Orbital Characteristics r ~ 1.87, 1.48 g/cm3 Tides • Tides are (differential) gravitational forces caused by an external body. They distort the object’s shape. • The Earth feels tides from the Sun & Moon. But the Earth is not a point; some places closer to the Moon than others. Differential => ~(r/R)(1/R2) ~ r/R3( 4 Difference in local gravity relative to that needed for orbit determines distortion. 5 Gravity difference leads to semidiurnal tide half-spin period due to Earth’s rotation 6 PHOBOS’ TIDAL DISTORTION Dobrovolskis & Burns, 1980 Tidal Strain ~ k (m/M)(r/R)3. where k 2 2 = Love no. ~Gr2 r2/m Tidal Effects W >n Q~100 • Planet does not respond instantaneousls; max distortion occurs after max force. • Tidal bulge leads (trails for n>W) by sin 2e ~ 1/Q. • Non-aligned bulge causes torque b/w Moon & Earth (Deimos) • By conservation of angular momentum, planet’s rotation slows, and moon is pulled forward, so it recedes from planet. • But little transfer of angular momentum to Mars; spin constant 8 Tidal Effects: Phobos vs. Deimos Burns, In Mars, 1992. Phobos’ Rotational State Tidal distortion of Phobos.~k2 (m/M)(r/a))3 r ~ 10 m Rotational slowing = (9/8)( k2 G m2 /2wQ)(R5/a6) Time for tidal de-spin = 104k2/ Q yrs PHOBOS = 107 k2/ Q yrs DEIMOS Peale, 1977 Synchronous rotation and quick damping to align with minimum energy state (long axis to Mars) Because of Phobos’ small mass, little effect on Mars’ spin, unlike Earth-Moon case. Libration due to forcing by uneven speed along satellite’s eccentric orbit =>( B-A)/C (natural libration freq),which suggests homogeneous interior Libration of Phobos • Phobos was the first extraterrestrial moon with detected librations • Predictions and observations seem to follow each other • No need for them to match! – A difference would indicate internal structure From M. Tiscareno, 2011 EGS Orbital Evolution Orbital Energy = KE + PE = - GM/2a = E ORBIT SIZE da/dt =(2a2/GM)dE/dt= (2a2/GM) v.dF , work done Energy Loss => Smaller orbits, even if loss causes orbital speed-up. Forces in Orbit plane (in direction of velocity; i.e., power) only affect a Orbital Collapse with energy loss (atmospheric drag, tidal drag, PR drag) ---------Orbital Angular Momentum = H = [Gma (1- e2)]1/2 ORBIT SHAPE or … de/dt = (e2-1)(2H’/H + E’/E)/(2e) or… Orbits circularize when H is constant and E is lost (satellite tides) Only Forces in orbit plane can change shape. Burns, Am. Jnl. Phys. 1976 Tidal Evolution of Circular Orbits da/dt = 3 (G/M)1/2 m k2 a-11/2R5/Q (a/ao)13/2 =1 – (13/3) (n’o/no) (t – to) ~ tens of millions of years for Phobos, much longer for Deimos Phobos a, e Planetary tides Satellite tides, too Tidal Evolution (Higher-Order Terms) e runs away Phobos a, e Planetary tides Satellite tides, too Deimos a, e …but high eccentricity orbits cannot have happened. Once orbits become interlaced, mutual collisions occur quickly. Yoder, 1982 Szeto, 1983 Resonance Passage Effects on Evolution 2:1 solar evection 3:1 spin:orbit 2:1 spin: orbit Yoder, Icarus, 1982 Orbit Orientation Orbit tilt depends on Angular Momentum’s direction. Moments change orientation; Just forces normal to orbit plane cause such reorientations. Not important in tides. Gas drag forces the body’s orbit to adopt that of medium. If orbit evolves slowly, it keeps a constant angle relative to mean (Laplace) plane. Distant orbits precess around planet’s heliocentric orbit plane; close-in orbits precess around equatorial plane. Thus moon orbits follow Mars’ axial precession and its chaotic obliquity oscillations. Approach (Relative) Velocity In slow tidal evolution, orbit inclination relative to Laplace plane is roughly constant (Goldreich 1965) because orbit precession (oblateness or solar tides) is relatively fast . Orbital evolution under tides suggests low inclinations (relative to Mars’ orbit plane) when captured in the past. Low inclinations on capture are very rare (poles of orbit planes fill little solid angle). Relative velocity: Mars asteroid Think meteor streams (Draconids: Oct 8; Orionids: Oct 21-22; Taurids: early Nov; Leonids: Nov 17-18); Do they all arrive on equator?? Phobos’ Inclination History A. Cazenave et al. Icarus, 1980 F. Mignard, MNRAS, 1981 Phobos a, e, i N.B. small inclinations Deimos a, e, i Atmospheric Drag Exponential decay V = Vi e –b Cd Pollack, Burns, Tauber Icarus, 1979 Hunten, Icarus, 1979 Sasaki, LPSC, 1990 Can capture quickly w/ dense disk, but orbit evolves quickly too. Cuk & Burns 2004 Periodic impacts into disk cause energy loss (lower a), drop angular momentum (lower e) and regularize i. Bottom Line: in situ origin • Capture is difficult, at best, whether tidally or thru atmospheric drag. Hard to dissipate energy and to circularize/flatten orbit to equator. • Tidal scenarios suggest both Martian moons formed closer to synchronous orbit and with e &i~0 • Formation by impact or within disk (cf. Canup) Tidal Effects • This model of tides on the Earth is oversimplified: – Earth not completely covered by oceans. – The solid Earth distorts and bulges from tides as well. – The Earth distorts the Moon into an ellipsoid. • Tidal forces change the Earth-Moon system: – Tidal Friction is slowing the Earth's spin (~ msec/century). – Conservation of angular momentum, which is transferred from Earth’s rotation to lunar orbit: Moon is receding from Earth (3.8 cm/year). • Tides can affect the spin and internal heating of some solar system bodies. 28