The Renaissance

The Renaissance
Classic Works vs. Modern Works
The Renaissance
• Renaissance – means rebirth
• For Europeans it meant a resurgence or to revisit
the classic Greek & Roman literature and art.
• If we were to have a Renaissance here what
artwork, literature, music would we refer back to.
Renaissance: What is it?
• 1. A time of great
intellectual and artistic
• 2. Word means “rebirth”… it
is a rebirth of ideas from
ancient Greece and Rome
• 3. Unlike during Middle
Ages (Medieval Times),
there was a desire for
change, a questioning of the
way things were
The Middle Ages (Medieval period)
• Time:
– 5th century to about 14th century
• Place:
– Europe
• Characteristics:
– Church and tradition are focal points
– Standard of living is low, so most people are
just trying to get by, not excel
– Little interest in new things (learning, art, etc.)
– Attitude: Life stinks, then you die and
(hopefully) go to heaven
– Individual person isn’t too important
The Renaissance: When and where
• When:
– 1300s to
• Where:
– Started in
Italy, spread
Renaissance: Key aspects
• 1. Supporting the arts (with money,
• 2. Admiration for individual
• 3. Should lead a meaningful life (life
is not just preparation for afterlife)
• 4. Humans have dignity and worth
• 5. Education is important; be critical
and question things
Renaissance: Why?
• 1. Catholic church lost power
– Crusades
• Series of battles between Christians and
Muslims between 1095 and 1272 for control
of the Holy Land
• Muslims won
• A lot of nobles left to fight in crusades, which
allowed a little more freedom for ordinary
– Church also started to look bad in other ways
• Pope moved to France for 68 years
(Babylonian Captivity)
• Great Schism (1377-1417) – two or even three
popes at one time
– Criticism of church increased, and now
people were starting to think more for
themselves, and less just in what the church
told them
Renaissance: Why?
• 2. Black Death
– Plague (caused by
bacteria spread by fleas)
spread throughout
Europe in 1300s, killing
1/3 of population (up to
75% in some areas, like
– Complete upheaval of
• improved life for
• Decreased power of
church and feudal system
• Led to “new wealth” and
a desire to show it off
Renaissance: Why?
• 3. Trade and money
– Trade in Europe
increased, which
made people richer,
giving them more
time and money to
devote to the arts
– And this increased
contact with other
civilizations, leading
to curiosity and envy
at what they had
– Medici family in Italy
supported the arts
with lots of money
• 4. Printing Press
– In about 1450, Johannes
Gutenberg became first
European to use
movable type to print
• Initial reaction was
– By 1475, printing presses
were in England, France,
Germany, Italy
– Allowed for ideas to
spread a lot quicker
Renaissance: Why should we care?
• 1. Changed the world’s way of thinking
• 2. Some of the art/music/literature is widely
known and appreciated today
• 3. Caused chain reaction of change (Scientific
Revolution, exploration, inventions, start of
democracies, etc.)