Central Service Minutes

Central Service Committee Meeting
United Memorial Church
Young Street, Halifax
1. Welcome and Open: Meeting opened by George M at 7:02 p.m. with a
few moments of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer; all were
welcomed to the November CSC meeting.
2. Call for Items to be added to the agenda: Marilyn New York Delegate
3. Twelve Traditions: The Twelve Traditions were read by Tara M.
4. Roll Call: The Sign In sheet circulated the room while roll call took place,
the following people were present:
George M. Chair CSC; Foster L. Co-Chair CSC; Bill P. Treasurer, Paula
D. Secretary, Christopher H. Webmaster; Tara M. Serenity Sisters,
Niall S CSR Acceptance, Terri L. CSR Sunday Night Serenity, Gary M
CSR Sunrise, David T CSR West End Step, Craig M CSR Back to Basics,
Bob R ALT CSR Keep It Simple, Tom R DCM District 1, John A
Downtown Dartmouth, Trudy D. Newsletter Editor; Arlene P. CSR Cole
Harbour; Callista A. ALT CSR Downtown Dartmouth; Karen G. CSR
Downtown Dartmouth; Jamie Q. CSR Four Seasons; Bruce B. CSR
Atlantic Group; Dave T. CSR West end Step; Shawn M. CSR Keep It
Simple; Brenda B. Cole Harbour, Craig M, Back 2 Basics, Barry H.
Sunrise DCM District 2, Evan M, Alt DCR Four Seasons, Marilyn R
Sunday Morning Breakfast GSO Delegate
5. 7th Tradition: $26.90 Collected, Taken by Bill P.
6. Minutes Approved from Previous Meeting: Recommended for
approval by Karen G. (Approved)
7. Reports:
Secretary: All is well. There is nothing to report at this time.
Recommended for approval by Shawn - Approved
Treasurer: Opening balance $7, 225.08, credits $623.00, cheques
cleared $2,292.44, Outstanding Cheques $1,030.00, operating balance
$4,525.64, Prudent Reserve $3,168.67, total available funds $7,694.31.
Recommended for approval by Bruce – Approved.
Co-Chair: December was quiet with most everyone busy preparing for
the Christmas season. A final revised insurance policy which reflects the
$2,000,000 coverage and all 27 participating groups has been received. A
copy is available here tonight for those who wish to pick it up after the
meeting. I thank Bill for making copies. This month George represented
Central Service at both District one and two; I was present at District 2
simply to provide some final information on the recent Assembly. Thanks
George. George and I met with Barry and Tom on December 13th to
review our relationships over the past year and discuss how we can
further assist each other in this final year of our terms. These meetings
continue to be beneficial to all. I am looking forward to working with all of
you in 2014. Should any of you be considering the Co-Chair position in
2015 now is a good time to talk about it; I am available should you wish
to do so. Yours in service, Foster L Co-Chair, Central Service Committee
recommended for Approval by Brenda – Approved
Chair: December was a great month for me for family, friends, meetings
and lots of fellowship. I attended both district meetings in Dec. and
Foster and I look forward to continuing our close working relationship
with Tom, Barry and their committees. Easing into the second and final
year of our term as the Central Service Committee brings with it a
number of the responsibilities we accepted as trusted servants when we
took on these roles – one of which is to help to prepare the next
committee of trusted servants who will follow us. We started this
discussion in Nov. and I have heard from several of you already, thank
you to those who have responded. Over the next two months, Foster and
I will be following up with Chairs, Alternates and office holders to
continue this important discussion. I urge you to continue to promote the
Mid-Winter Round-up with friends and at meetings. Please connect with
me if you have comments, questions and/or suggestions for me as your
Chair. Yours in service, George. Recommended for Approval by NileApproved
Newsletter: Hi all! Everything is rolling along at the newsletter position.
Once again this month I missed a birthday announcement and so the
version has now been updated online and the printed version is accurate.
I had received a few "suggestions" that the newsletter was too long, after
discussing this with the CS Chair I decided that in fairness to groups and
others who enjoy the blurbs as well as the information, the length will be
what it will be and groups can print off whatever pages they deem
important to them. This is just a reminder that the 25th of each month is
the deadline for information to be submitted each month. Thanks for
letting me serve, Trudy. Recommended for approval by Jamie Approved
Entertainment: We had our last bowling for the year on December 8
with approximately nine in attendance. Bowling will resume on January
12 and February 9 and every second Sunday until the summer. The New
Year’s Eve dance was a success with approximately 65 people in
attendance. However, the costs associated with this event are so high
that the committee will be looking at options to improve this. The
committee is considering another dance in the spring! I have booked
Dollar Lake for the long weekend in August for the 2nd annual camping
trip. This is tentative, however. The New Years eve Dance there was a
profit of $311.02. I returned to CSC $555.00 cash plus a $300.00 check
not cashed. Foster thanked Brenda for all her hard work and keeping in
budget. Great Job Brenda!!!! Kind regards, Brenda Bruce Entertainment
Chair. Foster thanked Brenda for all her hard work and within budget.
Great job Brenda!! Recommended for Approval by Dave - Approved
Webmaster/Website/E-mail: 1. Help Emails: December had thirteen
helps emails with topics ranging from information on meetings, looking
for a sponsor and an oddly large number of people asking about open
versus closed meetings and what membership entails. All requests were
handled promptly, with all twelve step requests being connected with AA
Member who are working the steps.
2. Contact List: All members of Central Service Committee have access to
a contact list that was created a few months ago. If there is any feedback
on this, please let the Website Admin know in order to determine its
effectiveness. It can be accessed at the bottom of the left menu on the
3. Meeting List: Please take a look at the current meeting list online and
email webmaster.aahalifax@gmail.com if you would like the information
changed for the next version.
4. The electronic mailing list now has 300 subscribers receiving new
information on AA information within HRM on a monthly basis. Feedback
has been great thus far. If you would like to see something new, email
the Website Admin with your idea. The "book of the month" is one such
idea which seems to be working out very well.
5. The website as a whole has received 1691 hits in the past 30 days,
with the Meeting list the most visited followed by the Newsletter then Mid
Winter Roundup Page. Thank you everyone who has been contributing
and for continuing to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers
Christopher H, AA Halifax Website Administrator Recommended for
Approval by Craig - Approved
Hospital: Ready by Paula as Mary Lou was absent. Two people were
visited in Halifax during Christmas and through early January. One as a
patient at the HI and has since been released. The other is a long term
patient at the Abby Lane. Wade H. and Wayne O. will continue visits with
this patient. Thank you, Mary Lou C. Co-Chair Recommended for Approval
by Garth - Approved
Telephone: Samaira was absent. Paula D read the report that was
emailed to her. I am very sorry I am unable to attend the meeting
tonight. I am sure none of you want this cold. I thought it best if I stay
home. I would like to first say, thank you to all who participated in the
workshop. From where I was standing, it was a great success. There were
wonderful questions and great feedback on how to improve the phone
service. I look forward in having another workshop when the new
committee is voted in. If you are thinking about joining he committee
next term, please call us and we can fill you in with what it is we do. I
have become aware of some issues people are having getting a hold of
people on the 12th Step Call list. I can’t stress the importance of having
the list of names that we can call "When anyone, anywhere reaches out
for help, I want the hand of AA to always be there." Please know that we
are in need of people on the 12th Step Call list. If AA gave you a life you
never thought possible, please give back. For the weekend phone list,
please call the group that had the phone the weekend before you to
arrange for the exchange. If you have any questions, please feel free to
call me at 252-4247(work), 252-6723(home) or my cell 476-3057. Yours
in Service Samaira G. phone chair Recommended for Approval by Callista
- Approved
Mid-Winter Round Up: Treasurer – Jacqueline reported current activity
on the account were services charges of $2.50, $500. Deposit for the
Hotel and a deposit of $75.00, leaving a balance of $1,080.86 in the
chequing account. Petty cash had a disbursement for Registration of
$26.00 leaving $102.04.
On the overall budget we have $1,530 in expenses, and revenue of
$2,210, with a surplus of $680 for the month of December. Pay pal is now
working. Trudy reported that the Program was about complete and is
handing it out to the Committee for proof reading. The Committee was
seeking $150.00 to cover the costs of the gifts for the Speakers. This will
be framed photographs of the Waterfront with a backing which will allow
signatures from Committee members. The dancers and drummers for
Friday night are confirmed. The Interpreter is confirmed with his students
for signing. The Program is now posted to the A.A. Web site.
The Perpetual Candles are available for the Friday night lighting.
In the foyer of the Round up there will be an A.A. literature table, the
Coffee and Book raffle table, Al-Anon table, the Archives and possibly
someone from New Brunswick selling A.A. chips, Medallions etc. It is
understood a token fee will be paid for this last table and not affiliated
with A.A. The D.J. for the dance is confirmed with Shawn. The Kitchen
Party on Friday Night will be from 9:30 to 1:00 a.m. The flyer is also on
the Al-Anon website. There have been confirmed 110 for banquet tickets.
The next meeting will be on January 19, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. at room 619
Holiday Inn Dartmouth. Read by Jim as Murdo was absent.
Recommended for Approval by Tara M - Approved
Literature: Opening Balance $1078.26, Debits $1,922.58, Credits
$1,013.10, Total $168.78. The literature committee had a productive
December. Karen submitted the book of the month which was “Dr. Bob
and the Good Old Timers.” We pre-ordered 100 of the 75th Anniversary of
the BB. To date there are 38 books pre-ordered at a cost of $13.50 per
book. I have handed out a flyer to take back to your groups. It has my
contact number. I feel that it is important to let our fellowship know that
these books can only be pre-ordered, to be delivered in Apr. After talking
to GSO, this is a limited release, and when the books are gone that will
be it. So if there is enough interest and the first 100 sell in a timely
manner, then we will look at ordering more. Just for an example my
home group has purchased one to be placed on the chairs table for each
meeting. There will be a flyer in next month’s newsletter and the flyer is
on the website.
The literature committee has 5660.28 on hand, which consists of 5491,
50 inventory and around 200.00 in the bank. Cash in the bank is lower
than normal as it cost $1,289.00 to pre-order the 75th edition of the BB
and I am topping everything up in anticipation of the 2014 round up. To
date one group has requested us to come to their home group and
display what is available, this service is not to sell to your group, but to
display the variety of literature available. I have had some questions on
pamphlets; Pamphlets can be purchased as a package, this option you
are getting many that are not used. Groups can order individual
pamphlets in any number and just have to re supply the most popular
ones. There is also lots of free literature on the GSO website. If your
group would like any of this, let Karen or I know and when we place an
order, it will be included and you will avoid shipping. Recommended for
Approval by Tara – Approved
District 1: District #1 is doing very well. Fred chaired the meeting.
There is a new Co-Chair for corrections, Rachel. I am trying to meet with
groups that don’t have GSR in their group. I am getting out to meetings.
We are well financially. The meetings are well attended. I also went to
the New Years dance and Cocktail party. Fred won’t be taking over as
DCM from Alternate. Looking for persons interested in being District 1
Chair. Fred D’s mom died please keep him in your prayers.
Recommended for approval by Chris - Approved
District 2: I would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year from your
friends at District 2. It has been a quiet month in our District with
everyone getting ready for the holidays. With that said, the Christmas
gathering on December 24th was a great success. It was well attended
and many people expressed their gratitude to the members putting it
together. Our workshop committee has been very active in getting
workshops scheduled in the New Year. Both Bob and Fred can be
contacted if you wish to put one on. Please feel free to look at the
schedule posted on the website for workshops already planned for 2014.
Our next meeting will be on Sunday, January 19, 2014 at 2:00 pm
(Dundas Street) and if you would like to visit that would be great. We
are in an election year and I would like all of you in Central Service to
consider looking at an opportunity to get involved in District as a General
Service Rep for your group. I understand it is early but your dedication
to your group as a Central Service Rep has been outstanding and if you
wish to continue your service work this would be a great opportunity. If
you have any questions regarding this please feel free to contact myself
or DCM District 1 Tom. I look forward to working with all of you this
year!! Yours in Service Barry H. / DCM District 2 Recommended for
approval by Arlene - Approved
MCYPAA: 1. MCYPAA 2014 will take place May 2, 3 and 4th at King's
College in Halifax, NS. We are selling Big Book Covers and Bracelets as
fundraising activities. Funds go back into MCYPAA. Program drafts are
being worked on. An-Anon and Alateen are involved. We have a vote on
Jeopardy and it won’t be involved this year. There will be workouts on
Saturday and Sunday mornings. There will also be Step 11 and
meditation workshops. Pay Pal is being established. All positions have
been filled. We intend to have literature there as well. We are always
looking for keen young people who want to get more involved. If you or
someone you know is interested in this opportunity please contact email
MCYPAA.Halifax@gmail.com for more information. Christopher H,
MCYPAA 2014 Chair recommended for Approval by Garth – Approved
GSO Central Service Report: Happy New Year Everyone! Since the
Assembly in October, everything has been rather quiet in the Area as
people were busy getting ready for Christmas, and along with
snowstorms District Meetings had to be cancelled. However, now as we
all begin a new year, we are enthusiastic to get going with new vigour
and vitality. There will be District Meetings, Workshops, and Roundups
taking place the next few months in Area 82. We must talk and spread
the word about these functions so people will be reminded to attend.
Tim, our Area Chairperson will soon be sending an email inviting Districts
and Groups requesting agenda topics for the Service Weekends. Also,
the GS Conference is held April 27-May 2, 2014. There is a lot of
material and information sent via email and post these days from the GS
Office. If you have any item or items that you want me to bring to the
conference or the GSO please let me know. At the local level here, it is
wonderful to see the leadership taking place and this is so important
especially when rotation of officers comes around so there will be a
smooth transition. Thank you for setting an example through your
leadership, mentorship and generosity! The new officers will know
exactly what to do, and thus will carry the message! One more note The
Provincial Round up will be June 13, 14, and 15th in New Minas. The NS
Service Weekend will be the May 30th to June 1st. The NFLD assembly will
be the long weekend in May. Yours in love and service, Marilyn GSD Area
82 Panel 63 Recommended for Approval by Shawn - Approved
8. Old Business:
A) We have started to talk to people since November about where they
are in service and what their plans are. Are they moving up? One of the
most important responsibilities for your Central Service Executive is to
seamlessly transition to your new Central Service Committee.
b) Process for assigning insurance premium costs to groups after the first
year: Bring forward to February meeting.
c) Committee to review committee guidelines project will be in February.
Bill is working on getting together to people and will report it then.
d) Dear Central Service, The A.A. Cocktail Party that was held on Dec.
24th from 1-4 pm. The event was a huge success. The total cost after
the seventh tradition and food donations was $ 43.15. We were given a
float of $ 400.00 and we will be returning $ 356.85 back to Central
Service by Cheque # 013 from Bob R. (Treasurer). A big thank you goes
out to all those who attended and to all the groups who worked together
to host the event. The volunteers were great. We had approximately
175 people that came out to the party. I was talking with several people
at the party who were newcomers, or just coming back. There was a
couple of people that day with that day being their first day sober, and a
couple of people it was their first sober Christmas. It was also a great
day for families too, a few families showed as well and there were
activities for the kids and parents alike. We had music and more. I
would like to say that in my time in and around the club, it was the first
time that I'd experienced all the groups that meet there working
together. It was an excellent example of our 1st Tradition. Way to go to
all the groups and volunteer.
Event Expenses
Cutlery & China - $ 31.60
Tablecloths - $ 4.60
Food - Costco - $ 91.35
Food - Walmart - $ 17.18
Additional Food - $ 40.72
Ice - $ 4.98
Rent of Facility - $ 75.00
7th Tradition Collection - $ 222.70
Total Cost of Event - $ 43.15
Thank You for allowing me to serve. Sincerely, Shawn M. (902) 469-1716
George thanked all for the success of the Cocktail Party. Thank you
Shawn for Chairing it!!
9. New Business:
a) Detox Literature: Karen visited Detox and it was brought to her
attention that there were no Big Books or Grapevines there. Do we
supply them to Detox? Barry reported that Pat is doing a great job
and is very busy. He sent him a letter and was unaware that there
was no literature. Shawn was there on Sunday and speaking to Pat.
He said he will look after it. They have a budget for literature. Is it
used up? Can we supply them with Grapevines. The DCM’s will look
into the issue.
b) New Budget – Bill is working on it. He is in the process of finding out
the expenses. He will need help from the committee’s as to what their
budget was for figures.
10. Announcements:
a. Garth – Jan 28th Birthdays at the Woodlawn Group
b. Christopher announced a reminder of the Back to Basics Workshop on
Jan 22nd from 6:30 to 7:30
c. Trudy announced Tom R’s Birthday 22 years
d. Fresh Start Group in Sackville will be holding a new meeting on Fridays
starting February 7th. It is an Open Speaker meeting.
e. Shawn announced Fitness and Self Defence classes now on Thursday
afternoons from 1:15 to 2:15 and Saturdays from 1:00 to 2:30 pm for
those working people.
Next Meeting: February 4th, 2014 7pm
Adjournment with Responsibility Pledge at 8:20 pm.