Political Section: Statement 3, Republic of Poland

Model Conference of the Faculty of International Relations
Political Section: Statement 3, Republic of Poland
Model Conference
of the Faculty of International Relations
Political Section
The Bearing of the Visegrad Group States on Mutual Dialogue and Integration Ambitions
of Serbia and Kosovo
Statement 3
Republic of Poland
Bratislava, 16.2.2015
Model Conference of the Faculty of International Relations
Political Section: Statement 3, Republic of Poland
Model Conference of the Faculty of International Relations
on the Bearing of the Visegrad Group States on Mutual Dialogue and Integration
Ambitions of Serbia and Kosovo1
We, the representatives of the Polish delegation, would like to express our gratitude to the
Model Conference of the Faculty of International Relations, as we feel honoured to participate on the
Political Section discussion concerning the very issue of enlargement of the European Union (EU),
specifically the integration of Serbia and Kosovo. We emphasize our sincere devotion to the whole
negotiations process and in order to conclude upon an agreement we hope for the mutually fruitful
dialogue with our partners.
I. The European Union Rule of Law Mission
Assessment of EULEX's Presence in Kosovo
We consider strong EULEX administration as a necessary factor for the future effective
independent governance over the territory of Kosovo. Debate over efficiency of the mission is still
current and demands attention of every delegate of the Political Section. We must express our
satisfaction with the course of the negotiations so far, since our interests and opinions have been taken
into account in a great extent and communication with our fellow delegates has been truly productive
and enriching. Therefore, we believe in relevance of the definite proposals we have agreed upon during
the negotiation process so far:
1. Improving the mission’s performance by developing a new action plan based on mid 2015
the evaluation. This action plan should be adopted by the end of 2015.
2. Broadening the scope of the Strengthening Division and further focusing on capacity
building and training of local personnel.
3. Downsizing the Executive Division and transferring of its remaining competences to
Kosovo’s institutions by 2018.
EULEX in the Justice Sector
We strongly encourage examining suspicions that pointed at former members of the Kosovo
Liberation Army (hereinafter referred to as KLA) with some of them being high state representatives in
today's Republic of Kosovo governmental and parliamentary decision-making bodies. We think
punishing members of the KLA responsible for war atrocities and other illegal activities such as human
organs trafficking would not only bring justice to the victims and their relatives, but it could also
contribute to the rapprochement of Kosovo with Serbia and Kosovo with northern Kosovo, respectively.
For this reason we welcome that the Political Section negotiations' participants by reaching a consensus
on the matter endorsed the will of the government of Kosovo to establish an ad hoc tribunal for war
crimes after the model of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (hereinafter
referred to as ICTY), which would try suspects on evidence collected by the Special Investigative Task
This designation is without prejudice to position on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the
Kosovo declaration of independence.
Model Conference of the Faculty of International Relations
Political Section: Statement 3, Republic of Poland
Force (hereinafter referred to as SITF). In order to secure trials and related judicial proceedings, with
our negotiating partners we decided to establish such a tribunal on neutral soil.
II. The Association of Serbian Municipalities in northern Kosovo
Serb majority with its parallel state structures in the north of Kosovo represent a dangerous
problem that may create an obstacle too difficult to overcome in the Serbia-Kosovo negotiations.
Regarding the inception of an Association of Serbian Municipalities (hereinafter referred to as ASM) as
envisaged by the Brussels Agreement, we advise conducive attitude of Kosovan and Serbian authorities
in the matter.
Establishing a supra-national structure for Kosovo Serbs that facilitates interethnic dialogue
could seem to be healthy key-factor in theory, though counter-productive in reality. On one hand there is
at least some achievement, but since the Brussels Agreement has been signed, the reconciliation
process of interested parties has become cumbersome. We recommend the establishment of the
Roundtable of Kosovan Serbs which would serve as an advisory institution to the ASM. We advise the
intelligence and the elected representatives of Kosovan Serbs to take part in this initiative which would
be a platform for the intercultural dialogue between Kosovans and Serbs. The Roundtable will be
functioning as a representative body towards Pristina and Belgrade dealing with the issues concerning
the life of Kosovan Serbs.
III. Normalisation of bilateral relations
We suppose that for the time being normalisation of Serbia-Kosovo relations lies in practice
in two distinctive levels. Firstly, as stated in the paragraph above, we perceive the unsettled northern
Kosovo issue to be the main problem that hinders further possible agreements and compromises
between the two parties. Practical side of the struggle was always harder to manage within mutually
non-conflictual boundaries which are proven by the lack of clear authority over Serb minorities'
Secondly, everyday needs of the population living in the territory of Kosovo (whether Albanian
or Serb) should be taken into account unconditionally. This should involve protection and recognition of
minorities at the appropriate level (after all, Kosovo is a multi-ethnic state) and also some minor issues
of technical nature as telephone country code (likely to exist from 2015) and country top-level domain
code. We are aware of much more urgency in case of using of the Serbia's air space or pre-war and
pension savings, however, we fear that those issues are tightly related to the Serbia's recognition of
independent Kosovo or at least to the autonomous status of the northern Kosovo; thus, we are not
assured that trust this deep could be found in today's relations of Serbia and Kosovo.
Therefore, considering the multi-ethnic character of Kosovo, we recommend establishment of
cultural autonomy for Kosovan Serbs. We believe that the institute of cultural autonomy would lead to
the normalisation of bilateral relations. It is important to respect and maintain the culture of Kosovan
Serbs in order to increase tolerance in the region. The institute of cultural autonomy we advise should
ensure maintaining of Serbian cultural events, establishment of Serbian schools, usage of Serbian
language in public places and signs. We presume that allowing the Kosovan Serbs to maintain their own
cultural heritage would decrease the tension in the region would lead to mutual respect.
Model Conference of the Faculty of International Relations
Political Section: Statement 3, Republic of Poland
IV. Participation of Kosovo and Serbia in regional forums
In order to strengthen its international position and to be heard and perceived as an actor of
international politics Kosovo needs to participate on inter-governmental events of multilateral status –
even when its diplomatic recognition till present day reached only about half of the world countries.
On the contrary, while the Serbian participation in forums as such may go without question, urgency lies
within improvement of the way how Serbia is received in general: particularly in regards to its developing
relationship with Kosovo and the EU. We assume that the European regional forums are priority for both
Serbia and Kosovo – whether they are present on their own or even together - as they have clear
ambitions towards the EU membership. Naturally, our experience with participation of Serbian and
Kosovan representatives in Visegrad Group+ format is quite large and satisfying. Therefore, we would
like to stress the need for the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue as an integral part of the
process of the normalization of mutual relations, as mentioned above.
We, the representatives of the Polish delegation, would like to confirm our commitment to the
discussion concerning integration future of Serbia and Kosovo within the EU. The Political Section
platform of the Model Conference of the Faculty of International Relations represents a unique
opportunity that should not get misspent by any of its participants. Therefore, we call for comprehensive
negotiations that would confidently lead to a satisfactory consensus of all parties concerned.
In Bratislava, 16.2.2015
Model Conference of the Faculty of International Relations
Delegates of the Republic of Poland
Proofreading: Miroslav Rosenberg