PROCESSES AND SOLUTIONS LORNE FOSTER SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF EQUITY STUDIES Introduction A. Barriers B. Duty to Accommodate: principles, most appropriate accommodate, short of undue hardship C. Duty to Accommodate: Employment D. Types of Accommodations in the Workplace Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 2 Growth of “rights culture”; expectations of fair treatment Discrimination on enumerated grounds prohibited Intentional and unintentional discrimination prohibited – “direct” and “adverse effect” discrimination Remedial, rather than punitive, focus Enforcement: Human rights Commissions (and some other venues – e.g., labour arbitration) Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 3 The duty to accommodate is a legal standard, it is the law of the land Accommodation is built on: Respect for dignity Treating people as individuals [individual needs approach] Removal of barriers Inclusive design Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 4 Ensures equality for disadvantaged persons Allows people to be evaluated in fair manner Enhances respect for the individual Fosters climate of tolerance Fosters a greater public awareness Protects workers from discriminatory attitudes Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 5 People may need accommodation for different reasons – the most common grounds for a request are: Disability Creed Family status Sex-related (pregnancy & breastfeeding) Gender identity Gender expression Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 6 Physical Attitudes stereotypes, attitudes Systemic policies or practices that block out people Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies … because of disability, age, having children, pregnancy or breastfeeding, or certain religious beliefs 7 a. b. c. d. Principles of accommodation Most appropriate accommodation Undue hardship Shared responsibilities 1. Dignity: respect for dignity. 2. Individualization: treating people as individuals. 3. Inclusion: removing barriers and designing with many needs in mind so that everyone is included. Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 9 In employment the duty to accommodate requires adjusting the working conditions so people can continue to work when they are on code grounds. These needs can be accommodated through: Modified workspace Adjusting work standards Flexible work schedules, dress codes, or break times Modified changing facilities Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 10 Accessible buildings and spaces improve service for everyone. Consider: ramps, elevators, automatic doors and wider doorways accessible washrooms change-tables, family change-rooms Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 11 a process, not a onetime event a matter of degree, not all-or-nothing a range of possibilities Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 12 Full accommodation that most IDEAL NEXT BEST Phased-in full accommodation Accommodate after saving up Alternative accommodation: transfer to NEXT BEST LESS IDEAL respects dignity and can apply right away another job – temporary or permanent Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 13 most respects the person’s dignity meets the person’s needs best promotes integration and full participation ensures confidentiality is different for each person Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 14 is a defense under the Code some degree of hardship may be required considers all elements of the accommodation request Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 15 costs outside sources of funding, if any health and safety, if any Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 16 For undue hardship, costs must be: quantifiable e.g. financial costs such as capital costs or operating costs; 1. shown to be related to the accommodation; and 2. so high that they change the nature of the business or cause it to go out of business 3. Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 17 1. consider all costs related to the accommodation request; 2. explore ways to lower costs; 3. do remaining costs, if any, cause undue hardship? Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 18 recover costs through normal business spread out across an organization grants, loans or funds from other sources apply accounting principles like amortization or depreciation creative or low-tech designs “Second Injury and Enhancement Funds” phase-in accommodation or save up for it Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 19 How big is the organization? Can costs be recovered through normal business? Can other parts of the company take on part of the costs? Can money be saved up in a reserve fund? Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 20 Consider government and non-government grants, subsidies or loans: to make buildings accessible or for tax credits for making services available directly to persons with disabilities Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 21 May be set by: law regulations rules practice procedure Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 22 Modifying or excusing a health and safety requirements may create risks that have to be weighed If the risk after accommodation is big enough to outweigh the benefits of enhancing equality, this may be undue hardship Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 23 Assessing the health and safety requirement: 1. is the requirement bona fide (reasonable)? 2. does it create a barrier for the person who is identified under the Code? 3. if yes, can the requirement be adjusted or excused? Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 24 Lower high risks where possible: by phasing in safety features, introducing new technology, adjusting job descriptions Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 25 How serious is the risk? How does it compare with other risks? what may happen, how often, to whom, how seriously it would affect people in some jobs, organizations, everyday life, society allow this choice where possible – “dignity of risk” Is the person willing to take on a risk? person should fully understand the risk risk should not likely affect others Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 26 business inconvenience or customer complaints collective agreements what others want or their views Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 27 the standard is high must be supported with real facts is different for each organization and situation costs, outside sources of funding, health and safety financial statements, budgets, data, expert opinion, information about accommodation and how the person asking for accommodation is affected For example, the standard for a supermarket would be higher than for a small family-run grocery stor. Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 28 Person asking: makes the request explains what is needed and why provides necessary information discusses solutions co-operates with experts meet work standards works with accommodation-provider during the process Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 29 Accommodation-provider: accepts explanation of needs respect the dignity of the person asking for accommodation assesses individual needs actively discusses and look for solutions considers undue hardship and options in a timely manner Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 30 Employment barriers in employment “bona fide occupational requirement” (BFOR) and “essential duties” of the job types of accommodation Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 32 barriers may be with: buildings policies procedures culture cooperation is needed to accommodate: hiring, promotions training … and in considering: benefits workplace conditions discipline schedules Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 33 policies or requirements seem neutral, but when applied, create barriers or conflicts; or when assessing if the employee can do the essential duties of the job Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 34 1. Are the duties bona fide occupational requirements (BFOR)? a. connected to the job; made with the belief that they are needed for the job; and reasonably necessary for a work-related purpose b. c. Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies Section 17 of the Code says that there’s no violation of the Code if the employer can’t accommodate because doing so would cause undue hardship 35 2. If, yes, can the employee do the essential duties with accommodation)? a. Can the employee do the essential duties? if not, what accommodation is needed? Provide accommodation, then assess the employee again b. c. Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 36 Physical modified workspaces: creating more space, using different equipment, adjusting equipment settings MARCH 6, 2012 Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 37 Time attendance. leaves of absence. flexible work schedules, shorter break times or a compressed work week, job sharing Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 38 Job duties adjusted work standards other work options: is other work available soon? If not, is a new position possible? Would extra training be needed? Alternate work could be short-term or permanent. Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 39 Other accommodating return to work, to the point of undue hardship employee assistance programme Foster – Workplace Inclusion Strategies 40