Republika e Kosovës Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo Qeveria – Vlada - Government Ministria e Tregtisë dhe Industrisë Ministarstvo Trgovine i Industrije / Ministry of Trade and Industry Pursuant to Article 69-paragraph seven (7) 1 of the law No. 04/L-12 on Consumer Protection, the Consumer Protection Council issues the following: Regulation No. 01/2013 ON THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COUNCIL FOR CONSUMER PROTECTION Article 1 Purpose The present regulation defines the way of work, organization, and the scope of activity of the Consumer Protection Council (hereinafter: Council). Article 2 Composition 1. The composition of the Council is defined by the Government Decision No. 17/114 of 30 January 2013: 1.1.Two MTI representatives; 1.2. Food and Veterinary Agency; 1.3. K o s o v o C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e ; 1.4. Kosovo Business Alliance; 1.5. Representatives of Consumer Protection Association; 1.6. An independent expert from the Consumer Protection field. 2. Based to the needs and circumstances, the Council may require additional information and expertise, also may call representatives from relevant institutions of the Republic of Kosovo 1 and other interested parties. Article 3 Council’s scope of activities The Council shall advice and recommends activities to the national institutions with aim to eliminate the Consumer Protection barriers and address challenges that affect the improvement of consumer protection in the Republic of Kosovo. Article 4 Council responsibilities 1. In order to regulate the consumer protection area, the Council shall review and analyze market trends and based to these findings proposes Government appropriate measures for market regulation and consumer protection. 2. Drafts and monitors consumer protection program and reports to MTI’s Minister program implementation, supports changes of the legislation and existing regulation. 3. Conducts and monitors implementation of Kosovo’s CPP (consumer protection program), initiates amendments and/or supplementation of this program in accordance to current market. 4. Take part in drafting consumer protection policy and reports to the government of the Republic of Kosovo for violations of the collective consumer rights. 5. An annual report should be prepared and submitted through MTI to the government of Kosovo, also a public presentation on the council work, achievement and application of reforms including completed activities, also forecasting the impacts of these activities on consumer protection. 6. 6. Cooperates with public institutions and private companies. Article 5 Council presidency 1. The Council will be chaired by the Ministry of Trade and Industry as based on decision no. 17/lI4 of 30 January 2013. 2. In case when the representative of the Ministry of Trade and Industry is absent, he/she is obliged to notify the Council, in written for his/her absence and shall designate one of the Council member to chair the Council meeting. 2 Article 6 Council meeting 1. The Council meets on monthly bases, however, it may meet more frequently depending on the issues required for consideration by the representative of the Ministry of Trade and Industry or at the request of at least two (2) members of the Council. 2. Chairperson of the Council shall convene and chair the meetings of the Council. 3. Invitation to attend the meeting shall be sent to the Council’s members, no later than five days prior to the day when the meeting is planned to be held the Council meeting. 4. The meeting agenda and documents shall be prepared and sent to the Council members, no later than five (5) working days prior to regular meetings. 5. Each member has the right to propose certain issues on the agenda. 6. Council members are obliged to participate in meetings of the Council. Absence in the meeting must be justified in writing to the Chairperson of the Council. 7. The Council constitutes the quorum when more than half of the members of the Council are present Article 7 Meeting of the Council 1. Initially the agenda shall be adopted by a majority of those present at the meeting. 2. Approval of the agenda by the majority present at the meeting. 3. Discussion shall be open following the adoption of the agenda. 4. The Council proceeds with the meeting as per the agenda adopted in advance. 5. Sponsor of the agenda item which is under review gives explanation on the matter presented. 6. Sponsor of the item under review has the right of speech more than once. 7. The Council may decide to postpone any item on the agenda for the next meeting Article 8 The organization of the Council 1. The Council shall establish the working Groups and organize round table in order to discuss specific matters in regard to Consumer Protection. 2. The Working Group shall be established ad’hoc and will stop to operate immediately after the 3 task to be completed. 3. Round tables or Working Groups will be chaired by the MTI’s Minister, in case of his/her absence the events should chair MTI’s Head of respective Departments, respectively experts of specific areas. Article 9 Minutes of the meeting of the Council 1. Minutes of the meeting of the council shall be kept. 2. Responsible for keeping and maintaining the minutes of the meeting is the Secretariat of the Council. Article 10 Secretariat 1. Administrative and technical work shall be performed by the Secretariat of the Council. 2. The Role of the Secretariat shall play the Department for Consumer Protection under the MTI. 3. Secretariat of the Council serves to organize, coordinate, develop and maintain the necessary activities for the work of the Council. 4. Duties of the Secretariat of the Council are: 4.1 Keeps minutes of the meetings of the Council; 4.2 Coordinates the work of drafting recommendations, reports and other required documents; 4.3 Ensure the maintenance, delivery and storage of documents deriving from the work of the Council; 4.4 Prepares the meetings of the Council; 4.5 Coordinates and participates in the meetings of the Working / Coordination Groups of the Council; 4.6 Provides technical, logistical and planning support for the work of the Council and the Working / Coordination Groups; 4.7 Ensures to collect and publish all materials from the meetings of the Council and Working / Coordination Groups. Article 11 Entry into force The present Regulation shall enter into force on the days of its signature by the Chairperson of the Consumer Protection Council. Pristina, 20.03.2013 Artan Demolli Chairperson of the Consumer Protection Council 4