator; although SC retired on 31st December
still working 5 days a month to complete projects. Recently attended a contract meeting with PCC,
funding for another year.
JG (NAS) - role in brokerage development coming to an end as no funding to continue. There will be no
further information days.
DW (Mind) - 2nd week in post; looking at ways of mixing skills and interests of volunteers.
LM (Active for Life) - More volunteers have joined the buddying scheme.
CH (Ply. Guild) - Received lottery funding to deliver 'Art of Caring course which is series of 5 2day
courses throughout the year.
Network Update
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VS (PMHN) - 28 new members since November, predominantly from children and young people arena.
Total members 187. Website usage continues to increase.
New Children's and Young People Transformation Plan
Emotional Health & Wellbeing Support Services in Schools Shelley Shaw is Commissioning Officer with responsible for overseeing the co-design initiative for
schools. Shelley highlighted the series of events, meetings and decisions by the Schools Forum which
eventually led to the Schools Forum agreeing to a £1.3m funding of the Emotional Health & Wellbeing
Support Service in schools. All schools have committed to the initiative. There is a need to look at how
the service will be sustained post-2019.
Have held 3 co-design workshops; a conference where 6 different schools attended, around 60 young
people present; parent/carer feedback obtained. Schools Forum has agreed £5k for young people to be
involved in the process.
The core offer includes benefits for young people, staff and parents/carers. The counselling service will
be both online and face-to-face. It has been agreed that young person will be allowed to leave lessons
to attend counselling and staff will be allowed time off from lessons to attend training. Staff will be
trained in Theraplay. CAMHS will be based within schools. Public Health will provide emotional health
promotion for schools.
NP raised a concern that the platform should be preventative measures. There were concerns that
school based MH provision was allocated to CAMHS rather than considering opportunity to work with
NP to send Vs info to
write to Liz Cahill on
Plymouth Mental Health Network Notes of Meeting held on 14 January 2016
other organisations that didn’t link CYP to a specialist MH service. NP to create some wording to
capture this that we send to commissioner LC
SS said organisation would need to explore ways of connecting with PMHN and schools.
Supported Living
FG talked about the planning for future supported living services. There will be engagement with the
people that use these services before going out to market. Historically, supported living focused on
those with learning disabilities but the need to include those living with long term mental health issues
needs has been recognised. PowerPoint to be shared.
Transforming Care Partnership
Partnership is working on a cradle to grave vision plan for services, including mental health services,
across the county. Plymouth is included with Devon and Torbay.
PREVENT training to become a contractual issue.
Crisis Concordat
The next meeting is next week and VS will be attending on behalf of PMHN.
There are plans for a video to be created, Healthwatch declined to be included. There has been no
comms of progress or opportunity for PMHN to be involved so far. The success regime are finishing a
diagnostics phase before developing an action plan. Some members felt that the process was not going
as smoothly as intended. Group felt that PMHN should represent their concerns at not being involved
and ask for inclusion effective immediately. NP to share contact details.
SQIP - (A meeting of commissioners, users and carers reps and lead providers in mental health
services). SQIP has been looking at all strategies and exploring the priorities for the partnership, etc.
Police working with Autism board, recently produced Autism Alert card. Discussion around Personal
Health Budgets. VS mentioned the Personal Health Commissioning Forum held bi-monthly in Exeter.
Livewell exploring providing SAFEtalk training.
Network Strategy
MH & Meaningful Employment: exploring ideas for a passport (ASW) for staff with mental health
issues, intended to inform employers of action and wants in time of crisis.
CUES: report ready to finalise
Learning Sets: Livewell have taken lead with community mental health and inpatient learning set.
Discussion over feeling that Learning Sets action has lost its way. DT has been attending the meetings
and is the only carer representative. Discussion that does not appear to be engaging with whole system
approach. Network agreed to represent concerns that there should be wider involvement in sets.
Future of the Network
So far no funding for PMHN after March. VS has been speaking to SW of Livewell SW re: any
opportunity for support of PMHN. Discussions around feedback from Future of PMHN survey monkey
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behalf of PMHN
Send ppt to DR
Np to share contact
details for Judith Dean
to VS and VS to write to
Circulate when in
receipt of document
Contact re: PMHN
Contact SW (L SW SW)
Plymouth Mental Health Network Notes of Meeting held on 14 January 2016
Date of next
DRoche 25/01/16
exercise. The findings evidenced that many members would not be willing/or are unable to take a more
involved role within the network; members not happy to pay subscription fees. VS will continue to
explore opportunities. Guild shared challenges of working a membership model and administrative
Primary Care Home Initiative - (briefing paper) VS mentioned that there was an opportunity for a
PMHN rep to attend future meetings.
Systems Design Group (SDG)
4 areas have SDGs. VS believed PMHN should be represented on each of them. Children & Young
People -SS; Enhanced & Specialised Care - Healthwatch rep but no PMHN rep at the moment;
Wellbeing - VS not been made aware of the meetings for this group; Community - has two areas,
supported living and complex needs.
Big Buzz Event
The vision from the Big Buzz event was to see the implementation of: single assessment, office space,
resource sharing. There will be a group to explore the design of the new service.
Johnny Mercer MP meeting
VS & SC attended a meeting with the MP, police, commissioners and others to discuss a 24/7 service,
not necessarily focusing on 'crisis'. Case studies will be provided by the police at the next meeting.
Livewell SW have also been talking about a 24/7 space.
CK - Exploring ways of utilising space at Livewell cafe at Cumberland Centre. Any ideas forward to CK.
DR - Date for book launch is 27th February, being hosted by Plymouth Libraries.
Thursday 10th March, 1pm - 4pm, venue to be confirmed. This meeting will also be the AGM.
Reminder: Kolechi Nnoaham, Director for Public Health Plymouth will be attending.
GB (L SW grants) VS
Meet with VS (fees)?
Explore membership
and meetings of the