Unit - Personal and Social Language

Johnstone High School Modern Languages Department
A Pupil Guide to S3 Courses
French/ German/ Spanish
In S3 pupils will continue to work within the Broad General Education phase of
Curriculum for Excellence. They will build on their learning from S2 in terms of
vocabulary, grammar and skills in Reading, Listening, Talking and Writing.
During S3 we cover some of the topic, or ‘context, areas for National 4 and 5
and many pupils will be ready to sit some of the unit assessments for Nat 4 or 5
during this year. These results will be recorded and ‘banked’, ready to submit to
SQA in S4. We anticipate that pupils might overtake approximately a third of
the internal assessment in S3, thereby spreading the workload for pupils.
In term 1 pupils study an employability unit. We will do 2 assessments in this unit
which will allow pupils to gain the SQA Languages for Work Purposes Award at
SCQF Level 4 or 5.
Below are all the topic areas to be covered for the National Awards. Those
marked with a cross are covered in S3.
Examples of how we might develop
these contexts
Family and friends
 how you get on with family members/
 ideal parents
 house rules/housework (gender roles)/
 what makes a good friend/importance of
 sport and relaxation methods
 Advantages and disadvantages of
healthy/unhealthy lifestyle
 TV, cinema, music,
 computers and computer games
 Advantages/disadvantages of new
technology, eg internet, mobile
 Description of local area as a tourist
 Comparison of town and country life
 Being environmentally friendly in the home
Learning in context
 the value of the subjects we learn at
for S3
Employability Jobs
Why learn modern languages?
Comparing education systems
Pocket money and managing money,
advantages/disadvantages of different
Work and CVs
 Planning for work experience/preparing
CVs/ discussing ambitions
 Writing letters of application
 Mock job interviews
Planning a trip
 Choice of destination /transport/activity
options/evaluation of trip
 Importance of travel and learning a foreign
 describing your best holiday/trip/attitudes
to travel
Other countries
 Cultural aspects of other countries
Celebrating a special event
 Find out about celebrations/events in
another country
Film and television
 Studying films in the modern language
 Studying television in other countries
At National 4 Level, you will work on three Units.
1. Understanding Language This is about your ability to READ AND
LISTEN to written and spoken German, Spanish or French. You must pass
2 Reading and 2 Listening unit assessments.
2. Using Language This is about your ability to TALK and WRITE in
German, Spanish or French. You must pass 2 Talking and 2 Writing unit
assessments. The Writing will be done as ‘open book’ assessment.
3. Added value. This is about your ability to READ AND LISTEN to the
language while researching a topic and then WRITE AND TALK about the
topic in a presentation.
At National 5 Level, you will work on two Units.
1. Understanding Language This is about your ability to READ AND
LISTEN to written and spoken German, Spanish or French. You must pass
1 Reading and 1 Listening unit assessments.
2. Using Language This is about your ability to TALK and WRITE in
German, Spanish or French. You must pass 1 Talking and 1 Writing unit
assessments. The Writing will be done as ‘open book’ assessment.
You will also have an external exam in May of S4.
So, what can you do to ensure success and build a solid foundation for the
 Get into the habit of learning vocabulary and phrases related to
the themes and topics on a regular basis.
 Revise grammar covered in class on a regular basis
(The Pearson Revision Booklet is ideal for vocabulary and grammar
revision )
 Homework will be issued each week. Meet all homework deadlines
 Meet all unit assessment deadlines
 Use online resources and activities – eg www.languagesonline.org.uk,
BBC Languages, BBC Classclips, www.linguascope.co.uk
 Read as much in the foreign language as you can – switch the
language on your phone / games for extra practice.
Homework and Revision Booklets
Dear Parent,
Personal study will be key to success at National 4/5. The publisher,
Pearson has published a very useful Revision Guide which contains most of
the key vocabulary covered in the course as well as explanations of
grammar points. This is an excellent publication and can be purchased
through the school at half price- just £1.99.
Please complete the tear off slip below if you would like to purchase the
Revision Guide. Please circle the appropriate language and return to
school with payment.
Mrs Belkacemi
PT Modern Languages
Johnstone High School
Pupil Name ________________________________
We would like to purchase the Pearson Revision Guide for
French / German / Spanish @ £1.99
Payment enclosed
Parental signature: ________________
Date: _______________