Final Review - Comanche Brit Lit / AP Lit

Final Review
English Composition II
Spring 2009
Define the following terms. (1 point each)
1. Canon
2. Formula Fiction
3. Plot
4. in medias res
5. Flashback
6. Character
7. Rising Action
8. Conflict
9. Foreshadowing
10. Protagonist (hero)
11. Antagonist
12. Climax
13. Resolution
14. Dynamic Character
15. Foil
16. Static Character
17. Flat Character
18. Stock Character
19. Round Characters
20. Setting
21. Point of View
22. Narrator
23. Omniscient Narrator
24. Limited Omniscient Narrator
25. Stream of Consciousness
26. Objective Point of View
27. First Person Narrator
28. Unreliable Narrator
29. Symbol
30. Conventional Symbol
31. Literary Symbol
1. Doggerel
2. Metaphor
3. Speaker
4. Verse
5. Anagrams
6. Theme
7. Lyric
8. Narrative Poem
9. Epic
1. Playwrights
2. Script
3. Realism
4. Melodrama
5. Problem Play
6. Naturalism
Trifles (Short Answer Questions)
1. What is the setting of the story and how does it contribute to the play?
2. Who is (are) the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) in the play and why?
3. In the play, what is the inner conflict of each of the three major female characters?
4. Identify three major symbols found in the play and explain their significance.
A Doll’s House (Short Answer/Essay Questions
1. Who is responsible for the "doll house" condition of the marriage? To what extent is
Nora a victim?
2. Rank the characters in order of virtue, explaining which moral quality you think each
person embodies and why.
3. How does the play present the idea that moral corruption may be passed from
generation to generation. Consider Krogstad and his sons, Nora and her children, Nora
and her father, and Dr. Rank.
4. Is A Dollhouse a comedy, a tragedy, or both? Explain.
5. Who is the play's antagonist? Explain.
6. Argue for or against Nora's decision at the end of the play.