UCLA Extension Short Course


Multiple-view Reconstruction from

Points and Lines

Single and Two view summary

Calibrated case

Recover Essential Matrix decompose to R,T

3D reconstruction

Planar case

Recover homography H decompose to R,T,n,d

Uncalibrated case

Recover Fundamental Matrix F

Projective reconstruction

Recover planar homography

(no decomposition possible)

Rotational homography (mosaics)

CS 223b J. Kosecka

Calibration with planar rig

Calibration with 3D rig

Single view

Homography between 3D plane and image plane (rectification)

Partial calibration using vanishing points

Partial calibration and pose recovery using from single view/world homography


Problem formulation

Input: Corresponding images (of “features”) in multiple images.

Output: Camera motion , camera calibration , object structure .

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Affine/Orthographic projection model

Full perspective projection model

Affine camera projection model (in-homogenous coordinates)

Good approximation if the distance from the scene >> scene depth variation

Rigid body motion under affine projection model

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Affine Multiview Factorization

Problem – given n correspondences in m views determine and 3D points

Obtained by minimization of the following objective function

Assume that the centroid of the structure is the origin of the coordinate frame and denote the centroids in the following way

Minimize with respect to

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Affine Multiview Factorization

The choice of the frame is arbitrary – further assume that

The objective function then becomes

Writing all the constrains in the matrix form

Drop ~ for clarity

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Affine Multiview Factorization

Measurement matrix Motion matrix Structure matrix

• Matrix W must have rank 3 (product of two rank 3 matrices)

• In noise case we seek best rank 3 approximation of W matrix

• Given the actual measurement matrix compute SVD

• Best rank 3 approximation is

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Affine Multiview Factorization

• Decomposition of is not unique

• Affine ambiguity Q

• The ambiguity can be resolved using rotation matrix constraints where

[Tomasi, Kanade’IJCV 1992] Factorization approach

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Projective Multiview Factorization

Measurement matrix Motion matrix Structure matrix

• Similar strategy – expect now the scales are unknown

• We don’t have the matrix W

• Matrix W is a product of two rank 4 matrices – i.e. is rank 4

• How to apply the factorization idea to projective setting ?

- need to compute scales (possible from two view reconstruction)

- or initialize the scales and iterate

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Projective Factorization Algorithm

Given a set of image points in n views

Compute the projective depths using two view methods or set

Form the measurement matrix W and find the nearest rank

4 approximation using SVD

Decompose into camera matrices and structure

Optionally reproject the and iterate

(i.e. given new motions, we can compute new scales)

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Multi-view methods

Advantages of multiview methods

- more frames – wider baseline – better conditioned algorithms

- additional complexity of matching (establishing correspondences) across multiple views

How are multi-view and two view methods related ?

Can we just run the two view algorithm for each pair of views and get better results ?

What if we are trying to do reconstruction using lines ?

Are there other constraints between multiple views then pairwise epipolar constraints ?

Next – brief tour of multilinear constraints

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Traditional multifocal constraints

For images of the same 3-D point :

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(leading to the conventional approach)

Multilinear constraints among 2, 3, 4-wise views


Rank conditions for point feature

WLOG, choose camera frame 1 as the reference

Multiple-View Matrix

Lemma [Rank Condition for Point Features]


CS 223b J. Kosecka then and are linearly dependent .


Rank conditions vs. multifocal constraints

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Rank conditions vs. multi-focal constraints

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Rank conditions vs. multifocal constraints

• These constraints are only necessary but NOT sufficient!

• However, there is NO further relationship among quadruple wise views. Quadrilinear constraints hence are redundant!

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Point Features – Uniqueness of the pre-image bilinear constraints – coplanarity constraints p p ?

o i o j

Extend to three views o i o i o j o k collinear optical centers

CS 223b J. Kosecka o k o j coplanar optical centers


Point Features – Uniqueness of the pre-image trilinear constraints o k o i o j

Given m vectors with respect to m camera frames,

They correspond to a unique point in the 3D space if the rank of the

Matrix M p is 1. If rank is 0, the point is determined up to a line on which all optical centers must lie .

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Image of a line feature

Homogeneous representation of a 3-D line

Homogeneous representation of its 2-D co-image

Projection of a 3-D line to an image plane

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Multiple-view matrix: line vs. point

Point Features Line Features

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Rank conditions: line vs. point

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Multiple-view structure and motion recovery

Given images of points:

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SVD based 4-step algorithm for SFM

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Utilizing all incidence relations

Three edges intersect at each vertex.

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. . .


Example: simulations

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Example: simulations

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Example: experiments

CS 223b J. Kosecka

Errors in all right angles < 1 o



• Incidence relations <=> rank conditions

• Rank conditions => multiple-view factorization

• Rank conditions implies all multi-focal constraints

• Rank conditions for points, lines, planes, and

(symmetric) structures.

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Global multiple-view analysis: examples

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A family of intersecting lines

CS 223b J. Kosecka each can randomly take the image of any of the lines:

Nonlinear constraints among up to four views





Universal rank condition

Theorem [The Universal Rank Condition] for images of a point on a line:

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-Multinonlinear constraints among 3, 4-wise images.

-Multilinear constraints among 2, 3-wise images.


Instances with mixed features


Case 1: a line reference Case 2: a point reference

• All previously known constraints are the theorem’s instances.

• Degenerate configurations if and only if a drop of rank.

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Generalization – restriction to a plane

Homogeneous representation of a 3-D plane

Corollary [Coplanar Features]

Rank conditions on the new extended remain exactly the same!

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Generalization – restriction to a plane

Given that a point and line features lie on a plane in 3-D space:

GENERALIZATION – Multiple View Matrix: Coplanar Features

In addition to previous constraints, it simultaneously gives homography:

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