The Renaissance

The Renaissance
Who, What, Where, When, Why
What was it?
A ______________________ of _________________ and ________________.
2- This rebirth emphasized four major ideas:__________________________
3- and____________________________ and________________________ but MOST
4- IMPORTANTLY ___________________________.
When was it?
5- It began ____________________ and lasted until ______________________.
Why did it begin in Italy?
Italy had an excellent position along the _____________________ that
7- connected ______________ and the _______________________as a result
8- of the Crusades. A wealthy merchant class of ________________ arose from this
9- trade network. Patrons are wealthy people that give money to artists.
10-ESTABLISHED CITIES: _________________________,______________________
11- and ________________________________
12- CLASICISM: Italy had been the home of ________________ which in turn had
13- preserved ___________________________ ideas. Because the Renaissance was a
14- rebirth of these ideas it makes sense to start where they had once began.
Who was involved with the Renaissance?
15- Patrons: The most famous family was the _________________ of ______________.
16- Artists: Most renown were ______________________, _____________________
And __________________________.
18-Philosophers: Father of political science, ______________________ ,wrote a critique
Called ____________________________.
20- Writers: More popular in the Northern Renaissance. It was piloted by two Brits
_______________________ and __________________________.
Where did it travel to from Italy?
22- A European trade network called the _______________________ brought the
23- Renaissance to Belgium, ______________________and ______________________.
The Who, What, Where, When and Why of the Renaissance!
1- Rebirth, Art, Learning
2- Skepticism
3- Individualism, Classicism
4- Humanism
5- Late 1300s, late 1500s
6- Trade routes
7- Europe, Middle East
8- Patrons
9- ---10- Milan, Florence
11- Venice
12- Rome
13- Greek
14- ---15- Medici, Florence
16- Michelangelo, DaVinci
17- Raphael
18- Machiavelli
19- The Prince
20- ---21- Chaucer, Shakespeare
22- Hanseatic Trade Route
23- England, Netherlands