7th Grade Communication Arts


Back to School Night

7th Grade Communication Arts

Mrs. McAllister

Mrs. Ehrich

Mrs. Lentz

Mrs. Hall

Support/Enrichment (Pd. 3)

• Students rotate in small groups to their core content teachers

• Teachers may request specific students who are struggling, falling behind on their work, or need to make up a test or assignment

• Students may also request to see a specific teacher if they need extra help

• Reading specialist: Mrs. Hall

• For students who don’t need extra help, this period will also be for enrichment

• Book talks in the media center, moodle, edmodo, writing conferences

• Not a study hall

Bell Ringer (2 minutes)

• Write down one statement about your child.

This could be an interesting fact, or just something you think I should know.

Communication Arts at a Glance


• Short stories

• Poetry

• Drama

• Nonfiction

• Mythology


• personal narrative

• poetry

• research

• frequent journaling and reading responses

Vocabulary & Grammar Skills


(Sustained Silent Reading)

• Daily routine

• Why SSR?

• 50 points each marking period

• Requirements:

▫ Come to class with a book every day (no magazines or comic books)

▫ Focus on reading the entire time

▫ Complete book logs

▫ Participate in SSR related activities, projects, and book talks

Reading “Mini-Lessons” with Mrs. Hall

• First 20 minutes of class

• Preview or review skills learned in class

• Students will be selected based on 6 th grade

PSSA results, foresight data, class assessment results, and classroom observations


• 3 ring binder with three sections (bell ringer, notes, assignments)

• Journal

• SSR book

• Students will not be assigned a text book

• http://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com/


• Homework- If students do not come to class with their homework completed, it is late. They can turn it in the next day for half credit.

• Writing- Students are strongly encouraged to revise major writing assignments to earn points back.

• Projects- Students are always given a rubric ahead of time so they know how I will grade their projects.

Missing School

• Absence policy- Students have the same amount of days they missed to make up work.

• Please encourage your child to get their work ahead of time if they know they will miss school.

Monitoring Your Student’s Progress

• Agenda

▫ Homework and project due dates

▫ Upcoming tests/quizzes

• My Website

▫ http://www.sgasd.org//Domain/127

▫ Homework and project due dates and information

▫ Upcoming tests/quizzes

▫ Class notes

▫ Overview of marking period topics of study

▫ Links to helpful resources

• Edline

▫ https://www.edline.net/Index.page

▫ Grades (updated weekly)

Other Resources We Will Use This Year

• Moodle

( http://sgasdmoodle.caiu.org/ )

▫ Online discussion forum

▫ SSR book discussions

▫ Share writing with peers

• Edmodo

( http://www.edmodo.com/# )

▫ Students respond to questions, videos, or other websites I post

▫ Students can upload and share their projects and writing for feedback from their peers

Contact Information

Mrs. McAllister

• Email: mcallisL@sgasd.org

• Phone: 717-225-4731 ext. 6223

Mrs. Ehrich

• Email: ehriche@sgasd.org

• Phone: 717-225-4731 ext. 6226

Mrs. Lentz

• Email: lentzD@sgasd.org

• Phone: 717-225-4731 ext: 6225

Mrs. Hall

• Email: hallL@sgasd.org

• Phone: 717-225-4731 ext: 6220

• List three things you did this summer.

• Choose one of those things you listed, and summarize the event in 3-5 sentences.

• Based on today, compare and contrast 6 th and 7 th grade.

• Think of something you learned this summer OR in 6 th grade. How will you apply what you learned to this school year?

• Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give three reasons to support your position.

Students should be required to go to school year round, with 3 weeks of break every marking period.
