Bloom's Taxonomy. - MissCoapmansWiki

In 1956, Benjamin Bloom led a team of educational psychologists to develop a
way for teachers to look at higher-order thinking. A hierarchy of levels will assist
teachers in creating assessments, making valid questions for conferencing with
students, and giving feedback on students’ work. The six levels in Bloom’s
taxonomy were originally knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis,
synthesis, and evaluation. In the 1990s a group of cognitive psychologists led by
Lorin Anderson, a former student of Benjamin Bloom, updated this list to better
reflect 21st century learning. Currently, the six levels of Bloom’s taxonomy are
remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating..
Kathy Schrock took a closer look at each level in Bloom’s taxonomy and
found different iPad apps that could be used for each. She provides
teachers with at least 6 options for each level to use in their classroom.
She has also created lists of Android apps, Google apps, and Web 2.0
tools that reflect the levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
iPad apps
Android apps
Google apps
Web 2.0 apps
The remembering level of Bloom’s taxonomy is where students show
learned material by simply recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and
answers. Apps that would fit into this stage improve students’ ability to
define terms, identify facts, and recall/locate information.
Key words associated with creating : who, what, why, when, omit, where,
which, choose, find, how, define, label, show, spell, list, match, name,
relate, tell, recall, select
Flashcards Deluxe Lite-Recalling-Create flashcards to
help recall information.
Google Search-Searching-Basic search engine to
discover information
List! Lite-Listing-Create a list of vocab words, tasks,
or assignments.
The understanding level of Bloom’s taxonomy is where students can
demonstrate their understanding of facts and ideas by organizing,
comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions and stating main
ideas. Apps that would fit into this “understanding” area provide students
with the opportunity to explain ideas or concepts
Key words associated with understanding: compare, contrast, demonstrate,
interpret, explain, extend, illustrate, infer, outline, relate, rephrase,
translate, summarize, show, classify
Free mobile blogging with BlogBooster-Blogging-Use this
popular new journaling method to write your understanding
of the topic.
Tumblr-Explaining-use this social media to share
and explain information
Intaglio Sketchpad Lite-Categorizing-Sketch pictures and
interpret information
The applying stage of Bloom’s taxonomy is for solving problems by applying
acquired knowledge, facts, techniques, and rules in different ways. Apps that fit
into the applying stage provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their
ability to implement learned procedures and methods.
Keywords associated with applying: apply, build, choose, construct, develop,
interview, make use of, organize, experiment with, plan, select, solve utilize,
model, identify
Quick Voice Recorder-Interviewing-Students can
use this app to record interviews
Animation Creator HD Lite-Simulating-Students
can draw pictures to model.
Drawing Box Free-Illustrating-Allows students to
illustrate pictures to accompany report
Analyzing, in Bloom’s taxonomy, is where students examine and break
information down into specific parts. They can identify motives or causes,
make inferences, and find evidence to support generalizations. Analyzing apps
improve the students’ ability to differentiate between pertinent and
impertinent information, determine relationships, and recognize the
organization of content.
Keywords associated with analyzing: analyze, categorize, classify, compare,
contrast, discover, dissect, divide, examine, inspect, simplify, survey, take part
in, test for, distinguish, list distinction, theme, relationships, function, motive,
inference, assumption, conclusion
Inspiration Maps Lite-Outlining-Build
diagrams, maps and organizers
iCardSort-Organizing-Create flashcards with
concept, option or words and complete card
sort or word sorts
MindMash-Mashing-Share ideas with
Facebook & Twitter friends to make group
project brainstorming possible from home.
When students compile found information together in new and different
ways they are approaching the evaluating stage of Bloom’s taxonomy.
Students take information and combine elements in new patterns. They can
also propose alternative solutions. When looking for apps that help at the
evaluating level you want to find something that will help students judge
material or methods. These judgements will be based on specific criteria set
either by themselves or an external source.
Keywords associated with evaluating: build, choose, combine, compile,
compose, construct, create, design, develop, estimate, formulate, imagine,
invent, make up, originate, plan, predict, propose, solve, solution, suppose,
discuss, modify, change, original, improve, adapt, minimize, maximize,
delete theorize, elaborate, test, improve, happen, change
Google+-Moderating-Allows students to stay
connected and share information about
Skype-Conferencing-Gives the student to
video conference, whether its in preparation
of a project, or to do an actual interview.
Edmodo-Posting-This app gives teachers and
students a safe place to post assignments and
The final level of Bloom’s taxonomy and the highest order of thinking is
creating. Students will present and defend opinions by making judgments
about information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of
criteria. Apps that encourage the creating level of Bloom’s taxonomy give
students the opportunity to generate ideas, design plans, and produce
Keywords associated with creating: award, choose, conclude, criticize, decide,
defend, determine, dispute, evaluate, judge, justify, measure, compare, mark,
rate, recommend, rule on, select, agree, interpret, explain, appraise, prioritize,
opinion, support, importance, criteria, prove, disprove, assess, influence,
perceive, value, estimate, influence, deduct
Animoto Video Maker-StorytellingGives students the opportunity to
create movies with music, photos,
and video clips.
TwitCasting Live-VideocastingStudents can stream live video and
share real time experiences with
friends and followers
Audioboo-Podcasting-Record your
voice and share with the world
Kugelman, Francie. Bloom’s Taxonomy Cheat Sheet. Retrieved from
Overbaugh, Richard C., Schultz, Lynn. Bloom’s Taxonomy. Retrieved from
The University of North Carolina. (2014). Writing Objectives Using Bloom’s Taxonomy. R
etrieved from
Schrock, Kathy. (2 February, 2014). Bloomin’ Apps- Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything.
Retrieved from
Sada, Alline. ( 2012). Apps for Bloom’s Taxonomy. Retrieved from axonomy