SU Board of Trustees Minutes Time: 17:00 – 19:00 Date: 21st October 2015 Location: Russell Room Trustees Present: Monique Bell, Mature Students’ Officer [MB] Osamah Aiar, Anti-Racism Officer Laila Ahmed, Disabled Students and Carers’ Officer Zain Dada, Co-President Activities & Events Monna Matharu – Working Class Students’ Officer Hannah Slydel – Co-President Democracy & Education Tom King – Co-President Welfare & Campaigns Saul Jones – Working Class Students’ Officer Caitlin Comins – Accommodation Officer Tom Costerton – Accommodation Officer Imrane Trocme – LGBTQ Officer Hannah Short – Environment Officer Jonelle Twum – Womens’ Officer Isobel Annan – Environment Officer Aida Balafkan – Womens’ Officer Adwoa Darko – Entertainments Officer Jovian Salak – Campaigns Officer Matija Vlatkovic – Academic Affairs Officer Others Present: Peter Baran – General Manager Amy Dawson – Governance and Communications Coordinator Apologies: Juhi Verma – International Officer Will Paintin – Entertainments Officer Alaa Ahmed – Black Officer Mohamed Taha – Postgraduate Research Office Lizzie Wright – Sports Officer Agenda Item 1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 2. Matters Who Discussion/Action The minutes were approved PB raised the matter of capital spending, and explained that this was covered in a later agenda item. Arising SJ asked for an update on the space campaign. HS updated the group on the latest plans and steps that would be taken to discuss further at exec. 3. Finance Report and Update PB PB informed the Board that the budget had been set with the sabbatical officers over the summer. He gave context on the nominal and operating budgets and the figures from last year compared to this year. He introduced & explained the 2 new lines for IT and Participatory Budgeting. HS encouraged Trustees to engage with new Participatory Budgeting initiative. MB asked for clarity regarding this year & last year’s budgets. HS noted that the Union has increased the Welfare budget by £1000. IA asked what comes under the Welfare budget, MV enquired about the Freshers budget & TC asked about what happens to unspent budget at the end of the year. PB answered all of these questions. The budget was unanimously approved by the Board. PB explained what capital spending was & gave an update on the outside area. MV asked how the Union decides which companies to use in capital projects. PB explained that this is usually decided by the School. PB then explained the purpose of an audit & told the Board that the completed audit would be approved by the Trustees as well as taken to UGM and put on the Union website. Regarding Commercial Services, PB updated on the forecasted figures compared with the actuals. PB introduced the Finance Committee and asked for members to volunteer. Action: HS to circulate an email for volunteers. HS introduced the Trustees to a letter indicating potential legal action received by the Union. After a discussion regarding conflicts of interest, the Trustees decided an emergency Trustee meeting would be scheduled to consider the letter fully. 4. Responding to Potential Legal Action Action: HS to schedule an emergency Trustee meeting and contact the complainant to inform them of the actions being taken and offering them a Union point of contact. 5. Risk Evaluation & Register PB 6. Strategic Plan 2015-18 PB PB explained the reason the Union has a Risk Register, and the Trustees’ role in this. Action: PB to bring Risk Evaluation & Register paper to the next Trustee Board. PB explained the nature of a strategic plan & how the 2010 strategic plan was formed. He presented his paper with ideas about what worked well last time and what improvements could be made. The Board agreed with the concept proposed & it was agreed that a Google Doc would be set up and the results would be taken to an Executive Board to move forward. Action: PB to set up Google Doc and circulate to all Trustees. 7. Governance Review PB PB explained the Union’s legal obligation to go through a Governance Review, and how they were normally conducted at SOAS SU. TK expressed the importance of having wide consultations with the student body. HS added that she was particularly eager to consult liberation groups. PB encouraged Trustees to be active members of the Governance Review process. 8. Student Staff TK TK raised the issue that, in line with our Governance structures, we will need to think about how staff members fit into that. He gave an example of staff member terms and conditions and how the Union should ensure fair workers’ rights in line with their campaigns. HS proposed a working group including HS, TK, AD, PB, KZ and any other interested Trustees and student staff members.