
What’s a bird to us?
Lucille Dunne
Nightingale sound
Characteristics Of Birds
All birds have feathers
No teeth – have beaks
Forelimbs are modified to form wings
Lay eggs
The defining characteristics
of birds are:
a beak and feathers!
Scales on feet
Identifying Features Of Birds
Size of bird
Shape, size and colour of beak
Shape, colour and stucture of legs and feet
Plumage and markings
Habitat and activity
See website on identification of birds in my garden
Reproduction in Birds
Male birds are often
brightly coloured to attract
females for mating
Birds build nests for breeding in trees,
on cliffs, or on the ground.
Birds bear their young in hard-shelled
eggs. They are said to be oviparous.
Females birds are often
less colourful, helping to
camouflage her when she
is caring for her young.
Most birds are taken care of by at least
one parent until they are able to fly look
after themselves.
Adaptations for Flight
2 wings
Lightweight bones
Powerful flight muscles
Breathe through lungs
Flight feathers for lift and balance
Streamlined body shape
Adaptations to the environment:
• Feathers:
– Flying
– Insulation / waterproofing
– Mating / Courtship / incubation of eggs
• Shape of beaks:
– adapted to food source :
– long thin beak to get nectar from
– short, hooked, strong beak to kill mice
• Feet:
– Webbed for swimming
– Claws for catching and killing prey etc
• Wings - flying:
– Migration for survival / breeding
Importance of Birds to the
Birds play a vital role in the balance of nature
• Eat insects (agricultural pests)
• Fruit eating birds are important for the
dispersal of seeds
• Pollinate flowers
Importance of birds to people
• Source of protein as meat and eggs
• Feathers used for pillows, quilts, clothes,
feather dusters etc…
• Models for flight
What’s a bird to us?
• Birds are:
– Beautiful
– Musical
– Skillful
– Magical
– Essential to nature
– Essential to people
Click here to read
‘Strictly Birds’
a fun newsletter all about birds.
Bird sound::