GCSE Spanish ~ Term 1 2011/2012 Nombre: _________________________ Clase: _______________________ You will be completing a writing controlled conditions on holidays this term. You will only have one mock before completing the actual exam this term!!!! WHAT WILL YOU ACHIEVE BY DOING THIS PROJECT? Better development of your Spanish language skills – reading, writing and speaking It will help you recognise your strengths and develop any areas of weakness You will gain more confidence and a better understanding of how the Spanish language works You will be aiming for a Grade C at GCSE!! ( By including 3 tenses and lots of details.) To challenge yourself! Prepare for Writing exam this term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT WILL IT INVOLVE? Independent learning Self assessment and peer assessment to aid learning / development 1-on-1 time with a Spanish teacher to focus on individual needs / problems Grammar practice – verbs and tenses (past, present, future) Writing detailed descriptions in Spanish paying attention to accuracy Accessing new resources and materials (both in the classroom and online) Also as much creativity and imagination as you like! And maybe a minipresentation to the group…!! USE “MIRA” HOLIDAY VOCAB HANDOUT, VERB TABLE SHEET AND LISTOS 3 TO HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THINKING = pensar HOW LONG HAVE I GOT? PLAN = organizar TASK = tarea GROUP WORK = trabajar en grupos 4 weeks (4 lessons with Mrs Osborne, plus 4 support lessons with Mrs Manser and homework sessions) Deadline = Wednesday 12th October So what’s the TASK then ???? TASK 1: Use the space below to plan or brainstorm what sort of information you think you will need to include. Year 11 writing Coursework Assessment Task – September / October 2011 Holidays – the chance to win 2 weeks in the sun You decide to enter a competition for the chance of winning a 2 week holiday to Europe. You have to write an account of your holiday experiences and preferences. You could include: A description of a recent holiday you have been on – where you stayed, how you got there, when you went, etc... What you did whilst you were there Your opinion of the holiday What type of holiday you like best and why Your plans for your holiday next year Why you think you should win the competition. Remember, in order to score the highest mark you must answer each task fully developing your answers when it is appropriate to do so (task to be minimum of 250 words, maximum 300 words) TASK 2: VOCABULARIO Use this page to write a list of useful and necessary vocabulary in order to help you complete the task Los países Las actividades (p.40 Listos 3 can help) OPINIONES (positive & negative) CONECTORES TASK 3: Write a postcard (approx. 50 words) to a Spanish person, briefly telling them about your holiday, which can be based on a real holiday or it can be completely imaginary. ALGUNAS IDEAS / SOME IDEAS: ¿Dónde estás de vacaciones? (Where) ¿Qué haces? (Activities) ¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Cómo es tu hotel? (Hotel) ¿Qué piensas de sus vacaciones? (Weather) (Opinions) ( Listos 3 might help you and give you some ideas…) TASK 4: You now need to revise how to say what you DID on holiday and also what you are GOING TO DO next year on holiday. (USE VERB TABLE SHEET!!!) Don’t be scared! You might already recognise some of the verbs in the past tense, and also recognise how to change some verbs into the future tense – you’re half way there! PAST TENSE: To give you a helping hand work in groups to first of all think WHERE you will find this information, and then secondly follow the example and fill in the table below: Ejemplo: HACER = to DO or to MAKE I did = hice VERB TENER = ‘I’ form I had = I went (did) windsurfing = hice windsurf Use in a phrase I had a TV in my room = to___________ IR = to __________ I went = Last year I went to Italy = VER = to _____________ I saw = I saw lots of monkeys = JUGAR = to ______________ I played = I played tennis on the beach = COMPRAR = To _______________ I bought = I bought a t-shirt = NADAR = To _______________ I swam = I swam in the swimming pool = VISITAR = To ________________ I visited = I visited an art museum = VIAJAR = To _________________ I travelled = I travelled by plane = (Make a list of any other verbs you might want to use) By using the past tense in my work I can achieve a LEVEL: ______ For the FUTURE TENSE look back in your exercise books – you should have a short explanation on how to write the phrase ‘I am going to …do something’ in Spanish. (You should have already used this phrase in previous End of Term Projects.) There are 3 steps: (I) ________________ + _________ + ____whole verb_____ (He / She) + + ____whole verb _____ (We) vamos + + _____whole verb____ (They) _van_______ + + whole verb ___ Practice using this tense by translating the following sentences: 1. I am going to go to Spain ________voy a ir a España____________ 2. I am going to visit a castle ____________________________________ 3. He is going to swim in the sea __________________________________ 4. We are going to travel by plane _________________________________ 5. They are going to play tennis ___________________________________ TIP Use BOTH the Past & Future Tenses to get a high LEVEL 5 Now let’s put this into practice! ~ Vamos a practicar ~ TASK 5: Mis vacaciones pasadas Read through the sentences on the left and decide which phrase on the right is the most suitable to finish the sentence on the left. Write them down and translate them into English. Some are PAST tense, some are FUTURE tense… 1. Es una ciudad bastante bonita al lado del mar, 2. Fuimos durante dos semanas al sur de España 3. De vez en cuando fui de compras porque 4. Hizo mucho calor durante mis vacaciones 5. El año que viene voy a visitar otra ciudad en España 6. En el restaurante comí 7. Después de normalmente cenar 8. Fui con mis padres y mi hermana sin embargo es muy turístico. entonces fui a la playa casi todos los días por la mañana. porque me encanta la cultura del país fuimos a la discoteca. a una ciudad que se llama Fuengirola. tenía que comprar regalos para mis amigos en Inglaterra. y también una amiga vino conmigo. sardinas frescas y paella. Which of the sentences will you use in your written controlled assessment? Which ones can you change? How? Why? Why are these sentences really good examples? What grade / mark do you think the sentences are? Why? (use writing marking criteria) Does your friend agree with you? You should now have everything you need to complete the writing task: Use the next page to write your piece of Holidays work. Year 9 writing Assessment Task –ifSeptember YouCoursework may add pictures and graphics you wish. /October 2011 Holidays – the chance to win 2 weeks in the sun You decide to enter a competition for the chance of winning a 2 week holiday to Europe. You have to write an account of your holiday experiences and preferences. You could include: A description of a recent holiday you have been on – where you stayed, how you got there, when you went, etc... What you did whilst you were there Your opinion of the holiday What type of holiday you like best and why Your plans for your holiday next year Why you think you should win the competition. Remember, in order to score the highest mark you must answer each task fully developing your answers when it is appropriate to do so (task to be minimum of 250 words, maximum 300 words) Here are a few reminders of what you need to include to make sure you get the best level possible: (you can use this as a check list before you hand in your work) Introduction, main description of holiday, conclusion Detail – describe everything Variety – avoid using the same word all the time! It’s boring! Linking Words – use these to form longer & more interesting sentences Accuracy – check Spellings, Accents, Word Order, Agreement (masc. & fem.) Refer to the Past, Present and Future!! Use the work and examples you have seen in this booklet to help you Use the next page to write your piece of Holidays work. ¡FELICITACIONES! ~ TU HAS TERMINADO ~ I think I have achieved a GRADE… BECAUSE…. My friend agrees / disagrees because…. My TEACHER thinks… Student Guide to Controlled Assessment - Marking Unit 4 – Writing Content Range of Language Accuracy of Language Marks 15 10 5 TOTAL 30 Content 13-15 Very Good Fully relevant and detailed response to the task. Sound ability to convey information clearly, express and explain ideas and points of view. Well organised structure. 10-12 Good Mostly relevant response to the task and shows ability to convey a lot of information clearly, express and explain ideas and points of view. 7-9 Sufficient Response to the task is generally relevant with quite a lot of information clearly communicated. Points of view are expressed and ideas are developed. 4-6 Limited Limited response to the task with some relevant information conveyed. Simple opinions are expressed and there is some development of basic ideas. 1– 3 Poor Very limited response to the task with little relevant information conveyed. No real structure. 0 No relevant information conveyed. Range of Language 9–10 Wide variety of appropriate vocabulary and structures. More complex sentences are handled with confidence and verb tenses are used successfully. 7–8 Good variety of appropriate vocabulary and structures used. More complex sentences are attempted and are mostly successful. 5–6 Some variety of vocabulary and structures used, including attempts at longer sentences using appropriate linking words which are sometimes successful. 3–4 Vocabulary is appropriate to the basic needs of the task and structures are mostly simple. 1–2 Inappropriate vocabulary with little understanding of language structure. 0 No language produced is worthy of credit. Accuracy 5 Largely accurate, although there may still be some errors especially in attempts at more complex sentences. Verbs and tense formations are secure. 4 Generally accurate with errors occurring in attempts at more complex sentences. Verb and tense formations are usually correct. 3 More accurate than inaccurate. Verb forms and tense formations are sometimes unsuccessful. The intended meaning is clear. 2 Many errors which often impede communication. Verb forms are rarely accurate. 1 Limited understanding of the most basic linguistic structures. Frequent errors regularly impede communication. 0 No language produced is worthy of credit. Writing Self Assessment Use the following check list to make sure your first draft of your controlled assessment is as good as you can possibly make it. Tick off the statements that you have fulfilled, then go through and improve it so that you can tick off all the statements: I have written about everything I included in my plan I have written at least 150 words (at least 3 decent paragraphs) I have organised my work, using paragraphs, so it is easy for the marker to read I have used the present tense I have used a past tense I have used a future / conditional tense I have included at least 5 adjectives (also comparatives/superlatives if you can) I have included descriptions I have given my opinions, e.g. en mi opinion, pienso que creo que I have used linking words, e.g. y pero sinembargo I have given my preferences e.g. prefiero , no me gusta I have given reasons e.g. porque I have tried to use sophisticated language and expressions I have used a variety of vocabulary, e.g. synonyms I have used a variety of structures (not too repetitive) Spellings: Check any words in the dictionary you are unsure how to spell Accents: e.g. al / a la = to, a = has, é etc– (Especially past and future tenses. Adjectives: correct ending, gender? plural? is it irregular –e.g. bonitos / bonitas? Verbs – Present – correct ending? e.g. hablo / hablan, is it irregular ? Verbs – Perfect tense . Verbs – Imperfect tense Verbs – Future – ir a + infinitive, correct part of ir eg voy, vas, va etc Writing Self Assessment Use the following check list to make sure your first draft of your controlled assessment is as good as you can possibly make it. Tick off the statements that you have fulfilled, then go through and improve it so that you can tick off all the statements: Mock 1 I have written about everything I included in my plan I have written at least 150 words (at least 3 decent paragraphs) I have organised my work, using paragraphs, so it is easy for the marker to read I have used the present tense I have used a past tense I have used a future tense I have included at least 5 adjectives (also comparatives/superlatives if you can) I have included descriptions I have given my opinions, e.g. en mi opinion, pienso que , creo que I have used linking words, e.g. y, pero, sin embargo I have given my preferences e.g. prefiero, no me gusta I have given reasons e.g. porque, entonces I have tried to use sophisticated language and expressions I have used a variety of vocabulary, e.g. synonyms I have used a variety of structures (not too repetitive) Spellings: Check any words in the dictionary you are unsure how to spell Accents: e.g. à = to, a = has, é – perfect tense (er verbs), check any words in dictionary you are unsure about Adjectives: correct ending, gender? plural? is it irregular –e.g. bonitos / bonitas? Verbs – Present – correct ending? e.g. hablo / hablan, is it irregular ? Verbs –Preterite tense Verbs – Imperfect tense Verbs – Future – ir a + infinitive, correct part of ire g voy, vas etc, conditional tense, simpl future Mock 2 Task 1 Task 2