Appendix A Course and module codes for Leaving Certificate Applied. COURSE CODE 800 MODULE TITLE Vocational Preparation and Guidance 810 English and Communications 815 Social Education 816 Sign Language 819 Arts 824 Leisure and Recreation(including Physical Education) 830 Mathematical Applications CODE TITLE 10 Guidance 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 Jobsearch Work Experience 1 Work Experience 2 Work Experience 3 Work Experience 4 Enterprise 1 Enterprise 2 Enterprise 3 Community Work Work and Living Communications and the Working World Communications and Enterprise The Communications Media Critical Literacy and Composition Social and Health Education 1 My Community Contemporary Issues 1 Social and Health Education 2 Contemporary Issues 2 Taking Charge Making Contact Social Interaction Deaf People in the World of Work Deaf People in the Wider World Dance One Dance Two Drama Module 1 Drama Module 2 Individuality and Identity The Local Environment Music Module 1 Music Module 2 Physical Activity for Performance 11 12 10 11 12 13 Physical Activity for Health and Fitness Physical Activity for Recreation Maths for Living Enterprise Mathematics Maths for Leisure and Civic Affairs Maths for Working Life COURSE CODE MODULE TITLE 825 Introduction to Information and Communications Technology 832 Agriculture, Horticulture 833 Hotel Catering and Tourism 845 Graphics and Construction Studies 835 Craft and Design 836 Engineering 846 Childcare/Community Care CODE TITLE 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 13 10 Introduction to the Computer and Word Processing Introduction to other Software Packages Basic Horticulture Garden Design Florist, Fruit and Vegetables Forestry Grass Milk and Meat Production Eating Out: the Fast Food way Eating Out: Hotels, Restaurants and Institutions Hospitality in Tourism Catering for diversity Graphic Communication 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 10 11 12 13 14 10 11 12 13 14 Construction Building Services Woodcraft Design and Manufacture of Educational Toys Computer Aided Design Creative Decoration Surface - Pattern Design Textiles – structuring/weaving Fashion – construction Signage Design communication through illustration Layout in graphic communication Block-Printing Jewellery Interior design Modelling Ceramics Video Production The camera – photography Manipulating photographic imagery Engineering Core General Engineering Motor Engineering Decorative Metalwork Engineering Systems The Care of Babies and Young children Child Development and Play Parenting and Care Provision People with Special needs Older People 10 2 COURSE CODE 847 MODULE TITLE Office Administration and Customer Care 839 Technology 848 Active Leisure Studies 849 Information and Communication Technology 850 Hair and Beauty 10 French 11 German 12 Spanish 13 Italian 66 Geailge Cumarsaidach 843 Religious Education 844 Science CODE TITLE 10 Retailing and Selling 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 Office Assistant Office Practice Retailing and the Consumer Introducing Technology Design and Manufacture Water Technology Electrical Understanding and Basic Electronics Active Leisure Studies Health Related Fitness Aquatics Outdoor Education Invasion Games Net/Fielding Games Wordprocessing 11 12 13 Spreadsheets Databases Desktop Publishing 14 15 10 11 12 13 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 The Internet Text Entry Salon and Customer Care Haircare Beautycare Bodycare Social Relationships Travelling and finding the way Social Relationships Travelling and finding the way Social Relationships Travelling and finding the way Social Relationships Travelling and finding the way An Ghaeilge thart timpeall orainn An Ghaeilge mar theanga bheo Looking In Our Religious Story A Living Faith World Religions Science and Health Science and the Environment Consumer Science Food 3 APPENDIX B GUIDELINES ON CLAIMING CREDITS FOR MODULES COMPLETED VOCATIONAL PREPARATION AND GUIDANCE SESSION I SESSION II SESSION III CODE 800 SESSION IV Work Experience 1 [12] Jobsearch [11] Work Experience 4 [15] Guidance [10] Work Experience 2 [13] Enterprise 1 [16] Or Enterprise 2 [17] Work Experience 3 [14] Community Work [19] or Work and Living [20] This is a sample arrangement. 8 modules must be completed, 2 each session. The following modules are mandatory: Guidance Jobsearch Work Experience 1 Work Experience 2 Enterprise (1 module) In the case of Work Experience, 2 modules are mandatory but up to 4 modules can be completed during the 2 years. One module of Enterprise is mandatory but additional modules may be completed here. The Guidance module is completed over all 4 sessions. Credit is therefore claimed only at the end of Session 4. ENGLISH AND COMMUNICATIONS SESSION I SESSION II SESSION III CODE 810 SESSION IV Communications and the Working World [10] The Communications Media [12] Critical Literacy and Composition [13] Communications and Enterprise [11] SOCIAL EDUCATION SESSION I SESSION II My Community [11] Contemporary Issues 1 [12] Social and Health Education I [10] CODE 815 SESSION IV SESSION III Contemporary Issues 2 [14] Taking Charge [15] Social and Health 2 [13] Social and Health Education I is completed during Session 1 and 2 and the credit is claimed at the end of Session 2. Social and Health Education 2 is completed during Session 3 and 4 and the credit is claimed at the end of Session 4. SIGN LANGUAGE SESSION I SESSION II SESSION III CODE 816 SESSION IV Making Contact [10] Social Interaction [11] Deaf People in the World of Work [12] ARTS EDUCATION DANCE DRAMA VISUAL ART MUSIC Dance I [10] Dance II [11] Drama Module 1 [12] Drama Module 2 [13] Individuality and Identity [14] The Local [15] Environment Music Module 1 [16] Music Module 2 [17] Deaf People in the Wider World [13] 819 4 Any 2 modules can be selected from the above options. The sequence arrangement in each course should be followed (this can include electives). LEISURE AND RECREATION (including Physical Education) Code 824 Module 1: Physical Activity for Performance [10] Module 2: Physical Activity for Health and Fitness Module 3: Physical Activity for Recreation [11] [12] Any 2 modules can be selected and the modules can be taken in any sequence. MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS SESSION I SESSION II Mathematics for Living [10] SESSION III Enterprise Mathematics [11] Mathematics for Leisure and Civic Affairs [12] CODE 830 SESSION IV Mathematics for Working Life [13] INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY SESSION I SESSION 2 Introduction to the Computer and Word Processing [10] 825 Introduction to other software packages. [11] VOCATIONAL SPECIALISMS Candidates are required to complete 8 modules from 2 vocational specialisms over the course of the programme. At least two of the modules must be undertaken in year 1 of the programme, which may be one from each of the specialisms chosen or two from one of the specialisms. In any event, a candidate must complete no more than 4 modules from each specialism over the course of the two years. AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE 832 Horticulture Module 1: Basic Horticulture [10] Module 2: Garden Design [11] Module 3: Floristry, Fruit and Vegetables [12] Agriculture Module 4: Forestry [13] Module 5: Grass [14] Module 6: Milk and Meat Production [15] 4 modules to be completed. These many be chosen across the broad groups of Horticulture and Agriculture. 5 HOTEL, CATERING AND TOURISM 833 Module 1: Eating Out – The Fast Food Way [10] Module 2: Eating Out – Hotels, Restaurants and Institutions [11] Module 3: Hospitality in Tourism [12] Module 4: Catering for Diversity [13] Module I: Eating Out - The Fast Food Way should be completed in Session I. Module 2, 3 and 4 can be selected and completed in any order GRAPHICS AND CONSTRUCTION STUDIES 845 Module 1: Graphic Communication (Core Mandatory Module)[10] Module 2: Construction [11] Module 3: Building Services [12] Module 4: Woodcraft [13] Module 5: Design and Manufacture of Educational Toys [14] Module 6: Computer Aided Design [15] Students have to complete four modules. The module in Graphic Communication is a core mandatory module. Any three of Modules 2 to 6 may be selected. There is no prescribed sequence for the implementation of the modules but it is recommended that Graphic Communication is completed before implementing the module on Construction. CRAFT AND DESIGN AREA Fashion & Textiles 835 Graphic Communication and Print Media Three-Dimensional Studies Lens-Based Studies MODULES 1. Creative Decoration [10] 2. Surface-pattern design [11] 3. Textiles - structuring/weaving [12] 4. Fashion - construction [13] 5. Signage [14] 6. Design communication through illustration [15] 7. Layout in graphic communication [16] 8. Block-printing [17] 9. Jewellery [18] 10. Interior design [19] 11. Modelling [20] 12. Ceramics [21] 13. Video production [22] 14. The camera - photography [23] 15. Manipulating photographic imagery [24] The Craft and Design course has been divided into four different areas. Each of these areas is further divided into modules. Over the two years of the course, students must complete four modules from the list of fifteen modules presented above. The students may choose any four from this list but no more than two from any of the four areas listed. No sequence of modules is prescribed. 6 ENGINEERING 836 Module 1: Engineering Core (Mandatory) [10] Module 2: General Engineering [11] Module 3: Motor Engineering [12] Module 4: Decorative Metalwork [13] Module 5: Engineering Systems [14] A student must take four modules. Engineering Core is a mandatory module. CHILDCARE/COMMUNITY CARE 846 Module 1: The Care of Babies and Young Children [10] Module 2: Child Development and Play [11] Module 3: Parenting and Care Provision [12] Module 4: People with Special Needs [13] Module 5: Older People [14] Any four modules can be selected and completed in any order. OFFICE ADMINISTRATION AND CUSTOMER CARE Module 1: Retailing and Selling [10] Module 2: Office Assistant [11] Module 3: Office Practice [12] Module 4: Retailing and the Consumer [13] 847 4 modules to be completed. The order of completion of these modules is at the discretion of the teacher/school, however it is recommended that Module 2: Office Assistant be completed before Module 3: Office Practice. TECHNOLOGY 839 Module 1: Introducing Technology [10] Module 2: Design and Manufacture [11] Module 3: Water Technology [12] Module 4: Electrical Understanding and Basic Electronics [13] Four modules are available in this specialism. The module "Introducing Technology" is a core mandatory module and must be taken first. The other three modules may be taken in any order. 7 ACTIVE LEISURE STUDIES 848 MANDATORY MODULES: Module 1: Active Leisure Studies [10] Module 2: Health Related Fitness [11] OPTIONAL MODULES: Module 3: Aquatics [12] Module 4: Outdoor Education [13] Module 5: Invasion Games [14] Module 6: Net/Fielding Games [15] 4 modules to be completed. Module 1 (Active Leisure Studies) and 2 (Health Related Fitness) are mandatory. Any two modules from the remaining group of four may be taken. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY 849 Module 1: Word Processing [10] Module 2: Spreadsheets [11] Module 3: Databases [12] Module 4: Desktop Publishing [13] Module 5: The Internet [14] Module 6: Text Entry [15] Four modules to be completed. Module 1: Word Processing is a compulsory core module. Students may complete three of the remaining modules. HAIR AND BEAUTY 850 Module 1: Salon and Customer Care [10] Module 2: Haircare [11] Module 3: Beautycare [12] Module 4: Bodycare [13] 8 ELECTIVE MODULES Credits for 4 elective modules must be claimed over the course of the two years of the programme. Generally credit for one elective module will be claimed each session. Elective modules may be chosen from the suite of modules and courses available including courses /modules in Science and Religious Education. All four modules from one course may be chosen e.g. Science or a combination of modules from different courses. Modules from the two Vocational Specialisms being taken may not be chosen as elective modules. MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES FRENCH GERMAN SPANISH ITALIAN SESSION 1 Social Relationships [10] CODE: 10 CODE: 11 CODE: 12 CODE: 13 SESSION 2 Travelling and Finding the Way [11] GAEILGE CUMARSAIDEACH SESSION I CODE 66 SESSION 2 An Ghaeilge thart timpeall orainn. [10] An Ghaeilge mar theanga bheo [11] For all modules credits can only be claimed when the module has been completed. 2 modules are required in each of the courses Gaeilge Cumarsáideach and Modern European Languages. One course can be chosen in Year I and credits for the 2 modules claimed in Session 1 and 2 and the other course can be completed in Year 2 with credits for those modules being claimed in Session 3 and 4. Equally the two courses can run concurrently over the two years with credit for a module from each course being claimed at the end of each year i.e. Session 2 and Session 4. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 843 Module 1: Looking In [10] Module 2: Our Religious Story [11] Module 3: A Living Faith [12] Module 4: World Religions [13] One, two, three or all four of these modules may be taken as elective modules. Module 1: Looking In is core to the course and must be taken first. SCIENCE 844 Module 1: Science and Health [10] Module 2: Science and the Environment [11] Module 3: Consumer Science [12] Module 4: Food [13] One, two, three or four of these modules may be taken as elective modules. Each module is independent and can be taken separately. 9