Headlines 20 August


Main Stories 20 August 2012

UN Security Council to review report on Kosovo tomorrow (dailies)

Dialogue for the purpose of avoiding violence (Zëri)

Deda: Yes to dialogue with Serbia but not on the north (Koha Ditore)

Mandate for EULEX through the Assembly (Express)

Kosovo secures 92 nd

recognition (Express)

Kosovo Media Highlights

UN Security Council to review report on Kosovo tomorrow (dailies)

The UN Security Council will review the report of the UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon on Kosovo during a session tomorrow, papers report. Even though it was previously reported that Kosovo would be represented at the Security Council session by Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj, Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi has travelled to the

US and it is expected he will take part in the debate. At the same time, Serbian media have also reported that Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic will also attend the session.

Dialogue for the purpose of avoiding violence (Zëri)

The paper quotes international officials as saying that in there is no support from the

Kosovo opposition for the upcoming dialogue with Serbia, this could reflect on the deterioration of the security situation. As a result, Kosovo would have to go to early elections which would be preceded by Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi’s resignation.

“Opposition parties are not taking into account that if there are extraordinary elections they would risk remaining with smaller percentages at the parliament and this would later threaten a conflict of anger between party supporters. Just remember what happened in Malisheva between officials of Vetëvendosje and PDK,” said a US official on condition of anonymity.

Deda: Yes to dialogue with Serbia but not on the north (Koha Ditore)

In an interview for the paper, director of the Kosovo-based think tank KIPRED Ilir

Deda said that the north of Kosovo should not be discussed in talks between Kosovo

and Serbia. “It should be made clear to the international community and to Serbia as well that there will be no discussions with Belgrade on integration of the north, there will be no advanced special status given to the north and there will be no asymmetric rights for the Kosovo Serbs where one third of Serbs has more rights than the other two thirds,” said Deda.

He also accused Pristina authorities of having no platform for political talks with

Belgrade. “We are now under immense international pressure to enter political dialogue with Serbia as soon as possible while there is an internal mistrust between political forces so there should be much more seriousness with the Government as well as with the opposition on how to move forward,” Deda is quoted as saying.

On the idea of having the UN included in the dialogue process, Deda said that scenario would be dangerous. “UN’s inclusion in the process of dialogue with Serbia has to do with Russia’s involvement in this process while it is the UN itself that has delegated Brussels responsibility for this dialogue and this was also supported by the

US,” he said.

Mandate for EULEX through the Assembly (Express)

According to the paper, Kosovo institutions have clarified the way in which the mandate for the EU rule of law mission will be extended. The Ministry of Justice has drafted a document which is expected to be ratified by the Assembly whereby

EULEX’s mandate is extended to 2014. The letter would then be taken over by

President Atifete Jahjaga and would deliver it to the EU High Representative for

Security and Foreign Policy Catherine Ashton.

Kosovo secures 92 nd recognition (Express)

The paper reports that the newest country to recognize independence of Kosovo is

Mali which brings the number of recognitions to 92. Deputy Prime Minister Behgjet

Pacolli announced the recognition from the Republic of Mali, which is also a UN member, at a press conference. Pacolli also said that he hoped Togo, the last country in Western Africa not yet recognizing independence of Kosovo, would do so very soon.


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIK on the understanding that the choice of articles translated is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIK.
