KAGRA F2F MEETING Feb. 2015 Prototype Test of Type-B Takanori Sekiguchi Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 1 Contents • Overview of SAS prototype test • Payload prototype test • Status & plan of full type-B test Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 2 Pre-isolator Prototype Test Status Assembly Pre-isolator GAS filter Payload Full System Performance Undergoing TBD GAS filter Payload Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 3 Payload Prototype Test Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 4 Payload Prototype Test in NAOJ Purpose: • Check the assemblability and feasibility • Test the local control using OSEMs Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 5 Structure of payload Bottom Filter Intermediate Mass/ Intermediate Recoil Mass Mirror / Recoil Mass Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 6 (Rough) Assembly Procedure Suspend mirror & RM Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 7 Winches to suspend masses Height measure to check the wire length (Dummy) mirror suspended by φ0.2 steel wires Recoil mass suspended by φ0.6 tungsten wires Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 8 (Rough) Assembly Procedure Suspend IM from BF Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 9 Tuning masses (weight control & balancing) Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 10 Screw to change the suspension point Tuning pitch frequency ~0.2 Hz Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 11 (Rough) Assembly Procedure Suspend IRM Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 12 IRM (without OSEMs) Suspended by 3 wires Screws for changing suspension points Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 13 Cabling of electrical wires Cable clip Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 14 Feedback to the design • Compensation masses to get enough weight for GAS filter • Separate OSEM parts for easier assembly … and so on. Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 15 Control Test Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 16 OSEM Unit of a shadow sensor and a coil-magnet actuator LED coil lens magnet flag (Current Design) PD Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 17 OSEM Calibration results of shadow sensors of 4 prototype units Sensitivity: ~6.5 V/mm Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 18 OSEM Shadow sensor noise ~ 5e-10 m/√Hz @ 10 Hz Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 19 OSEM Actuation force by an OSEM actuator ~1.7 [N/A] Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 20 Actuator Diagonalization (Mirror) 3 DoFs we want to sense with 4 sensors: Z 1 4 4 actuators we use to actuate 3 DoFs: 2 X Y 3 1st guess The actuation matrix D is improved by measurement. (Actuator Diagonalization) Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 21 Actuator Diagonalization (IM) 6 DoFs we want to sense with 6 sensors: 6 9 Z 10 8 6 actuators we use to actuate 6 DoFs: Y X 7 5 1st guess Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 22 Implementation in Digital System MEDM Screen for type-B SAS control (under development) Sensor Matrix Signals from shadow sensors Actuator Matrix Actuation Signals Signal Flow Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 23 Transfer functions (Mirror) White noise is injected to virtual actuators Length Pitch Yaw Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 24 Transfer functions (IM) Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 25 Damping Control Damping servo is applied to the 6-DoF motion of IM and 3DoF motion of the mirror Derivative filter (viscous damping) Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 26 In-loop performance OSEM signal of IM longitudinal motion 3 μm 0.6 μm OSEM signal of IM yaw motion 30 μrad 2 μrad Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 27 Optical Lever Optical levers to monitor mirror angles / displacement Collimator QPD1 Half Mirror QPD2 1W SLD Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 28 Out of loop performance Optical lever signals about mirror pitch motion 35 μrad 13 μrad Optical lever signals about mirror yaw motion 50 μrad 12 μrad Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 29 Full Type-B Test Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 30 Full Type-B Test @TAMA West-End Room • Full type-B prototype will be assembled and tested in vacuum • Overall performance is to be checked by using optical lever Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 31 Current Status • • Vacuum system preparation Height of the chamber is to be checked Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 32 Current Status • • Cleaning and remanufacturing of IP base Finished on Jan. 28 Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 33 Current Status • • Vacuum pod for geophone (seismometer) manufactured Assembling and cabling should be done Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 34 Current Status • An assembly frame is designed. Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 35 Schedule • According to KAGRA schedule, prototype test is to be finished until the end of March. • Extremely tight! Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 36 Main Tasks • • • • • • Consider assembly procedure. Do mechanical tuning (leveling, weight control, etc.) Make an assembly manual (for installation of actual system) Manufacture in-vacuum electrical cables Design servo filter in mathematical model Prepare digital system interface Red: Important for KAGRA Violet: Time-consuming tasks Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 37 We need your help!! • We call for KAGRA-shift • This prototype test is an absolutely important step in considering installation procedure of actual system, and getting more realistic plan/schedule of VIS installation Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 38 Schedule of VIS installation: iKAGRA iKAGRA schedule 10 Fabry-Perot-Michelson VIS installation Stack install MC suspension install 2014 11 2015 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Stack MC frame/payload procurement PR2 & PR3 IXA & EXA (Xarm cavity) IYA & EYA (Yarm cavity) modifying prototype BS PR2 & PR3 frame/payload IXA & EXA procurement frame/payload procurement payload BS procurement IYA & EYA Xarm commissioning Xarm commissioning Full commissioning Full commissioning Observation Michelson VIS installation Stack install MC suspension install PR2 & PR3 12 Obs. Stack MC frame/payload procurement PR2 & PR3 IXA & IYA EXA & EYA BS Michelson commissioning Observation modifying prototype frame/payload procurement payload procurement EXA & EYA BS Michelson commissioning Obs. 39 Dec 2015 operation END Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 40 Appendix Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 41 Close Loop TF Takanori Sekiguchi ALPS Report, Dec. 26th, 2013 42