SW2277 Assignment 1, 2 and 3 20101103

Globalization, poverty and international social work, SW2277
15 higher education credits
Appendix 1
Assignments 1, 2 and 3
Web and Campus
Urban Herlitz, e-mail Urban.Herlitz@socwork.gu.se
Hauwa Mahdi, e-mail Hauwa.Mahdi@globalstudies.gu.se
Birgitta Jansson, e-mail Birgitta.Jansson@socwork.gu.se
Instructions for Assignment 1-3
These three assignments are written essays. All three assignments have the following
Should engage the question with a critical and analytical insight.
Should reflect autonomous thinking.
Should academically acknowledge literature.
Should use some of the course literature and other reliable sources.
The text of the assignment should not exceed 1500 words and should be formatted as a worddocument (not PDF or any other format). Any words exceeding the 1500 word cutoff point
will not be marked.
Examination Grading:
There are two pass grade levels, in descending order High pass (HP) and Pass (P) passing
grades; and F stands for fail. To obtain the minimum pass grade P, the student must show
critical approach to the use of literature and all other sources of information, as well as
autonomous thinking. A discourse of the theme itself must employ this critical approach in the
analysis. The essay must also show that the course literature and other relevant documents
have been used and are academically referenced. The essay should also be well structured. In
addition to the above, to obtain a HP the student’s script should reflect an extra effort in
autonomous critical thinking, show ability to use source material and editorial skills.
Scale of Grades
0 – 49 = F
50 – 74 = P
75 and Above = HP
This Grade: Each of these three assignments accounts for 15% of the total points in the
SW2277 Course.
Latest three weeks after hand-in of assignments, students will have their mark scripts back. If
one fail he/she has to rewrite and resubmit according to the teachers instruction.
Basic rule of academic production:
All written assignments in this course must conform to academic stringency, i.e. all sources
or literature in any form must be duly acknowledged. Texts which are copied from
somebody’s work should be put in quotations marks and footnoted, etc. Any acts of
plagiarism or any other form of unethical academic practices will be reported to the GU
Assignment 1:
This first assignment focuses on development and poverty.
When you write this assignment engage with these questions:
1. How can development be understood and what are the main contentious issues in the
present debates?
2. Present the different definitions of poverty and highlight the pros and cons of each
definition of the concept.
3. Discuss how development reduces and reproduces poverty.
4. Analytically consider the relationship between globalisation and poverty.
For your paper the basic sources are the books by Sen (Development as freedom) and Steger
(Globalization) and you should use them for reference. If you find argument elsewhere it´s
important to give reference as well.
In addition to the general requirements you should focus on deconstructing some of the
definitions of the concepts and the modus operandi
The essay should be submitted concurrently to hauwa.mahdi.gu@analys.urkund.se, and to
urban.herlitz@socwork.gu.se latest on November 23 at 10 am GMT as an attached word file.
Assignment 2:
This second assignment focuses on welfare state challenges and gender.
When you write this assignment engage with these questions:
1 How may we understand gender in freedom as Sen conceptualize it? What is the main focus
in his understanding of freedom and how does it relate to gender?
2. How may we understand the concepts agency, capabilities and functionings of women and
3. Discuss and analyze the challenges of the welfare state with regard to women´s paid and/or
un-paid work.
For your paper the basic sources are the books by Sen (Development as freedom) and EspingAndersen (The incomplete revolution) and you should use them for reference. If you find
argument elsewhere it´s important to give reference as well.
The essay should be submitted concurrently to hauwa.mahdi.gu@analys.urkund.se, and to
birgitta.jansson@socwork.gu.se latest on December 7 at 8 am GMT, as an attached word file.
Assignment 3:
This third assignment focuses on migration from a rights-based perspective in the context of
Analyse the similarities and differences between international and national migration and their
relationship to globalization.
When you write this assignment engage with these questions:
From a rights perspective:
1 How would you describe the relationship between poverty and migration?
2 How does livelihood challenges affect peoples decision to migrate?
3 If you were the migrant or migration officer how would you reason rights in that situation?
4 What are the gender issues in the two types (transnational and intranational) of migration?
The essay should be submitted concurrently to hauwa.mahdi.gu@analys.urkund.se, and to
hauwa.mahdi@globalstudies.gu.se latest on December 20 at 10 am GM as an attached Word