Syllabus 2015-2016

International Baccalaureate
Year 2 – HL
Megan Couser :: :: 406-751-3642
Text :: @ibbiofhs16 To :: 81010
Web :: Text :: Biology for the IB Diploma – Brenda Walpole
Year One – IB Biology
Topic 1: Cell Biology
1.1/1.5 Introduction to Cells / The Origin of
1.2 Ultrastructure of cells
1.3/1.4 Cell Membranes
1.6 Cell Division
Topic 6 / Topic 11: Human and Animal Physiology
6.1 Digestion and Absorption
6.2 The Blood System
6.3/11.1 Defense against infectious disease /
Antibody Production and Vaccination
6.4 Gas Exchange
6.5 Neurons and Synapses
6.6 Hormones and Homeostasis
6.6/11.4 Sexual Reproduction
11.2 Movement
11.3 The kidney and Osmoregulation
Topic 4 / Option C: Ecology and Conservation
4.1/C.1-2 Species, Communities and
4.2 Energy Flow
4.3/C.6 Nutrient Cycling
4.4 Climate Change
C.5 Population Ecology
C.3/C.4 Impacts of Humans
Topic 9: Plant Biology
9.1/9.2 Transport in Plants
9.3 Growth in Plants
Year Two – IB Biology
Topic 2 / Topic 8: Molecular Biology
2.2 Water
2.1/2.3/2.4 Biochemistry
2.5/8.1 Enzymes
2.8/8.2 Cell Respiration
2.9/8.3 Photosynthesis
2.6/2.7/7.1/7.2/7.3 DNA Structure, Function, &
Topic 3 / Topic 10: Genetics and Inheritance
3.1 Genes
3.2 Chromosomes
3.3/10.1 Meiosis
3.4/10.2 Inheritance
3.5 Genetic Modification and Biotechnology
10.3 Gene Pools and Speciation
Topic 5 / Topic 10: Evolution, Genetics and
5.1 Evidence of Evolution
5.2 Natural Selection
5.3 Classification of Biodiversity
5.4 Cladistics
9.4 Reproduction in Plants
Daily Materials ::
IB Biology Text
Required Assignments
Student Reference Guide
Binder with Previous Notes
Writing Utensil
Guide to Statistical Analysis
Current PowerPoint Notes or Cornell Notes
Grading ::
 Exams and quizzes = 50%
 Homework = 20%
 Labs = 30%
 Semester Exam = 10%
Grades may be monitored online through the FHS website::
IB Score ::
The IB Biology Score will be determined over a two-year period and will be comprised of external
assessment (EA) or the IB biology exam, and internal assessment (IA) or lab investigations. See the
student reference guide for additional information.
EA = 80% - To be completed May 2016
IA = 20% - This will be practiced throughout year one and the final IA will be completed during
year two.
Homework Policy ::
 It is reasonable to expect that some course work cannot be replicated due to the nature of the
assignment, especially when performance based activities or experiences are used.
 It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about make-up course work. The student should
know assignment expectations and due dates.
 Students are advised to make prior arrangements with their teacher for planned absences.
Examples of planned absences are CS, JD, PS, RS, SS, and some types of EA [FHS Handbook].
 Full credit will not be awarded for late work – a minimum of 10% will be deducted each day.
 Absence on a lab day may result in a loss of credit for the lab, as some labs are not repeatable.
Accommodations will be made, when possible, if the student alerts the instructor to the
absence prior to leaving.
 Extra Credit will be discussed and assigned only if all assigned class work has been completed.
Academic Honesty ::
Honesty and integrity are valued in all FHS classrooms, programs, and activities. Dishonest and
unethical behavior, such as lying or cheating, will not be tolerated at any time by anyone. The
ramifications of academic dishonesty can be far reaching. It can impact a student’s grade point average
and class standing, chances of a student’s acceptance to a college or a job, and potential
recommendations for scholarship awards.
STUDENTS :: Retain this portion of the syllabus in your notes.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is your first homework assignment (10pts.)
Period ______________
Please detach and return to Mrs. Couser by: September 9, 2015
Syllabus Agreement
I, ___________________________________________________________________ have read, understand and agree to
the terms of the syllabus for this course.
(Student Email)
Parent / Guardian:
(Parent/Guardian Email)
Safety Agreement
See yellow form
I, ___________________________________________________________________ have read, understand and agree to
the terms of the provided safety contract for this course and agree to adhere to all safety procedure while in class.
Parent / Guardian:
iPad Use Agreement
See purple form
I, ___________________________________________________________________ have read, understand and agree to
the terms of the provided iPad use contract for this course and agree to adhere to all use criterion discussed therein.
Parent / Guardian:
International Baccalaureate
Year 2 – HL
Parent Info
Megan Couser :: :: 406-751-3642
 For weekly homework and test reminders - Text :: @ibbiofhs16 To :: 81010
Web :: Text :: Biology for the IB Diploma – Brenda Walpole
Homework Policy ::
 It is reasonable to expect that some course work cannot be replicated due to the nature of the
assignment, especially when performance based activities or experiences are used.
 It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about make-up course work. The student should
know assignment expectations and due dates.
 Students are advised to make prior arrangements with their teacher for planned absences.
Examples of planned absences are CS, JD, PS, RS, SS, and some types of EA [FHS Handbook].
 Full credit will not be awarded for late work – a minimum of 10% will be deducted each day.
 Absence on a lab day may result in a loss of credit for the lab grade, as some labs are not
repeatable. Accommodations will be made, when possible, if the student alerts the instructor
to the absence prior to leaving.
 Extra Credit will be discussed and assigned only if all assigned class work has been completed.
Helpful Hints ::
1) Prior to each topic, PowerPoint notes will be
posted to the class website. Students are
encouraged to print notes prior to class to aid in
note taking, as material will be covered quickly.
Slides can be printed with room for notes – see
2) Approximately once per topic, lecture will be given
via video and completed at home. This allows
students to get the background information
needed at home, while homework is completed in
class with the instructor near by. Video lectures
will be assigned one to two days in advance and students must complete a “Cornell Note Taking
Guide” to act as an entrance ticket the day the lecture is due.
3) The “Biology for the IB Diploma” text is written specifically to address the requirements of this
course. Reading assignments will be given in small, frequent chunks to address current
objectives. Please encourage students to read prior to lecture and to use the text when
reviewing for quizzes and exams.
4) Additional resources can be found online to supplement the textbook. Suggested resources
include: Khan Academy videos (app or YouTube), Bio Ninja (app), and Click 4 Biology (website).
5) Student labs or internal assessments are required throughout this two-year course. They
comprise 20% of the IB score and 30% of the FHS grade. The labs are entirely self-lead and
require a great deal of work. All lab requirements and guidelines can be found in the “Student
Reference Guide,” with ideas for statistical analysis found in the “Handbook to Statistical
Analysis.” Please remind students to reference these resources regularly.
IB Biology Exams ::
Students have covered more than half of the material required for the IB Biology Exam, therefore this
year will be largely focused on the remaining topics, internal assessment or formal labs, and preparing
to conquer the IB Exams.
Goal #1 – Each student is required to submit one unique and completely self-guided research
lab project (IA). This project will take approximately 10 hours of class time and will be
individually scheduled and planned by students. The goal is to complete internal assessments
prior to winter vacation.
Goal #2 – Approximately two weeks prior to spring break, students will finish learning new
content to be covered in the IB exam. At this time students will have covered 57 topics and
hundreds of subtopics. Students are encouraged to keep detailed and organized notes
throughout the two years to aid in review.
Goal #3 – Review for the exams will begin immediately following content completion and
continue until students complete the first of three exams beginning May 4, 2016. This time will
include class periods for review and frequent review quizzes, which will comprise the entirety
of the quarter four FHS grade. Preparation for review quizzes is essential to success in class and
on the exams.
“Every day is a great day at Flathead High School”
Peter Fusaro – Principal