Capitalism v. Communism


Capitalism v. Communism

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels

• Together wrote The Communist Manifesto (1847); statement of aims of Communist Party.

• Marx: father of Communism; followers called


• Marx and Engels studied the history of world’s economics (way power, industry and finances are controlled).

• Saw countries developed in stages.

Stage 1: Primitive Communism

• How humans first lived together: tribes.

• Primitive = basic

• Communism = shared (food, jobs, belongings)

• No one owned land… for a while, until a group comes to power – leads to Feudalism.

Stage 2: Feudalism

• King or emperor becomes ruler of all people

• People left uneducated and told God chose the king to rule; church backs up king.

• King gives land and privileges to “nobles” who rule the people for him.

• Trade develops: some people get richer – leads to


Stage 3: Capitalism

• Business owners get richer as workers do all the hard work (labor).

• Creates large working class who become angry.

• Working class organizes and demands change (revolution) – leads to Socialism.

Stage 4: Socialism

• In Socialist revolution, all rulers (kings, churches, capitalists) are eliminated.

• Workers take control of country to produce things for everyone.

• Because nothing made for profit, all people benefit from education and health.

• These ideas spread across the world to create –


Stage 5: Communism

• Everybody works together for benefit of everyone.

• No war, military, police; no money, social classes, state.

What is Communism?

• Social, political, and economic system in which goods are owned in common and available to all.

What is Capitalism?

• Economic and political system based on private ownership and on investment of money in business in order to make profit.

What is Imperialism?

• An unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationship between states based on domination and subordination.

What is Oppression?

• The exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, unjust or cruel manner.


• Advantages:

– Everyone gets something (equal)

– No unemployment

– Healthcare for all citizens

– Cooperation of the people (work for benefit of country)

• Disadvantages:

– Abuse of power

– Restrictions (no freedom of speech, press, religious practice)

– Censorship

– Against ethnic diversity

– Government controls property

– Individual doesn’t compete


• Advantages:

– Individuals can own property

– Individuals can prosper/compete for wages

– Freedom of speech, press, religion

– Individual work has value

– Diversity has value

• Disadvantages:

– Poverty

– Lack of healthcare for all

– Monopolies: control too much business

– Inequalities (rich/poor; haves/have nots)
