Grady High School 2015-2016 COURSE SYLLABUS Physical Conditioning Teacher: Aldridge Room Number: Practice Gym Semester: Fall 2015 Textbook: Fitness For Life Phone Number: 404-802-3001 Email: Tutorial Days: Daily (by appointment) Tutorial Hours: 7:45-8:25 Tutorial Location: Office in the Main Gym Course Description: To help students develop health-related fitness, physical competence in movement activities, cognitive understanding, and positive attitudes toward physical activity so that they can adopt healthy and physically active lifestyles. Course Content Standard: dards_4-30-09.pdf Course Outline: Week 1: Introduction: Expectations & Safety Exercise Basics, Baseline Assessments, Article: How To Start a Healthy Week 2: Lifestyle Week 3: Exercise Basics Continued, Article: The Importance of Warm up & Stretching Week 4: Body Weight Training Introduction, Muscular System Anatomy Week 5: Circuit Training, Article: Muscle Soreness and Recovery, Article: Rest Days Week 6: Circuit Training Continued, Article: Being Fit and Looking Fit Week 7: HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Week 8: HIIT Article: Lose Weight Gain Muscle Week 9: Personal Assessment Check In Week 10: FITNESSGRAM Week 11: Circuit Training Article: Bodyweight Training VS Equipment Week 12: Circuit Training Article: Training and Breathing Week 13: Circuit Training Week 14: HIIT Article: How To Balance Indulgences and Fitness Week 15: HIIT Article: How to Maintain Your Commitment to Fitness Week 16: HIIT Week 17: Post Assessments Week 18: Final Projects Evaluation and Grading: Course Components Daily Work (Participation & Dress) Weights 60% Written Work (Journals, Quizzes, Assignments) Final Project 30% TOTAL 10% 100% Grading Scale 100-90 89-80 79-70 69-0 Not Evaluated A B C F NE Campus Portal for Parents and Guardians: Visit - to view class schedules, attendance records and grades. To activate your account, visit the school to receive your login (activation key). Required Materials: School appropriate athletic (athletic shoes, bottoms, and tops) no tank tops, no collared shirts, no polo’s, no spandex bottoms (examples: leggings, compression shorts/pants), no jean shorts/pants, no cargo shorts etc. Lock (Grady High School is not responsible for lost or stolen items) Inhalers (if applicable) Classroom Expectations: Report to class on time- You will have 10 minutes at the beginning and end of each class to dress Dress out in school appropriate athletic attire (lack of appropriate clothing will result in a loss of 5 points from your daily 10 point grade) Participate to the best of your abilities Respect yourself, others and equipment The use of cell phone, gaming devices, iPod, and similar electronic devices are not allowed and will result in a loss of 5 points from your daily 10 point grade No eating or drinking during class (water is encouraged). Follow all school and district policies All undocumented absences will result in a zero until appropriate documentation is provided. Note: Another teacher cannot give you permission to miss class without consulting with me first. For example, missing class to work in the library, practicing for a performance or working on the Southerner are not valid reasons to miss class and will result in a discipline referral. FITNESSGRAM: Georgia Law (20-2-777) states that all students taking physical education must participate in fitness assessments and the aggregate results are to be reported to the Department of Education. Every student taking a PE class will be required to participate in the FITNESSGRAM for each of the classes they are enrolled in. Late Assignments: It is important that students are responsible and meet established due dates for assignments. Late is defined as anytime work is submitted after the assignment has already been collected by the teacher. Make-up and Missing Assignments: Students with an excused absence will be expected to submit missed work on or before the third class meeting after the absence. Pre-announced assignments are due upon return to school. School-wide Expectations: Mastery Learning: With mastery learning, a unit of material is taught, and student understanding is evaluated before students are able to move on to the next unit. Students who have not shown mastery for a particular unit will receive feedback and support in reaching mastery. They may be given practice exercises, study guides, group work or complementary resources to help them improve and achieve mastery. Students who demonstrate mastery of the content for a particular unit are given enrichment exercises like special projects, tasks or academic games to further or broaden their knowledge of the material. Deficiency Reports: Parents and guardians are informed when students are making unsatisfactory progress in classes. Poor performance will be reported to parents and guardians as soon as problems are evident. Deficiency reports with plans for remediation will be provided for all students making unsatisfactory progress, and parent-guardians conferences must be scheduled. Unsatisfactory grades should never come as a surprise to parents, guardians, or students. Also, see Board Policy Administrative Regulation IHA-R(1) under “Students in danger of not meeting academic expectations” for further information. Teachers will: Contact parents/guardians early in the semester if academic, attendance, or behavioral difficulties are apparent. Notify the counselor, Student Support Team (SST)/Response To Intervention(RTI) Chair, and/or an Assistant Principal of serious problems that are affecting classroom performance. Set up parent conferences as necessary. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work. Plagiarism by students is a very serious offense that will result in punishments such as a failing grade on an assignment or for the course. For further information please refer to the student code of conduct printed in the student agenda book. Athletic Eligibility: Students wanting to participate in athletic programs governed by the GHSA and extracurricular activities must meet eligibility requirements to participate. The Athletic Director (and the Extracurricular Activities sponsors) will collaborate with teachers to monitor and to identify students in danger of failing courses. A master list of students participating in extracurricular activities and athletics under the auspices of the GHSA will be available to all staff. ______________________________ Student Signature __________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________ Date __________________________________ Date