FRAME THE LESSON TEACHER: Engage: Explain: including the circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, digestive, excretory, Explore: Nervous System Brain Pop Video and Quiz - The Nervous System Graphic Organizer The Nervous System Powerpoint Pearson Textbook 8.1 Pearson Digital Component 8.1 Nervous and Endocrine System Flipped Video Pearson Digital Component 8.1 Quiz Pearson TEKS Preparation and Study Guide 8.1 7.12 B Endocrine System Endocrine Brain Pop Video and Quiz The Endocrine System Powerpoint Pearson Textbook 8.2 The Nervous System Graphic Organizer Pearson Digital Component 8.2 Nervous and Endocrine System Flipped Video Pearson Digital Component 8.2 Quiz - Elaborate: Evaluate: Pearson TEKS Preparation and Study Guide 8.2 Use a graphic organizer to list the functions of the endocrine system 7.12 B Reproductive System - Reproductive System Brain Pop Video and Quiz - Pearson Textbook 8.3 Pearson Digital Component 8.3 Quiz Pearson TEKS Preparation and Study Guide 8.3 - Stemscopes 7.12 B Assessments - We will identify the main functions - - - Objective/Key Understanding: Resources/Materials: - systems of the human organism, and endocrine systems. 11/9-11/13 7. 12 B Nervous System - identify the main functions of the reproductive, integumentary, nervous, LESSON DATE: Teaching Points & Activities Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson Noun=Underline Verb=Italicize 7.12 (B) The student is expected to CLASS: Science The Reproductive System Powerpoint The Reproductive S ystem Gra phic Organizer Stop & Check for Understanding— High Level Questions of the systems of the human What produces hormones? organism, including the What are examples of common stimuli and responses? reproductive, nervous, and endocrine systems. Closing Product/ Question/ Informal Assessment: Use a graphic organizer to list the functions of the endocrine, nervous, and reproductive systems. Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems: What are the major functions of the endocrine system? What are the major functions of the nervous system? Critical Writing Prompt: What are the major functions of the reproductive system? Write about how the body sends chemical messages to cause the Fight or Flight reaction and share a personal experience that you’ve had that caused a Vocabulary: fight or flight reaction. Rigor & Relevance: (Real World Connection) Virtual Body Link - Gland, Hormone, Brain, Spinal cord, Nerves, Neurons