Funding and Purchasing

FGCU Sport Clubs
Financial Training
Fall 2014
Today’s Agenda
O Duties of a Treasurer
O Types of Accounts & Access to Funds
O Purchasing & Reimbursements
O How to: Making Travel Arrangements
O Fundraising & Donations
Duties of a Treasurer
O Complete purchase/reimbursement forms
O Track funds for all club accounts & deposit $
O Assist with fundraising/donation plans
O Work with team to develop budget request
Types of Accounts
Account funding
•Fundraised by
Campus your club
A&S Account
O Two ways to receive A&S funding:
O Annual A&S Budget Request – SCC’s request is
reviewed by the SG Appropriations Committee each year
O Senate Bill - funding requests for unforeseen costs in
the middle of the year
O Sport Clubs Council
O Holds budget hearings with each club and presents one
request for all Sport Clubs to Student Government
O Budget hearings take place September 2014
(for funding during 2015-2016)
O Unused funds are swept at the end of each
fiscal year (May 2015)
Off Campus Account
O Your Club’s Bank Account
O Used for depositing funds raised by the club
O Checks made out to “Eagles (club name)”
can be deposited into this account
O Must track deposits & withdrawals
O Required for semesterly Financial Reports
Funding Access
O What can we use this money for?
travel costs
entry fees & league dues
home events & facility rentals
team equipment
O Items purchased with A&S funds can’t be
personalized or kept by members
O Access funds through Purchase &
Reimbursement Requests
Checking Your A&S Balance
O EagleLink
O View up-to-date account balances
O See transaction details
Google Account Trackers
Purchase Requests
•2-3 weeks
•5 business days
Submit all Purchase Requests to the
Sport Clubs Office, Alico Arena 307
Look Over PR Form
Any questions?
Reimbursement Requests
No $
•2-3 weeks
•No Payment
Submit all Reimbursements to the
Sport Clubs Office, Alico Arena 307
Reimbursement Requests
O Before making a purchase:
O Check your account balances
O Ensure the item is A&S eligible
O Reimbursements are made to individuals
O Not to your club
Fuel Reimbursements
O Must be submitted with:
O Name of destination(s)
O Use of fuel (car or boat)
O Round trip mileage on google map/mapquest
O Original receipts
O Reimbursements are made to individuals
O Not to your club
Look Over
Reimbursement Form
Any questions?
Do you know where to find
these forms?
Check out the Sport Clubs website:
Travel How To’s
O All found in Team Manual online
O Booking Flights
O Reserving Hotels
O Renting a Vehicle
O Including discounted Enterprise rental rates
O You can view the team manual here:
Life of a Request
O Step 1: Submit Paperwork to Sport Clubs Office
O include all necessary details, invoices & receipts
O signature of club officer submitting the request and
signature of payee for reimbursements
O Step 2: Approval Process
O signature of SCC President, Treasurer & Coordinator
O Step 3: Sent to Purchaser
O Procurement handles checks & reimbursements
O Campus Rec staff handles credit card purchases
Payment Tips
O Complete the form
O No really. All of it.
O Plan ahead!
O Make sure payment deadlines are met
O Always include supporting documents
O Invoice that states the price & vendor
O Printout of online shopping cart
O Receipts & map for fuel reimbursements
O Teams are required to match at least 10% of
annual A&S allocation
O Percentages can be found in SCORE system handout
O Submit Financial Report for credit
O Sponsorships, donations, travel fees, equipment
donations, etc. count towards total %
O Due at the end of each semester
O Submit through EagleLink
Look Over
Financial Report
Any questions?
O Off Campus Account
O Account managed by team
O NOT considered tax deductible
O Unless a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization
O FGCU Foundation
O Tax deduction letter given for donations $250+
O Only for donations – not sponsorships
O Account managed by Sport Clubs Office
Important Dates
O Annual Funding Application for FY15-16
O SCC application – due mid-September
O SCC hearings – late September
O SCC submits one budget for all teams on October 10th
to Student Government
O Each team will have budget hearing with the
Sport Clubs Council in late September
O Sport Clubs Office
Located in the Recreation Center, Alico Arena 307
O Email ::
O Phone :: 239-590-1420
O Website ::