Coventry Local School District Calamity Day – Lesson Plans

Coventry Local School District
Calamity Day – Lesson Plans
Teacher Name: Rick Glass
Grade Level: 9-10
Building/Subject Area: High School/Spanish 1
Topic: 1.) Verb Conjugating Present Tense 2).
Daily Routine w/Reflexive Verbs 3.)Describing
People/Events & Simple Future Tense.
Objectives: (What do you want students to be able to do?)1. Students will be able to conjugate verbs in the
Present Tense. 2. Students will be able to use the Present Tense of Reflexive Verbs to write about their Daily
Routine. 3. Students will be able to describe people, weather, actions and future events using the Present Tense
and Simple Future Tense.
Materials and Resources:
1. Printed Materials (Downloadable Documents)
2. Internet Resoures: Class used to acces notes
and videos to help conjugate verbs and write sentences.
3. Technologies: Computer, Internet
4. Notes: prior notes taken in class(if available-due to Calamity Day, students may not have notes.)
Prior Knowledge: (What do the students already know about this topic?)
Students will apply all previous verb conjugating, vocabulary and sentence construction skills to create
conjugations and sentences to complete assignments.
Procedure: (How will students accomplish the objectives? Describe activities, questions, and directions. List
approximate time for each.)
1. Students will download documents/view picture. (3 minutes)
2. Students will access class wikipage to use notes/videos/vocabulary to complete
conjugation/sentences/description tasks. (45 minutes)
Coventry Local Schools
Destination Excellence - Academics, Arts, Athletics
Student Assessment:(How will you determine whether the students understand the content? What evidence
will convince you that the students have met the objectives?)
Student assignments will be graded on correct spelling and placement of verb forms.
Student sentences will be graded for proper grammatical usage and subject verb agreement.
Contents of your Blizzard Bag:
Students without Internet Access will be provided a hard copy of each document/photo to complete.
Coventry Local Schools
Destination Excellence - Academics, Arts, Athletics