PROPERTIES OF MATTER STUDY PPT FOR LESSONS 1-11 Shauna Webb, AMSTI Adapted by Ashlynn Frith LESSON 1 – OUR IDEAS ABOUT MATTER You will perform a circuit of eight inquiries to observe how matter behaves. The inquiries involve the following: different states of matter, changes of state, mass and volume, floating and sinking, thermal expansion, mixtures, solubility and insolubility, and chemical reactions. LESSON 1 – QUESTION What is matter? LESSON 1 – CONCLUSION oMatter - the physical material that has mass and occupies space. oAir is a gas. oAir and gases are forms of matter even though they are invisible. oThe shape of an object does not affect its mass. oSome matter is soluble in water. oAll liquids are not water or do not contain water. oTemperature change affects the volume of air. oSome liquids do not mix = Immiscible LESSON 1 – VOCABULARY (1-4) 1. matter - the physical material that has mass and occupies space 2. expansion - the increase in the volume of matter that occurs when matter is heated. 3. contraction - decrease in volume of matter when matter is cooled. 4. dissolving - the process that takes place when a solvent is mixed with a solute to make a solution. 5. immiscible - liquids that are unable to dissolve in one another. LESSON 1 – VOCABULARY (2-4) 6. miscible - liquids are able to dissolve in one another. 7. density - the mass of a known volume of a substance; measured in g/cm3 8. chemical reaction - any change that involves the formation of a new substance; has reactants and products. 9. mass - the amount of matter in an object; measured in g or kg. 10. volume - the amount of space occupied by matter; measured in L, mL, cm3, or m3. LESSON 1 – VOCABULARY (3-4) 11. burning - a rapid chemical reaction between a substance and a gas that produces heat and light. Most burning or combustion takes place in the air and has oxygen as one of its reactants. 12. solid - a phase or state of matter in which a substance has definite shape and volume. 13. liquid - a state or phase of matter in which a substance has a definite volume but no definite shape. Liquids take the shape of the container they occupy. LESSON 1 – VOCABULARY (4-4) 14. mixture - two or more elements or compounds that are mixed together but are not chemically combined. 15. physical property - all the characteristic properties of a substance except those that determine how it behaves in a chemical reaction LESSON 2 – DETERMINING DENSITY You will use mass and volume measurements to calculate the densities of water, regular shaped objects, and irregular shaped objects. ANTICIPATION/REACTION GUIDE (INQUIRY 2.1-2.3) YES NO STATEMENT 1. An object floats/sinks based solely on its mass 2. Mass and volume are interchangeable terms 3. Mass is affected by changes in shape 4. Density and weight are the same 5. Mass and weight are the same YES NO LESSON 2 – QUESTION How will the densities of 25mL & 50 mL of water compare? LESSON 2- HYPOTHESIS Take 2 minutes to create your own hypothesis: If…….. then….. because…….. LESSON 2- HYPOTHESIS If you measure the density of 25mL and 50 mL of H2O, then it will be different because there are different amounts of water being measured. LESSON 2- PROCEDURE Step 1- Take the mass of the empty graduated cylinder. Step 2- Add 25mL of H2O to one graduated cylinder and 50 mL of H2O to the other graduated cylinder. Step 3- Measure mass of each graduated cylinder with the water. Step 4- Subtract the mass of the empty graduated cylinder from the new measurement for the graduated cylinder containing 25mL of H2O and repeat for the 50mL of H2O Step 5- Calculate the density of water (mass/volume) Round your answer to the nearest tenth. LESSON 2.1- RESULTS Mass of Mass of empty Graduated Mass of Density of Volume of water Graduated Cylinder Water 3 Water (cm ) g/cm3 Cylinder and Water (g) (g) (g) 25 50 LESSON 2.1-CONCLUSION Does changing the vol. of water change the density of water? Does changing the mass of water change the density of water? What is the density of water in grams/cm3? LESSON 2.1- VARIABLES Independent variable: Dependent variable: Amount of water The density INQUIRY 2.2 QUESTION Will all of the blocks have the same density? LESSON 2.2- HYPOTHESIS If we compare the densities of the blocks, then the aluminum will have a larger density because it is a metal. LESSON 2.2- PROCEDURE Step 1- measure the length x width x height Step 2- mass each item on the balance Step 3-divide the mass by volume to get density Comparing the Densities of Different Substances Substance WAX TRANSPARENT WHITE PLASTIC ALUMINUM Length (l) (cm) Width (w) (cm) Height (h) (cm) Volume (v) (cm3) (v=l x w x h) Mass (m) (g) Density (g/cm3) (m/v) LESSON 2.2- CONCLUSION Are the densities of the different substances the same or different? Different How could this information be used to identify the substance from which an object is made? YOU COULD IDENTIFY THE OBJECTS BY CALCULATING THE DENSITY AND COMPARING IT TO A DENSITY CHART NEXT STEP Measure objects with IRREGULAR shape INQUIRY 2.3 QUESTION How do you measure the density of irregular objects? Or Which of the irregular objects will have the greatest density? LESSON 2.3- HYPOTHESIS If we measure all of the objects, then the copper cylinder will have the greatest density because it has more mass than the steel bolt and nylon spacer. STEP 1: MEASURE MASS OF OBJECT STEP 2: ADD H 2O TO THE GRADUATED CYLINDER STEP 3: ADD OBJECT TO THE GRADUATED CYLINDER STEP 4: CALCULATE DENSITY LESSON 2.3- PROCEDURE STEP 1- Measure the mass of the objects using the balance STEP 2- Fill the graduated cylinder with enough water to cover the objects and record the volume STEP 3- Insert the object into the graduated cylinder STEP 4- Subtract the two volumes and record the volume of the object STEP 5- Calculate density INQUIRY 2.3: COMPARING THE DENSITIES OF DIFFERENT SUBSTANCES Object COPPER CYLINDER STEEL BOLT NYLON SPACER Mass (g) Volume of water without object (mL) Volume of water and object (mL) Volume of object (mL) Density (g/mL) LESSON 2.3- CONCLUSION 1. Are any of the blocks from inquiry 2.2 or objects from this inquiry made from the same substance? 2. What evidence do you have for your answer? 3. How do the densities of these objects compare with water? REFLECTING QUESTIONS A. What is the difference between mass and volume? Mass is the amount of matter in an object Volume is how much space it takes up REFLECTING QUESTIONS CONT… B. What units did you use to measure mass/volume? g or kg/ ml and cm3. REFLECTING QUESTIONS CONT… C. How did you calculate the density of an object? D=m/v REFLECTING QUESTIONS CONT… D. What units did you use for density? g/cm3 or g/ml REFLECTING QUESTIONS CONT… E. Does changing the amount of a substance change its density? no CONCLUSION QUESTION CONT… F. If two objects are made of the same substance, will they have the same density? Yes LESSON 2.3- ERROR ANALYSIS Not completely submerging the object Spilling water/splashing some water Incorrect calculations Not using the volume of the object LESSON 2- CONCLUSION oDensity is calculated by dividing the mass by the volume; measured in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3). oMass is the amount of matter in an object; measured in grams. oVolume is the amount of space taken up by an object; measured in ml or cm3. oDifferent objects made of the same material will have the same density. (characteristic property) LESSON 2 – CONCLUSION CONT. oChanging the amount of a substance does not change the density of the substance. oMass is not affected by shape. oDensity is a characteristic property of matter. oCharacteristic property - property that is independent of mass, volume, and shape. LESSON 3 – DENSITY PREDICTIONS You will predict whether the blocks you investigated in Inquiry 2.2 will float or sink. After finding the density of three liquids, you will predict the order in which the liquids will layer when you build a density column. You will calculate and predict whether objects will float or sink in the density column. ANTICIPATION/REACTION GUIDE - INQUIRY 3 Before Yes No After Statement 1. All objects that float are hollow or contain air. 2. density indicates thickness 3. viscous liquids are denser than thin liquids Yes No LESSON 3 - QUESTION If we mix the syrup, oil, and water how will they behave? LESSON 3 - HYPOTHESIS If… then… because… LESSON 3- HYPOTHESIS If we add all 3 ingredients together, then the corn syrup will sink because it has the greatest density LESSON 3- RESULTS OF FLOATING & SINKING OBSERVATIONS Substance wax block white plastic block transparent plastic block aluminum block Density (g/cm3) Floats or sinks? Prediction Results LESSON 3- PROCEDURE Step 1- Take the mass of graduated cylinder A &B Step 2- Add 25ml of corn syrup to graduated cylinder A / 25ml of oil to B Step 3- Take the mass of both again Step 4- Subtract to get the mass of the liquids Step 5- Calculate using mass/volume CALCULATING DENSITY – LESSON 3 Liquid Volume (cm3) Mass of graduated cylinder only (g) __ ___ Vegetable oil Corn syrup Water Mass of graduated cylinder plus water (g) Mass of liquid (g) Density (g/cm3) CONCLUSION Do the liquids mix (miscible) or not (immiscible)? Immiscible What is the relationship between the density of a liquid and its position? A higher density liquid is on bottom A lower density liquid is on top REAL LIFE APPLICATION Oil is less dense than water. It can be applied to cleaning up a spill from an oil tanker. HOW COULD YOU CLEAN UP 11 MILLION GALLONS OF OIL? ANSWERS Dilute the oil using chemicals. Breaks down oil into small particles so that it can spread throughout the ocean. Then bacteria break it down further. Set the oil on fire Drawback: causes a lot of pollution Suction the oil with a vacuum, skimmers INQUIRY 3.1 Independent variable 25ml of liquid The type of liquid Dependent variable The position of the objects in the liquid due to the density INQUIRY 4.1: GETTING STARTED Step 1- the air occupied all of the space and prevented the liquid from passing through. Step 2- The other syringe is pushed out Step 3- Air has mass and volume or density LESSON 4 – DO GASES HAVE DENSITY You will determine the mass, volume, and density of a bottle of air. LESSON 4 - QUESTION If air has mass & volume, what is the density of air? LESSON 4- HYPOTHESIS If air has density, then it should be less than 3 1g/cm because air floats and is less dense than water. LESSON 4- PROCEDURE (1-2) Step 1- measure the entire apparatus with air Step 2- suction the air out using the pump Step 3- re-measure the entire apparatus with out air Step 4- subtract the 2 masses LESSON 4- PROCEDURE (2-2) Step 5-fill the container with water and add valve until water overflows Step 6- measure water with grad. cylinder Step 7- divide the mass by volume in step 6 LESSON 4- FINDING THE DENSITY OF AIR Mass of bottle, washer, & rubber valve, pump (g) Mass of bottle, washer, & rubber valve after removing air, pump (g) Mass of air (g) Volume of air (cm3) Density of air (m/v) (g/cm3) LESSON 4- CONCLUSION How does the density of air compare with the density of solids and liquids? The density of air is much smaller than the density of solids and liquids LESSON 4- CONCLUSION Are the results the same? No LESSON 4- CONCLUSION Why do some things float in air? Because their overall density is less CONVERSIONS STANDARD FORM SCIENTIFIC NOTATION 0.00082g/cm3 8.2 x 10-4 g/cm3 0.00094g/cm3 9.4 x 10 –4 g/cm3 NEXT STEP/NEW QUESTION How is density used to control the floating and sinking of a submarine? The water is pumped into the ballast to sink To rise air is pumped in pushing the water out ERROR ANALYSIS Different amounts of air was removed Different number of pumps at each group Measured the water incorrectly Air may have seeped back into the bottle REAL-LIFE APPLICATION Bony fish have a swim bladder It is filled with gases produced in the fish’s blood Swim bladder fills with gas= floats Swim bladder empties gas= sinks VARIABLES INDEPENDENT The amount of air evacuated or removed DEPENDENT The density of air HIGH DENSITY VS. LOW DENSITY Brick wall Are the particles close together or far apart? High density or low density? HIGH DENSITY OR LOW DENSITY Methane helps replace carbon in our environment Are the gas particles close together or far apart? What gas do cows give off? High density or low density? DEADLY DENSITY PG. 44 STUDY TIME! TEST ON LESSONS 1-4 DON’T FORGET… Independent variableThe variable you control/the one you change on purpose Dependent variableThe variable that is controlled by the independent variable/the one you measure BE ABLE TO LIST 6 SIGNS OF A CHEMICAL REACTION: Gas/bubbles Expanded Change in temperature Change in form Change in color Change in texture( from soft to hard) QUICK REVIEW: How do you find density? Mass/ Volume Define mass The amount of matter in an object Define volume The amount of space an object takes up WHAT 2 PIECES OF EQUIPMENT MEASURE VOLUME? Ruler Graduated cylinder LxWxH Look at the numbers on the side. CHARACTERISTIC PROPERTY Density is a characteristic property. This means it is used to identify different objects because it never changes! DENSITY NEVER CHANGES! Know the density of Density water 3 g/cm 1g/cm3 Mass Grams (g) Volume ml, cm3 EQUIPMENT BALANCE-MEASURES MASS A graduated cylinder is used when: A liquid is being measured An irregular object is being measured A ruler is used when: A regular object is being measured block SINKING AND FLOATING Know the relationship between sinking and floating If the density of an object is higher than the liquid it is in-sinks If the density of an object is lower than the liquid it is in-floats IMMISCIBLE OR MISCIBLE? If 2 liquids do not mix, then they are called__________. Immiscible If 2 liquids do mix, then they are _______. miscible Oil and water do not mix. Oil is less dense than water Oil is non-polar Water is polar LESSON 5 – TEMPERATURE & DENSITY You will investigate the effect of temperature on the volume of matter by building and calibrating a thermometer filled with water. After constructing the liquid-filled thermometer, you will replace the water with air. You will also observe the effect of heat on a bimetal strip. LESSON 5 – GETTING STARTED 2a. Temperature 2b. The bulb 2c. The bulb 2d. -20 to 110, 1 degree Celsius 2d. Top of the red liquid 2f. They are the same LESSON 5 – GETTING STARTED CONT… 3a. The liquid in the thermometer rises if the room temperature is below body temp. 3b. Body temperature will appear to be about 37 degrees celsius 3c. Liquid contracts as temp goes down 3d. Because the bulb is in the air, they are measuring air temp 3f. Liquid expands when heated ANTICIPATION/REACTION GUIDE INQUIRY 5.1 Before YES NO After STATEMENT Temperature is a measure of the heat of an object. Thermometers measure heat. “Heat” refers to objects that are hot compared with the reference point of body temperature. Heat is a fluid-like substance that flows from one place to another. “Cold” can move into an object. Ex) “cold” from ice water moves into thermometers, pushing the liquid down Liquid in a thermometer goes up the tube because hot substances-such as hot air in a balloon- rise. YES NO LESSON 5 – QUESTION What is the relationship between temperature and density? LESSON 5 – HYPOTHESIS If the temperature increases, then density will decrease because the particles are moving farther apart. LESSON 5 – PROCEDURE oDraw your design for a thermometer. oFill test tube with water oInsert tubing with stopper into the test tube oPlace in cold water bath and mark the line (5 min) omeasure the temp._____ ** before removing oPlace in hot water bath and mark the line (5 min) omeasure the temp._____ ** before removing oMeasure the distance between the two lines in mm LESSON 5 – PROCEDURES CONT… To get equal increments: Divide (distance in mm) = every 1 degree (temp. difference) Celsius Next, multiply by 5 to get 5 degree increments Finally, mark off the temp. scale in 5 degree increments Test your thermometer by measuring room temperature and comparing it to the lab thermometer LESSON 5 – RESULTS Temp. of Cold water bath (oC) Temp. of Hot water bath (oC) Temperature difference (oC) Distance between markings (mm) LESSON 5 – CONCLUSION 1. What reading did your thermometer give for room temperature? What reading did the lab thermometer give? LESSON 5 – CONCLUSION 2. How accurate is your thermometer? LESSON 5 – CONCLUSION 3. How quickly does your thermometer respond to temperature changes? Student thermometers respond more slowly than alcohol thermometer LESSON 5 – CONCLUSION 4. When the temperature increases, what happens to the volume of water? An increase in volume with an increase in temp LESSON 5 – CONCLUSION 5. when the temperature increases, do you think the total mass of water changes? No change in mass. LESSON 5 – CONCLUSION 6. If you decreased the size of the bulb, how would the accuracy and response time change? Smaller bulbs would be quicker to respond but would be less accurate LESSON 5 – CONCLUSION 7. How could you improve the design of the thermometer? Using different liquids, thinner tubes LESSON 5 – VARIABLES Independent Variable Type of tubing (plastic) Type of liquid Temp. of water Amount of time in bath Size of bulb Amt. Of tubing inserted Dependent Variable Distance between markings Temperature readings LESSON 5 – ERROR ANALYSIS 1. Incorrectly calibrating thermometer 2. Incorrectly measuring temp 3. Waiting too long to mark the plastic tubing LESSON 5.2- GETTING STARTED 1a. By adding a small water column 1b. By the distance the water column moves INQUIRY 5.2 What effect will replacing the liquid-filled thermometer with air have on density? LESSON 5.2 – HYPOTHESIS If we place the air-filled thermometer in the hot water bath, then it will be less dense because the particles are expanding. LESSON 5.2 – CONCLUSION 3a. What problems did you encounter when calibrating your air-filled thermometer? 3b. How did the sensitivity of your air-filled thermometer compare with that of your liquid-filled one? The sensitivity is much greater for the air-filled thermometer REAL-LIFE APPLICATION Gases expand when heated-density decreases Gases contract when cooled-density increases During winter= over inflate your tires During summer= under inflate your tires REAL LIFE APPLICATION CONT.. When heated -water expands When cooled -water expands If the temp. is going to be below freezing, then you want to run water through your pipes because your pipes will freeze and expand and the pipes will burst INQUIRY 5.3-QUESTION How will the metals react when heated? LESSON 5.3– HYPOTHESIS If we heat the bimetal strip, then the strip will expand and the density will decrease because the particles are moving apart as it gains energy LESSON 5.3– RESULTS 1. What do you think will happen when the metal strip is heated? (sample answer) It should curve or bend RESULTS 2. What did you observe when the strip was heated? One side of the strip expands faster causing the metal to curve because the heat is causing one metal to gain kinetic energy faster RESULTS 3. What happens after the strip is cooled? It returns to normal after the flame is removed by contracting LESSON 5.3– RESULTS CONT… 4. What did you observe when the strip was heated on the other side? The metal still curved in only one direction LESSON 5.3– RESULTS CONT… 5. Why do you think the strip behaves this way? One metal is expanding more because it is gaining kinetic energy faster LESSON 5.3– REFLECTING QUESTIONS A. What do these 3 inquiries tell you about how the volume of matter is affected by temp.? Matter usually increases in volume when heated/ decreases when cooled LESSON 5.3– REFLECTING QUESTIONS B. How does the change in volume of air differ from the change in volume of liquid? Air expands more rapidly LESSON 5.3– REFLECTING QUESTIONS C. How does this change in volume affect the density of solids, liquids, and gases? Increase in volume = decrease in density, particles expand more rapidly LESSON 5.3– REFLECTING QUESTIONS D. When measuring the density of a substance why is it important to record the temperature of the substance? Because of fluctuations LESSON 5.3– REFLECTING QUESTIONS E. Are there any other uses for the expansion and contraction of matter? Yes LESSON 5.3– REFLECTING QUESTIONS F. Could expansion or contraction cause problems? yes REAL-LIFE APPLICATION When metal is heated= expansion When metal cools= contraction Examples: bridges, bldg., railroads ANTICIPATION/REACTION EXPLANATION Temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of particles. Thermometers measure temperature. LESSON 5- CONCLUSION Density changes with temperature: As temperature increases, density will decrease and volume will increase (mass stays the same). expansion LESSON 5- CONCLUSION Heat is a form of energy that can move from a hot place to a cooler place (measured in joules). Temperature is a measure of kinetic energy of particles of matter (measured by a thermometer in degrees Celsius). LESSON 5- CONCLUSION Density changes with temperature: As temperature decreases, density will increase and volume will decrease (mass stays the same). contraction LESSON 5 – VOCABULARY (1-3) 32. heat - a form of energy that can move from a hot place to a cooler place; the transfer of energy from one body to another. 33. temperature - a measure of the kinetic energy of the particles that make up matter; the measurement of how hot something is. 34. Celsius - a temperature scale with the melting point of ice at 0 degrees and the boiling point of water at 100 degrees. LESSON 5 – VOCABULARY (2-3) 35. Fahrenheit - a temperature scale with the melting point of ice at 32 degrees and the boiling point of water at 212 degrees. 36. Kelvin - a temperature scale with the lowest possible temperature at the zero point, which is called absolute zero; ice melts at 273 K. 37. calibrate - set; measure to scale LESSON 5 – VOCABULARY (3-3) 38. expansion - the increase in the volume of matter that occurs when matter is heated. 39. freeze - the change in state in which a liquid turns into a solid. LESSON 6- ANTICIPATION/REACTION GUIDE Before Yes No After Statement Matter is destroyed during chemical reactions. Reactants disappear. Gases produced during a chemical reaction is a phase change. A phase change is a chemical reaction. Yes No LESSON 6 – APPLYING THE HEAT You will heat pure substances and observe and classify changes that occur. LESSON 6 – QUESTION How will the pure substances react when we apply heat? LESSON 6- HYPOTHESIS If… then… because… LESSON 6- HYPOTHESIS If we heat the chemicals, then we will notice chemical changes because each one has different chemical properties. LESSON 6- PROCEDURE (1-2) Step 1-Place one lab scoop of the first substance into a test tube. Step 2- record the appearance before heating in the table Step 3- attach the test tube clamp near the mouth of the test tube LESSON 6- PROCEDURE (2-2) Step 4- heat the bottom of the test tube for 1-2 min. while it is in constant motion from side to side at an angle Step 5- observe any changes and record in the table Step 6- place the test tube in a 250-ml beaker and allow to cool for 1 min. Step 7- Repeat procedure for the other substances LESSON 6- RESULTS Substance Ammonium chloride Copper (II) sulfate Sodium chloride Zinc oxide Sulfur Copper carbonate Appearance before heating Changes observed during heating Appearance after cooling LESSON 6- CONCLUSION (1-3) 1. Which substances (if any) showed no change when heated? NaCl LESSON 6- CONCLUSION (2-3) 2. Which of the substances produced a new substance when they were heated? Ammonium chloride, sulfur, copper carbonate, copper sulfate LESSON 6- CONCLUSION (3-3) 3. How can heating a substance help you identify it? It shows you its characteristic properties NEXT STEP, NEW QUESTION 1) What happens to copper sulfate when water is added after it has been heated? 2) The test tube gets hot 3) It turns blue again A. EXOTHERMIC REACTION 4) Sound given off LESSON 6- ERROR ANALYSIS Heating the substance too long or not long enough Adding too much substance Heating incorrectly Cross contamination REAL LIFE APPLICATION 1. When cooking, food changes from one form to another. This is a chemical change. 2. Burning chemicals to get rid of pests Lesson 6- VARIABLES Independent variables Substance: Amount and Type Heating time Angle of heating Dependent variables Appearance/odor/ sound of substance state of matter CHARACTERISTIC PROPERTIES Characteristic Property: An attribute that can be used to help identify a substance. A characteristic property is not affected by the amount or shape of a substance. Density The way a substance behaves when it is heated LESSON 6 – CONCLUSION Physical and chemical changes result from the application of heat. The way a substance behaves when it is heated is a characteristic property of that substance. Sublimation, evaporation, and condensation are caused when heat energy overcomes the forces that hold a solid together or keep a liquid in a fluid state. LESSON 6 – CONCLUSION Heating may cause a chemical change, phase change, or no change at all. When cooling occurs after heating, changes in substances may be reversible or irreversible. If a chemical reaction occurs, new substances with different observable properties are formed. Chemical reactions have reactants and products……….. LESSON 6 – VOCABULARY (1-3) chemical reaction - a change in which new substances are formed; has reactants and products. reactant - the starting substances in a chemical reaction. product - a substance formed by a chemical reaction. LESSON 6 – VOCABULARY (2-3) physical change - reversible through physical means and do not involve the formation of new substances; no change in chemical properties. chemical change - not readily reversible and do involve the formation of new substances with different properties. LESSON 6 – VOCABULARY (3-3) sublimation - physical change in which a substance goes directly from a solid to a gas and then back to a solid. evaporation - the change of a substance from a liquid to a gas condensation - the change of state from a gas to a liquid ANTICIPATION/REACTION GUIDE (INQUIRY 7.1) Before Yes No Statement Increasing the heat input when boiling a substance raises the melting or boiling point Water always boils at 100 o Celsius Changes of state are related to temperature. Substances that boil are always hot A phase change is a chemical reaction When matter changes state, there is no loss of mass. Melting and dissolving are the same. Freezing points are lower than melting points. After Yes No LESSON 7 – JUST A PHASE As ice is heated, you will observe the phase changes that occur. You will also observe melting and boiling points. LESSON 7 – GETTING STARTED A. increase the pressure or decrease the pressure in a vacuum B. the ice absorbs heat energy from the surrounding environment. Heat flows from a high concentration to an area of low concentration. KE increases and the ice melts (melting and freezing point are the same) LESSON 7 – GETTING STARTED C. Not enough energy to change to the liquid phase because the specific heat is so high D. The energy transfer is not quick/ surface area is a factor (crushed vs. chunks) E. no. During a phase change the surface tension is broken, but has not acquired enough energy to burn. Frozen just means a phase change LESSON 7 – QUESTION What will happen when we add heat energy to a sample of ice? LESSON 7 – HYPOTHESIS If we add heat energy to the sample of ice, then it will melt because the particles are gaining kinetic energy LESSON 7 – PROCEDURE Step1- fill beaker with ice (50 ml) Step 2- add a small amount of water Step 3- heat ice and record changes Continue to heat the ice 3 min. after it has begun to boil vigorously Remember : Do not stop the stop watch to check the time Time (min. and sec.) 0 30 s 1 min 1 min, 30 sec 2 min 2 min, 30 sec 3 min 3 min, 30 sec 4 min 4 min, 30 sec Temperature of water (C degrees) Observations GRAPHING TIME!!! LESSON 7 – REFLECTING QUESTIONS (1-2) A. How does the shape of your curve compare to those produced by other groups? Different temp. reading for the different phase changes B. Do any changes in the direction of your curve match the point at which the ice melted or the water boiled? The plateau indicates a phase change taking place/the diagonal line indicates that the substance is gaining energy LESSON 7 – REFLECTING QUESTIONS (1-2) C. How can you use the curve on your graph to determine the temp. at which ice melted and water boiled? Match the observation to the corresponding temperature reading D. Are these temps. what you expect? No, I expected that water would boil at 100 degrees Celsius LESSON 7 – ERROR ANALYSIS (1-2) Not centering the flame Alcohol burners giving off different amt. Of energy Moving the thermometer Accuracy of timing using the stopwatch Read the thermometer incorrectly LESSON 7 – ERROR ANALYSIS (2-2) The flame going out Different quantities of ice The thermometer touching the beaker Due to changing water levels, the thermometer reads water and air temps. simultaneously LESSON 7 – VARIABLES INDEPENDENT VARIABLE Amount of Ice Flame Time Amount of water DEPENDENT VARIABLE Temperature CHARACTERISTIC PROPERTIES 1. DENSITY 2. THE WAY A SUBSTANCE BEHAVES WHEN HEATED 3. MELTING POINT/ FREEZING POINT 4. BOILING POINT LESSON 7 – CONCLUSION (1-4) •Phase changes are dependent on temperature and pressure. •Three phases or states of matter: solid, liquid, gas •Phase changes take place when molecules lose or gain kinetic energy (heat energy) and can be related to a change in temperature. LESSON 7 – CONCLUSION (2-4) Lose kinetic energy – molecules move closer – (gas > liquid > solid). Gain kinetic energy – molecules move apart – (solid > liquid > gas) A change of state is not the result of a chemical reaction. LESSON 7 – CONCLUSION (3-4) •The melting point and boiling point of a substance is a characteristic property of the substance. •Freezing and melting points are the same. LESSON 7 – CONCLUSION (3-4) •An increased input of heat has no effect on the boiling point of a substance, although it will make a fixed mass of matter change state faster. •Substances that boil are not always hot. Many substances melt and boil below 0 degrees C LESSON 7 – VOCABULARY (1-2) melting - the phase change in which a solid turns into a liquid. melting point - the temperature at which a solid turns into a liquid; the same temperature as freezing point; altered by changes in pressure. LESSON 7 – VOCABULARY (2-2) boiling - the process by which a liquid changes into a gas at its boiling point. boiling point - the temperature at which a liquid changes into a gas; boiling point depends on air pressure. condense - changing from a gas to a liquid LESSON 8- CONCLUSION Mass is conserved due to the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS: Mass is neither created or destroyed; the total mass of all substances remains the same regardless of any changes in phase or chemical reactions that occur. LESSON 10 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN SUBSTANCES ARE MIXED WITH WATER? You will mix several pure substances with water and observe what happens. ANTICIPATION/REACTION GUIDE (INQUIRY 10.1) Yes No Statement Solutes disappear when added to water The solute becomes water when it dissolves Solute particles can be removed by filtration or settle out of solution over time The solute and solvent become a single substance The addition of solute does not add any volume to the solution Yes No LESSON 10.1- GETTING STARTED o It is liquid o It looks uniform throughout o Translucent o Able to see through colored substance *note: substances in solution are the most finely divided and dispersed mixtures that exist LESSON 10 - QUESTION What will happen when we mix the substances with water? LESSON 10.1- HYPOTHESIS If we mix the solutes with water, then they will dissolve and form a mixture because they now have different chemical and physical properties. LESSON 10.1- VOCABULARY •Homogeneous- looks evenly distributed •Heterogeneous- looks like more than one substance LESSON 10.1- PROCEDURE (1-2) •Step 1- Put one lab scoop of copper (II) sulfate into a test tube •Step 2- Add water to a depth of 5cm •Step 3- Seal the test tube with a rubber stopper •Step 4- Shake the mixture 20 times LESSON 10.1- PROCEDURE (2-2) •Step 5- observe and fill in the table •Step 6-label the plastic cup with your group/period and pour the 2 test tubes of copper (II) sulfate solution into them LESSON 10- RESULTS Name of substance added to water Sodium chloride (NaCl) Copper (II) sulfate (CuSO4) Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Sulfur (S) Powdered Sugar Does it Appearance after being dissolve? shaken 20 times (Yes or No) LESSON 10- CONCLUSION QUESTIONS (1-4) 1. Explain what happens to solutes when they mix with water? Some dissolve and others do not LESSON 10- CONCLUSION QUESTIONS (2-4) 2. Do they disappear? If they dissolve they do not disappear they evenly spread out within the solvent LESSON 10- CONCLUSION QUESTIONS (3-4) 3. Does the solute become water? No, still 2 different substances that are well mixed. LESSON 10- CONCLUSION QUESTIONS (4-4) 4. Can solute particles be removed by filtration or over time settle out of solution? No. evaporation must occur. LESSON 10- DEFINITIONS SolubleAble to dissolve (1-5) LESSON 10- DEFINITIONS InsolubleUnable to dissolve (2-5) LESSON 10- DEFINITIONS (3-5) SolventSubstance that dissolves the solute in a solution LESSON 10- DEFINITIONS (4-5) SoluteSubstance added to the solvent and is dissolved LESSON 10- DEFINITIONS (5-5) SolutionHomogeneous mixture of solute(s) and solvent LESSON 10- ERROR ANALYSIS 1) Adding incorrect amount of solute 2) Adding incorrect amount of water 3) Different amount of energy added by shaking REAL LIFE APPLICATION Liquids dissolved in liquids rubbing alcohol in water Solids dissolved in liquids Salt dissolved in water Gases dissolved in liquids Oxygen dissolved in water (fish tank) Sulfur dioxide dissolved in water = acid rain Solids dissolved in solids Brass (zinc in copper) LESSON 10- VARIABLES Independent variable Type of substance Amt. of energy added Amt. of water Amt. of substance Dependent variable Solubility CHARACTERISTIC PROPERTIES 1. Density 2. The way a substance behaves when heated 3. Melting/ freezing point 4. Boiling point 5. Solubility CHEMICAL EQUATIONS/SOLUBILITY Reactants NaCl (s) CuSO4 (s) S (s) Yield Products Na+ (aq) + Cl- (aq) Cu+2 (aq) + SO4-2 (aq) S (s) LESSON 10- DEFINITIONS mixture - two or more elements or compounds that are mixed together but are not chemically combined pure substance - either an element or a compound; has definite chemical and physical properties LESSON 11 – HOW MUCH SOLUTE DISSOLVES IN A SOLVENT? You will make a saturated copper sulfate solution. You will also conduct an investigation to determine the solubility of two different chemicals. GETTING STARTED The liquid is blue and translucent Blue crystals are at the bottom Liquid is probably a solution or a pure blue liquid rather than a solution The solute in the solution is probably blue The crystals at the bottom could be undissolved solute LESSON 11 – QUESTION Which of the two substances will have the greatest solubility? LESSON 11 - HYPOTHESIS If we add NaCl & NaNO3 to water, then the NaCl should have the highest solubility because the water should dissolve more. LESSON 11- HINTS/ TIPS 1. What will you need to measure? a. The mass of the jar without the lid 2. How will you know when you have a saturated solution? a. No more substance will dissolve so the substance will begin to collect at the bottom of the tube 3. How will you calculate the amount dissolved? a. By measuring the mass before and after, then subtract PROCEDURE (1-3) Step1- Fill test tube with 10mL of water Step 2- Mass the jar of NaCl without lid Step 3- Add one level lab scoop of sodium chloride to the test tube PROCEDURE (2-3) Step 4- Shake the test tube using the stopper for 30 sec. *Be sure to not hit the test tube on the table* Step 5- If it completely dissolves, keep adding more salt until you see it collecting at the bottom Step 6- Count the number of scoops added and then subtract one PROCEDURE (3-3) Step 7- Re-mass the jar Step 8- Repeat steps 1-7 for sodium nitrate LESSON 11- RESULTS • ____ scoops of NaCl dissolved in 10mL of water • ____ scoops of NaNO3 dissolved in 10mL of water Tally marks for each scoop Amount of substance in saturated solution (g) 10mL NaNO3 Final mass of jar & substance (g) Substance NaCl Initial mass of jar & substance (g) Volume of water (mL) 10mL LESSON 11-CONCLUSION 1. How do you know that no more solute would dissolve? a) The substance started collecting at the bottom of the test tube 2. What is your definition of a saturated solution? a) A solution that has the maximum number of solute particles dissolved in a solvent LESSON 11- CONCLUSION 1. Are different substances equally soluble in water? a) No. They have different physical properties. 2. How could you use the property of solubility to help identify a type of matter? a) You could try dissolving different unknown substances and then compare them to a solubility chart to identify them. LESSON 11-CONCLUSION Solubility is affected by temperature. Solids dissolved in water may increase in solubility with the rise in temperature or increase with a drop in temperature. Gases always decrease in solubility with increased temperature. NEXT STEP/NEW QUESTION Calculate how many grams of sodium chloride and sodium nitrate that could dissolve in 1 liter of water. One liter is 1000 ml. 2.4 (g) = X (g) 10(ml) 1000(ml) LESSON 11- ERROR ANALYSIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Measurement of scoop level Incorrect calculations Incorrect water amounts Not adding enough or too much heat energy through shaking Not giving substance enough time to settle Loss of liquid due to shaking Temperature of water/room temperature The mass of un-dissolved solute in the bottom of the test tube VARIABLES INDEPENDENT The amount of solute The volume of water Temp. of water The amount of energy added by shaking the test tubes The type of solute DEPENDENT solubility LESSON 11 – CONCLUSION Solubility is the amount of a solute that will completely dissolve in a given amount of a solvent. Solubility is a characteristic property of matter. Different substances are not equally soluble in water. LESSON 11 – CONCLUSION A saturated solution has the maximum amount of solute dissolved in it. When an unsaturated solution of a solid is cooled, it may become saturated. Recrystallization occurs when a solution of a solid is cooled and some solid solute precipitates out. LESSON 11 – CONCLUSION Solubility is affected by temperature. Solids dissolved in water may increase or decrease in solubility with the rise in temperature. Gases always decrease in solubility with increased temperature. LESSON 11 – (1-3) solubility - the amount of solute that will completely dissolve in a given amount of a specific solvent at a given temperature and pressure; the ability of one substance to dissolve in another solute - the substance that dissolves in a solvent; the substance in the smaller proportion. solvent - the substance that the solute is dissolved in; the substance present in the larger proportion. LESSON 11 – (2-3) saturated solution - a solution that has the maximum amount of solute dissolved in it at a specific temperature and pressure. exothermic reaction - heat is given off (increase in solubility with a decrease in temp.)