PLYMOUTH MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING ACTION PLAN This Action Plan supports the implementation of the Plymouth Mental Health and Well-being Promotion Strategy which forms part of the Plymouth Strategic 2020 Plan (Health, Social Care and Well-being Strategy). The Strategy aims to promote mental health and well-being for all. It will be working with individuals and communities to combat discrimination against individuals and groups with mental health problems, promote their social inclusion, and ensure that everyone in Plymouth has equal opportunity to achieve positive mental health and well-being. July 2012 – May 2013 Acknowledgements and Version Control Special thanks to the hard work and those many light bulb moments provided by members of the Plymouth Mental Health and Well-being Strategy Action Planning Task and Finish Group (including members of the local PIPs Group and Plymouth Mental Health Network). And indeed, to those wider stakeholders within mental health and well-being and related services for their time, commitment and contributions to development of this Action Plan. The Action Plan was approved by the Plymouth Mental Health Strategic and Quality Improvement Partnership Group on 14 th June 2012, and is fully endorsed by Deb Lapthorne Director of Public Health (NHS Plymouth) and Paul O’Sullivan Director of joint Commissioning (NHS Plymouth). The Plymouth Mental Health and Well-being Steering Group will be the responsible forum for the management and review of the Action Plan and will report quarterly to the MH SQIP. See Terms of Reference and reporting process below. Reporting links at a local strategic level will be confirmed as the local Health and Well-being Board develops. Author: Plymouth Mental Health and Well-being Strategy Action Planning Task and Finish Group. For further information please contact Sue Hall (Mental Health Promotion Lead, Public Mental Health, NHS Plymouth) Action Areas 1 Improve information and standards relating to mental health and well-being in Plymouth 2 Raise the case for sustainable improvements to mental health and well-being in Plymouth 3 Develop innovative mental health and well-being interventions in Plymouth 4 Develop a co-ordinated awareness and education programme in Plymouth 5 Support co-ordinated approaches to positive mental health within the workplace and individuals to stay in work, return to and/or gain employment 6 Actions for June 2013/May 2014 Values and Principles (interlinked & influence each other) Support Best Practice and Innovation Recovery Focused Promote Individual, Organisational and Community Resilience Reduce Stigma and Discrimination and Promote Social Inclusion Joined-up and Co-ordinated Working to optimise the difference that can be made Involvement and Consultation Evidenced Based Holistic and Integrated Page 1 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Key Terms Objective What we aim to achieve Action What we will do and how we will do this Milestones and Outcomes Intended completed actions to show we are on track to achieve our objective(s) and how we will know we have done what we aimed to do and made a difference locally (L) and nationally (N) Timescales When will this work start and when will it be done by Status How we will rate our progress - Lead(s) Who will be the key person(s) responsible for ensuring this will happen Key Partners Who will be the key people who can contribute to achieving the objective Mental Health Promotion (MHP) Mental Health & Well-being (MHWB) Recovery Local Strategic Partnership Mental Health Needs Assessment (MHNA) Plymouth Mental Health Network (PMHN) Plymouth Mental Health Strategic & Quality Improvement Partnership (MH SQIP) (Action not started/milestone not on track), (in progress), (completed) MHP is taken to mean any action that enhances the mental well-being of individuals, families, organisations and communities. ‘A state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.’ The Recovery approach promotes the universal relevance of mental health awareness at home, at work and wherever we live. It is based on ideas of self-determination and resilience achieved through shared, supported responsibility, valuing lived experience, promoting qualities of trust, respect, autonomy, and whole person interactions. The implementation of Recovery Organisational Changes (IMROC) calls for structural awareness, personal reflection and change, and systemic cultural commitment to promote a recovery culture to support equal partnerships. The aim of the Plymouth 2020 Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) is to provide strong leadership for the transformation of the city and to promote a positive image of Plymouth as a vibrant waterfront city where an excellent quality of life is enjoyed by everyone. The public, private & voluntary & community sectors are all represented on the Partnership Board, Executive & Theme Groups. In accordance with Government NHS Reform, Health & Well-being Boards will supersede the Local Strategic Partnership in April 2013. The MHNA is a systematic review of the health issues facing a population, leading to agreed priorities and resource allocation that will improve health and reduce inequalities. This plan will highlight Actions that have been developed following recommendations from the Plymouth MHNA (2012). For a copy: The network is open to anyone with an involvement or interest in mental health and well-being across the city. It aims to provide a comprehensive network of opportunities that provide positive life choices that promote recovery, independence and mental health and well-being as well as providing a focal point for the sharing of knowledge, expertise and evidence based practice thus making the network a central resource for best practice. The Plymouth MH SQIP aims to ensure that the implementation of national policy and development of local strategies across the health and social care community are appropriate in meeting the mental health needs of people in Plymouth. It will do this by bringing together key stakeholders to inform service development and the commissioning of services. The partnership will ensure a strong service user and carer voice as a key stakeholder in the process working with Plymouth Involvement & Participation Service (PIPS) as the current means for providing this representation. Page 2 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Information & Standards Workplace & Employment Sustainable Improvements Plymouth Mental Health & Well Being Action Plan Awareness & Educational Programme Page 3 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Innovative Interventions Centralised information and evidence base Local mental health & wellbeing targets Information and Standards Yearly update of mental health needs assessment Page 4 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Links to other workstreams and resources Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference S Hall & T Newlove Delgado (PH) MH SQIP To ensure mental health promotion activity addresses local needs MH SQIP To integrate the promotion of mental health & well-being into service delivery plans of the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) & MH SQIP End Date Improve information and standards relating to mental health and well-being in Plymouth 1.1 Conduct Mental Health Needs Assessment (MHNA) ensuring alignment with the JSNA & current Mental Health Atlas Up-to-date Plymouth MHNA that informs & provides a legitimate planning & commissioning context for setting priorities in relation to this strategy, using data, metrics & comparative, cost effective & evidenced based information Nov 2011 Mar 2012 Annual update of the Plymouth MHNA (in response to key issues/stakeholder requests) to ensure relevance & contribution to the mental health commissioning cycle June 2012 Ongoing June 2012 Ongoing Circulation &presentation of Executive Summary of MHNA to key stakeholders June 2012 Ongoing Partnership developed & MH SQIP ‘approved’ Plymouth MHWB & MHP targets/indicators & outcome measures (metrics) that can be embedded in to key LSP & MH SQIP strategies (e.g. revised Suicide Prevention Strategy), service contracts & specifications Nov 2012 Mar 2013 Management/reporting on MHNA Recommendations to be a bimonthly MH SQIP agenda item 1.2 Public Health to develop local MHWB & MHP targets at individual, community, organisational & citywide levels that reflect national & local targets as well as ‘bottom up experience’ Page 5 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) S Hall & S Lees (PH) S Hall/S Lees (Public Health) People Directorate (PCC) Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference MH SQIP To draw upon existing evidence base of interventions that work & promote the development of new evidence End Date Improve information and standards relating to mental health and well-being in Plymouth 1.3 Develop a centralised Plymouth Mental Health & Well-being Information Hub that that aims to house national & local research & evidence that helps to demonstrate the impact & outcomes of local MHWB services Establish supporting resource requirements (including staffing) to implement, manage & review an evidence bank Establish appropriate social media to increase the access & use of this information Map & identify gaps in MHWB & recovery research, evidence based interventions & local best practice as part of update of 2012 MHNA Clarification of current links, work streams & resources (skills & capabilities & finances) between Public Health, key MHWB stakeholders University of Plymouth (UoP) Support commissioners to develop evidenced based MHWB & MHP& Recovery care pathways, interventions, service specifications, quality indicators & outcome measures, monitoring & evaluation methodology Support the development of MHWB Evidence Bank/Resource website either through Plymouth Informed or the Plymouth Mental Health Network (PMHN) Website & staffing in place to host/house/manage/ regularly update Page 6 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) June 2012 PMHN June 2012 June 2012 Dec 2012 R Byng (UoP) PMHN & MH SQIP Reps S Hall & S Lees (PH) S Claridge (PMHN) To build on existing good practice & disseminate this at all levels Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference M Embleton (GP) MH SQIP To ensure mental health promotion is sustained at a strategic level amongst local strategic partners End Date Improve information and standards relating to mental health and well-being in Plymouth 1.4 Identify & map current work streams amongst local strategic partners that contribute to MHWB ‘Who’s Who, Who Does & What’ in Plymouth Mental Health’ Guide including a map of work streams (as Action 1.3) that contribute to MHWB to be included on appropriate MHWB Evidence Bank/Resource website as developed in Action 1.3 April 2012 TBC S Claridge (PMHN) TBC S Hall (PH) Guide reviewed and updated on a 6 monthly basis 1.5 Re-invigorate opportunities for the PMHN to provide a central ‘hub’ for MHWB best practice PMHN revised TOR on annual basis PHMN representation at MH SQIP with formalised PMHN representation & members’ contribution & feedback/process in place that is reviewed on annual basis PMHN links with all Plymouth MHWB related groups, regional & national networks 1.6 Establish a comprehensive picture & understanding of Plymouth mental health & well-being investment across all services & resources areas through reviewing current MH SQIP, Public Health & DAAT investment (MHNA 2012) May 2012 July 2012 June 2012 Ongoing June 2012 Support the development of a part-time PMHN Co-ordinator June 2012 Short term group (including key MH commissioning partners) to be set up and undertake this action on behalf of MH SQIP July 2012 Identified & sustainable MHWB PS resource allocation (linked to Action 2.2) Page 7 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) TBC PMHN S Claridge (PMHN) Ongoing TBC S Sposito Plymouth On Line Directory (POD) MH SQIP P O’Sullivan (NHS Plymouth) S Hall (PH) To build on existing good practice & disseminate this at all levels A Daw (PIPs) To develop a local information strategy & produce appropriate & accessible local information on MHWB NH SQIP To build capacity for mental health promotion (MHP) amongst local strategic partners through adequate resource allocation & staff development Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference End Date Improve information and standards relating to mental health and well-being in Plymouth 1.7 Increase local awareness & knowledge of all aspects of MHWB/recovery through the publication of quarterly MHWB Briefings that are linked with the Annual MHWB campaign (Action 3.1) Survey (Survey Monkey?) to be developed to help measure the effectiveness/ impact of the briefings (pre/post) 1.8 Support the development & use of Plymouth On-line Directory (POD) as the primary website (& if necessary other key sites) to house key information relating to MHWB services & resources (including downloadable leaflets & a shared ‘quality’ mark) that is applicable & accessible for mental health service commissioners, service providers & practitioners, personal budget holders & service users (MHNA 6a) Page 8 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Quarterly MHWB Briefings (paper & electronic) to contribute to existing newsletters (PIPS/ Sentinel/Guild etc…) or standalone to include MHWB news/evidence, events/key strategies etc…, ‘Who’s Who and Who Does What in Plymouth Mental Health Guide’ (as Action 1.4) Aug 2012 PMHN MHWB Steering Group: S Hall (PH) A Daw (PIPs) Increased awareness about what’s going in relation to MHWB in Plymouth with local strategic partners & key mental health & well-being stakeholders TBC Plymouth City MH Resource Hub & fully developed POD to house key information relating to MHWB services, resources & evidence July 2012 Accessible means for providers to add & edit services on POD Ongoing MHWB service pathway/flow chart to support understanding & access to relevant support & services on POD Ongoing TBC S Claridge (MIND) TBC MHWB Steering Group: S Hall (PH) S Sposito (PCC-POD) Public Health Improvement Team To develop a local information strategy & produce appropriate & accessible local information on MHWB Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference PIPs To ensure local strategic partners scrutinise the potential impact of their strategic decisions on public MHWB End Date Improve information and standards relating to mental health and well-being in Plymouth 1.9 MHWB Steering Group to set up Task & Finish Group to: MHWB Steering Group awareness/training session to develop knowledge & understanding of MHWB Impact Tools Map current MHWB impact tools and develop & pilot a City MHWB & Recovery focused ‘Impact Tool’ & process for use in both strategic forums and service provision; ‘Mindful scrutiny’ tool for Plymouth that can help measure the impact of key strategies (& where applicable) interventions on MHWB for overarching strategic forums (Health & Wellbeing Board/ LSP/Commissioners/ Sentinel) & mental health & mental health related providers June 2012 Completed EIA & MWIA for all key MHWB (& related) strategies & process in place to address the recommendations highlighted as a consequence TBC Plymouth MH Network to act as a focal point for piloting and dissemination of the developed tool Jan 2013 Assess the wider implications & applications of MHWB impact assessments & WEMWBS Survey Tool (Warwick & Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Survey) for Plymouth Identify & target key local strategies/ contracts/service specifications/service areas to apply tool; Develop ways to use existing (and new) feedback (including complaints & commendations) from people with direct experience of mental ill health & MH stakeholders to form part of the ‘Plymouth Mindful Scrutiny Tool’ Page 9 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Oct 2012 Nov 2012 LINK S Hall (PH) Nov 2012 S Lees (PH) Andy Pratt (PH) S Claridge (PMHN) A Daw (PIPs) To ensure all mental health promotion activity is non-discriminatory & promotes inclusion Co-ordinated approach to mental health & well-being commissioning Service user & carer engagement & involvement strategy Sustainable Improvements Establish local a MHWB evidence base Page 10 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Equality Impact Assessment Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference S Hall (PH) MH SQIP To undertake an annual review of mental health promotion & this strategy & produce an annual report & action plan MH SQIP To build capacity for mental health promotion (MHP) amongst local strategic partners through adequate resource allocation & staff development End Date Raise the case for sustainable improvements to mental health and well-being in Plymouth 2.1 Establish Plymouth Mental Health & Well-being Steering Group to manage & implement the MHWB Promotion Strategy and action plan & provide progress report to the MH SQIP & LSP on quarterly basis Confirmed Terms of Reference (TOR) in place May 2012 Plymouth Mental Health Promotion Steering Group to meet bimonthly to manage, implement & report action plan on a quarterly basis to MH SQIP & Plymouth Healthy Partnership June 2012 & annu ally there after Steering Group TOR reviewed annually 2.2 Develop a process & establish resources that support local innovative MHWB interventions Support local MHWB providers to have evidenced based services that demonstrate effectiveness & are proportionate to the MHWB needs of people living in Plymouth Co-ordinated MHWB commissioning pathway that has been developed with people with direct experience of mental ill-health to be tabled at MH SQIP (linked to Action 1.6) July 2012 Development of MHWB innovation grant to pump prime local MHWB interventions over 1-2yr period that then links into mainstream commissioning processes TBC Establish a Plymouth MHWB/Recovery evidence base development pathway & organisational support process TBC Identification of current Plymouth MHWB & Recovery interventions that require support to develop a local evidence base TBC Page 11 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) S Hall & S Lees (PH) S Hall & S Lees (PH) Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference S Hall (Public Health) D Halifax (PCC) To ensure all mental health promotion activity is non-discriminatory & promotes inclusion End Date Raise the case for sustainable improvements to mental health and well-being in Plymouth 2.3 Complete Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) for this strategy Completed EIA & highlighted recommendations integrated into this Action Plan July 2012 Sept 2012 R Edward s (PCC) 2.4 Encourage use of ‘Report it’ within mental health services (MHS) Increase in numbers of people referring to ‘Report it’ (reporting system in PCC on discrimination) using MHS TBC Darin Halifax (PCC) 2.5 MH provider Network to clarify the position of the MH SQIP in relation to its response to The current national mental health strategy – ‘No Health without Mental Health’ MH SQIP clarification regarding its position & anticipated travel of direction in relation to a developing one Plymouth Mental Health Strategy July 2012 S Claridge (PMHN Chair) PMHN To integrate the promotion of mental health & well-being into service delivery plans of local strategic partners & MH SQIP 2.6 Development & implementation of service user & carer engagement & involvement strategy across all MHWB agencies Completed PCH Engagement & Involvement Strategy Feb 2012 A Daw (PIPs) PIPs, PCH Strategy roll-out across Plymouth TBC To ensure all mental health promotion activity is non-discriminatory & promotes inclusion Page 12 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) To ensure all mental health promotion activity is non-discriminatory & promotes inclusion Plymouth wide promotion and recovery campaign Evaluate impact Innovative Interventions Develop innovative interventions Page 13 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Annual calendar of events Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date End Date Mar 2012 Oct 2012 Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference PMHN To integrate the promotion of MHWB into all existing health promotion & improvement programmes Develop innovative mental health and well-being interventions in Plymouth 3.1 MHWB Steering Group to set up Task & Finish Group to: Develop a Plymouth wide Mental Health & Well-being Promotion & Recovery Campaign that is innovative & integrated with national promotional programmes & existing local initiatives (e.g. Time to change, Five Ways to Mental Well-being, Mind Apples, recovery star, population level suicide awareness training and intervention, school based awareness, education & interventions). It also should be integrated with physical health improvement outcomes (diet, exercise, alcohol, & smoking) & targeted at high risk groups & neighbourhoods (MHNA 2012); Establish supporting resource requirements (including staffing) to implement, manage & review the campaign; Plymouth-wide mental health & wellbeing marketing approach & annual campaign that will optimise knowledge, understanding and use of services and resources and pool limited resources PMHN Time to Change bid submitted to support campaign & local developments July 2012 MHWB Steering Group: S Hall (Public Health) Support the establishment part-time Plymouth MHWB Co-ordinator to administer & co-ordinate the campaign Oct 2012 Campaign Evaluation ‘tool’ in place Oct 2012 Showcase Plymouth best practice at key MHWB promotional campaigns TBC Develop evaluation methodology to measure the impact of the campaign; Monitor & provide relevant information to media reps to promote MHWB through proactive & responsive print media coverage Aug 2012 J/D Hardy (Blurt) TBC Regular mental health ‘taster topic’ & ‘key events’ promotion in local press Response to reported ‘poor’ mental health coverage in media Page 14 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) TBC A Daw (PIPs) S Claridge (MIND) YMCA The Guild MIND To promote & support the development of multi-agency approaches to mental health promotion To ensure the integration of mental & physical health (MHPH) is in minds of all professionals & in service planning & delivery of LSP Strategies To support a range of resources which promote MHWB & challenge discrimination To promote & support the development of multi-agency approaches to mental health promotion Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference Health Improvement Team (PH) To integrate the promotion of MHWB into all existing health promotion & improvement programmes S Hall (PH) To promote and support the development of multiagency approaches to mental health promotion Start Date End Date July 2012 S (PH) Mar 2013 S Hopkins (The Reader) Develop innovative mental health and well-being interventions in Plymouth 3.2 3.3 Public Health Improvement Team to develop an annual Health Promotion Campaign that focuses on local public mental health, health & well-being needs, holistic healthy lifestyle messages & is reinforced with relevant literature that can be used in a broad range of settings Public Health & Well-being Promotion Campaign Calendar Feb 2012 Accessible integrated Health & Well-being literature to reinforce key holistic healthy lifestyle messages TBC Develop Reader in Residence in Plymouth Plymouth Reader in Residence Pathway developed in conjunction with Action 2.2 Apr 2012 Hall MH SQIP To draw upon existing evidence base of interventions that work 3.4 3.5 Support the development of Plymouth Healthy Living Pharmacies (HLP) to include 5 Ways to Mental Wellbeing/MHFA /Mindful Employer Charter Mark Undertake feasibility study for a community based recovery college either literally (Plymouth Recovery college) &/or virtually (Recovery Curriculum) that includes consideration of the role & use of community navigators, mentors & coaches for people with mental health problems (MHNA 2012) & is linked with national & local recovery developments & social prescribing (Action 3.6) Page 15 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Provide Public Health Improvement Calendar & supporting materials to HLP MHWB Promotion Campaign ‘Pack’ to HLP as per outcome of Action 3.1 MHWB/Recovery College, community navigators & mentoring feasibility study & recommendations to MH SQIP July 2012 TBC J Glanville (PH) To develop capacity & capability to enable a mental health promotion approach to wider health improvement activities S Hall (PH) TBC S McAdie (PH) May 2012 Feb 2013 S Claridge (MIND) PMHN To promote and support the development of multiagency approaches to mental health promotion Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date End Date Mar 2012 Apr 2013 Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference S Thomas (PH) S Hall (PH) To promote and support the development of multiagency approaches to mental health promotion Develop innovative mental health and well-being interventions in Plymouth 3.6 Development of social prescribing for MHWB Pilot social prescribing project PH & University of Plymouth Pilot Evaluation Wolseley Trust To develop and support inclusive neighbourhoods which value all their members and enable everyone to participate in decisions that affect their lives UoP GP surgeries: St Neots, St Levans, Trelawney Surgery 3.7 Promotion of mental health, physical health, individual and community resilience through contact with green space on the Stepping Stones Project Delivery of Stepping Stones to Nature project (SS2N): Access improvements to green spaces in deprived areas with involvement of participants Sept 2009 Sept 2013 To integrate the promotion of MHWB into all existing health promotion & improvement programmes To promote and support the development of multiagency approaches to mental health promotion Creation of new information city-wide green spaces and activities (where to go, what to do) Increased evidence of health and well-being benefits of participants in deprived areas using green space Increase in joined up working between health, community and green space professionals to enable access to green space Page 16 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) S Hall (PH) MH SQIP Increase in use and care of green spaces as participants and local organisations report increased confidence, knowledge and ownership SS2N pathway developed in conjunction with Action 2.2 Z Goss (SS2N) To support staff to remain in work & in returning to work following a mental health problem Sept 2012 Mar 2013 Co-ordinated & targetted approach Train trainers & establish trainers forum Awareness & Educational Programme Training & education for staff and students Page 17 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Mental Health First Aid Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date End Date May 2012 June 2012 Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference Plymouth MHFA trainers (PLUSS/ YMCA/ MIND) To develop a local information strategy & produce appropriate & accessible local information on MHWB Develop a co-ordinated awareness and education programme in Plymouth 4.1 MHWB Steering Group to set up Task & Finish Group to: Map, identity gaps & recommend MHWB & MHP & recovery learning & training opportunities applicable to a variety of situations; Develop a co-ordinated, targeted & innovative Plymouth MHWB awareness programme(s), delivery plan & supporting business case that is based on the MHNA (2012) recommendations; the best available evidence base (e.g. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA & MHFA Lite)/5 ways to Mental wellbeing/Least Intervention First Time (LIFT) & Recovery focused interventions - Well-being Recovery Action Plan (WRAP), stigma busting sessions); & optimises the contributions of people with lived experience; Identify & train team of MHWB Awareness trainers including service users/champions; Set up Plymouth MHWB Awareness Trainer Forum; Establish a tool and process to help measure the impact of the programme & provide feedback to trainers Approved business case & service specification to commission & deliver MHFA targeted awareness sessions across Plymouth Increased & co-ordinated MHWB & MHP & recovery learning & training opportunities in Plymouth Targeted delivery of mental health and well-being & recovery awareness sessions (full & brief ‘versions’) to key organizations/ ’gatekeepers’ of services & high risk/priority groups Plymouth MHWB Awareness Trainer Forum to provide support & supervision to all MHFA trainers (including peer support, co-ordination & resourcing to ensure confidence building & sustainability of trainers with lived experience) Increased MHWB & recovery awareness in LSP’s & key stakeholders/high risk communities/organisations Improved mental health literacy, emotional intelligence & support for people who may be experiencing emotional distress People with lived experience delivering training with appropriate ‘post holder’ description & support & supervision in place Page 18 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) MHWB Steering Group: S Hall (PH) A Daw (PIPs) S Claridge (MIND) G Plenderleith (The Guild) S Love (Cerebral Health) K Shorten (PCC) PMHN S McAdie (PH) To build capacity for mental health promotion (MHP) amongst To promote and support the development of multiagency approaches to mental health promotion through adequate resource allocation & staff development To ensure all mental health promotion activity is non-discriminatory & promotes inclusion To promote MHWB for all employers, employees & volunteers across the City To encourage a positive approach amongst all local organisations to the employment of people with mental health problems To promote and support the development of multi-agency approaches to mental health promotion Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference End Date Develop a co-ordinated awareness and education programme in Plymouth 4.2 Training & education for staff to increase their awareness of the impact of smoking on mental & physical health: One to one or group sessions within their own environment; Training of Student Mental health nurses (on degree course); Training for mental health nursing NRT medication Increase staff ‘s confidence to approach the subject of smoking Ongoing To integrate the promotion of MHWB into all existing health promotion & improvement programmes Increase the confidence and self-efficacy of individuals to use the service Continue to develop links with the community Mental health teams and CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse) C Northam (PH) Continue to develop the smoking cessation service to meet the needs of individuals especially in deprived areas Plymouth Smoking Conference July 2012 Aug 2012 To change the culture and reduce the inequalities created by tobacco within mental health; To challenge the view that smoking is a therapeutic intervention/copying strategy within mental health; To give every person who suffers from poor mental health the same rights to good health as the general population Page 19 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Promote maintain and retain employment Mentally healthy workplaces Workplace and Employment Identify providers Page 20 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Education training & volunteering Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date Status Lead(s) Key Partners Strategic Objective Reference End Date Support co-ordinated approaches to positive mental health within the workplace and individuals to stay in work, return to and/or gain employment 5.1 Plymouth Mental Health Network Employment subgroup to: Map & identify gaps in current provision & best practice that helps to promote & manage people’s MHWB in work & those with health conditions & disabilities stay in work &/or return to work. To include education, training, volunteering, employment & work based support including workplace screening for depression and anxiety disorders; professional workplace champions to support workforce & negotiation of workplace systems, debt management, accessing services & support outside of the workplace; Map, identify gaps & develop current provision & best practice that helps to promote & support people with mental health problems who are out of work to gain & sustain employment. Identify industries or organisations willing to support those re-entering the workplace on realistic foundations & expectations based on the abilities of those in recovery Map & identify ways to measure outcomes of workplace MHWB interventions Page 21 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Presentation of subgroup paper that covers current and recommended Plymouth MHWB at work pathway and getting into work pathway to MH Commissioning Employment Group & MH SQIP Establish & promote one shared Plymouth MH & WB at work best practice guide Development of workplace mental health support groups (& ‘buddying’ system) for people who have experience of mental ill health or having supported people with mental ill health Development of sustainable & systematic opportunities to use employees with lived experience expertise to improve workplace practice & developing recovery focused workplace environments Improved workplace mental health support & de-stigmatisation of mental ill-health through delivery of MHFA courses to Key Plymouth Workplaces TBC S McAdie (PH) S Claridge (PMHN) TBC TBC TBC TBC L Stapleton (Employment Subgroup of PMHN Chair & Job Centre Plus) Business Health Network PMHN S Love (Cerebral Matters) MH Commissioning Employment Group MH SQIP To promote MHWB for all employers, employees & volunteers across the City To support staff to remain in work & in returning to work following a mental health problem To promote & support the development of multi-agency approaches to mental health promotion Action Milestones and Outcome(s) Timescale Start Date Status Lead(s) Key Partners End Date Strategic Objective Reference Support co-ordinated approaches to positive mental health within the workplace and individuals to stay in work, return to and/or gain employment 5.2 5.3 Promote and support the implementation of the Health and Safety Executive Stress Management Standards as per legal requirement set out in the Health and Safety Act with Plymouth businesses Provision of Stress Management information/advice to small-medium businesses & NHS/LA employees Delivery of organisational Management stress Information Sessions & supporting business case for senior managers (workplace ‘gatekeepers’) to continue ensuring that sessions promote the individual mental health positive practice identified in Action 4.1 above Ongoing Identification of Plymouth businesses needing specific workplace mental health awareness support through Health @ Work Award needs assessment process Ongoing Regular mental health updates as and when required to Business Health Network. Ongoing Delivery of workplace health fairs, employees training courses, health promotion initiatives within the workplace environment focussed on positive mental health (linked to Actions 1.4 & 1.7 above) Ongoing Page 22 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) Ad hoc as required On-going Ad hoc Ad hoc as identified through Health @ Work Award needs assessment S McAdie (PH) (Inc. HR Reps) Business Health Network S McAdie (PH) (Inc. HR Reps) Business Health Network To promote MHWB for all employers, employees & volunteers across the City Actions for 2013/14 1 Mental health and lifestyle advice should be routinely and opportunistically offered in primary care and other health and well-being settings, with a focus on diet, exercise, alcohol, smoking and strengthening individual resilience (Five Ways to Well-being) recommended in the MHNA (2012)) 2 Develop the role of Plymouth MHWB Champion (including role, function, training, development & support required) & ensuring linkage with other ‘champion’ programmes & using the expertise of people with lived experience as appropriate Appoint champions & target key areas to work Plymouth MHWB Champions across all key commissioning, provider & service user groups & City Neighbourhoods All LSP’s to identify a MHWB champion for their organisation Plymouth MHWB Champion Network MHWB Champions to support the implementation of the MHWB Promotion Campaign & Awareness & Education Programme 3 Map, identify gaps & develop current provision & best practice that helps to promote integrated physical & mental health interventions 4 Develop & raise profile of the use of the cultural & creative arts within the promotion MHWB & recovery 5 Map, identify gaps & recommend psycho-educational MHWB programme to support people with lived experience of mental ill-health 6 Consider the evaluation of the Paid training Placements Pilot in Plymouth (as a recruitment & possible retention opportunity) for people with lived experience of mental ill-health in the context of Action 5.1 Action Plan Reporting Process The Plymouth Mental Health & Well-being Strategy Steering Group is the responsible forum for the management, implementation and review of the Plymouth Mental Health and Well-being Promotion Strategy and Action Plan. It will provide Action Plan Update Reports and report quarterly to the MH SQIP and the forum that will supersede the Local Strategic Partnership in April 2013 (Health & Well-being Board). Each quarter each Action Lead will be forwarded an Action Plan Update Report and asked to provide an update on the progress and status of the Action and Milestones/Outcomes. Key Question: Is each Action/Milestone on track to be met, delivered on time, within budget and to the required quality? The Lead will need to complete the following two domains: 1) Status domain: (Action not started or milestone not on track) (in progress) (completed) 2) The comments domain should include key achievements (and concerns if any) in relation to each identified Milestone. If a Red Rating is given, highlight why and provide a brief reason for the variance. Does it matter that the milestones are off track and what are the implications/risks? Page 23 of 24 Final Version SH (18/06/2012) 1.0 Title Plymouth Mental Health & Well-being Strategy Steering Group 2.0 Purpose The Steering Group is the responsible forum for the management, implementation and review of the Plymouth Mental Health and Well-being Promotion Strategy and Action Plan 3.0 Key Actions 1. Update, develop and revise the strategy and action plan in accordance with national & local strategic and policy developments on an annual basis 2. Ensure action plan is user friendly, the actions are SMART & that the proposed outcomes will show that the actions have made a difference 3. Manage, monitor, review the progress & completion of the Actions 4. Quarterly progress Reports to the MH SQIP & the forum that will supersede the Local Strategic Partnership in April 2013 (Health & Well-being Board) 5. Establish short term task & finish groups on Actions where the Steering Group is the identified Lead 6. Publicize progress on actions through regular Mental Health & Well-being Briefings 7. Review & revise terms of reference on an annual basis 8. Optimise the involvement & consultation of key partners & people with direct & lived experience of mental ill-health 4.0 Meeting Dates July September November February April 5.0 19th 2-4pm 20th 11am – 1pm 15th 11am – 1pm 14th 11am – 1pm 18th 11am – 1pm LMR PHDU Catherine Street, Plymouth LMR PHDU Catherine Street, Plymouth SMR PHDU Catherine Street, Plymouth LMR PHDU Catherine Street, Plymouth Venue TBC Chair Sue Hall (Mental Health Promotion Lead – Public Health) 6.0 Membership Sarah Hopkins (The Reader Organisation SW (ROSW) Claire Hill (The Guild) Chris Everatt (PIPS) Ashley Daw (PIPS) Sarah Lees (Public Health) Cathryn Northam (Stop Smoking Service) Sharon Claridge (Steps) Caroline Adams (ROSW) Sue Hall (Public Health) Simon Love (Cerebral Health) Mary Embleton (GP) Lucy Stapleton (Job Centre Plus) Lisa Gimingham (Plymouth Community Healthcare (PCH)) Rhian Edwards (Plymouth City Council) Nita Dodd (PCH) Katy Shorten (Plymouth City Council) 8.0 07976 504622 LUCY.STAPLETON2@JOBCENTREPLUS.GSI.GOV.UK 01752 201766 01752 202407 01752 315775 01752 272508 01752 434116 07963 613309 01752 434869 07843 816189 01752 315315 Administration Members to set meeting dates and confirm agenda. Chair to provide admin – agenda and minutes collation/circulation via email unless requested otherwise 9.0 Reporting and Communication Quarterly progress Reports to the MH SQIP & the forum that will supersede the Local Strategic Partnership in April 2013 (Health & Well-being Board) Publicize progress on Actions through regular Mental Health and Well-being Briefings 10.0 Quorate Chair, PH consultant, four Strategy Group members 11.0 Review of Terms of Reference Minimum annually (next review May 2013)/as required during the year SH (29.08.2012)