Graduate Clubs - Haskayne School of Business

Haskayne Student Clubs
HANDBOOK 2011/12
This handbook contains everything you’ll need to host a great event, get the stuff you need,
and promote your uniquely awesome club. Share it broadly, use it often.
Welcome to your Haskayne Student Club Handbook, which will introduce you to the staff and
resources you have exclusive access to as a Haskayne student club. We look forward to
working with you over the coming year and to helping you create the successful events you
have in mind.
Haskayne student clubs offer valuable events and
support to Haskayne students, in addition to
showcasing the Haskayne brand to the university
Did you know?
community and general public. It is important that we
The Haskayne School of Business has
work together, especially because people outside of
the largest number of student clubs
the Haskayne community do not distinguish between
on the University of Calgary campus?
official School events and those run by students.
As part of the Haskayne School of Business family, everything you do as a club is considered a
Haskayne activity and influences the School’s brand and reputation. Because the clubs exist
under the umbrella of the Haskayne School of Business, the School is considered a sponsor of
each event (reflecting the time and resources committed by the School in support of the clubs).
This handbook was produced by the staff of the Office of the Dean, the Haskayne Career Centre,
and the Undergraduate and Graduate programs areas at the Haskayne School of Business.
Questions? Start with Kathy Weninger in the Undergraduate programs area, 3F, Scurfield Hall.
Table of Contents
Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 3
A note about professionalism ....................................................................................................................... 4
Student Code of Conduct .......................................................................................................................... 4
Undergraduate Clubs .................................................................................................................................... 5
How it all works......................................................................................................................................... 7
Room Booking Procedure ......................................................................................................................... 8
Sample Event Form ................................................................................................................................. 10
Graduate Clubs............................................................................................................................................ 12
Facilities and Events Office ......................................................................................................................... 13
Who we are and how to contact us: ....................................................................................................... 13
Event services offered:............................................................................................................................ 13
Facilities services offered: ....................................................................................................................... 14
Facilities Policy for Scurfield Hall ............................................................................................................ 14
How we work together: .......................................................................................................................... 14
Sample Event Form ................................................................................................................................. 16
Marketing & Communications Office ......................................................................................................... 17
Who we are and how to contact us: ....................................................................................................... 17
Services Offered: ..................................................................................................................................... 17
How we work together: .......................................................................................................................... 17
Brand Standards and Guidelines ............................................................................................................. 17
Sample Event Form Marketing & Communications Office form ............................................................ 18
Development and Fundraising Office ......................................................................................................... 20
Who we are and how to contact us: ....................................................................................................... 20
Services Offered: ..................................................................................................................................... 20
How we work together: .......................................................................................................................... 20
Four Guiding Elements of the Development Office ................................................................................ 21
Sample Event Form ................................................................................................................................. 23
Alumni Relations Office .............................................................................................................................. 25
Who we are and how to contact us: ....................................................................................................... 25
Services offered: ..................................................................................................................................... 25
How we work together: .......................................................................................................................... 25
Three Guiding Elements for Alumni Relations: ....................................................................................... 26
Sample Event Form ................................................................................................................................. 27
Haskayne Career Centre ............................................................................................................................. 28
Who we are and how to contact us: ....................................................................................................... 28
Services offered: ..................................................................................................................................... 28
How we work together: .......................................................................................................................... 28
Sample Event Form ................................................................................................................................. 30
The Heavy Stuff ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Club in good standing ............................................................................................................................. 32
Failure to Abide ....................................................................................................................................... 32
A note about professionalism
Before we get into the whats and hows of this handbook, it’s important that you realize your
responsibility as a student representative of the Haskayne School of Business through your particular
club. As future business leaders, all Haskayne students are expected to abide by the highest standards of
ethical behaviour, academic integrity and professionalism. In addition to the University of Calgary
conduct guidelines (available in the university calendar under ‘academic regulations’), the Haskayne
School of Business expects a standard of professional behavior to guide students in their role as future
managers and professionals, and to clarify appropriate behavior in specific situations.
Students are expected and encouraged to develop and nurture relationships outside Haskayne with the
business community and the general public. You must, however, recognize the impact of your actions on
the relationships with Haskayne as a whole and the reputation of the School, both in the short and long
term. You are expected to acknowledge that there are many departments with Haskayne that have
ongoing relationships with individuals and organizations in the broader business community. These
relationships must be maintained and nurtured with great care, as they enable the School to operate
efficiently and provide important value-added programs and services to the student body. As such, it is
expected that the clubs work directly with Facilities and Events, Alumni and Development, Marketing &
Communications, and the Haskayne Career Centre to ensure that all solicitations of funds, time, support,
or recruitment activity are conducted in coordination with the applicable Haskayne departments. The
forms and following policies and procedures for each area are defined below. Approaches to external
sources for funding and or services/time/support, regardless of relationship to the club or club
members, are prohibited until and unless the proper procedures are followed for each applicable area.
Student Code of Conduct
The Haskayne School of Business expects students to follow the “Student Code of Conduct”. The Code
of Conduct provides guidelines for the type of behavior that is consistent with the goals and integrity of
the school and the university. If a club arranges to have a travel event, all participating students must
sign the Student Code of Conduct prior to leaving on the trip. You can find the Haskayne Student Code
of Conduct in the appendices to this handbook. Please familiarize yourself with it and share it with your
clubmates as appropriate.
Undergraduate Clubs
Undergraduate clubs include:
Commerce Undergraduate Society (CUS)
Accounting Student Association (ASA)
AIESEC in Calgary
Alliance in Marketing (AIM)
Alpha Kappa Psi
Association for the Management of Information and Operations (AMIO)
Association of Risk Management & Insurance (ARMI)
Calgary Portfolio Management Trust (CPMT)
Financial Management Group (FMG)
Human Resources Students Association (HRSA)
International Business Student Association (IBSA)
Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy Students’ Association (ISEEESA)
Personal Portfolio Management Group (PPMG)
Petroleum Landman Undergraduate Society (PLUS)
Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE)
Tourism & Hospitality Undergraduate Society (THUS)
If you a member of one of these clubs, your first point of contact for any club activities or events is:
Kathy Weninger
phone: 403-220-3783
office: SH 358
Kathy and her team will help you access all of the resources available to help you as you plan your club
events, specifically:
At the beginning of each academic year, clubs requesting funding should contact the Chair of the
Haskayne Student Levy Committee (HSLC), who will determine funding allocation.
Office keys
Keys for club offices can only be issued to the club executive members. If additional keys are required,
the President of the club must prepare a memo requesting those keys. A $25 non-refundable deposit is
required for each additional key. Keys are to be returned at the end of Winter term (April) to the
Undergraduate Area. If keys are not turned in by May 31, the club will be assessed a financial penalty for
replacement of keys. Please do not pass keys to the new executives!
Room and/or table bookings
See Haskayne Student Club Room Booking Procedure below
Event promotions to fellow students
To promote your clubs events to other undergraduate students, you can submit an entry into the weekly
“Haskayne E-Bits” e- newsletter. E-Bits is a publication administered by the Commerce Undergraduate
Society (CUS) that is emailed every Monday to all Haskayne students. Submissions are to be kept short,
leading students to your club website for further information.
The deadline for submissions is Thursdays at 4 pm. Later that evening, a draft of the newsletter will be
emailed to all those who have submitted an event to check the accuracy, and will then be distributed to
students the following Monday.
Clubs can submit information about their events or services by emailing . Note:
events must go through an event approval process before they can be advertised in E-bits.
Event Promotions to the media, faculty, staff, alumni and the general public
Read on for details.
Event nametags
The School can supply clubs with Haskayne School of Business nametags and holders. We will print
nametags for a club event if you provide an electronic list (either Word or Excel data file) at least two
business days before the event. See Kathy Weninger in SH 358.
How it all works
At the beginning of the year, you will be asked to provide the following information for all club
executives, so that we can reach you when required:
a. Name
b. Position
c. Cell phone number
d. Email address
Pick up your keys from Kathy Weninger.
See Kathy for event forms at least a month before a scheduled event. Bring completed forms
back to Kathy: this is required for the event to be included in E-bits. See the page after next for
a sample event form and list of related documentation required.
For room bookings, see the procedure below and contact Kathy ASAP to confirm space.
For events requiring name tags, please provide your electronic list to Kathy at least two business
days before the event.
ProServe certification: club executives need to submit copies of their certification, as applicable.
Year End: all clubs must submit the following items to the Associate Dean (Undergraduate
Programs) by the end of April:
1. Annual report & budget
2. Club lists (incoming and outgoing executives)
3. Club transition tasks (keys, passwords, signing authority)
4. Return your key by May 31, 2011
Room Booking Procedure
You can book a room in which to hold your event or a table to display your materials/information in a
few designated locations in Scurfield Hall. All room and/or table booking requests should be sent to . In the subject line, clearly indicate the name of your club and
the date or event you are booking. For example, CUS Student Orientation September 9 or CUS Executive
Meetings (for recurring events).
1. Requests must include the following info:
a. Club name
b. Event name
c. Date
d. Start time
e. End time
f. Expected number of participants
g. Catered or not?
h. Special requirements, if any
i. Please include set-up and take-down time in your timeframe
2. Each room booking requires the Undergraduate Area to contact three separate offices on
campus on your behalf. In order to receive confirmation in enough time to successfully promote
your event, we require a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice for your request. Requests received with
less than 2 weeks’ notice will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.
3. We understand that changes are sometimes necessary; however, we ask that you do your best
to ensure the details of your room booking are firm prior to requesting your room. If you no
longer need the requested room, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may release
the room to someone else.
4. Room space on campus is at a premium therefore we are no longer accepting requests for
specific rooms. In order to ensure that the room booked meets your requirements please note
additional information that may be relevant such as:
a. Do you require a computer lab?
b. Are external participants expected?
c. Is your event being catered?
d. Please note that in all cases, the Central Booking staff tries to accommodate your
request using rooms within Scurfield Hall first.
5. Food and drinks are no longer allowed in any of the classrooms. If your event will be catered
but is not being held in the Oak Room, the Third Floor Forum, or the Alternate Meeting Space,
the food must be served and consumed outside of the classroom during a break period.
6. Due to security concerns, we will no longer accept requests for the boardrooms located in the
ACCT and OPMA areas.
7. The club must arrange all ComMedia (audio/visual equipment and technical support) requests
directly, as this often incurs a charge. Review their services and procedures at
8. If you prefer to book rooms on your own, you may do so through the MacEwan Conference and
Events Centre for spaces in MacEwan Hall. Renting these rooms may involve fees, which is the
responsibility of the club. For smaller gatherings, consider booking the syndicate rooms in either
Scurfield Hall (via the Career Centre) or MacKimmie Library.
Sample Event Form
Haskayne Student Club
Please fill out the General Information, Expected Participants and Event Characteristics sections, then
obtain your faculty advisor’s preliminary approval for your event.
General Information
Club Name:
Haskayne Student Club
Contact Info:
(name, phone, email)
Joe Baker
Event Name:
Haskayne Student Club Networking
Networking opportunity for incoming Haskayne students to meet alumni and
community partners.
Proposed Location:
On campus:
Request HSB room/table booking through Undergraduate Office
when obtaining forms – book at least 2 weeks in advance.
Off campus:
Proposed Date(s) and
September 20, 2011
5 p.m.
Expected Participants
# expected
Members of the Student Organization
Students at Large
Industry representatives, recruiters
Others :
Total Participation
Additional actions required for Final Approval
Complete Events Office Form
Complete Alumni Office Form
Complete Career Centre Form
If required, please complete a budget for the event outlining Projected Revenues, Projected Expense, Gross
Net Profit and the intended use of any profit. A budget template is available at the Undergraduate
programs area office should you wish to use it.
Event Characteristics
Plan to seek sponsorship
Plan to serve alcohol
Names of students who
have completed ProServ:
May incur physical risk
Requires travel by one or more
members outside of Calgary
Requires catering
Involves contact with the media
Additional insurance required (as
required by the Students’ Union)
Additional actions required for Final Approval
Complete Sponsorship Form
Complete Events Office Form
Attach Students’ Union Event Approval
Attach Students’ Union Event Approval
Attach Students’ Union Waiver
Attach Students’ Union Event Approval – submit letter
to Associate Dean.
Attached signed Haskayne Student Code of Conduct
from all attendees
Complete Events Office Form
Complete Marketing & Communications form
Attach Copy of Proof of Insurance as provided to the
Students’ Union
Faculty Advisor Preliminary Approval:
Once your faculty advisor has given preliminary approval, please come to the Undergraduate Office to
pick up required forms. Please note, completion of any SU documents required should be done
simultaneously with Haskayne specific forms. DO NOT WAIT FOR HSB APPROVAL before contacting the
SU! The suggested order to speak with these offices (if required) is:
Marketing &
Comms Office
Once all forms have been completed and signed off by each party, your faculty advisor will review all
Faculty Advisor Final Approval:
Graduate Clubs
Student clubs at the graduate level at Haskayne include groups like the MBA Society. Your first point of
contact for any club activities, events, or branding issues is:
Joyce Twizell
phone: 403-220-7152
office: SH 350
Joyce can help you access all of the resources available to help you as you plan your club
Facilities and Events Office
Who we are and how to contact us:
One of the many roles of the Facilities and Events Office at the Haskayne School of Business is to assist
student clubs in planning their events. We give final authorization on event forms after ensuring all
requirements for the event have been met.
Livia Fiorini, Assistant: Facilities and Events
Jane Brown, Manager: Facilities and Events
phone: 403-220-6118
office: SH 323
phone: 403-220-8961
office: SH 320
Event services offered:
Planning resources
Budget management
Catering: menu selections and contacts
Facilities: venue, room set-up, linens, etc…
Logistics: presentation, equipment, parking, billing, etc…
The event process can be set out in two steps:
Two months before event
At least two weeks before event:
Preliminary planning
o Overall vision of the event
o Date
o Venue
o Logistics
o Licenses and permits
o Protocol (especially for VIP)
o Audio visual equipment
o Entertainment
o Décor (rentals if required)
Book an appointment with us to make sure
you’re on the right track
Book an appointment for final sign-off to
allow for any delays in contacting any other
Haskayne offices
Ensure that the following are completed prior
to your visit:
o SU and staff advisor approval
o Budget
o Catering/Alcohol
o Timeline
Bring all of the above forms and any other
coloured sheets to your appointment
All event forms require a final sign off by the
Facilities and Events office
Facilities services offered:
Furniture (purchases, disposal, maintenance)
Haskayne podium banner, pull-ups, and table cloth
Fire marshalling
Facilities Policy for Scurfield Hall
Clubs will be financially responsible for damage to their offices or the clubs area. Repeat offenses will
result in the loss of office space and/or expenses in the club’s name. Below are the policies for poster
display and office use:
No signs, posters or papers can be posted on any wood, painted or glass surface, or on any
handrails in Scurfield Hall
All signage in Scurfield Hall can only be on the designated bulletin boards
Posters must be removed from a bulletin board within 24 hours of the event
No food or drinks are allowed in the classrooms
If the furniture in a room is rearranged, it must be returned to its original configuration
All paper and garbage must be cleaned up before leaving a room
For problems with room heating/cooling, broken seats and desks please contact Livia Fiorini.
How we work together:
Schedule an appointment during our pre-set student hours so that we can work with you on your
events and help you avoid any potential event planning issues in advance. Prior to visiting our office for
final approval, we would like four key items to be completed:
a. SU and Staff Advisor Approval (required by SU min. four weeks before event)
Get approval for the event from the SU Clubs Coordinator (403.220.2233, )
and your staff advisor prior to making an appointment with us. The SU requires four weeks to
process submissions, so make sure you plan in advance.
b. Budget
By creating a realistic budget, you will avoid any hidden costs related to your event. Gratuity, linens, and
serving staff are some examples of costs that could increase your allotted expenses by as much as 24%.
c. Catering/Alcohol
The university has strict guidelines regarding the catering of any event on campus. Contact
Chartwells for all catering needs except for events in the MacEwan Conference Centre, where SU
can be used to cater your event. If alcohol will be served at any event, the Dean must give approval.
ProServe requirements and other factors need to be considered and can be discussed with us.
d. Timeline
Ensure that a detailed timeline is completed for submission to our office. We would like to see a
minute-by-minute worksheet of your event as it will unfold. For high-profile events (i.e. Business
Day Conference), we will recommend weekly meetings to ensure that planning is on schedule. A
debriefing meeting is also recommended after the event.
Required forms can be downloaded from the student events site at Event Form
Sample Event Form
Events Office Form (pink form)
Student Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 – 11 a.m. Please email Livia to schedule an
appointment. You should make an appointment 2 months prior to planning an event. All events require
two weeks’ notice or they will not be approved and cannot happen.
Event Name:
Club Name:
Date of Event:
(expenses and
SU Approval/Waiver
Contact U of C Food Services for all catering needs on campus at 2203987
 Contact Joan Cuevas at 220-5141 or for
events in MacEwan Hall
Provide a detailed agenda/ schedule for the event
Attach the budget for your event as well as the completed Development
(Fundraising) Form (if applicable) approved by the Development Office
Provide a detailed description of your event to be signed off by the SU before
final approval from the Events Office
Attach any contracts/ BEOs (Banquet Event Order) you may have with
venues. These must be approved before anything is signed.
To order audiovisual equipment, please contact Com Media at 220-7307 or with details of your event
Floor plans/Furniture
Bring your invites/posters/marketing plan with you to be approved. All
marketing and promotional material must include the Haskayne logo.
Contact the Marketing & Communications team for guidance and files.
For event set-ups requiring a stage, tables, chairs etc., contact Events
Office no later than one month prior to the event
When using the Oak Room, 3Fl Forum, or alternative meeting space, the
furniture must be put back as per the floor plans
Speak with Kathy Weninger ( in
the Undergrad area about booking tables in the NuWest Commons
SU Approval
Outside participants
All other required signatures
Livia Fiorini, Assistant: Events and Facilities
p: 403.220.6118 | f: 403.282.0095 | e:
Marketing & Communications Office
Who we are and how to contact us:
Kim Lawrence, Director of Communications and Marketing
phone: 403-220-3375
office: SH 322
Services Offered:
Some of the best possible public relations for the school come via student-organized activities. This
meshes well with student club objectives to secure profile and attention for their hard work. As a result,
the Marketing & Communications team is very interested in engaging with clubs to develop a
communications plan for your event.
We can assist by providing:
o Usage guidelines
o Appropriate graphic files
o A review and approval of materials used
We are interested in engaging with clubs to develop a communications plan for your event
We are able to offer:
o Broad, established media relations channels
o Access to Haskayne and campus communication channels
 Traditional
 Social media
 Digital kiosk, etc.
o Support for club reps dealing with the press for the first time
How we work together:
1. It is important to note that all club events must carry or reference the Haskayne brand in their
promotional materials, since people outside of the Haskayne community do not distinguish
between official School events and those run by students: everything is considered a Haskayne
activity and thus impacts the School’s brand and reputation.
2. Most communications activities kick into high gear about 2 weeks before an event or activity is
scheduled to occur. If production of supporting materials (tickets, programs, posters) is
required, the lead-time could be longer. Please connect with us at least 4 weeks before a
significant event.
3. Please refer to the form/checklist for Marketing & Communications for a series of questions
relevant to promotional support of your activity/event.
Brand Standards and Guidelines
Misuse or misapplication of the HSB brand will result in removal or replacement of promotional
materials, at the expense of the club involved. Please note that these guidelines are not intended to
cramp the style of the clubs; there is a lot of room for implementing unique and compelling creative
concepts. Bring ideas to the table and let’s discuss.
Sample Event Form
Marketing & Communications Office form (tan form)
Please note: you need to complete this form if you are using the Haskayne School of Business name or
brand graphics in association with your activity, if you wish to secure media exposure for your activity, if
you wish to communicate to the rest of the School or the University community about your activity,
and/or if you are producing any supporting marketing materials (posters, programs, brochures). We’re
also happy to brainstorm with you up front as well, if you need ideas. For an appointment/consultation:
please email Director of Marketing & Communications Kim Lawrence at or call 403-220-3375.
Activity name:
Activity date(s):
Activity location:
Activity sponsor(s):
Name of club contact:
Phone number:
WHO do you want to tell
about this event?
HOW do you want to tell them about
this event (based on what you know
about them)?
Do you have an active WEB PAGE
where you can point people for details?
WHAT do you want to tell
people about this activity?
Current Haskayne students
Haskayne alumni
Haskayne faculty and staff
The broader U of C student body and faculty/staff
The general public and/or the media
Prospective employers
Community interest groups (pls specify):
Other (pls specify):
Traditional methods (posters, handbills, paid
advertising etc.)
Online methods (social media channels, web,
eblasts, video, ads)
‘Guerilla’ methods
Other (pls specify):
Yes. URL:
No, I need one. (HSB can create an events listing for
this purpose.)
Please include/attach a blurb (up to 300 words, not bullet
points) that can be used to help promote your event.
Samples are available on request. Consider the who, what,
where, when, why, and how…as well as the ‘so what?’…of
your activity (i.e. what’s in it for them to get involved?).
Who is your designated media
SPOKESPERSON, should we need one?
Please provide a name and contact info:
WHAT have you promised your
sponsors in terms of publicity?
If this is an event, does it have a
WHAT tangible tools will you produce
to help deliver your message?
WHO is designing your materials?
Please explain your theme. Are there copyright issues
Event program
Advertisement (print, online, clothing)
Other (pls specify):
Please provide a name and contact info:
If you are planning to print anything, do
you have a PRINTER identified? Specs
and pricing?
No, I need help with this
Do you have LOGOS (in vector format)
for any groups involved in your
No, I need to get them.
(Please ask for Adobe Illustrator encapsulated
PostScript (EPS) files in colour and black-only
versions. GIFs are not usable. )
If you are welcoming/featuring a
speaker(s), have you requested their
photo and official bio, and a summary
of their presentation?
No, I need to get them.
(Please ask for a high-resolution colour image, jpg
format is fine.)
While you’re at it, please ask them if they’re ok with
photography or video happening onsite during their
Marketing & Comms Office signature
Development and Fundraising Office
Who we are and how to contact us:
Rita Egizii, Director Community Outreach and Alumni
phone: 403-220-2699
office: SH 326
Services Offered:
We are the clubs connection to external funding, fund-raising (including donations-in-kind) and
Our role is primarily about building and maintaining relationships, which includes a fiduciary
responsibility of reporting back to the donor, and the University of Calgary development and
finance departments
Four Guiding Elements of the Development Office (see below for a more detailed explanation of
o Proposal Creation
o Identification of Prospects
o Prospect Management
o Donor Stewardship/Recognition
How we work together:
1. The incoming executive team meets with the Director of Community Outreach to discuss events
and anticipated fundraising requirements for the coming year.
2. It is recommended that fundraising requirements are determined after a revenue/expense
budget is prepared. The objective of sponsorship is to cover a portion of costs. It is important to
consider other revenue streams (e.g. ticket sales, grants, etc.) The Development office can
assist with putting the budget together.
3. It is highly recommended that the club put together a Sponsorship Package which outlines a
partnership plan for donors which encompasses a menu of choices – presenting a selection of
events throughout the year and at different sponsorship levels (in ONE master document). The
Development Office can assist with putting the Sponsorship Package together.
4. ALL prospect lists must be cleared through the Haskayne School Development Office EACH year
and prior to any contact with the prospect. The Director may make suggestions about ideal
donors that may be fit the club’s need; and provide contact information to connect them to a
donor or, when there is an existing or long-standing connection between a donor and a given
club, give permission to the club to make direct contact.
5. The Director may also deny clearance for a prospect (despite the fact that the club may have
received clearance in the past). This is because relationships between the donor and the School,
or the University, may have changed or there may be a larger request to the donor that the club
may not be aware of.
6. If there is a request being planned to the donor of interest from either the University, or the
School, the Director may ask the club to retract their individual request and add it to the overall
larger request. Best practices have shown that there is a much higher chance of success with an
interested donor when the request represents the entire organization than when it comes from
a specific group within the organization.
7. The club will be asked to provide a follow-up report to the Director, listing all donors contacted,
how much they gave, how they participated, what benefits were provided to them and how the
money was used. This information will be used to update the donor’s record in the University
master database and for stewardship/reporting purposes.
Four Guiding Elements of the Development Office
All dollars provided to student clubs by external parties (in cash, or in-kind) must be accounted for in
such a way as to meet University of Calgary fundraising guidelines and auditing requirements and
comply with Canada Revenue Agency rules & regulations around use of funds.
Proposal Creation – It is important that any request that goes out to a donor properly represent the
brand and culture of the Haskayne School of Business. All solicitation communication to donors (e-mail,
letters, proposals, or intended phone calls) must be cleared through the Development Office. We ask
that clubs make an appointment with us to review their fundraising communication materials. Not only
does this ensure that the communication appropriately represents the School, it also provides an
opportunity for staff to assist by providing suggestions and best practice approaches that increase the
chance of success.
Identification of Prospects – Under the new leadership of Dr. Elizabeth Cannon, it is important to work
together on prospect management. The University of Calgary, embraces a sustainable fundraising
model, which builds capacity across campus (between and within the different faculties). This is
instrumental to the success of each faculty, as well as to the success of each group within a faculty
engaged in fundraising as it enables all of us to meet our mandate. It is therefore critical that the
Development office be kept informed about which companies, organizations and individuals are
engaging with and/or supporting clubs.
Prospect Management – The University’s mandate is to ensure that donors associated with any U of C
initiative (including student clubs) are identified, cleared, solicited, and stewarded in a way that best
aligns with overall University fundraising principles. This system:
1. Promotes communication between the faculties and the UofC Central Development office. This
communication prevents multiple asks, respects donor’s wishes, and helps to keep our
fundraising efforts targeted and goal driven.
2. Facilitates the building of healthy pipelines. Managing our prospects helps us to identify
potential donors to all faculties and to all groups fundraising within those faculties.
3. Facilitates reporting and analysis. The reports that are used to track progress are based on the
information in the University’s master donor database. These reports assist with planning, goal
setting and targets – for the clubs, the Haskayne School as a faculty, and the University as a
4. Ensures adherence to Revenue Canada fundraising guidelines and, if applicable, charitable
receipting guidelines. Student clubs cannot issue charitable receipts. In some cases, the
Haskayne Development office may agree to assist with this, allowing clubs to operate under the
University of Calgary charitable number.
We know and understand that specific clubs may have existing relationships with donors or that club
members may have personal or professional contacts within particular organizations. In ALL cases, our
expectation is that ALL prospect lists must be cleared through the Haskayne School Development
Office EACH year and prior to any contact with the prospect. Following clearance, the club must
subsequently report back on all donor activity, including contact name(s) and value amount(s) of
sponsorship (cash or in-kind) – within 30 days following the event. Clubs may not maintain and/or use
their own donor contact lists nor keep lists that are separate and independent from the Development
office without prior approval.
Recognition – A fundamental aspect of maintaining on-going donor relationships is recognition and
follow-through. Such ‘stewardship’ is particularly important when organizations and individuals
contribute funds The Haskaye Development office has a mandate to report back to donors who have
given to the School (in any capacity – including through student clubs). It is important that we know
who, how much and what our donors supported.
Sample Event Form
Development (Fundraising) Office Event Form (blue form)
Please note: you only need to fill out this form and contact the Development Office if you are planning
on seeking sponsorship for your event. PLEASE NOTE: Sponsorship can be in the form of cash or gift-inkind. For an appointment: Please e-mail Director of Community Outreach at and provide a few preferred meeting times. I’ll get back to you to
arrange a time. You can also call me at 403 220-2699.
Event Name: Haskayne Student Club Networking
Event Date: September 20,
Location: Oak Room
Estimated Number of Attendees: 40-50
Name of Club Contact: Joe Baker
Phone number: 403-220-5555
TOTAL amount of $ we plan on raising for this event:
1 month
lead time
2 months
lead time
3 months
lead time
If > $10000 Please specify:_____________________________________
Lead time amount for >10K range from 4 months – 8 months
Please list ALL companies and/or individuals who you plan on contacting for
funding or sponsorship of any kind: Use the back of this form.
Please note: University fundraising guidelines request that all
fundraising/sponsorship activities are co-ordinated within faculties and across
campus. Students may not contact potential sponsors without prior clearance and
approval from the Development Office.
Provide: Name of Company, Name of Contact, Amount to be Requested
Cover Letter (or E-Mail) Attached
Sponsorship Proposal / Package Attached
Development Office Signature:
Sponsor / Donor Intended Prospect List
Sponsor and/or Donor Name
Intended Ask
$ Amount
(by Development Office)
Company A, Aaron Representative
Company B, Brian Employee
Company C, Charlie Chairman
Sponsorship Package Approved
Yes 
No 
Alumni Relations Office
Who we are and how to contact us:
Kathleen Crowley, Manager Alumni Relations
phone: 403-220-2048
office: SH 325
Services offered:
The Alumni Relations Office is responsible for coordinating all Haskayne alumni events and
communications and coordinating with the UofC Alumni Department. There are three guiding elements
for Alumni Relations at the University of Calgary (see below for details).
o Privacy
o Coordination
o Recognition
We work with clubs on:
o How they want alumni to participate:
 Speakers
 Judges
 Attendees, etc.
o Who they want based on:
 Degree/concentration
 Graduating year
 Industry, etc.
How we work together:
1. The incoming executive meets with the Manager Alumni Relations to discuss events and
anticipated alumni requests for the coming year. In the planning stages for specific events, the
club representative meets with the alumni office to outline requests for alumni participation –
the Manager Alumni Relations may make suggestions about ideal alumni to fulfill the club’s
need; and contact the appropriate alumni to connect them to the club; or, when there is longstanding connection between alumni and a given club, give permission to the club to make
direct contact. For best results in ensuring alumni participation, please get in touch with us at
least two months in advance of your event.
2. The Alumni Relations office can also advertise student initiatives in alumni communications such
as e-news.
3. The club does a follow-up report to the Manger Alumni Relations, listing all alumni contacted,
those who engaged and how they participated (this can be a simple email list – but is expected
within a week of the event).
Three Guiding Elements for Alumni Relations:
Because our role is about relationships, we ask that student clubs help us maintain excellent
relationships with our alumni members. Specifically, we have three guiding elements: privacy,
coordination, and recognition.
Due to privacy laws, the Alumni Relations department cannot release alumni contact details to clubs
without the express permission of the alumnus/a. We contact alumni on the club’s behalf and have a
number of ways of doing so. In order to take full advantage of our communications options, clubs are
encouraged to meet with us early in the planning stages.
Another reason we ask that clubs work with us, is that it is important to the maintenance of good alumni
relationships, that the Alumni Relations Department know which alumni are engaging with clubs and
how they are doing so. One of the most important reasons for this is that we try to ensure that the
School does not ‘overuse’ alumni for multiple club- and School events.
We know and understand that specific clubs have ‘regulars’ – alumni who they depend on for annual
participation. However, in cases where a club has its own alumni, our expectation is that the club will
clear a contact list with the Alumni Relations Department at the outset of its new year and prior to
making any contact with those alumni. When such clearance is given, the club must report on all alumni
contact and engagement. Clubs may not maintain and/or use their own alumni contact lists that are
separate and independent from the Alumni Relations Department without prior approval.
A fundamental aspect of maintaining good relationships is recognition for service. Such ‘stewardship’
applies not only when individuals contribute funds, but also when they give their time and talent. The
Alumni Relations department strives to acknowledge alumni members who are engaged with students,
clubs and School departments. For this reason, it is important that we know who, when and how our
alumni get engaged.
Sample Event Form
Alumni Relations Office Event Form (yellow form)
Please note: you only need to fill out this form and contact alumni relations if you are planning on
involving Haskayne alumni in your event. For an appointment: Please e-mail Alumni Relations Manager and let me know a couple of preferred meeting times. I’ll get
back to you to arrange a time. You can also call me at 403 220 3175.
Event Name: Haskayne Student Club Networking
Event Date: September 20,
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: Oak Room
Estimated Number of Attendees: 40-50
Name of Club Contact: Joe Baker
Phone number: 403-220-5555
Alumni Involvement
Please check appropriate box
We would like to have alumni participate in our event as:
ticket purchaser
other Please specify: networking attendee
We would like to invite the following alumni group/s to our event:
all alumni
all degrees
industry Please specify_______________________
concentration Please specify________________________________
1 - 5 years out
specific class/year _________________________
10 - 15 years out
15+ years out
all years
Please note, due to privacy constraints, only the alumni office can contact alumni.
We cannot release contact information to students. And students may not contact
alumni without university approval.
Eblasts: second Tuesday of the month – We need a 50-word description plus
live link at least a week in advance.
Individual emails: This depends on the type of involvement and the desired
Alumni Relations Office Signature:
Haskayne Career Centre
Who we are and how to contact us:
Kathleen McConnell, Strategic Partner Relations
phone: 403-220-8762
office: SH 302G
Services offered:
The Career Centre is responsible for maintaining and recording activities with employers for recruitment
based activities.
We will work with you to engage employers at events
We also can help you connect with employers for speaking opportunities, case competition
judges, or networking events.
Due to the ethical implications that may arise between students and employers in recruitment
activities, the Career Centre acts as an independent third party to ensure that all employers,
organizations, and students are provided with fair and equal treatment.
How we work together:
1. Contact us:
a. Two months in advance for any recruitment events where you would like to contact
b. One month in advance is required for contacting individual participants (i.e. speakers,
employer panel participants, case competition judges or networking guests).
Although this may seem long, it is an industry standard and allows for several rounds of requests
based on employer or individual availability.
2. For any event that is recruitment-focused (meaning where employers are engaged with
students for the purposes of recruiting students) the club needs to consult the Career Centre
before the date is set to ensure no conflict with any other recruitment event targeting a similar
or overlapping group of students
3. To help us maintain and not overuse contacts, any and all connections with
employers/recruiters or potential employers/recruiters of Haskayne students are tracked and
must be passed through the Haskayne Career Centre. Provide a final list to the Career Centre on
which companies or representatives were involved no later than one week after your event.
Sample Event Form
Career Centre Event Form (lilac form)
To obtain approval, you need to make an appointment. For an appointment: Please e-mail and suggest a couple preferred meeting times. We will contact
you to arrange and confirm a date. Select the appropriate event type below and complete only that
section. Please note: Due to privacy constraints, the Career Centre must contact potential speakers or
guests on your behalf. Notification is required a minimum one month before your event for all requests
and speakers/guests cannot be guaranteed.
Event Name: Haskayne Student Club Speaker Night
Event Date: October 15, 2011
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Alternate Meeting Space
Estimated Number of Attendees: 25
Name of Club Contact for Event: Joe Baker
Phone number: 403-220-5555
Event Type
Required Information
Number of Speakers Required: 3-4
Industry Night
Please indicate any topic areas, careers, or companies to target (or attach list):
Speaker Night
See list attached.
Employer/Expert Panel
What time should the speakers arrive? 5:30 a.m./p.m.
How long will they speak for? 20 minutes
Please attach a list of everyone you have already contacted and/or indicate if
you are working with anyone else to identify potential speakers.
Case Competition
Industry or Networking
Number of Judges Required:__________
Target Companies or Areas of Interest (or attach list):
Please attach a list of everyone you have already contacted and/or indicate if
you are working with anyone else to identify potential judges.
Please attach a list of the target companies/industry and e-mail a copy of your
invite to:
*If you already have a contact or list ready, approval may be granted by email - please
attach a copy of the email approval to your completed Event Form.
Career Centre Signature:
Career Fair Event Form
To gain approval for a career fair, you must provide a minimum of 2 months’ notice. The more time
you provide, the more ability we have to solicit employers to participate. To obtain approval, you
need to make an appointment. For an appointment: Please e-mail
and suggest a couple preferred meeting times. We will contact you to arrange and confirm a date.
Event Name: Haskayne Student Club Career Fair
Event Date: October 1, 2011
Time: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Estimated Number of student Attendees: 50
Name of Club Contact for Event: Joe Baker
Phone number: 403-220-5555
Event Type
Career Fair
Required Information
Target Industry or Career Path: Finance
Ideal number of Employers: 4-6
Attach a list of companies you are considering contacting and the
communication you plan to use to request their attendance. This must be
approved before sending.
Time employers can set up: 4:00 p.m.
Cost to employers: $100
Will employers have access to power outlets: No
What amount of space will be available and will tables be provided: Booked
in the forum on the third floor with 8’ tables provided for each
Do you plan to serve food at this event?: No
Are you working with development to obtain sponsors for this event?: yes/no
Career Centre Signature:
The Heavy Stuff
Club in good standing
No student club shall be eligible to receive any support or resources from the Haskayne faculty or
departments unless that club is in good standing. For a student organization to be and remain in good
standing with the Haskayne School of Business, the following requirements must be met:
o The club must be a registered club with the University of Calgary Students’ Union
o The club and all individuals acting on behalf of the club must comply with all requirements in
the Haskayne Student Code of Conduct
o No club shall be operated for the individual profit or gain of its organizers, executive or
members. This includes financial profit or involvement solely for the purpose of securing
personal employment
o A copy of the club’s constitution must be submitted to the Associate Dean Undergraduate
on a yearly basis, updated to include any changes as they are made
o Each May, each student club must file a list of their current Executives, including home
phone numbers and e-mail addresses, with the office of the Associate Dean Undergraduate
o An annual report must be filed by each student club with the Associate Dean Undergraduate
by April 30. This statement must include a report of all revenues and expenses (for the year
dated May 1 – April 30), including membership fees, Faculty, and external funding
Failure to Abide
If a student club has been deemed to have acted in a way – in spirit or in word – that goes against any of
the policies laid out in this document or in any of the event forms or associated procedures, the
following procedure and penalties will apply:
 Club executives and members involved will be required to meet with the staff or faculty
member whose policies were violated. In that meeting, the staff or faculty member can deny
approval of any current or future event and can also place requirements for amends and
learning on the club (such as an apology letter to the external partner or a requirement to learn
more about something such as fundraising, event management, etc.)
 The Associate Dean Undergraduate and the Faculty Advisor will be notified of this meeting and results
 If this does not solve the issue and/or if a pattern of behavior is apparent, a meeting will be
called with the club executive, faculty advisor, Associate Dean Undergraduate and any other
party applicable to the concern. Penalty and sanctions will be determined by the Associate Dean
Undergraduate and can include but are not limited to:
 Loss of good standing
 Loss of support from any or all of Haskayne’s departments that support student club activity
 Probationary period with extra requirements for information and monitoring of club activity
 Action against an individual or club under the Haskayne Code of Conduct
 Any other appropriate action under the discretion of the Associate Dean Undergraduate