A Biome Webquest Introduction A biome is a major geographical region, composed of plants and animals that are adapted to the region's physical environment, including weather and climate. The biomes that will be studied in this Webquest are: Desert, Grassland, Temperate Deciduous Forest, Temperate Rainforest, Polar Ice, Tundra, Boreal Forest, Tropical Rainforest Task You are a member of the "Chamber of Commerce" for your biome. Your job is to provide information about your biome and encourage people to visit or move to your biome. Find out the following information about your biome: climate and weather (annual high and low temperature, average precipitation, types of weather) animals (endangered and non-endangered species) vegetation (major trees, shrubs, plants, crops) landforms (mountains, rivers) geographic location of the biome throughout the world places of interest You need to answer the following questions about your biome: Why is your biome important? What are some reasons people might want to visit your biome? What might happen if your biome didn't exist? Presentation: To present your final project you may o Create a powerpoint presentation with all of the information OR o Hand in the biome worksheet & question sheet (either by email or as a printed version) Resources All About Nature: Biomes http://www.allaboutnature.com/biomes/pond/pondlife.shtml Biome Links: http://rmhs.dist214.k12.il.us/classes/lepbilscience/biome.html Blue Planet Biomes: http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/index.htm Introduction to Biomes: http://www.runet.edu/~swoodwar/CLASSES/GEOG235/biomes/intro.html Biomes: http://ths.sps.lane.edu/biomes/index1.html Mission: Biomes: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Laboratory/Biome/ Neighborhoods; Ecosystems, Biomes, and Habitats: http//www.fi.edu/tfi/units/life/habitat/habitat.html The World's Biomes: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss5/biome/index.html Biomes Thinkquest: http://library.thinkquest.org/C0113340/main.php?section=home World Biome Maps: http://www.worldbiomes.com/biomes_map.htm World Biomes: http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/world_biomes.htm All About Nature: Biomes http://www.allaboutnature.com/biomes/pond/pondlife.shtml Desert: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss5/biome/deserts.html Desert Life: http://www.desertusa.com/life.html Grasslands: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss5/biome/grasslan.html Grassland Explorer: http://www.naturegrid.org.uk/grassland/ Rainforest: http://www.interlog.com/~rainfrst/home.html Rainforest Links: http://www.kidskonnect.com/Rainforest/RainforestHome.html Tropical Rainforests: http://www.kidskonnect.com/Rainforest/RainforestHome.html Virtual Rainforest Tour: http://www.bgreen.com.au/rainforest01.html# Tundra: http://www.radford.edu/~swoodwar/CLASSES/GEOG235/biomes/tundra/tundra.html Biomes: Question Sheet Name: __________________________ Biome: ________________________________________ 1. Why is your biome important? (Include important resources) 2. What are some reasons people might want to visit your biome? (Include interesting sites, landforms, cultures, outdoor activities, climate information, etc.) 3. What might happen if your biome didn't exist? Biome Worksheet Name of Biome:_____________________________________ Climate/Weather range: annual precipitation: types of weather: Animals endangered: non-endangered: Vegetation natural: cultivated: Name: __________________________ Landforms Geographic location Places of Interest