Sorotan Kajian Berkaitan

Mengenai maksud sorotan literatur dan
menjelaskan kepentingannya.
Dapat mengenalpasti bahan rujukan yang
sesuai untuk membuat sorotan literatur
Mengetahui langkah-langkah untuk
memulakan sorotan literatur
Menulis sorotan literatur
Is like a summary of all the
other researches that have the
same topic interest
Ringkasan penulisan daripada rujukan
Menjelaskan maklumat semasa dan selepas kajian
Disusunkan menjadi tajuk-tajuk
Laporan bahan rujukan berdasarkan tema atau kajian
Dokumen yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan kajian
Mengkaji kajian-kajian berkaitan bagi mengenalpasti
sejauh mana sesuatu masalah yang diminati telah
Meninjau semula sesuatu sumber bahan bertulis,
termasuk laporan-laporan hasil kajian yang lepas
yang telah dilakukan sebelum ini.
is a body of text that aims to review the
critical points of current knowledge on a
particular topic.
Literature reviews are secondary sources,
and as such, do not report any new or
original experimental work.
Its ultimate goal is to bring the reader up to
date with current literature on a topic and
forms the basis for another goal, such as
future research that may be needed in the
Sorotan literatur yang baik mempunyai ciri-ciri:
• Aliran idea yang logik
• Gaya rujukan yang sesuai, semasa, relevan
dengan konsisten
• Penggunaan istilah yang sesuai
• Tidak bias dan pandangan yang
komprehensif daripada kajian yang lepas
According to Cooper (1988)
"a literature review uses as its database reports of
primary or original scholarship, and does not report new
primary scholarship itself.
The primary reports used in the literature may be verbal,
but in the vast majority of cases reports are written
documents. The types of scholarship may be empirical,
theoretical, critical/analytic, or methodological in nature.
Second a literature review seeks to describe, summarize,
evaluate, clarify and/or integrate the content of primary
Mengapa Perlu?
Bersesuaian dengan matlamat penyelidikan
saintifik untuk mengukuhkan teori dalam sesuatu
bidang dengan sama ada mengesahkan hipotesis
atau mengenepikan hipotesis yang belum
dipastikan kesahihannya.
Elemen terpenting dalam sesuatu kajian.
Seharusnya relevan dengan permasalahan kajian.
Tujuan Sorotan Kajian
Meluaskan asas pengetahuan dalam sesuatu bidang
penyelidikan yang dibuat.
Penyelidik boleh mengetahui makna pemboleh ubah
yang dikaji.
Untuk tujuan menerangkan masalah tentang kajian
yang ingin dilakukan.
Untuk membuat justifikasi tentang kepentingan kajian
iaitu mengapa kajian tersebut perlu dijalankan.
Memperbaiki kaedah penyelidikan
Dapat memberi perbandingan antara kajian yang
sebelum dengan kajian penyelidik iaitu sama ada
terdapat persamaan atau perbezaan antara pemboleh
ubah yang dikaji
Membolehkan pengkaji membuat cadangan secara
teoritikal dan cadangan pada masa akan datang.
Menerang dan menjelaskan latar belakang masalah, mengenal pasti
dan menyatakan masalah.
Membolehkan penyelidik menentukan sejauh mana sesuatu bidang
telah dikaji
Memahami teori bidang kajian:
 Memberi perspektif terhadap penyelidikan
 Membolehkan penilaian secara objektif, teratur dan rasional ke
atas penyelidikan.
Mempelajari kaedah dan teknik yang sesuai untuk menyelesaikan
masalah, dan mengenal pasti alat-alat kajian
Boleh mengelak pengulangan kesilapan pada penyelidikan
terdahulu, dan mengelak pengulangan kajian yang tidak
Membantu menganalisis dan mentafsir dapatan supaya lebih
bermakna dan berkesan: membiasakan diri dengan teori sesuatu
Menunjukkan kebolehan, keupayaan dan pengetahuan penyelidik
dalam bidang yang dikaji
Membantu menganalisis dan mentafsir dapatan supaya lebih
bermakna dan berkesan: membiasakan diri dengan teori sesuatu
Menunjukkan kebolehan, ke
Meningkatkan pemahaman tentang teori terkini
dalam bidang yang dikaji
Menjelaskan latar belakang masalah yang dikaji
Mendedahkan kepada kaedah dan teknik
Membantu mengelakkan daripada mengulangi
kelemahan dan kesilapan
Membantu mentafsir dapatan kajian
Membantu meningkatkan kewibawaan dalam
disiplin ilmu yang dikaji
Membantu meningkatkan keyakinan dan motivasi
Documents the importance of the research
problem at the beginning of the study
Supports the theory or explanation used in
the study
Provides an explanation for the results in
other studies and in the theoretical
prediction at the end of the study
• Mengandungi makalah hasil penyelidikan,
penemuan terbaharu, kertas konsep, kertas
• Sumber utama penyelidik berpengalaman
untuk mengetahui perkembangan terkini
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
• ERIC (Educational Research Information Centre)
• PsycINFO
• Sociofile
• Social Science Citation Index
• Dissertation Abstracts
Encyclopedia of Educational Research and Studies
Research books in the libraries. Some of these
materials have a dedicated part in their structure
leading to a summarized form of research results. You
may see this part right after the dissertation
look for published thesis materials of other
students. They will also have the literature
review section but that is not what you should be
using. Instead, use the main documents of the
research owners as your review resource.
Always make sure that you reference each and
every factual claim they have presented in the
Try to look for a dissertation help online. There
are so many custom paper services available
which can give you free examples of literature
research parts. Aside from requesting for
examples, you may actually place an order for a
complete dissertation.
• The Review of Educational Research
• Panduan tidak berjilid kurang daripada 50 ms.
• e-journals
Kata kunci - Identify key terms – key-words (kata
Lokasi - Locate literature - cari bahan bertulis yang
terkini berkaitan dengan apa yang hendak dikaji.
Nilai - Critically evaluate and select the literature baca abstrak /ringkasan untuk menentukan
kesesuaian bahan
Kenal pasti: objektif, tujuan, kaedah kajian, dapatan,
perbincangan, kesimpulan & implikasi.
Susun - Organize the literature
Tulis - Write a review - buat rumusan sorotan kajian
lepas untuk membentuk masalah kajian.
Write a preliminary “working title” for the
project and select two or three key words
that capture the essence of the project
Pose a short general research question that
you would like to answer in the study
Look in a thesaurus of terms to find words
that match your topic
Scan the contents in your library stacks and
the table of contents of educational journals
Is it a good, accurate source?
◦ National journal?
◦ Reviewed source?
◦ Research study?
Is the source worthy of inclusion?
◦ Topic relevance: Is the literature on the same topic as your
proposed study?
◦ Individual and site relevance: Does the literature examine
the same individuals and sites you want to study?
◦ Problem relevance: Does the literature examine the same
research problem as you propose in your study?
◦ Accessibility relevance: Is the literature available in your
library or can it be downloaded from a Web site?
Identify key terms for the topic and put them at
the top of the map
Sort studies into topical areas or “families of
Provide a label for each box which will become a
heading for the review
Develop the map on as many levels as possible
Draw a box toward the bottom of the figure that
says “my proposed study”
Draw lines connecting the proposed study with
other branches of the literature
Use consistent style manual approach
◦ End-of-text references
◦ Within-text references
◦ Tables/figures
Study Abroad
Attitudes Toward
Study Abroad
King, Young,1994
The Need for Teaching Programs
to Be Culturally Responsive
Bennett, 1995; Eastman,
Smith, 1991; Grant 1994; Noel, 1995
Personal Insights
of Preservice Teachers
Friesen, Kang
McDougall, 1995;
Mahan, Stachowski, 1991
Martin, Rohrlich ,
1991; Stachowski,
Predominately English
Speaking Cultures
Mahan, Stachowski, 1990;
Quinn, Barr, McKay,
Jarchow, Powell, 1995;
Vall, Tennison, 1992
Personal Insights
of Preservice
Cockrell, Placier,
Cockrell, Middleton,
1999; Goodwin, 1997;
Kea, Bacon, 1999
Need for Further Study:
Non-English Speaking Cultures
Question: Do short-term study
abroad programs in non-English
speaking cultures help create
cultural responsiveness in
preservice teachers?
Smollen, 1995;
Rodriguez, Sjostrom,
1995; Vavrus, 1994
Cooper, Beare,
Thorman, 1990;
Larke, Wiseman,
Bradley, 1990
Need for Further Study: Non-English Speaking Cultures
Question: “Do short term study abroad programs in non-English
speaking cultures help create cultural responsiveness in preservice teachers?
U.S. Programs
Study Abroad
Attitudes Toward
Study Abroad
(King, Young 1994)
Personal Insights of
Preservice Teachers
(Friesen, Kang,
McDougall, 1995)
Predominately English
Speaking Cultures
(Mahan, Stachowski,
Macdonald, Smolen,
Personal Insights
of Preservice
Teachers (Cockrell,
Placier, Cockrell,
Milleton, 1999
(Cooper, Beare,
Thorman, 1990)
Susun secara sistematik.
Secara kronologi.
Perincian tajuk dan penerangan isi ikut
urutan logik.
Susun daripada umum kepada khusus.
Susun dapatan mengikut tema/tajuk,
bincangkan dapatan yang menyokong dan
yang berlawanan serta rumuskan dapatan
tersebut supaya boleh dikaitkan dengan
kajian yang dibuat.
Mencatat masalah atau isu yang menjadi asas kajian
Mengenalpasti perbincangan meliputi konsepkonsep utama, teori, dan model berkaitan.
Kekuatan dan kelemahan reka bentuk kajian dari
segi kaedah, instrumen, persampelan, pengumpulan
data, analisis data, dapatan dan tafsiran dapatan.
Maklumat pengarang, tarikh, tajuk, penerbit, tempat
diterbitkan, petikan, muka surat dan sumber
dicatatkan dengan tepat dan jelas.
Berhenti apabila dirasakan sudah mencukupi
(sorotan literatur sebagai sebahagian proses,
bukannya hasil penyelidikan)
 ‘flow of ideas’ yang logik.
 Rujukan semasa dan relevan dengan gaya yang
konsisten dan bersesuaian.
 Penggunaan terminologi yang sesuai.
 Tidak bias dan pandangan yang konprehensif
terhadap tajuk kajian yang lepas.
Writing a Literature
Types of Reviews
Thematic Review
◦ Literature documents the theme identified by
◦ No study discussed in detail
Assessment for learning is based on a studentinvolved approach to classroom assessment and
has been well documented by Guskey (2003),
Stiggins (2002, 2001), and others.
Study-by-study review
◦ Detailed review of each study
◦ Studies grouped by themes
◦ Summaries linked by transitional sentences
Black and Wiliam (1998) proposed that formative
assessment was an essential component of
classroom assessment based on the assumption
that improved student learning is ultimately the
responsibility of classroom teachers.
To cite is simply to refer to someone's work in some way, naming one
or more of their publications
A citation refers, then, to the fact of referring to an author or their
work. The reasons for referring to other authors relate more to
attribution, and may reflect a need both to recognise other writers'
work and to call upon their authority to support your own argument.
Hefe, Altheide & Johnson (1994)
Cite specific works by 3 authors:
"Works and criteria suggested by Dingwall (1992), Hammersley
(1990) and Guba (1990) have been particularly helpful"
The writers make no direct evaluative and interpretive comments
about Dingwall et al. They don't attribute any particular findings or
opinions to them; they simply cite their work.
To attribute an idea is to publicly associate an author
with a particular opinion, finding or actual statement
(perhaps quoted).
In the examples given below, we can see not only the
association of authors and ideas, but the strength or
character of that association:
Attributing an idea and an attitude:
Henderson (1969) argues that universities are the
guardians of intellectual freedom and the search for truth.
Generally, we use quotations when we
either want to;
a) acknowledge an author's idea or
b) use their exact words.
Contoh artikel asal yang akan digunakan untuk
membuat sorotan literatur (quotation dan paraphrase)
Malaysia’s version of the national service is likely to be milder than
that of the South Korean model. This is because Malaysia’s aims
are different. The prospective trainees should look forward eagerly
to the training being provided as this will help in building up their
character and the will be mentally better prepared to face the future.
It will also be a good thing if the graduate with a greater sense of
loyalty in serving the country and their responsibilities as good
citizens. But most importantly, national service help promote racial
peace and harmony and the understanding to live as one people.
Racial discord is the biggest threat to Malaysia’s peace and stability
and this can destroy all the good work of years of independence.
Without racial understanding, all will be last.
Adapted from The Star, 14th November 2002, pg. 12.
Article written by: VK Chin
Active Form:
Chin (2002) suggests that the most important aspect of national
service is that it”…helps promote racial peace And harmony and the
understanding to live as one people.”
Passive Form:
It is suggested that national service is important because
it”…helps promote racial peace and harmony and the understanding
to live as one people.” (Chin, 2002)
(Perenggan yang menjelaskan cabaran semasa pendidikan abad ke-21 yang
menekankan kepada perubahan peranan guru)…..Tun Mahathir dalam
ucapannya ketika melancarkan MSC dua belas tahun yang lalu.
“Teachers will need to change their role in the electronic
classroom from being information provides to counselors to
help students develop know how and judgment to select
information sources. Key success in the Information Age
will be making the right judgments between awesome
array of choices”
(Tun Mahathir Mohamed, 1996)
(Perenggan selepasnya adalah membincangkan idea yang lain tetapi
berkaitan dengan perenggan di atas … pastikan continuity idea daripada
peranggan ke peranggan berterusan..
Berdasarkan artikel yang dibaca,
sorotan literatur boleh dilakukan dalam bentuk ‘paraphrase
Active Form:
Chin (2002) suggests that the most important aspect of national service is
that it can help enhance racial unity and thus help the people of Malaysia to
live as one nation.
Passive Form:
It is suggested that the most important aspect of national service is that it
can help enhance racial unity and thus help the people of Malaysia to live
as one nation. (Chin, 2002).
Theme: opening the sentence:
Theme position means the first word in the sentence. Whatever is placed there is what
you are talking about & has some importance in the sentence. Putting authors here
gives them far more significance than just putting them in brackets at the end of the
Reported Speech
Reported speech is simply the words of the author taken out
of quotation marks and put into a reported form.
These are either verbatim statements (i.e. exact original
wording) or they are a close paraphrase;
e.g.'Marx said that ... - the rest is either verbatim or closely
The general rule with reported speech is to turn everything
into the past tense. This is commonly seen in journalism,
when live speech is regularly turned into the next day's news
Note: Since academic texts tend always to be regarded as
'live' documents, it is common to find the present tense used;
'Henderson (1969) states that ...'.
The opening of the Methods section is the usual place for
more detailed reference to other researchers' use of your
methodology. Take the following example, where the writer
states her intention to 'build on the previous research':
"In order to build on the previous research and extend it to
reflect the widespread use of process-oriented ESL
composition pedagogy, the present study applies the
methodology used by Cohen (1987) and McCurdy
(1992)". (Ferris, 1995)
Results & Interpretation
More usually, you will be reporting that, at a general
level, your findings confirm what many other academics
have found.
" earlier studies of L2 students' reactions to their
teachers' feedback (Hedgecock & Lewkowicz, 1994;
McCurdy, 1992), this study showed that ESL writing
students in general take their teachers' feedback quite
seriously and pay a lot of attention to it". (Ferris, 1995)
This is the section of a report where you interpret your findings. In both
these cases, e.g., the findings seem to confirm the hypothesis of other
"This (finding) implies that strategy training can be incorporated early - as
our study shows, even at a pre-intermediate level - in an L2 teaching syllabus,
which is in accordance with Savignon's original recommendation". (Dornyei,
" earlier studies of L2 students reactions to their teachers'
feedback (Hedgecock & Lewkowicz, 1994; McCurdy, 1992), this study
showed that ESL writing students in general take their teachers'
feedback quite seriously and pay a lot of attention to it". (Ferris, 1995)
General Discussion
You may have included Interpretation in your Results section, or
delay it to a Discussion section. A 'General Discussion' section
allows you to relate your findings back to the wider literature, notably
to the work of other researchers mentioned in your Introduction.
"It is also interesting to note that the results yielded by this study
parallel those reported by both Santos (1988) and Vann et al (1984)
in two ways. First, in terms of relative severity of error types,
professors in all three studies considered errors of word order and
relative clause to be among the most serious ... . Second, all three
studies found that faculty in the Social Sciences were the most
tolerant of non-native-speaker writing errors in general".
(Janopoulos, 1992: 116)
Contoh lain:
Arter and McTighe (2001) also agree with instructional
benefits in teachers using more generic rubrics and in
teaching students to use them as well. From a similar
perspective, Bruce (2001) proposed that selfassessment is a way to operationalize the current focus
on standards-based assessment.
Some experts view peer-assessment as a strategy on
its own, but more often it is seen to be complementary
to self-assessment (Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall &
Wiliam, 2004). Atau (Black, et. al, 2004)
Kata kunci dalam penulisan
sorotan literatur yang boleh
digunakan semasa anda
Examine - memeriksa
Min-Zhan Lu (1992) has examined the differences between ... L1
composition pedagogies ... (Severino, 1993)
Address - ????
Kuno (1992) specifically addressed the distribution of these two
particles and concludes that ...
Develop - membentuk
Maltz and Borker (1982) developed lists of what they described
as men's and women's features of language. (Pennycook, 1993)
use [X to do Y] – menggunakan x untuk menyatakan y
Barone (1989; 1993), for example, has used educational criticism to
focus attention on how schools fail to meet the needs of underachieving
students. (Flinders & Eisner, 1994)
Stress - menekankan
In 1970, Foucault began to stress the connection between reason
and power. (Poster, 1994)
Suggest - mencadangkan
Lakoff's pioneering work suggested that womens' speech typically
displayed a range of features ... which marked it as inferior and weak.
(Pennycook, 1994)
Propose - mencadangkan
Sheetz-Brunetti and Johnson (1983) have proposed the
use of simple diagrams ... to teach ESL compositions skills
Argue - bersetuju
Mies argues that the domestication ... of women in the
metropolitan nations is dependent on the exploitation of the
Third World. (1986)
Demonstrating a Case
Demonstrate - ???
As Tollefson (1989) demonstrates, it is often the case that U.S.
policies ... have contributed to their immigration to the U.S. in the first
place [Severino, 1993]
Show - menunjukkan
Meyer's research (1975) has shown that the hierarchical content
structure of a text plays an important role in reading
comprehension. (Carrell, 1987)
Johnson et al (1985) showed that on average there was actually
more Cantonese spoken than English ... (Bruce, 1990)
Menurut Abdul Shukor (2005)….
Arfan (20010
Mencadangkan …
Solomon (2003
menyatakan …
De Vries (2002) memberi
References usually come at the end of a text (essay or
research report) and should contain only those works
cited within the text.
Bibliography is any list of references at the end of a text,
whether cited or not. It includes texts you made use of, not
only texts you referred to in your paper, but your own
additional background reading, and any other articles you
think the reader might need as background reading.
References vs Bibliography ….
Both Refs. & Bibliog. must be in alphabetical order; and
each entry must be laid out in a strictly ordered sequence.
• Cuba, L. (1988) A Short Guide to Writing in the Social
Sciences. London: Scott Foresman.
• Friedman, S. & S. Steinberg (1989) Writing and thinking
in the Social Sciences. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall
Plagiarism is usually conceived - at least in western
academic communities - as the theft of intellectual
property, either by:
• The unattributed copying of another person's words
• The unacknowledged appropriation ('taking') of their
What is plagiarism?....
Students who have problems studying and
writing in a foreign language tend simply
to rely too heavily on the words and ideas of
the writers they read.
Academics tend to see their ideas and words are the 'tools
of their trade', which help define their professional identity.
But they also continually 'borrow' each other's language
and ideas - like borrowing clothes. So, they have
developed the custom of publicly acknowledging whose
words - whose 'clothes' -they have borrowed. You failure to
do this is often interpreted by teachers as pretending the
words or ideas are yours, and is therefore seen as a
crime. In this sense, it is seen as a social crime, a
dishonest attempt to claim authorship of others'
words or ideas for yourself.
A theoretical framework is a collection of
interrelated concepts, like a theory but not
necessarily so well worked-out. A
theoretical framework guides your research,
determining what things you will measure,
and what statistical relationships you will
look for.
The theoretical framework of the study is a
structure that can hold or support a theory of a
research work. It presents the theory which
explains why the problem under study exists.
Thus, the theoretical framework is but a
theory that serves as a basis for
conducting research.
• It helps the researcher see clearly the variables of
the study;
• It can provide him with a general framework for data
• It is essential in preparing a research proposal using
descriptive and experimental methods
For example:
Thesis examines the gatekeeping, news selection and reportage of world
news in leading Philippine dailies and primetime newscasts.
Basic theory 1
Media Organization, Selection, and Production. McQuail’s
theory on media as an institution takes into account all forces
that affect media’s performance. (After: Littlejohn, 1992)
For example:
Basic theory 2
Selective Gatekeeping. Galtung and Ruge selective gatekeeping
theory suggests that news from around the world are evaluated using
news values to determine their newsworthiness. (After Mc Quail and
Windahl 1993, p. 166)
For example:
Basic theory 3
Model of the Agenda Setting Theory. Malcolm McCombs and Donald
Shaw’s theory simply states that the issues given most attention by the
media will be perceived as the most important. (Before: McQuail and
Windahl 1993)
For example:
Combined theory
Integrated Theoretical Framework. The integrated theoretical
framework shows how media content is shaped by pressures to the
media organization, selective gatekeeping and agenda setting.