Lornshill Academy National 4

Lornshill Academy- National 4 and 5 Physical Education
Course Information/Scheme of work
August to January
3 Periods Per Week - 2 Practical and 1 Classroom Period
2 Activities – Trampolining and Basketball
Catch up with added value with all pupils
Pupils issued with a Jotter and worksheets as appropriate
FIP Practical Performance: Pass or Fail and Grades SQA Criteria
All pupils to complete FIP Candidate Workbook - Nat 4 / 5 - Pass/Fail between October and
December KC and GK – Basketball KMcK - Trampolining
January to April
3 Periods Per Week - 2 Practical and 1 Classroom Period
1 Activity- Football
Pupils issued worksheets as appropriate
Portfolio of Evidence (A - D) Externally Graded
National 4 pupils complete their Candidate Workbook instead of portfolio
Practical Performance Graded 1 - 20 SQA Criteria
The activity that pupils have achieved the highest grade throughout the course is the activity
they will complete the Preparation and Evaluation task on.
Scheme of Work August 2013 - Factors Impacting of
Practical sessions should reflect the nature of the content required for the FIP and candidate
Classroom sessions should reinforce the learning allowing time to review and analyse the
knowledge learned through practical session to allow for candidate workbook to be
completed and knowledge retained.
Block1: 8 weeks 1 Activity
Week 1:
Issue Workbooks
Introduce the outline and structure of the Course.
Introduce/Remind Pupils what options they have selected.
Week 2:
Complete Added Value and verify as a department
FIP Performance on 1 Activity (Practical)
MEPS - Explanations and Definitions
Week 3:
Complete Added Value and verify as a department
FIP Performance on 1 Activity (Practical)
MEPS - Explanations and Definitions
Week 4 -8:
FIP Performance on 1 Activity (Practical)
Language must be `Factor Heading' and `Factors' pupils must be aware of the differences.
Explanation and Definitions of MEPS
Relate the MEPS to activity's being covered and Candidate workbook activity in the next
Impact of MEPS on Performance - Positive and Negative
Gathering Data on MEPS
Gathering Data:
Ways of gathering data on the MEPS
Gather data for MEPS (Not Physical - Skill) on Candidate Workbook
Mental: Questionnaire (Appendix 1 SLC Badminton Pack) Emotional: Questionnaire
(Appendix 2 and 3 SLC Badminton Pack) (Could be completed as a homework task)
Physical: Fitness - 2 Tests in 1 lesson
1. Cardiovascular Endurance 12 minute Cooper Test
2. A second fitness test relating to the activity
Social: Pupil comment/video analysis/one to one questioning
How the data was gathered:
Knowledgeable observer at side of court/pitch
✓ or ✗ placed on analysis sheet
Completed during competitive game
3 v 3 basketball game or 10 skill trampoline routine
Pupils need to be able to describe 2 different methods.
Block 2: 8 Weeks - Candidate Workbook Activity
Week 1: Gathering Data on MEPS
Physical: Skills
Basic Match Analysis and Observation Schedules Video Analysis in groups and rotate around
through co-operative tasks using Ipads, shoot and share and flip cameras (Keep simple)
How the data was gathered:
Knowledgeable observer at side of court/pitch
✓ or ✗ placed on analysis sheet
Completed during competitive game
3v3 game, 10 skill routine etc…
Pupils need to be able to describe 2 different methods.
Candidate Workbook Pages 13-20(tramp), 12-16(b’ball)
Week 2: Positive and Negative Factor / Strengths and Areas for
Positive and Negative Factor
Pupils to identify their Positive and Negative `factor heading' from information gathered in
week 2 referring and analysing their results.
Pupils should identify their Positive Factor from Mental, Emotional or Social Factor Heading
from the data gathered.
Pupils should identify their Negative `factor heading' as Physical to allow for more depth to
be demonstrated in their answers.
Positive Factor Heading: Mental, Emotional or Social
Negative Factor Heading: Physical
Positive Factor Heading: Social
Negative Factor Heading: Physical
Candidate Workbook pages 17-18(B’Ball) 21-22(tramp)
Strengths and Areas for Development
Pupils to identify their Strengths and Areas for Development from information gathered in
week 2
The strength identified must come from the Positive Factor Heading identified.
Two areas for development must come from the Negative Factor Heading identified. Teacher
should provide pupils with areas of development within skill e.g passing or shooting and
within fitness e.g CRE and Agility. This will ensure training programmes can be carried out
during practical lessons and give pupils controlled choice. Development can be: 2 fitness; 2
skill; 1 skill, 1 fitness.
The Factors identified must be related to the data gathered.
Strength: Pupils choose any strength
Development: 2 development points, which should be physical (Teacher offer choice for pupils to pick
from - 2 skills and 2 for fitness for each but pupils select 1)
Strength: Pupils choose any strength
Development 1: Physical - Skill – Passing
Development 2: Physical - Fitness - CRE
Week 3: Approaches to develop performance
From the Negative Factor Heading identified , pupils should describe two approaches to
develop their performance giving advantages and disadvantages of each approach
Physical: Fitness Development - Approach 1: Agility training within the activity
Approach 2: Agility training out with the activity
Physical: Skill Development - Approach 1 & 2: Select from Methods of Practice
(E.g. Shadow Practice, GBU etc)
Pupils need to describe 2 approaches this could be one skill and one fitness; 2 fitness or 2
skill as long as it relates to the negative factor identified.
Candidate Workbook Pages 19-23(B’ball), 23-27(tramp)
Week 4, 5, 6, 7: Preparing for and carrying out a personal
development plan
For personal development plan, pupils will select either development plan area 1 or 2 to
Pupils to set realistic targets to create training plan.
Training plan should consider Principles of Training, Stages of Learning and Principles of
Effective Practice as appropriate.
For example;
Fitness Physical Factor - Principles of Training (SPORT FIT)
Skills Physical Factor - Principles of effective Practice/Stage of Learning
Pupils to record one of the approaches in their candidate workbook for their training plan.
Keep simple and understandable for the pupils.
Candidate Workbook Pages 19-23(B’ball) 23-27(tramp)
Select 2 approaches from your development plan and explain them in more detail by giving
an example, either 2 skills approaches or 2 fitness approaches.
Candidate Workbook Pages 21-23(B’ball), 25-27(tramp)
Training Diary
Pupils must complete and monitor 3 training sessions, recording them in their jotter and
candidate workbook.
Candidate Workbook Pages 24-26(B’ball), 28-30(Tramp)
Programme of work to be covered during the 3 practical lessons - pupils write up training that
relates to their area of development i.e either skill or fitness.
Week: 7, 8, 9: Feedback and Evaluation
Describing Feedback
Pupils must use two methods to gather feedback on their performance and be able to describe
these e.g visual, verbal, written or knowledge of results.
Candidate Workbook Page 27(B’ball), 31(tramp)
Effectiveness of the Programme of Work - Evaluation and Conclusions
From the feedback gathered pupils must identify if their programme of work was successful
or unsuccessful and answer accordingly.
Pupils to evaluate and conclude if progress was made from all of the data they gathered.
Candidate Workbook Pages 28-32 (B’ball), 32-35(tramp)
Future Development Needs
Two future development needs should be identified and discussed. This should be two
different Factors Headings or Factors. This must relate to section above and whether the pupil
has identified their training programme to be successful or unsuccessful.
Candidate Workbook Page 33(B’ball), 36(tramp)
Either continue with programme of work or re-gather of information
Core Knowledge
MEPS - Definitions, impact on game and individual performance.
Core Knowledge
MEPS - Definitions, impact on game and individual performance.
Methods of Gathering Data - How to gather the data and why methods are
Core Knowledge
Factors: MEPS
Positive and Negative of MEPS on performance
Core Knowledge
Strengths and areas for development in performance
How to identify strengths and areas for development in performance in all
aspects of MEPS
Core Knowledge
Approaches to developing performance in all areas of MEPS
Advantage of developing performance in all area of MEPS
Differences between training within and out with the activity
Core Knowledge
Building a Training Programme
Principles of Training/Effective Practice
How to improve on performance?
How to measure improvements?
Monitor improvements and success
Core Knowledge
Developing a training programme
Applying training programmes
Principles of Training/Effective Practice
Core Knowledge
Methods of monitoring performance
Why we monitor?
Adaption's and changes as a result of monitoring
Core Knowledge
What is feedback?
Methods of feedback
Purpose of feedback
Using feedback to improve performance
Core Knowledge
Purpose of evaluating?
Methods of evaluating
Using the knowledge from evaluating
Concluding information and results
Using a variety of sources to seek conclusions
Core Knowledge
How to evaluate?
Purpose of evaluating?
Methods of evaluating
Using the knowledge from evaluating?
Using information
Concluding information and results
Using a variety of sources to seek conclusions
Core Knowledge
MEPS - Definitions, impact on game and individual performance.
Methods of Gathering Data - How to gather the data and why methods are